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Grapple Dog/Unused Rooms

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This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Quite a few hidden rooms, ranging from test rooms to scrapped levels going back to the game's mobile days survived the test of getting deleted. And boy, is a lot of it unfinished. You're better off enabling some debug features before entering any of these untiled messes.

Main Levels


A semi-recreation of Springy Spores from Donkey Kong Country Returns using Grapple Dog's mechanics! Some early parts of the level are pretty accurate in terms of core level design, with most obstacles that aren't in the game being replaced with grapple solids. Though, there's no bonus barrel and near the end of the level is a bit that you can't cross without taking damage.

Windows-GrappleDog-example dkcr 5 6-1.png


Another semi-recreation, this time Creepy Castle from Rayman Legends. Compared to the real deal, the end was shortened a bit.

Windows-GrappleDog-example rayman 1 2-1.png


Early version of Cavern Crash. Some later sections were heavily altered. This early revision also uses the unused Spinner enemies and had 2 carrot goats.


Early version of REX, at which point this level was built for the Drill boss fight.


Early version of High Voltage that lacks tiles and a proper background. Some in between parts are lacking and the level cuts off after [][][][][][][][][[][][][][][][]


As evident by earlier builds of the game, Trials of Valour was originally intended to have 5 levels. The 4th valour stage, titled Fungi Frenzy, still exists, though in an unfinished state, lacking tiles and an ending bell.


Early version of Outset Mountain. It's fully tiled and has uses some objects in the stage that otherwise go unused in the main campaign.


A very linear level set in the junkyard. It's tiled for the most part, but lacking camera objects. The pit containing the 3rd gem will also lock the screen, leaving you unable to move the camera any further. Some unused objects are present here.


An early version of level_moveplat1. Despite the similar name, no part of this level resembles the non-draft version. This level lacks a bell and ends in a big death pit.


To do:
Which update? And why does lava kill you instantly in this room?

An unfinished level that likely would've been part of World 3. This level uses some unused objects, mainly the Countdown Switch instead of lanterns to light up the Countdown Solids.

Following an update, this level crashes by default due to missing variables.


A testroom for testing a particular level layout that involves going from one "tower" to the other.


Early "Trial of Lanterns" Variations

Error creating thumbnail: convert: width or height exceeds limit `/var/www/tcrf/images/4/4c/Windows-GrappleDog-level_allblue_toohard-1.png' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3839. convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_27ef625cc345.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258. Error code: 1

level_61_OLD level_allblue_toohard level_allblue1

Bonus Levels


Windows-GrappleDog-bonus collect lanterns-1.png


Windows-GrappleDog-bonus crumble1-1.png


Windows-GrappleDog-bonus crumble2-1.png


Windows-GrappleDog-bonus enemies-1.png


Windows-GrappleDog-bonus finish seeing1-1.png


Windows-GrappleDog-bonus smalljumps-1.png



A cut (though unfinished) boss! This boss is only known as "Drill" in the game's files. The goal is to hit the eye with your grapple to a point that it'll stretch itself out of the ground. From there you have to grapple your way up back to the eye again to make it lose health. Smaller drills will also come out of the ground to attack you, though they aren't programmed to deal any damage. The boss can only deal 3 hits before it stops responding. This boss would get replaced by Rex.

Windows-GrappleDog-boss old 1 Drill-1.png


A test of World 2's Tank boss. Letting it play its first phase or taking damage makes the boss stop. The level itself uses the wrong background and is far wider than its final counterpart.

Windows-GrappleDog-boss test-1.png


A placeholder room used during development for boss fights that couldn't be defeated or would otherwise crash the game. Using this room would allow you to beat the level anyway.

Windows-GrappleDog-boss noboss-1.png


A room for testing one of the Dragon boss' phases, specifically phase three that has Toni's plane shoot you out of a cannon. The boss itself doesn't actually exist in this room, letting you shoot Pablo as many times as you want without the boss bugging you.

Windows-GrappleDog-test boss 4 Dragon-1.png

Test Rooms


Copies of the same small test stage with different tiles. This level is also notable for using some unused objects and enemies. xxx can be replaced with beach, caves, junkyard, lava, mountains, snow, valour, or workshop, counting 8 environment test rooms. Some rooms even lack tiles, indicating these rooms were either never finished, or weren't replaced when these tiles were possibly updated.

As for any specialties, snow is the only room with different object placements, and rooms beach and mountains are identical.

Windows-GrappleDog-test env beach-1.png Windows-GrappleDog-test env caves-1.png Windows-GrappleDog-test env junkyard-1.png Windows-GrappleDog-test env lava-1.png Windows-GrappleDog-test env snow-1.png Windows-GrappleDog-test env valour-1.png Windows-GrappleDog-test env workshop-1.png


A room for reading the game's .csv data on the screen. This feature doesn't work anymore and broke when the game's UI and dialog scripts were split into two files and modified to work on their own. The remnants of this room is showing its default text called by its own object.


  • Up/Down/Left/Right - Move screen to get a full view.
  • WASD - Draw different sections of the .csv file.
  • 1/2 - Scroll through different pages.
  • Space - Center screen.

Windows-GrappleDog-test room csv-1.png








Demo-Exclusive Content


A simple screen noting the player this is just a demo and that things would change down the line. The screen automatically fades out to the title screen after a couple seconds. The last demo to use this screen was the Super Rare Mixtape Demo.

Windows-GrappleDog-demo disclaimer-1.png


A somewhat broken level select that was possibly intended for a Patreon demo. You can pick between 4 levels; the tutorial, Outset Mountain, Mushroom Grotto and Cold Rush, known here as Cold Air. This room will crash on startup due to the variable anyTransition no longer existing. There's also a prompt for opening the options menu, but nothing happens when doing so, and no code exists to open this menu.

Windows-GrappleDog-demo level select-1.png

The object tied to this room has some hidden content of its own, including a basic title screen that no longer functions and a variable titled global.demoTick that would add a checkmark icon whenever a level was beaten, which was stripped from all of its code.
