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LittleBigPlanet (PlayStation 3)/Unused Popit Items/Emitter Plans

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This is a sub-page of LittleBigPlanet (PlayStation 3)/Unused Popit Items.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

MGS Emitter Plans

Filename and Path Popit Icon Name/Translation Tag Category Description Notes
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_mgs/palette_gameplay_mgs_9.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay mgs 9.tex.png Some Kind of Object No Category The paint ball from the paintinator, it freezes the game on impact in LBP1.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_mgs/pal_mgs_boss_5395.plan Lbp1 palette primitives 375.tex.png Basic Metal Basic Materials Heavy Material An emitted vehicle with a yellow magnetic key on it.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_mgs/pal_mgs_boss_5404.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay mgs 50.tex.png Some kind of object No Category A missile that has a grab sensor, sound object, and green magnetic key on it.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_mgs/pal_mgs_boss_5428.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay 1160.tex.png Impact Explosive Dangerous Will detonate on impact. A cluster of 7 impact explosives, the one in the center has a grab sensor on it.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_mgs/pal_mgs_boss_5453.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay 1160.tex.png Impact Explosive Dangerous Will detonate on impact. An impact explosive with a red magnetic key on it.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_mgs/pal_mgs_boss_5458.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay mgs 50.tex.png Some kind of object No Category Just a basic Missile.
gamedata/plans/palettes/dlc_mgs/pal_mgs_boss_5464.plan Lbp1 mgs bullet gun icon.tex.png Plasma Ball Dangerous From METAL GEAR® Plasma Ball with a cyan magnetic key on it.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mini_game_palette_4.plan Lbp1 palette primitives 372.tex.png Basic Wood Basic Materials Basic building material. An unused plan that is oddly a material and an emitted object from the mini-game level in the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mini_game_palette_38.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object Emitted enemies from the minigame level in the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mini_game_palette_65.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object Emitted plasma from the minigame level in the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_tutorial_palette_192.plan Lbp1 mgs vr icon.tex.png Some kind of object Metal An emitted piece of logic used in many LBP1 levels.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_tutorial_palette_105.plan Lbp1 mgs vr icon.tex.png Some kind of object Metal The first boss in the tutorial level for the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_boss_palette_15223.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object The emitted "trophy levels" used at the very end of the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_boss_palette_15224.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object The emitted "trophy levels" used at the very end of the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_boss_palette_15225.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object The emitted "trophy levels" used at the very end of the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_tutorial_palette_200.plan Lbp-targetguy.tex.png Some kind of object A duplicate Practice Sticker from the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_10.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Gecko Standing 1.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_7.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Young Snake Head.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_8.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Old Snake Doodle.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_9.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Original Exclamation Mark.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_12.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Sleeping Sign.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_13.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Alert Sign.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_15.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Stryker Wheel.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_5.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Gecko Crouching 3.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_11.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Gecko Crouching 1.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_6.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Gecko Standing 3.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_14.plan Lbp1 resource egg.tex.png Prize Bubble Basic Kit Collect for prizes. An emited prize bubble from the first METAL GEAR® level with Psycho Mantis Doll.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_21.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object The emitted explosion particle effects used in the intro level of the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_24.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object An emitted piece of LBP1 logic used in the intro level of the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_26.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object The emitted coin that falls off the Earth used in the intro level of the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_41.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object An emitted piece of LBP1 logic used in the intro level of the METAL GEAR® pack.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/mgs_levels/mgs_intro_palette_48.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of object The emitted explosion used in the intro level of the METAL GEAR® pack.

Creator Pack 1

Filename and Path Popit Icon Name/Translation Tag Category Description Notes
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/creators_pack_01/pal_cp01_infinite_spawn_15223.plan Lbp auto gen icon.tex.png Some kind of Object A small wooden circle on fire used in the Infinite Life Checkpoint tutorial.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/creators_pack_01/pal_cp01_infinite_spawn_15224.plan Lbp1 pal japan zen garden 5907.tex.png Shuriken Bits and Bobs Beware, the blades are deadly. From the Islands theme. A shuriken with a player sensor, sound object, and a yellow tag used in the Infinite Life Checkpoint tutorial.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/creators_pack_01/pal_cp01_infinite_spawn_15225.plan Lbp1 palette gameplay 1160.tex.png Impact Explosive Dangerous Will detonate on impact. A slightly smaller impact bomb used in the Infinite Life Checkpoint tutorial.

Monster Kit

None of these plans have icons, however going into the level shows the icon in emitters.

Filename and Path Name/Translation Tag Notes
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/monster_pack/ghost_train_palette_23.plan Some kind of Object The actual ghost train used in the monster kit level.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/monster_pack/ghost_train_palette_49.plan Some kind of Object The bats connected to a balloon used in the monster kit level.
gamedata/plans/00_developer_levels_episode_2/monster_pack/ghost_train_palette_66.plan Some kind of Object Emitted LBP1 style logic used in the monster kit level.