Hustle Cat
Hustle Cat |
Developer: Date Nighto
Hustle Cat is a visual novel about working at a cat cafe where your coworkers are also cats.
Unused Graphics
A remnant from the Kickstarter demo located in /Hustle Cat/images/hustlecat.
Located in /Hustle Cat/images/htmlvn/debug.
Unused Debug Remnant
s_debug.xml in /Hustle Cat/scripts/hustlecat/scenes contains a rather strange inaccessible debug scene. Cat Finley, Avery, and angry Landry stand in Avery's apartment while the string "A sponge bath J a sponge bath J a sponge bath J a sponge bath J a sponge bath J a sponge bath J a sponge bath J" repeats four times.
Kickstarter Scripts
Both of these scripts are located in /Hustle Cat/scripts/hustlecat/scenes.
A leftover script from the Kickstarter demo.
:: Start <<auto>> <<create actorId="curtain" actorType="background">> <<image target="curtain" image="@i_sw_black">> <<depth target="curtain" depth=15>> <<scale target="curtain" x=2 y=2>> <<hide target="curtain">> <<create actorId="bg" actorType="background">> <<image target="bg" image="@i_bg_cafe">> <<depth target="bg" depth=0>> <<scale target="bg" x=1.5 y=1.5>> <<move target="bg" y="-20%" x="25%">> <<create actorId="avery-long" actorType="character">> <<image target="avery-long" image="@i_avery_long_smile">> <<depth target="avery-long" depth=3>> <<move target="avery-long" x="20%">> <<create actorId="avery-short" actorType="character">> <<image target="avery-short" image="@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_closed">> <<depth target="avery-short" depth=3>> <<move target="avery-short" x="-20%">> <<create actorId="other" actorType="character">> <<image target="other" image="@i_landry_smile">> <<depth target="other" depth=3>> <<hide target="other">> <<create actorId="other2" actorType="character">> <<image target="other2" image="@i_landry_smile">> <<depth target="other2" depth=3>> <<hide target="other2">> <<create actorId="portrait" actorType="portrait">> <<image target="portrait" image="@i_port_avery_short_nyuhu">> <<depth target="portrait" depth=11>> <<hide target="portrait">> /% BG: cafe_interior %/ /% Averys left and right %/ <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> AVERY: Hey, pals! I’m Avery Grey! <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_closed>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_open>> AVERY: And I’m Avery Grey, too! \\We’ll get back to that in a minute. <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_smile>> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> AVERY: We’re here to talk to you about Date Nighto’s first original game: Hustle Cat! <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> AVERY: Hustle Cat stars me, Avery Grey, <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_laugh>> AVERY: (and me too!) <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_smile>> AVERY: as I look for a job after high school. It’s tough going for someone brand new to the city! <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_closed>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_um>> AVERY: (who also has like, no real marketable skills…) <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_closed>> AVERY: Luckily, I get my big break when I get a job at a cat cafe called Cat’s Paw. The owner’s a bit weird, but the cats are cute <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_eh>> AVERY: (and so are the coworkers…) <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_laugh>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_closed>> AVERY: so it seems like everything’s coming up peaches and gravy! <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_um>> AVERY: (Ew) <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_scared>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_closed>> AVERY: But THEN, things start getting weird! \\Like… real REAL weird. <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> AVERY: Will you help me figure out the mystery of Cat’s Paw, and maybe find some romance along the way? <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_closed>> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> AVERY: Hustle Cat will be a Young Adult visual novel, with a compelling <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_laugh>> <<say char="AVERY" append=true text="(but still pretty dang cute!) ">> <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_closed>> <<say char="AVERY" append=true text="story, and fully branching options.">> <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_open>> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_closed>> AVERY: I should talk about why there’s two of us! You can choose which Avery you’d like to be. <<move target="avery-short" x=-10% duration=1.0>> AVERY: You can also choose my pronouns <<focus target="avery-long">> <<move target="avery-long" x=10% duration=1.0>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_smile>> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_laugh>> <<say