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Kirby & the Amazing Mirror/Unused Animations

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This is a sub-page of Kirby & the Amazing Mirror.

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror has a bunch of unused animations hidden within its data. These range from static frames, to multiple frames one after another. This page doesn't document unused graphics. Animations can use unused graphics, but also graphics used elsewhere. Animations can also be comprised of multiple graphics in a single frame, as seen with the unused map animations.

To force these animations to load in-game, you can change the Dimensional Mirror's inactive sprite in RAM at 082DF55C, 082DE5C8, and 082E0468 in the Japanese, American, and European versions of the game. There are three values to be changed:

  • The first two are the sprite's ID, encoded in little endian. The sprite IDs documented below should be inputted in a reverse order in RAM, meaning the second value goes first, and the first value goes second.
  • The third value is the animation to be played. This ID can be inputted like normal.

If you input invalid sprite or animation values, the game will crash.



Burning has an unused animation for its hat, depicting it exiting the hub doors from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. No door triggers this animation, so it goes unused.

  • Sprite ID: 01 41
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0141 01.gif


Cupid has an unused animation like Burning's. This is strange, as Cupid is not an ability from Nightmare in Dream Land, so it's unknown why this animation and the graphics exist.

  • Sprite ID: 02 0B
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 020B 01.gif


Another door animation from Nightmare in Dream Land, this time for the Fire ability. For some reason, the animation uses the previous game's palette, which is unused in the data.

  • Sprite ID: 00 53
  • Animation ID: 02

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0053 02.gif


Master has multiple unused animations for a hat that was cut before the final game released. The first one is a hat animation for Multisword Attack, which uses Sword's graphics for its version of the move, but faster.

  • Sprite ID: 02 49
  • Animation ID: 00

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0249 00.gif

The second animation is the wind up and swing of the final slash of the move.

  • Sprite ID: 02 49
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0249 01.gif

The third animation is the cooldown of the final slash of the move.

  • Sprite ID: 02 49
  • Animation ID: 02

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0249 02.gif

The fourth one is a hat animation for the upwards stab move. It consists of entirely unused frames created specifically for Master. It's notoriously longer than the animations used in-game.

  • Sprite ID: 02 4E
  • Animation ID: 00

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 024E 00.gif

The fifth one is a hat animation for the middle point of the upwards stab.

  • Sprite ID: 02 4E
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 024E 01.gif

The sixth one is a hat animation for the cooldown of the upwards stab.

  • Sprite ID: 02 4E
  • Animation ID: 02

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 024E 02.gif


Parasol has another door animation from the previous game. This one, however, is specifically for the underwater variant of the event, which is otherwise identical to the above-water variant (which doesn't exist in the final game). Animations for Kirby's parasol and snorkel don't exist, and it doesn't seem to use the palette Parasol Kirby uses in-game.

  • Sprite ID: 00 A2
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 00A2 01.gif


If you haven't gotten tired of them, here's another door animation, now for Throw Kirby.

  • Sprite ID: 01 73
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0173 01.gif


Sword has three unused animations, all for the hub doors from Nightmare in Dream Land. The first one is for the sword itself.

  • Sprite ID: 00 64
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0064 01.gif

The second one is for the hat.

  • Sprite ID: 00 65
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0065 01.gif

The third one is for Kirby's body.

  • Sprite ID: 00 66
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0066 01.gif


Big Waddle Dee

Big Waddle Dee has 2 unused animations pertaining to an unused attacking routine still present in the game's data.

The first animation is for them preparing themself for a jump.

  • Sprite ID: 03 14
  • Animation ID: 01

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0314 01.gif

The second animation is for them jumping. It's a still frame.

  • Sprite ID: 03 14
  • Animation ID: 02

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0314 02.png


Droppy has 3 animations using unused sprites depicting them underwater with goggles. When touching water, it will drown instead.

The first animation is for them swimming.

  • Sprite ID: 02 F2
  • Animation ID: 00


The second animation is for them standing idle with their goggles. It's only 1 frame long.

  • Sprite ID: 02 F3
  • Animation ID: 00

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 02F3 00.png

The third animation is for them walking with their goggles.

  • Sprite ID: 02 F3
  • Animation ID: 01



Minny has 3 animations, all still frames, for a jump, something they can't do in the actual game. Minny (or Droppy who has copied Minny) will assume its walking animation at all times, even when airborne.

The first animation depicts them taking off.

  • Sprite ID: 02 FF
  • Animation ID: 03

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 02FF 03.png

The second animation depicts them in the air.

  • Sprite ID: 02 FF
  • Animation ID: 04

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 02FF 04.png

The first animation depicts them falling.

  • Sprite ID: 02 FF
  • Animation ID: 05

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 02FF 05.png


Shotzo has one animation consisting of its regular sideways-facing sprite flipped vertically. It's only a still frame.

  • Sprite ID: 03 0E
  • Animation ID: 04

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 030E 04.png

Waddle Doo

Waddle Doo has a single unused animation. It depicts them walking at a quick pace. If the game is modified to give any Waddle Doo with behavior 00 a speed value of 03, the animation will play to indicate a speed increase. The only speed values used for a walking Waddle Doo are 00, 01, and 02.

  • Sprite ID: 03 30
  • Animation ID: 03

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0330 03.gif



Gobler has one unused animation using an unused graphic of him grimacing. It only lasts for 1 frame.

  • Sprite ID: 03 0C
  • Animation ID: 10

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 030C 10.png


Kracko has various unused animations. Some are for Kracko Jr., and one is for his eyeball.

