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Grand Theft Auto IV/Unused Audio

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This is a sub-page of Grand Theft Auto IV.

Placeholder News Reports

Only found in the Xbox 360 version, a test traffic update report using a placeholder text to speech voice.

Sound Subtitle
This is Lazlow with a traffic update. We are in complete gridlock all over town due to a power failure in Chinatown. It is expected that delays will last as long as 14 years. That's the traffic update for now.

Melee Placeholder Sound

A placeholder sound for punching.


Racial Diversity

Fastfood employees have a not really well implemented variation in the final version of the game, for example, female employees at places like Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell are always Hispanic, and male employees are always African-American, while white employees are only used in the tw@ cafe and some diners. Due to this strange races share, some voice lines were left unused.

Location Audio Subtitles
Bye, thanks for killing hungry!
Thanks for your business and obesity.
Hi, ready for a Burger Shot?
Welcome, please give my burger a shot.
Welcome to Cluckin' Bell, where cruelties is our secret.
Hi, can I get you a bucket of fried love?
Thanks you. That's one less chicken.
Thanks for coming to Cluckin' Bell, buck-buck!
Ready for a Burger Shot in your face?
Burger Shot extra fatty meal today?
Hope you like to Burger Shot!
Thanks! Come again to Burger Shot!
Buck-buck! It's time for a cluck!
Ready for a cage raised chicken?
Thanks for fuckin' cluckin'!
Remember - Friday is wing day!
Here you go!
Enjoy your meal! Fucker.
Try not to get this all over yourself.
I didn't sneeze on this, promise!
Hi! I'm like glad to help.
Yo, welcome! What can I get you?
Hi, sing on theme song for a dollar off.
Greetings! Try the bulimic blowout.

Fighting Back

Each of the fastfood employees has lines related to fighting the player in case the player starts fighting first. The only audio container whose fighting lines the game uses is M_Y_FASTFOODWHITES, because this employee works at tw@, and he can fight back against the player, however, the employees of Burger Shot, Clukin' Bell and various diners will not fight back and will simply try to ignore the player.

Location Audio Subtitles
I'm gonna shove my fist in your ass!
Don't fuck with my uniform or I'll kick your ass!
Back off you motherfucker!
I'll poke your eyes out!
Don't fuck with me, bitch!
You better cool it bitch!
Someone get this on the camera phone!
You want my fist up your ass?
Give me a fucking break!
I'm like paparazzi, bitch!
This beat down for getting fired!
The customer ain't right, pussy!
You getting jacked up, dog!
You wanna set it off, huh?!
Let's shoot a fair one, dog!
Let's go fool!

Memory Lanes

The Memory Lanes employees have some unused lines.

Name and image of pedestrian Audio Subtitles


Thanks, and have a nice day!
Goodbye my friend!
You will come to Memory Lane again, yes?
Come again my friend!
Goodbye fellow bowler!
My friend, we do not like the monkey business.
Stop acting like a fool!
No drunkery in Memory Lanes, no!
Enough! Sit down or bowl.
Please tell me what you are doing!
Please, this is a good place for good people.
We don't want you in here, you hear me?!
Please, we do not want you here.


Okay, next time you do better, okay?
Hey, goodbye!
Our balls will be here when you return.
Until next time fellow bowler.
Be safe out there, this is a crazy city!
Sir, could you please not act like an animal?
We have civilized bowlers here my friend.
We cannot have this foolery in Memory Lanes!
Stop that! You are not a child, you are a man!
Come on now, act your age!
Sir, we do not want any trouble in Memory Lanes.
My friend, my friend, wait wait, you can't come in here!
This is a peaceful establishment, you understand?

Zombie Moans

speech.rpf has audio container called M_ZOMBIE that contains zombie moans. This is yet another leftover from a cut zombie minigame.

Cutscene Loading Music

The gps.rpf contains sound bank called CUTSCENE_LOADING_MUSIC which makes to believe that during cutscene loading time the game supposed to play this music.




Death Music

By looking at the LOADING.rpf (which for some reason contains not only loading music) there are six songs that would likely fit whenever Niko either dies or is low on health.







More so, in the gps.rpf there is another sound bank called DEATH_MUSIC that contains two audio files for death music. DEATH_DRUMS is similar to previously showcased DEATH_06, while the DEATH_STRINGS sounds very similar to the pause menu music.



