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LittleBigPlanet (PlayStation 3)/Unused Popit Items

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This is a sub-page of LittleBigPlanet (PlayStation 3).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.


Lbp Primitive on fire square.tex.png
Emitter Plans
Every single emitted object has an associated plan, this is a nightmare.

Palette Gameplay

Filename and Path Popit Icon Name/Translation Tag Category Description Notes
gamedata/plans/palettes/palette_primitives_787.plan Lbp palette gameplay 787.tex.png Some Kind of Object Level Keys The key used to unlock minigames. Other than that, it's useless.
gamedata/plans/palettes/palette_gameplay_1206.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay 1190.tex.png ENEMY BRAIN FLEE Enemy Kit Give your Creatures life. This one is not protected and can be collected. An unprotected creature brain that is automatically set to flee.
gamedata/plans/palettes/palette_gameplay_1208.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay 1190.tex.png ENEMY BRAIN FOLLOW Enemy Kit Give your Creatures life. This one is not protected and can be collected. An unprotected creature brain that is automatically set to follow.
gamedata/plans/palettes/palette_gameplay_1238.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay 1190.tex.png ENEMY BRAIN FLEE Enemy Kit Give your Creatures life. This one is not protected and can be collected. A protected creature brain that is automatically set to flee.
gamedata/plans/palettes/palette_gameplay_1240.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay 1190.tex.png ENEMY BRAIN FOLLOW Enemy Kit Give your Creatures life. This one is not protected and can be collected. A protected creature brain that is automatically set to follow.
gamedata/plans/palettes/palette_gameplay_1328.plan Lbp resource icon.tex.png Score Bubble Misc Collect for score points. A duplicate score bubble plan also present in the March build with similar duplicate plans.
gamedata/plans/palettes/palette_gameplay_1154.plan Lbp Palette gameplay 1154.tex.png 3-Way Switch Switches A three-position switch. Despite having a different icon the switch is the same as final.
Lbp1 popit freezatron tool converted.png
Freezatron Tool Functions "I thought I told you to freeze" It's the legendary ice hazard with no functionality! :D
Lbp1 popit import tool converted.png
Image Import Tool Functions Import images from your HDD to use as stickers. A fun tool backed behind fun moderation.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object The Gardens The Japanese LittleBigPlanet logo used in LBP1.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object The Gardens The English LittleBigPlanet logo used in LBP1.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the LBP1 Grab sensor logic.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the magic mouth logic.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the tag.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the LBP1 player sensor.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the LBP1 sticker sensor.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the LBP1 Magic Eye.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the regular Bolt.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the Motor Bolt and Wobble Bolt.
Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png
Some Kind of Object No Theme The outline for the Sprung Bolt.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Filename and Path Popit Icon Name/Translation Tag Category Notes
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_pirates/palette_gameplay_pirates_101.plan Lbp1Palette gameplay pirates 101.tex.png Some Kind of Object Water Objects A scuba gear decal, it doesn't act like a costume decal and is instead a unique decal.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_pirates/obj_192.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some Kind of Object Water Objects The outline for the LBP1 global water object.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_pirates/obj_245.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some Kind of Object Water Objects The outline for the LBP1 water switch.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_pirates/obj_246.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some Kind of Object Water Objects The outline for the bubble machine.
Lbp1water collectable.tex.png
Water Water Objects This technically unlocks water in LBP1 however the plan is never given to the player, when loaded it has an invisible jagged outline which looks like an early water switch.