char="AVERY" append=true text="(or my pronouns!)">> <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_open>> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_closed>> <<say char="AVERY" append=true text="independently from my appearance.">> <<fade target="avery-long" opacity=0 duration=1.0>> <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_open>> AVERY: Let’s also talk a bit about roooomance. I can get friendly with these six suitors: <<fade target="avery-short" opacity=0 duration=0.5>> <<focus target="null">> <<fade target="avery-short" opacity=0 duration=0.5>> <<move target="avery-long" x=20%>> <<move target="avery-short" x=-20%>> <<image target="portrait" image=@i_port_avery_short_nyuhu>> <<show target="portrait">> <<fade target="other" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> <<image target="other" image="@i_landry_jovial">> AVERY: Landry, the friendly waiter and handyman, <<image target="other2" image="@i_hayes_worried">> <<image target="portrait" image="@i_port_avery_long_laugh">> <<fade target="other" opacity=0 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="other2" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> AVERY: Hayes, the shy barista, <<image target="other" image="@i_mason_handsonhips">> <<image target="portrait" image="@i_port_avery_short_nyuhu">> <<fade target="other2" opacity=0 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="other" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> AVERY: Mason, the gruff chef, <<image target="other2" image="@i_finley_grin_wink">> <<image target="portrait" image="@i_port_avery_long_laugh">> <<fade target="other" opacity=0 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="other2" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> AVERY: Finley, the flirty social media intern, <<image target="other" image="@i_reese_coolguy">> <<image target="portrait" image="@i_port_avery_short_nyuhu">> <<fade target="other2" opacity=0 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="other" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> AVERY: Reese, the bossy assistant manager, <<image target="other2" image="@i_graves_serious">> <<image target="portrait" image="@i_port_avery_long_eh">> <<fade target="other" opacity=0 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="other2" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> AVERY: and if you play your cards right, maybe even the mysterious owner, Graves. <<fade target="other2" duration=0.5 opacity=0>> <<hide target="portrait">> <<fade target="other2" duration=1.5 opacity=0>> <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_closed>> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_open>> <<fade target="avery-short" duration=0.5 opacity=1>> <<fade target="avery-long" duration=0.5 opacity=1>> AVERY: Date Nighto is a team of experienced VN makers\: this isn’t their first time to the rodeo, so you can expect something really great! <<focus target="avery-short">> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_neutral_mouth_closed>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_open>> AVERY: The game will be built on their awesome htmlVN platform, so you can play on any modern device, including your phone, all from the same save file! <<focus target="avery-long">> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_neutral_mouth_closed>> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_laugh>> AVERY: We want to make Hustle Cat the best game it can be, and that’s where you come in! <<scale target="avery-short" x=1.05 y=1.05 duration=0.333>> <<scale target="avery-long" x=1.05 y=1.05 duration=0.333>> <<image target="avery-short" image=@i_avery_short_laugh>> <<image target="avery-long" image=@i_avery_long_laugh>> AVERY: So, how about it? \\Help me get some looooovin’ and make a little magic!
An inaccessible scene celebrating the game being funded on Kickstarter.
:: Start <<auto>> <<create actorId="cg" actorType="background">> <<image target="cg" image="@i_cg_group">> <<depth target="cg" depth=9>> <<hide target="cg">> <<create actorId="curtain" actorType="background">> <<image target="curtain" image="@i_sw_black">> <<depth target="curtain" depth=15>> <<scale target="curtain" x=2 y=2>> <<hide target="curtain">> <<create actorId="curtainWhite" actorType="background">> <<image target="curtainWhite" image="@i_sw_white">> <<depth target="curtainWhite" depth=15>> <<scale target="curtainWhite" x=2 y=2>> <<hide target="curtainWhite">> <<create actorId="bg" actorType="background">> <<image target="bg" image="@i_bg_outside">> <<depth target="bg" depth=0>> <<hide target="bg">> <<create actorId="bg2" actorType="background">> <<image target="bg2" image="@i_bg_cafe_interior">> <<depth target="bg2" depth=0>> <<scale target="bg2" x=1.5 y=1.5>> <<move target="bg2" y="-25%">> <<hide target="bg2">> <<create actorId="landry" actorType="character">> <<image target="landry" image="@i_landry_jovial">> <<move