Unused Player Audio

Drowning and Inhaling

There are only two ways in the game to make Niko lose health in water, either by staying in it for a long time, or by jumping into the water while being in the vehicle, in both cases Niko will not make these noices, perhaps they were made for something else, like swimming underwater?

GTAIV drowning.png
Drowning Inhaling

Dodging Bullets in Cover

While in cover and under fire from enemies, Niko could comment on such a situation, in the final version of the game he always remains silent in moments like these.

GTAIV cover.png

State Audio Subtitle
Too close.
Nearly got me.
I'm gonna die here!
This is getting ugly.
You people are starting to annoy me!
You really don't like me.
This is turning nasty.
What a terrible place to die.
Fuck this!
Screw this!
Come on, can who you all be friends?!
Oh man!
I guess we can't be friends!
This is bullshit!
You going to have stop doing that!
Oh man, fuck this!
Oh man!


There are several variations of Niko's auto-responses in the game files, which of course are not used anywhere by the game. Either these voicemails were related to the phone purchase system, or the player had the ability to call on Niko's phone in some way.

The subtitles for these messages can be found in american.gxt file, but they have slight discrepancies with the audio, apparently the idea was abandoned at some point, so the developers had no need to edit these subtitles.

Variation Audio Subtitle
This is Niko Bellic.
I'm kind of busy right now. Liberty City's an interesting place.
Variation Audio Subtitle
Hey friend, there's no one's here right now.
You might want to check in jail or hospital. This city is full of crazy people.
Variation Audio Subtitle
There ain't no one here right now. Please leave a message.

Giving Money to Beggar

In situations where a beggar asks Niko for money, Niko supposed to say appropriate lines depending on player's choice, be it a refusal or agreement of giving money. Similar choice exists in the final version of the game, but in both cases Niko will not say anything to the beggar.

GTAIV beggarpreview.png

Respond positively (give money)

State Audio Subtitle
Here, my friend.
Sure, here you go.
No problem, here.
Here you go, buddy.
Get yourself something to eat.
Get a bite to eat, buddy.
Here, have this.
No problem, have this.
Take this my friend.
Here you go!
Get something to eat!
You might as well have this!
Somewhere I seem to have a heart.
Get some food, friend.
~sigh~ Don't spend it on drugs.
Look after yourself, friend!

Respond negatively (not giving money)

State Audio Subtitle
Sorry, man.
Not today, buddy.
Another time.
Goodluck with the struggle.
Sorry friend, not now.
I don't have any spare.
Maybe get a job, friend.
You should give up drinking, friend.
Give up the drinking and the drugs, friend.
You need help, friend, not money.
Not now!
I have no time for your sub-story.
Sorry, I'm kinda busy.
I don't have time just now!
Do I look like I've got lots of time for you?
Sorry my friend!
I'm kinda busy, friend!
Not now, friend!

Fist Fight


During the fist fight, Niko might have had the ability to say various lines, most likely the system worked similar to what pedestrians have, when during a fight they occasionally say various lines.

GTAIV FistFightPrev.png

State Audio Subtitle
Okay then.
Hit me then!
Come on then, friend!
You want to party my friend?!
Nice to meet you!
Let's see what you got friend!
You think you can hurt me?
Come on!
You think you hard?
Come on, show me what you got!
You tough, huh?
Hey you hard, ey?
Let's make this quick.
People like you should stay away from me!
You enjoying this, eh?!
This isn't going to be pretty.
People like you annoy me!
You think you tough?!
Oh you don't need me in your life!
You want me?!
Oh you having fun?
You having fun in Liberty City huh?
Stay away from scum like me.
Hit me hard friend!
I'm not a good guy!
Come on!
Fight me then!
Stop me then!
Translation needed here.
Translation needed here.
Translation needed here.
Hit me!
You dumb fuck!
Come on!
Let's do this!
You made a big mistake, friend!
Fuck you!
You don't frighten me!
You are pathetic!
Not now friend!
Give me a break!
Screw you!
Think I'm a joke?!
You think you can stop me?!
Hit me asshole!
Come on, fight!
Fight, you fucker!
Big mistake my friend!
I'm bored of this shit!
Screw you!
You are pathetic!
Hit me, I don't give a shit!
Punch me!
You want to stop me?!
Try to stop me asshole!
Stop me!
You! Hit me, come on!
You should run away from me!
Come on then friend!
Put me out of my misery!
Translation needed here.
Translation needed here.
Translation needed here.

