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Half-Life: Alyx/Unused Textures

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This is a sub-page of Half-Life: Alyx.

Dropship Alternative Design

The Dropship model has an unused white variant named "dropship_02.vmat", which mirrors the design pattern seen with the Combine Grunts and Construction Striders.

dropship_02.vmat When applied
HLADropshipTextureAlt.png HLADropshipGif.gif

User Interface

An icon for a checkmark simply called "icon_check.vtex", and a circle named "autoaim.vtex" that appears to represent a scope locking onto a target.

HLAChecktexture.png HLAAutoAimtexture.png


Part of the "vr_teleport_destination_ladder" model, which also goes unused.

Vr teleport ladder indicator person.png

Commentary Mode

Early Hud Icons

HLACommentaryNodeIcon1.png HLACommentaryNodeIcon2.png HLACommentaryNodeIcon3.png

icon_commentary.vtex, icon_commentary_off.vtex, and icon_commentary_small.vtex are hud icons found in 'dev/vgui/materials/hud/'.
The first one appears to be directly taken from previous Source engine games, while the other two are simply edited versions likely used for testing purposes.

It was likely intended to be used in the interface and sit right next to the audio player, akin to previous Valve titles. However, in the final game, a headset icon is used instead, likely to better match the updated appearance of the commentary nodes.


A simple icon of a commentary node. It's compiled as a .vmat material, it likely wasn't intended for the interface. When spawned in Hammer, it has the property of always facing the player's camera, suggesting it was meant to serve as a waypoint, similar to a quest marker.

HLAPoint commentary node.png

Generic Textures

A circular check button, "icon_complete.vtex".


Orange Box

The reticle from the console version of Half-Life 2.


Left 4 Dead and Portal Textures

User interface elements ported from Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal 2 found in dev/vgui/materials/hud.

HLAHudIcons1.png HLAHudIcons2.png

As well as the locked achievement icon from the original Portal.
