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Gran Turismo 6/Scripts and Functions

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This is a sub-page of Gran Turismo 6.

Within the game's files are some scripts and functions that are normally unseen outside of normal gameplay. However, by using hacking and/or modifications, one can access these scripts and functions that would otherwise lay dormant within.

Debug Settings

To do:
Document all options available here.
GT6 develop menu.png

Located at \projects\gt6\develop is a Debug Settings menu with lots of options usually related to debugging, such as setting a specific amount of Credits, adding and removing any car at will from the player's garage and even gifting the player all of the DLC content (or therefore another copy of the DLC items). This menu checks whether or not the current game build is from a QA branch before opening. If already in the QA branch or if these checks have been removed with a modified script file, the menu can be accessed by pressing R1 and SELECT.


GT6 dev runviewer.png

\projects\gt6\dev_runviewer is an extensive developer menu with a multitude of debugging and quick-access features.

General Summary

There are 19 selectable options on this menu, with various options connecting to sub-menus (denoted by >>). These options are only available in Japanese, as there was likely no need to localize the text of a menu which was never supposed to be seen by players. The following are rough translations of the options' text and a description of their function:

  • 1 - Start Race (or START button): Starts a quick race using the options specified in Car/Course Selection/Settings.
  • 2 - Start Auto Demo (or SELECT button): Loads a demo race (e.g. the races which play when idling on the main menu).
  • 3 - Save Settings (or L1 button): Saves the Car/Course settings.
  • 4 - Car Selection: Loads a sub-menu in which the player can select any car directly from the game's database, with sorting options such as Manufacturer and Alphabetical. Defaults to the player's current garage car from GT Mode if present.
  • 5 - Course Selection: Loads a sub-menu in which the player can select any course in the game, similar to Car Selection.
  • 6 - Race Selection: Loads a sub-menu in which the player can quick-start any of the game's events (e.g. 4WD Challenge, Sunday Cup).
  • 7 - Car Settings: Loads a sub-menu in which the player can change the selected car's color and wheel options.
  • 8 - Race Settings: Loads a sub-menu in which the player can configure the details of the quick race (e.g. number of opponents, laps, start type).
  • 9 - Movie Renderer: Loads a sub-menu where replays can be configured to run in a movie rendering mode, outputting individual frames as image files.
  • 10 - Game Maker: Allows for the creation and editing of GT Mode events..
  • 11 - Replay Save File: Loads a sub-menu in which the player can view replay details and copy them to another location.
  • 12 - Integration Preview/Debug: Contains settings relating to rendering such as crowds and mip maps.
  • 13 - Start Various Applications: Loads a sub-menu in which the player can launch various "projects" from the game, such as car tuning, photo mode, car description viewer, etc.
  • 14 - Option Start: Opens the game's standard Options Menu. The description for this option warns that some options may not work as intended when launched from runviewer.
  • 15 - Design Work Start: Opens the design_work project.
  • 16 - Course Maker: Loads a sub-menu in which the player can select the course templates from Gran Turismo 5, although it appears to be non-functional.
  • 17 - Sound Preview: Loads a detailed sub-menu in which the player can browse all of the game's car sound IDs and even preview the sounds themselves.
  • 18 - Movie (PAMF) Preview: Allows the player to preview some of the game's video files. PAMF refers to the PAM movie format used by the game.
  • 19 - Thumbnail Capture: Allows the player to render and generate thumbnails of any car or driver suit in the game.

(Discovery: Nenkai, TheAdmiester, NEW-Rapid777 (translations))


GT6 dev design work topmenu.png

Located at \projects\gt6\dev_design_work is a set of test menus that the developers used to allow for ease of testing of the game's various functions and elements, such as its user interface for example. When loaded, a top menu is displayed with various other sub-menus to select from. A tooltip (if available) will display some information related to the highlighted menu. Some of the sub-menus are functional, while others will return you back to this top menu screen. The background of the top menu consists of a bluish gradient that rotates around the border of the screen.