Attacking Any Gangster

For the fist fight with thugs, Niko has separate lines that are signed as ATTACK_ANY_GANGSTER, unfortunately all of this goes unused.

State Audio Subtitle
You punks!
You dicks!
Come on then, assholes!
Come on, here I am!
Stop me bitches!
Let's do this!
Come on then!
You and me, let's go!
Let's do it!
Come on tough guy!
Come on hardman!
Take me out then!
You going to stop me huh?!
You going to deal with me?!
Come on hardman!
Let's go tough guy, you and me!
I'll take you out you dick!
Here I am friend!
Come on buddy!
Hey buddy let's do this!
Let's have a fight my friend!
You think you can take me out huh?!
You fucks think you hard?!
Come on then bitches!
Come on!
You! You fuck, let's go!
Come on fucker!
You chump here I am!
You want me you prick?!
Come on dick, let's go!
Stop me then!
You going to stop me, asshole?!
You going to take me out, asshole?!
Tough guys!
You are hard, huh?!
Here I am!
Kill me, come on!
Hey there my friend!
Come on bitch!
You think you so hard?!
Come on mister gangster!
Come on prick!
You going to take me out then?!
Take me down friend!
I been waiting for you!
You want to kill me huh?!
Hey you, prick!
Yeah you want me?!
You want this tough guy?!
I will destroy all of you!
I will kill you, you dick!
You're dead, friend!
You're dead!
You're over!
Say goodbye!


Darts Players

It seems that in addition to friends and Irish gangsters, the player could also play darts with bikers, but it is impossible to say where exactly, since the game only has Irish bars that offer darts, probably at some stage of development there was a biker bar or other establishment where darts was featured.

Name and image of pedestrian Audio Subtitles

GTAIV m m gbik lo 03.png

Who fucked with my darts?!
Are these darts waved wrong?
Whats with the trick darts?
Who's your daddy?
Right down the center again!
He kicks dart ass again!

GTAIV m y gbik hi 01.png

Ayy! That's not what I meant to do.
Too older, too older!
Who fucking nudged me?
Yes, nailed it!
I just pictured my daddy on the board.
Yes, bile the fuck down!

GTAIV m y gbik hi 02.png

I hate this fucking game!
Fucking darts, fuck dude!
These flights are all shit!
I rule this fucking game!
Yeah! Hell yeah!
Fucking yes!

GTAIV m y gbik02 lo 02.png

Man! Must be my bad arm.
I'm just a little drunk.
Man, must be old pills.
I'm a dart fucking champion!
I can do triple twenties all the time!
I'm on fire!

GTAIV m y gbik lo 01.png

Dang it!
Is there a breeze in here?
I never was good at numbers.
Look at that!
I'm on fire!
Shit, I impress myself!

GTAIV m y gbik lo 02.png

Come on!
That's right!

Bowling Players

Seems that the player had the ability to play bowling not only alone or against a friend, but also against various pedestrians that spawn in the bowling alley and play on their own. This possible feature is evidenced by these lines that are related to playing against the player.

Name and image of pedestrian Audio Subtitles


Better than loosing, I suppose.
Tying is so un-american.
Well that fucking sucks!
I though I had that one in the bag.
What's going on with my game?!
I'm choking here big time!
I'm on fire toda-a-a-y!
Can't take the heat?
Too much for you, huh?
Woo! I fucking rock!
The sweet smell of victory!


Good game.
Not bad I suppose.
Fuck that!
Jesus christ!
This is going bad!
What the fuck's happening?!
That's what I like to see!
Okay come on, yeah!
Where you think you going?
Can't handle it huh?
Damn I'm good!


Interesting, a tie.
A tie? Now what?
You beat me? You remind me a lot of my father he said ironically.
Well done, I'm really happy for you.
I know I'm shitty at this, but I got a big cock so fuck you.
This game is bullshit, it's for lozers.
It's okay you in the presents of a genius.
I'm winning, and I'm still cooler than you.
You're leaving? Pathetic!
Where you going? We're not done!
Well done.
You lost, I won.


