Jeopardy! 2nd Edition (PlayStation)
Jeopardy! 2nd Edition |
Developer: Artech Studios
Jeopardy 2nd Edition: Put on your thinking cap because it's time for Jeopardy! Now with over 4,200 answers, new categories, enhanced 3D graphics and advanced artificial intelligence that adjusts to individual player levels.
TTY Debug Console
The TTY debug console displays a lot of chatter for pretty much everything. This is not visible to the user.
... ... ... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND.DAT;1.... FILE: \CDINDEX.IDX;1....success FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\LEGAL1.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\LEGAL2.TIM;1.... after videos FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\LOAD1.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\LOAD2.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\JEOP1.VH;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\JEOP1.VB;1.... Before sep FILE: \DATA\SOUND.BF;1.... after sep after jeop init MENUS:Init menus FILE: \DATA\MENU.DAT;1.... MENUS:Loaded dat LEVEL - MEM: LEVEL - MEM: start FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\LVL011.QBX;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\D0M1T.BF;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\D0M1P.BF;1.... INFO:LEVEL - MEM: cubes and object models loaded dimension 0 mission 1 wave 1 extents 100 50 100 number of cubes:1 number of objects:120 number of actions:1 Reserved data: 304 708 0 size cubes: 24 size object: 2880 size actions: 24 size reserved: 1234 LEVEL - MEM: cubes allocated Objects List: LEVEL - MEM: objecta alloc'd LEVEL - MEM: actions alloc'd LEVEL - MEM: actions loaded LEVEL - MEM: groups loaded LEVEL - MEM: conditions alloc'd LEVEL - MEM: conditions loaded with if's alloc'dWave 0 List 2 : 0 LEVEL - MEM: default conditions alloc'd LEVEL - MEM: default conditions loaded with ifs alloc'dCamera 5) Pos: 40121500 -3167796 37888288 Dir: -27219098 -2420171 -21913890 Camera 4) Pos: 33730400 -7800664 32821890 Dir: -17141602 2202456 -6402690 Camera 3) Pos: 32453258 -5646452 29857434 Dir: -6034057 -252811 7620965 Camera 2) Pos: 39888296 -8302464 22730424 Dir: -34664844 3208064 20192378 Camera 1) Pos: 40515028 -19073410 29824354 Dir: -13481430 19021184 -1561955 Loaded Light 0) X,Y,Z: (48, 14, 39) R,G,B: (104, 217, 240) Intensity: 200 Wave: 1 Loaded Light 1) X,Y,Z: (48, 1, 51) R,G,B: (235, 230, 158) Intensity: 300 Wave: 1 Loaded Light 2) X,Y,Z: (41, 13, 57) R,G,B: (231, 227, 107) Intensity: 200 Wave: 3 Loaded Light 3) X,Y,Z: (49, 16, 56) R,G,B: (199, 187, 44) Intensity: 200 Wave: 3 Loaded Light 4) X,Y,Z: (34, 23, 47) R,G,B: (240, 138, 242) Intensity: 300 Wave: 2 Loaded Light 5) X,Y,Z: (57, 10, 56) R,G,B: (234, 219, 113) Intensity: 200 Wave: 5 Loaded Light 6) X,Y,Z: (35, 19, 41) R,G,B: (34, 126, 230) Intensity: 75 Wave: 4 LEVEL - MEM: spawn actions alloc'd LEVEL- MEM: Avail after load MENUS:Loaded levelChecking for memory card in slot 1 Could not find save game on memory card in slot 1 MENUS:shown dat MENUS:conds done MENUS:go! FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\BORDER0.RAW;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\BORDER1.RAW;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\BORDER2.RAW;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\BORDER3.RAW;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\BORDER4.RAW;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\BORDER5.RAW;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\BORDER6.RAW;1.... FILE: \LEVELS\DIM0\MIS1\BORDER7.RAW;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND0\SND2.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND0\SND4.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND1\SND56.SND;1.... LEVEL - MEM: Unload start LEVEL - MEM: spawn actions freed LEVEL - MEM: default conditions freed LEVEL - MEM: conditions freed LEVEL - MEM: groups freed LEVEL - MEM: actions freed LEVEL - MEM: objects freed LEVEL - MEM: cubes freed LEVEL- MEM: Avail after unload MENUS:Done menus CD_GetIntFromIndex: \VIDEOS\SPLASH9.STR;1.... playalex CD_GetIntFromIndex: \VIDEOS\A00\A01\AV0104.STR;1.... FILE: \DATA\ANSWERS.DAT;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\LOAD1.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\LOAD2.