General Summary

There are 29 sub-menus in total to select from on the top menu (listed below from top to bottom per column):

  • ImanishiRoot: Presents a test screen for the interface used when selecting events, such as License Tests, Driving Missions, Coffee Breaks, and others.
  • RisoRoot: Presents a screen with various other options to select from that tests the common UI elements used in the game. The background is an image of the Daytona International Speedway course for some reason.
  • ComponentTestRoot: Presents a test screen that is composed of all the components and elements that dialog box menus used in the UI are comprised of.
  • TakeyabuRoot: Presents a simple screen used for testing load and save functions within the game.
  • SizRoot: Presents a very simple screen that displays some special characters, including some PlayStation symbols.
  • DialogRoot: Function unknown; fades to a black screen before returning to the top menu.
  • HiranoRoot: Presents a test screen for what would become the GPS Visualizer feature.
  • OnboardMeterRoot: Presents a screenshot that draws all of the in-game gauges and HUD elements (such as the speedometer, tachometer, indicators of various types, time limit, and other elements) on top of it.
  • IzumiRoot: Performs a test of the championship victory screen.
  • CourseMapTestRoot: Function unknown; fades to a black screen before returning to the top menu.
  • ChikadaRoot: Presents a simple screen that tests the thumbnail generation functionality. A small selection of cars is available to choose from; successful renders are saved to the PS3 system at \APP_DATA\thumb_test\ but are encrypted.
  • ArcadeQuickRoot: Performs a small test of the pre-race Quick Menu screen used for Arcade Mode and other related game modes.
  • YasuharaRoot: Performs a test of the scale graph used for the Data Logger feature.
  • LoadingRaceRoot: Performs a test of the loading screen used when the game is loading a race.
  • HoshinoRoot: Presents a simple test screen meant for testing text dialog given by in-game characters.
  • SouRoot: Presents a very simple screen that displays information related to the current user of the PS3 console, their IP address, and any PlayStation Network information if the user is signed-in.
  • NakagomeRoot: Performs a test of the repeating background layers used in the UI.
  • ParticleRoot: Presents a simple screen that tests the particle effects that are displayed after finishing a race; the particles "explode" onto the screen from the bottom corners and are only displayed once here.
  • YoshidaRoot: Presents a very simple screen that displays characters from other languages as well as some special characters.
  • ReplayMenuRoot: Presents a screen that draws all of the elements displayed during replays. Also on this screen, the B-Spec play mode can be seen here in a very early state.
  • FujiwaraRoot: Performs a test of the "tracer" animation effect that is used in the Online Race loading screen's icon.
  • ConfettiTest: Performs a simple test of the confetti particle effect; the particles seen here "rain" from the top of the screen and fall to the bottom, and the particles will constantly display until the screen is exited.
  • DataLoggerRoot: Function unknown; fades to a black screen before returning to the top menu.
  • SettingRoot: Displays a test of the UI elements that compose the Car Settings screen.
  • HiguchiRoot: Function unknown; just a simple color is displayed on the screen and nothing else is performed, but the screen can be exited manually.
  • QuickResultOtherRoot: Displays a test of the interface elements that compose the pre-race screen used during specific events, such as License Tests, Driving Missions, and Coffee Breaks.
  • CourseMapSimple: Performs a test of the course map render functionality that renders the course map on the pre-race Quick Menu screen. There are a lot of abnormalities going on in this screen; the background image depicts Cape Ring and the course map that is rendered is Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit, but the event details display Daytona International Speedway.
  • LoadingRoot: Performs a test of the game's loading screens, including those used for replays and transitions to other menus.
  • LicenseGetRoot: Performs a test of the screen presented to the player when they obtain a license.

Developer Names

Some of the sub-menus are named after the developer that was working on their corresponding function at the time, while others are simple and laconic. A list of these named sub-menus is organized in the table below:

Menu Name Developer Name Developer Role
ImanishiRoot Hiroki Imanishi Graphic Design Director
RisoRoot Riso Suzuki Application Program
TakeyabuRoot Hideki Takeyabu Vehicle Tracking System
SizRoot Unknown ???
HiranoRoot Yuki Hirano Vehicle Tracking System
IzumiRoot Takuya Izumi Graphic Design
ChikadaRoot Toshikazu Chikada User Interface
YasuharaRoot Yuji Yasuhara Engineer Lead
HoshinoRoot Takuya Hoshino Graphic Design
SouRoot Sou Watanabe Online Program
NakagomeRoot Shin Nakagome Graphic Design Director / Web Design
YoshidaRoot Takayuki Yoshida Graphic Design / Web Design
FujiwaraRoot Kazuma Fujiwara Graphic Design
HiguchiRoot Yosuke Higuchi Graphic Design Director
