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Madness: Project Nexus (Adobe Flash)

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Title Screen

Madness: Project Nexus

Also known as: Madness: Project Nexus (Classic), Madness Interactive 2
Developers: Krinkels, The-Swain
Publisher: Newgrounds
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: March 25, 2012

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Not to be confused with the sequel made nearly a decade later, Madness: Project Nexus brings the classic Newgrounds flash series into a (frankly, much more high quality) playable form, seeing Hank and the gang slaughter their fellow plus-faced people in Nevada. Also some stuff about Jebus and Tricky's backstory. Also Arena Combat mode. Also zombies.

To do:

Unusable Weapons

Mega Hammer

Big ol' 'hammer'

Despite being called the 'Mega Hammer,' this looks more like some sort of homemade axe more than anything. The enemies known as GOL3M Mk2 do use this weapon, but it cannot be equipped by the player by any normal means, though can be acquired via hacking the game. Oddly, it is registered as a blunt weapon instead of a bladed weapon, meaning it will only push back and damage enemies rather than cut them. Also, it has a ridiculously high defensive stat at 9999999.


It costs 400'000 dollars to fire this weapon... for twelve seconds...

A minigun. Like the Mega Hammer, this weapon is used by the GOL3M Mk2 enemies in Story Mode, but cannot be equipped by the player. It has infinite ammo like it's appearance in Madness Interactive, which may be why it was made unusable by the player.

Unused Weapons

Severed Head

Way to get a head of the game.

A severed head. A simple melee weapon that was probably better for throwing than bludgeoning.


Shortly after creating this weapon, all other action game developers realized they couldn't make a weapon as good as this one and promptly left the game industry.

A urinal that would've been used as a melee weapon. It is used in the previous game, Madness Interactive, but it goes unused in this game.

Unused Graphics

Red and Blue Belts

There are red and blue versions of the belts found in Arena Combat mode, which is usually green. This may have appeared if the player had 2 or 3 squadmates with them in Arena Combat mode. In the final game, however, squadmates only have green belts.

Blue and Green Paint

Located near the two scrapped belt colors are some unused paint that was likely related to the squadmate system. Notably, the red paint is missing, which suggests that these 'paint' colors might've been planned to actually be the blood color of their respective color. Wouldn't be too farfetched, given a few enemies do spew yellow blood when massacred.

Wooden Bat


An unused weapon that would've most likely be a weaker version of the Baseball Bat weapon. Given how it has no damaged sprites, this may suggest that this weapon was scrapped quite early in development.

Unused Text

Weapon Descriptions

An experimental Nexus weapon that never made it past the prototype phase.

The Electro Cannon from Episode 1.5 has a description, which cannot be seen in game due to not appearing in Arena Combat mode.

A unique weapon meant for close-range combat, and closing that distance from afar.

Sanford's signature weapon is unobtainable in Arena Combat mode, but it has a description for it nonetheless.

The fact that you have this means I hate you.

A friendly description for the Mega Hammer weapon.


The description for the Minigun. Seems like they don't want you to use this weapon.

Where'd you get that filthy thing?

A fitting description for the Severed Head weapon.

Flush 'em twice, just to be sure.

The description for the Urinal weapon.

(Source: Madness Combat Wikia)

Revisional Differences


The 1.2 update released on March 25, 2012.

  • Various bugs were fixed
  • 15 Medals, a.k.a achievements, were added to the game.
  • Highest Wave reached and Kill Count stats were added to Arena Combat Mode.
  • A new preloader design was added


The 1.3 update was released on the same day, and fixed various bugs.


The 1.4 update was released on March 28th, 2012.

  • Various bugs were fixed, as usual.
  • Arena Combat Mode now shows total career kills/waves.
  • The save feature was updated. Consequently, all Story Mode save data before this update was deleted.
  • In Arena Combat Mode, the current wave is now shown on the arena wall.


The 1.5 update was released on April 5th, 2012.

  • A.I. Pathfinding was improved.
  • The medal Savior's Sword was added.
  • The Browning HP, Five-seven, M-11, and Uzi were added as new weapons.
  • New armor was added.
  • The wave system for Arena Combat Mode was improved.
  • A 'Mute Music' option was added to the settings.


The 1.6 update was released on April 11th, 2012.

  • Various bugs were fixed, again.
  • The USP Match, OTs-33, TAR-21, and Lugar p08 were added as new weapons.
  • The Iron Slab, various goggles, caps, and G03LM armor were added as new armor.
  • Weapon prices in Arena mode were changed to be based on ammunition.


The 1.7 update was released on May 30th, 2012.

  • Zombie Arena Mode, an alternate version of Arena Combat Mode, was added.
  • The Thompson, MP-40, G36, Automag V, and P1445 were added as new weapons.
  • The Girly hair, Steel Helm, Chromedome, Skullmask, and more were added as new armor.
  • The ability to instantly return to main menu from the My Squad page in Arena Combat Mode was added.
  • Rifle perks no longer apply to the M-249, and movement speed and dexterity is reduced when carrying it.
  • The ability to change the quality of the background was added to the settings.
  • All option settings now stay in the state they were left in after closing the game.
  • Using the cursor, the ability to throw the player's weapon in a specific direction was added.
  • Zombies could appear on the main menu
  • Ceshyre, the game's composer, could be recruited in Arena mode.
  • New weapon sounds were added.
  • Certain elements in Mission [1-A] and room-switching animation were updated.
  • Four new death animations were added.


The 1.8 update was released on Semptember 26, 2012. This is the current version of the game.

  • Episode 1.5: Ground Zero was released.
  • The Auto9, Clipboard, ElectroCannon and more were added as new weapons.
  • The Robo armor set, beards, and scruffs were added as new armor.
  • Riot guards, Abominations, Sleepwalker patients were added as enemies to Story Mode.
  • Luis, a staffmember at Newgrounds, was added as a recruit in the Arena Combat mode.
  • The game's developers, Krinkels, Cheshyre, Luis, and The-Swain, now make a cameo appearance in level [1-G] of Story Mode.