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\GAME_TIM.BF;1.... FILE: \DATA\GAME_HMD.BF;1.... dimension 1 mission 1 wave 1 extents 100 50 100 number of cubes:1 number of objects:7 number of actions:3 Reserved data: 1020304 5060708 0 size cubes: 24 size object: 168 size actions: 72 size reserved: 1234 Cube list: Objects List:Wave 0 List 2 : 0 Wave 1 List 2 : 2 Wave 4 List 2 : 1 Camera 101) Pos: 30748936 -13947935 30283088 Dir: -131 -233 61440 Camera 100) Pos: 29827336 -13947935 30283088 Dir: -131 -233 61440 Camera 60) Pos: 11114496 -13777062 36938320 Dir: 25795432 2223269 -9064841 Camera 50) Pos: 18021970 -38105044 22663504 Dir: 30430802 61038616 25738972 Camera 51) Pos: 36814748 -13501643 22557554 Dir: -18449092 213684 39086352 Camera 23) Pos: 30857358 -30985074 21320724 Dir: -137356 17403762 14928878 Camera 99) Pos: 30748936 -13947935 22295888 Dir: -131 -233 61440 Camera 1) Pos: 30748936 -13947935 30283088 Dir: -131 -233 61440 Camera 21) Pos: 17181480 -7493569 23035996 Dir: 13790790 248768 12944843 Camera 22) Pos: 40736116 -18346092 31455358 Dir: -10016115 4760683 4794242 Camera 8) Pos: 31818370 -13721493 19527152 Dir: 253 530 61437 Camera 7) Pos: 29606528 -13721493 19536264 Dir: 253 530 61436 Camera 10) Pos: 27649674 -11205516 25895892 Dir: 3070325 -2682996 10353709 Camera 5) Pos: 11067857 -11195182 35928024 Dir: 19652144 -2373842 321573 Camera 4) Pos: 31241068 -13166965 14978128 Dir: -160968 662534 22440940 Camera 9) Pos: 41232516 -12949014 14986680 Dir: -44036 -1471 42818 Camera 8) Pos: 41233572 -13010435 14985654 Dir: -44036 -1471 42819 Camera 62) Pos: 34720072 -19539026 18169828 Dir: -6025278 20419358 13816609 Camera 61) Pos: 41204420 -20195628 18576068 Dir: -24706942 23577530 17329444 Camera 3) Pos: 40940676 -13501956 14940601 Dir: -44036 -1471 42818 Camera 2) Pos: 41172404 -12373080 14810865 Dir: -43181 -6245 43257 Camera 11) Pos: 31531068 -15483248 24145060 Dir: -7003 1128 61029 Camera 76) Pos: 6172937 -13947935 30283088 Dir: -131 -233 61440 Loaded Light 0) X,Y,Z: (55, 49, 48) R,G,B: (196, 194, 166) Intensity: 250 Wave: 1 Loaded Light 1) X,Y,Z: (44, 49, 51) R,G,B: (185, 181, 162) Intensity: 600 Wave: 1 Loaded Light 2) X,Y,Z: (58, 46, 29) R,G,B: (175, 171, 152) Intensity: 1000 Wave: 1 FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M000.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M100.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M200.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M300.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M400.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M500.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\LOAD1.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\LOAD2.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M000.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M100.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M200.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M300.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M400.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\M500.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\JQDAT.IDX;1....Checking for memory card in slot 1 Saving game to memory card in slot 1 FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\CATEGORY\CAT00\C06A\C00632.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\CATEGORY\CAT20\C24\C02405.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\CATEGORY\CAT10\C14A\C01430.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\CATEGORY\CAT00\C09A\C00939.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\CATEGORY\CAT10\C19\C01915.TIM;1.... FILE: \DATA\TEXTURES\CATEGORY\CAT00\C08\C00810.TIM;1.... playalex FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O0\OUT14.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O0\OUT16.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O0\OUT20.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O0\OUT9.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O0\OUT19.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND0\SND15.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O0\OUT8.SND;1.... playalex UI: Question is ONE CAN BE "TETCHED" IN THIS BODY PART @ FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O4\OUT142.SND;1....UI: Question is ONE CAN BE "TETCHED" IN THIS BODY PART @ FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND1\SND59.SND;1.... playalex UI: Question is ONE CAN BE "TETCHED" IN THIS BODY PART @ UI: Question is ONE CAN BE "TETCHED" IN THIS BODY PART @ FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND1\SND54.SND;1.... playalex playalex FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND1\SND47.SND;1.... FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND1\SND31.SND;1....UI: Question is A BOMBILATION IS THIS TYPE OF SOUND OFTEN HEARD NEAR BEEHIVES @ FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O3\OUT107.SND;1....UI: Question is A BOMBILATION IS THIS TYPE OF SOUND OFTEN HEARD NEAR BEEHIVES @ FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND1\SND59.SND;1.... playalex playalex UI: Question is A SPHYGMOMANOMETER MEASURES THIS IN THE ARTERIES; AVERAGE IS ABOUT 110/75 @ FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\DB\O2\OUT70.SND;1....UI: Question is A SPHYGMOMANOMETER MEASURES THIS IN THE ARTERIES; AVERAGE IS ABOUT 110/75 @ FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND1\SND59.SND;1.... playalex UI: Question is A SPHYGMOMANOMETER MEASURES THIS IN THE ARTERIES; AVERAGE IS ABOUT 110/75 @ UI: Question is A SPHYGMOMANOMETER MEASURES THIS IN THE ARTERIES; AVERAGE IS ABOUT 110/75 @ FILE: \DATA\AUDIO\SND\SND2\SND60.SND;1.... playalex UI: Question is A SPHYGMOMANOMETER MEASURES THIS IN THE ARTERIES; AVERAGE IS ABOUT 110/75 @ ... ... ...
