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Half-Life: Alyx/Unused Models

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This is a sub-page of Half-Life: Alyx.

To do:
Still quite a few more models



An early version of the inventory selector. What's interesting is that there are 6 weapons in this early selector, with a crowbar as one of the options. In a developer interview with Valve, they explained that the crowbar was in the game at one point but was removed because players kept assuming they were Gordon Freeman. In the final game, the crowbar is not part of Alyx's arsenal but is used at the end of the game. It is still fully functional and is used in numerous mods.

HLA Inventory template.png


A model of an action prompt, used during the Vive era HLVR testing. It has two additional materials to symbolize crouching and hopping over a window.
Interestingly, the stick figure character in the first image is a separate texture, instead of being part of the ladder. Given that the ladder has a function called "ladder_indicator_align_sprite" perhaps there would be some type of animation attached to it.

vr_teleport_destination_ladder Material Groups
Crouch Window
HLACrouch.png HLAWindow.png


alyx_watch and grabbity_glove_model

Early versions of the gravity gloves. They are much more simplified compared to the final ones. The Gravity Gloves model was reused as an Easter egg in Russell's lab in an inaccessible room next to where you pick up the Russells.
It's interesting to note that claws share the same design and animations as those used in the gravity gun.

HLA Alyx Watch.png HLA Grabbity glove model.png


A placeholder blockout of a Backpack, Presumably for an inventory system akin to Saints and Sinners.

backpack_inventory Concept Art
HLA ugly ass backpack.png HLABackpackconcept.png


An early version of the health syringe.

HLA Vr alyxhealth.png

(Source: ecumber05)



A placeholder model for a seemingly unused turret. The model's appearance resembles "brush models" found in GoldSource games, such as the first Half-Life.

Citizen Battery Turret HLA.png


It appears to be the head of the "info_player_start" entity, which is used in Hammer to define the player's spawn position and facing direction, depicted wearing a VR headset.

HLA HeadlessVRFreeman.png

The Lab and Dota 2 Models

Multiple models from The Lab's Robot Repair minigame and Dota 2 are left over. This makes sense, as both games were made using the Source 2 engine, just like Half-Life: Alyx.

The Lab


HLA Aperture.png





Half-Life 2 Leftovers

Many assets are left over from Half-Life 2, converted into the new formats that Source 2 uses.


The battery from Half-Life 2.

HLA Battery.png


The classic zombie.

HLA Classic.png


Pulse ammo used by the Pulse Rifle.

HLA Combine rifle ammo01.png


The crossbow bolt model that appears when you use the crossbow in Half-Life 2. Its textures are broken.

HLA Crossbow bolt.png


The grenade worldmodel from Half-Life 2 but with two red lines added to it for an unknown reason.

HLA Grenadeammo.png

healthvial and healthkit

Health items from Half-Life 2.

HLA Healthvial.png HLA Healthkit.png


The helicopter bomb dropped by the hunter-choppers.

HLA Helicopter bomb.png


Playermodel from Half-Life 2.
