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Madness Ambulation

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Title Screen

Madness Ambulation

Developer: The-Swain
Publisher: Newgrounds
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: September 23, 2011

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

An arcade-style game in which you play as both Sanford and Deimos, shooting down pretty much everything in their way.

Unused Graphics

MadnessAmbulation 20.png

A red square.

Several crudely drawn shapes. A few of these are called offscreen during gameplay.

Unused Text


Placeholder text for the powerups. It's replaced by the actual powerup name in-game.

Obscured Graphics

The preloader art has some details that aren't visible in-game.

MadnessAmbulation 1175.png

Internal Name

According to its .swf file, this game's internal name is MadnessDay.