Tie is for sissys!
Come on! A tie?
These roids are bullshit!
I though this was fixed!
Shit, I should stick to jacking off.
I'm an idiot!
You see me, the king?!
I'm the man! I'm like Howitzer.
Quitter? Your momma called you?
I won bitches!
I should really try the translation needed here


We are equals, yes?
You are as good as me.
Nooo! What happened?!
This cannot be! I do not lose, I will not lose!
Curse this ball, I curse you!
Someone put me out of my misery!
Ye-e-e-s, hahaha!
Worship me bowlers, your god is here!
Ah, you do not want to lose, eh?
You quit? Now?
I win, hahaha!
I am the winner!


It is a draw.
We are tied, yes?
I play this game horribly!
Oh well, back to my wife, wonderful.
My wife is in my head I can't get out.
Oh, too many things on my mind.
No one can beat me, no one!
You cannot walk away, not now!
Why do you quit?
Ha ha, I won yes? I am the winner!
I cannot stop winning!

Pool Players

A lot of pedestrians have pool-related lines, mostly gang members. In the final version of the game, the player can play pool either with friends or in the Homebrew Cafe with Jamaican gang members.

Location Audio Subtitles
I hope you're happy for yourself.
I couldn't appreciate the ecstasy of victory if I didn't feel the sting of defeat.
How was is that there are so many people on this city, but we all feel so alone?
I just keep thinking about this idea I had for a play.
When you've got it - you've got it.
It's like I've got some mystic zen shit going on, right?
Can't handle the heat? Get outta the kitchen.
And it takes it! The crowd aren't surprised!
I'd like to thank my friends, my professors, my family.
How can I factor in shots like that?
I think you should be a follow if you don't call your pocket.
If you're happy to win in that way, go ahead.
It's all part of the mind game.
You asking yourself - was that a mistake, or was it on purpose?
Now's your chance, there won't be another.
Hot and cold.
I'm mixing up my game to fuck with your mind.
Pressure is on now, turning up the heat.
Icecold, I'm a killer.
There's a lot more where that came from.
Even-steven this time.
Glad to decide this another time.
God, I suck shit.
Next time it'll be different.
Where did I put my head today?
What a dork I am today.
Oh yeah, I'm in the zone!
She does it again!
Don't go all chicken on me.
Come on, what are you afraid of?
It's about time I won something!
For once justice prevails!
Lucky shot.
That was pure luck and you know it.
Give me a break.
Oh no, not again.
I suck at pool!
Oh come on!
You guys do not just see that.
Oh, too many late nights.
Oh yeah!
She shoots - she scores!
There is a new superhero in town.
This shit ain't count!
Nuh-uh, I ain't playing this shit no more.
I don't give a fuck!
That motherfucker cheated!
Wow! That's never happened.
I'm the man, I own this shit!
Just call me the greatest!
I'm the king of this shit here!
Give me my props!
Did I just win? Haha!
That's a lucky fucking shot.
So you still suck.
Fuck this game!
I'm just playing for fun anyway!
Damn, bullshit!
Now my hand slip.
Oh, no no, motherfucker cheating up in here!
Oh yeah!
Who the man?!
Fuck it. I'm still the flyest player in Holland.
Man, I was chump change, so fucking what?
Did someone put some shit in my fucking drink?
Knew I shoulda skip that quickey before the game.
Okay a bitch must a put rude on me or something.
This shit is like take a candy from a bitch!
Damn I'm smooth, just like my daddy!
I'm a beating your pockets like loose change, playa!
Call me the bus driver, cuz I just took you to school!
Can't play the player, baby? Now pay up!
Sunshines on every dogs behind.
Big deal, you can do a twice can you?
Man, I might even be hustlin' you right now.
I did that shit on purpose, still gonna win!
Man, I'm just keeping it interesting.
Man, I'm just trying to set up a different shot.
Not quite ready to run a table yet, player?
Man, I'm just playing with your ass, player.
Was that a harsh shot? Not for me it ain't.