Debugging Messages and Developer Comments
Throughout the game's executable are internal messages with a bit of an ironic flair.
UI message: action:%d A:%d B:%d C:%d D:%d E:%d UI: Get Wager: player %d UI: Amount wagered: %d player UI: player %d added %s UI: Answer Timer expired. Send whatever has been entered so far UI: answer timer %d UI: Buzzin timer has expired. UI: Show correct answer UI: buzz-in timer %d UI: Alex says 'Anybody?'ALX200%c UI: Alex says 'and to finish the round...'ALEX25%c UI: question %d preview UI: quest %d It's a daily double! UI: Displayed and read question %d . Let people buzz-in UI: Final Jeopardy! Player 1 %s UI: Final Jeopardy! Player 2 %s UI: Final Jeopardy! Player 3 %s UI: Alex says 'Nobody is in FJ' UI: Going into FJ, get ready to show the category UI: Round %d. Ready...Fight! UI: Play round 2 intro UI: Round %d has ended UI: Round break! UI: P1 score %d UI: P2 score %d UI: P3 score %d UI: Player %d, answer question %d UI: start the answer lights. UI: Re-enable answer entry after a vague answer UI:Game over. Everybody loses!!! UI: Game over. P1 %s UI: Game over. P2 %s UI: Game over. P3 %s UI: FJ: Player %d answer recieved as %sincorrect UI: AI player %d answered...delay here UI: It was a daily double...clap clap clap UI: daily double: Show correct answer here UI: speed game: no-one else can buzz in UI: wait for others to buzz in ERROR: CHECK: Question %d has no value ERROR: Bad wager %d UI: ERROR: FJ: Bad wager %d from player %d UI: ERROR: Need at least $5 wager UI: ERROR: Can't wager that much. Max is %d UI: ERROR: CHECK: INVALID VALUE!!! ERR_BAD_WAGER bid %d max %d UI: ERROR: buzz-in for player %d ignored UI: Alex says 'player 1 and 2 are in FJ, sorry player suck' UI: Alex says 'player 2 and 3 are in FJ, player 1 gets a copy of our home game' UI: Alex says 'player 1 and 3 are in FJ, player 2 gets a box of Rice-o-Roni, the San Fransisco treat!' UI: Alex says player 1, it's FJ but you've won' UI: Alex says player 2, it's FJ with just you' UI: Alex says 'Player 3, it's just you an me' UI: %s Answer text: %sIncorrectUI: answer text removedUI: Vague answer entered by player %d UI: Resync. scores (1,2,3) %d %d %d UI: Restarting game. %sQuit earlyGame ended normallyFINAL JEOPARDYPLAYER %ld UI: Final Jeop recap: player %d wagered %d - new score: %dALEX%ldA --- CorrectALEX%ldB --- Wrong --- Good! --- You lost money --- no loss UI: FJ: Nobody got it right! UI: Question is %s
The file HOLDER.TXT is found throughout the disc in multiple locations and contains developer messages.
This is Jeopardy!
Hooray for anime!
Hello! My name is Tim and this is a place holder file! Please don't pirate this game.
The Jeopardy! series
| |
NES | Jeopardy! • Super Jeopardy! |
Game Boy | Platinum Edition |
Game Gear | Jeopardy! • Sports Edition |
Windows | Jeopardy! (1995) • 2nd Edition |
Nintendo 64 | Jeopardy! |
PlayStation | Jeopardy! • 2nd Edition |
PlayStation 2 | Jeopardy! |
Wii | Jeopardy! |
See Also | |
Wheel of Fortune |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Artech Studios
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- Games published by Hasbro Interactive
- PlayStation games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2000
- Games released in September
- Games released on September 28
- Games with hidden developer messages
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with debugging functions
- Jeopardy! series
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Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer messages
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Artech Studios
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Atari, SA > Games published by Atari Interactive > Games published by Hasbro Interactive
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2000
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 28
Games > Games by series > Jeopardy! series