target="landry" x=0%>> <<depth target="landry" depth=2>> <<hide target="landry">> <<create actorId="graves" actorType="character">> <<image target="graves" image="@i_graves_subaashii">> <<move target="graves" x=0%>> <<depth target="graves" depth=2>> <<hide target="graves">> <<create actorId="hayes" actorType="character">> <<image target="hayes" image="@i_hayes_small_smile">> <<move target="hayes" x=0%>> <<depth target="hayes" depth=2>> <<hide target="hayes">> <<create actorId="reese" actorType="character">> <<image target="reese" image="@i_reese_cocky">> <<move target="reese" x=0%>> <<depth target="reese" depth=4>> <<hide target="reese">> <<create actorId="finley" actorType="character">> <<image target="finley" image="@i_finley_oh">> <<move target="finley" x=0%>> <<depth target="finley" depth=2>> <<hide target="finley">> <<create actorId="mason" actorType="character">> <<image target="mason" image="@i_mason_handsonhips">> <<move target="mason" x=0%>> <<depth target="mason" depth=3>> <<hide target="mason">> <<create actorId="avery_long" actorType="character">> <<image target="avery_long" image="@i_avery_long_laugh">> <<move target="avery_long" x=20%>> <<hide target="avery_long">> <<create actorId="avery_short" actorType="character">> <<image target="avery_short" image="@i_avery_short_nyuhu">> <<move target="avery_short" x=-20%>> <<hide target="avery_short">> <<create actorId="portrait" actorType="portrait">> <<image target="portrait" image="@i_port_avery_short_nyuhu">> <<depth target="portrait" depth=11>> <<hide target="portrait">> <<auto>> <<fade target="bg" opacity=1>> <<fade target="curtain" opacity=0 duration=0.75>> <<audiocreate target="bgm" sound="@a_cafe_theme" volume=0.5 duration=1.5 play=true loop=true>> <<auto>> <<fade target="finley" opacity=1 duration=1>> FINLEY: "Oh, you're here!! \\You're just in time; come on in~" <<auto>> <<fade target="finley" opacity=0 duration=1>> <<auto>> <<scale target="cg" x=1.15 y=1.15>> <<move target="cg" x="7%">> <<fade target="cg" opacity=1 duration=1.5>> <<nointerrupt>> <<move target="cg" x="-7%" duration=2 ease="linear">> FINLEY: "We're all here—all of us—waiting for you!" <<auto>> <<fade target="bg2" opacity=1>> <<fade target="cg" duration=1.5 opacity=0>> <<fade target="graves" opacity=1 duration=1>> GRAVES: "THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING US FUND HUSTLE CAT!" <<fade target="graves" opacity=0 duration=1>> <<fade target="mason" opacity=1 duration=1>> MASON: "You made yourself heard, and now the Date Nighto team will start the hard work of making a game that you can fall in love with!" <<fade target="reese" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="mason" opacity=0 duration=1>> REESE: "Over the next few months, expect to see regular updates about our progress on Hustle Cat. We'll be showing off new art and new music: stay tuned!" <<fade target="hayes" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="reese" opacity=0 duration=1>> HAYES: "You helped us out so much, by funding our game. Now all we need is your encouragement to release in February!" <<fade target="landry" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="hayes" opacity=0 duration=1>> LANDRY: "You are making A Cat's Paw Cafe a reality, and we can't wait to show you around! Be on the look out for magic, romance, and of course, cute cats!" <<fade target="finley" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> <<image target="finley" image="@i_finley_moe">> <<fade target="landry" opacity=0 duration=1>> FINLEY: "Don't forget to thank our amazing contributing artists! Samm Neiland, Audra Furuichi, and Jenn Doyle: this campaign and this game wouldn't have happened without you!!" <<image target="finley" image="@i_finley_grin_wink">> FINLEY: "(Follow their Twitters and Tumblrs—and us too, @DateNighto—for sneak peeks in the coming months! Their info is on the Kickstarter page!)" <<fade target="avery_long" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="avery_short" opacity=1 duration=1.0>> <<fade target="finley" opacity=0 duration=1>> AVERY: "WE LOVE YOU, HUSTLE FANS! THANK YOU FOR JOINING US TO MAKE A CUTER, CAT-FILLED WORLD!" <<fundrive>>
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- Games developed by Date Nighto
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- Games published by Date Nighto
- Windows games
- Mac OS X games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2016
- Games released in February
- Games released on February 29
- Games with unused code
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused text
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Date Nighto
Games > Games by platform > Mac OS X games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Date Nighto
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2016
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February
Games > Games by release date > Games released in February > Games released on February 29