I can do this shit in my sleep, player.
We can all be as fly as your boy.
Well played. This time.
I'm playing like shit today.
What is wrong with me today?
This is not my day.
Okay okay!
I like this!
Я мастер! (I am a master!)
Did you see that? I won!
Yes, okay, I win!
I do not believe that.
What? How the fuck did that happened?
Oh shit!
How the fuck did I miss that?
Again? I fucking miss!
There it is!
I got it!
Oh yes!
Чёрт! (Damn!)
Нахуй! (Fuck this!)
I hate this game anyway.
Это игра для неполноценных. (This is a game for the disabled people.)
Пиздец, дерьмо! (Fuck, shit!)
I could have invented this game.
I hope you watching closely.
Вот так играют! (This is how we play!)
Ага! Ты проиграл. (Aha! You lost.)
Я король паркета! (I am the king of parquet!)
Ты явно мухлюешь. (You're clearly cheating.)
If you are cheating I will kill you.
Ёб твою! (Goddamn you!)
Чёрт! (Damn!)
Пиздец! (Fuck!)
Что за хуйня?! (What the fuck?!)
What the fuck is happening to me?
I don't believe this shit!
Я сильнейший! (I'm the strongest!)
Did you see that fucking shot?!
Гениально! (Brilliant!)
I hate this fucking game!
Okay, well done!
Я, блять, хреново играю! (Fuck, I am playing badly!)
This is a crap game!
Ah, fuck it!
I'm so good!
What a master!
Высший, бля, пилотаж! (Fucking aerobatics!)
Yes! How do you like that?
Fuck yes!
You lucky fuck!
Да тебе просто повезло! (You just got lucky!)
No fucking way!
Что за хуйня?! (What the fuck?!)
The table is not flat!
I'm so good!
Fuck! I'm good.
Мне блять нахуй на Олимпийские игры пора! (It's about fucking time for me to go to the Olympic games!)
Ерунда! (Nonsense!)
Мой проигрыш - воля Господня! (My loss is God's will!)
Невезуха! (Bad luck!)
Видели бы как я в молодости! (You should have seen me when I was young!)
Мне как дураку везёт! (I'm lucky like a fool!)
Итак, урок номер один! (Alright, lesson number one!)
Учитесь, бараны! (Learn you sheeps!)
Я человек с большим опытом, согласны? (I am a person with a lot of experience, agree?)
Во всём жизнь из нас делает либо победителей, либо побеждённых! (In everything, life makes us either winners or losers!)
Сильнейший всегда выигрывает! (The strongest is always winning!)
Я рассчитал траекторию! (I calculated the trajectory!)
Ничего просто так не случается. (Nothing just happens.)
Ну ка, ещё раз! (Well, let's do it again!)
Меня подтолкнули! (I was pushed!)
Чёрт тебя побери! (Damn you!)
Ёб твою, чёрт, блять! (Goddamn you, damn, fuck!)
Нахуй этот кий! (Screw this cue!)
Ты меня отвлёк, зараза! (You distracted me, you bastard!)
Смотри и учись. (Watch and learn.)
Вот как это делается. (This is how it gets done.)
У меня явный талант! (I am clearly have a talent!)
Did you fucking dope me?
Fucking wrist injury.
Something throwing me off here.
Maybe I do better if I was more drunk.
You got something to say to me?
Man! I'm on fire!
Looks like you've picked the wrong day to play!
Believe it or not, I ain't always this good.
Oh yeah, yeah! Eat my dick!
Wo-hoo, you went down, down in flames!
You got a friend upstairs. That's for sure.
Really? We shouldn't even count that.
I think it's time we change the rules.
This cue ain't straight.
Motherfucking fucking fuck!
Well, I didn't leave you with much.
Let me take that again.
What the fuck just happened?
That wasn't so hard.
I make shots like that all the time!
You want lessons? Just ask.
You got lucky this time.
This won't happened again, so enjoy it asshole!
Cut me a break, I'm still a strongout.
I told you I hate this game!
Gotta get my shit together.
Now we're talking!
Looks like the streak is on!
You might as well cut your losses.
Angels of Death, baby!
I should be on a magazine cover!
Let me see you do that again.
That was such a one-off.
Aw, man!
Not again, man!
Are these cues translation needed here or something?
I'm still a little strongout.
That deck must have a long half life.
I think a table is fucked up.
I told you I can find any hole!
A pooltable or a chick, I find a holes!
Another rocket in a pocket!