The first one is his eyeball's damage animation from Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, where it spun around uncontrollably upon being hit. This game's multihit and damage mechanics meant this animation had to be cut, as it wouldn't render itself properly with every hit Kracko takes.

  • Sprite ID: 03 39
  • Animation ID: 08

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0339 08.gif

The second animation is for the clouds on Kracko Jr. spinning slowly. Each position lasts 8 frames.

  • Sprite ID: 03 39
  • Animation ID: 0C

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0339 0C.gif

The third and last one is similar to the one above, but it's even slower, as each position lasts 16 frames.

  • Sprite ID: 03 39
  • Animation ID: 0D

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0339 0D.gif

Kracko Jr. only ever uses one animation in the entire game, which includes slow and fast turning cycles back to back. The unused animations also make use of his appearance from Nightmare in Dream Land, where his clouds are pink-ish instead of light blue. The palette is used in-game for adult Kracko's lower portion, however.

Dark Meta Knight

Dark Meta Knight has two unused animations depicting the start up of Meta Knight's slide attack in the Meta Knightmare sub-game in Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. The stab animation of the move is used in the cutscene where Meta Knight is sealed into the mirror.

The first one is for his body.

  • Sprite ID: 03 90
  • Animation ID: 06

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0390 06.gif

The second one is for his sword.

  • Sprite ID: 03 91
  • Animation ID: 06

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0391 06.gif


Kirby Wave Ride

Kirby has an unused animation that only lasts 1 frame and uses an unused graphic depicting him shocked while on his Warp Star.

  • Sprite ID: 03 47
  • Animation ID: 0A

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0347 0A.png

There is also another unused animation for Kirby spinning uncontrollably, presumably from taking damage. These graphics were ported from Kirby Air Grind, a sub-game from Nightmare in Dream Land, and ended up unused here.

  • Sprite ID: 03 47
  • Animation ID: 0B

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0347 0B.gif

Lastly, there's is also an animation for Gordo. They don't appear in this sub-game, but they appear in its sprite sheet. All these animations suggest Wave Ride was supposed to have damaged mechanics, but they were scrapped.

  • Sprite ID: 03 48
  • Animation ID: 06

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Unused Gordo Anim.gif


World Map

The World Map has numerous unused animations using layouts and graphics seen in pre-release screenshots. There are even animations for earlier takes on these layouts from builds that hadn't been shown publicly before.

The first animation is for the "Whole Map" text that appears at the top of the map in Japanese. It's using a yellow palette instead of the usual black and white palette. Uses completely unused graphics and only lasts a single frame.

  • Sprite ID: 03 73
  • Animation ID: 08

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0373 08.png

The second animation is for text that says "To Area Map" in Japanese. Uses the same colors as the previous animation and completely unused graphics (save for the A button).

  • Sprite ID: 03 73
  • Animation ID: 09

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0373 09.png

The second animation is for text that reads "Return" in Japanese. Uses the same colors as the previous animation and completely unused graphics (save for the B button).

  • Sprite ID: 03 73
  • Animation ID: 0A

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0373 0A.png

The fourth animation is the standard map animation that occurs when unlocking a new area hub and linking it to the Central Circle, but in incorrect colors.

  • Sprite ID: 03 74
  • Animation ID: 04

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0374 04.gif

The fifth animation is the standard map animation that occurs when unlocking a new area hub, but in incorrect colors, like the previous one.

  • Sprite ID: 03 74
  • Animation ID: 05

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0374 05.gif

The sixth animation is a later take on the "Whole Map" text. Shown in pre-release material, it uses the standard black and white palette found in the final game, and makes the "全体" and "マップ" closer together. Uses unused graphics.

  • Sprite ID: 03 74
  • Animation ID: 08

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0374 08.png

The seventh animation is a later take on the "To Area Map" text. Shown in pre-release material, it uses the same colors from the previous animation, and makes more space between the A button and text. Uses unused graphics (save for the B button).

  • Sprite ID: 03 74
  • Animation ID: 09

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0374 09.png

The eighth animation is a later take on the "Return" text. Shown in pre-release material, it uses the same colors from the previous animation, and makes more space between the A button and text. Uses unused graphics (save for the A button).

  • Sprite ID: 03 74
  • Animation ID: 0A

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0374 0A.png

Area Maps

The Area Maps also have various unused animations that were already seen in pre-release screenshots.

The first animation consists of only one frame, but it depicts the whole bottom layout of early maps seen in pre-release material. Comprised mostly of unused graphics, save for the console's buttons.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 04

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 04.png

The second animation is Area 1's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 05

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 05.png

The third animation is Area 2's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 06

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 06.png

The fourth animation is Area 3's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 07

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 07.png

The fifth animation is Area 4's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 08

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 08.png

The sixth animation is Area 5's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 09

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 09.png

The seventh animation is Area 6's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 0A

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 0A.png

The eighth animation is Area 7's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 0B

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 0B.png

The ninth animation is Area 8's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 0C

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 0C.png

The tenth animation is Area 9's prefix from pre-release builds.

  • Sprite ID: 03 70
  • Animation ID: 0D

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0370 0D.png


There exists an unused animation of a weird unused graphic that only lasts a single frame. Like the graphic, the animation is located between Roly-Poly and Foley's assets.

  • Sprite ID: 03 01
  • Animation ID: 00

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror Anim 0301 00.png

(Source: Vyroz)