Mark of the Ninja
Mark of the Ninja |
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Debug Scripts
--Print("loading autoexec.lua foobar") PAUSE_SIMULATION = "PAUSE/UNPAUSE SIMULATION" WIN_LEVEL = "WIN LEVEL" GOD_MODE = "GOD MODE (Ctrl+G)" INVISIBILITY = "INVISIBILITY (Ctrl+I)" SUPER_SPEED = "SUPER SPEED MODE" RELOAD_LEVEL = "RELOAD LEVEL" CHECKPOINT_TELEPORT = "TELEPORT TO CHECKPOINT (Ctrl+T)" REFILL_AMMO = "REFILL AMMO (Ctrl+A)" UNLOCK_ALL = "UNLOCK ALL" UNLOCK_SHOP = "UNLOCK SHOP" ADD_HONOUR = "ADD HONOUR" RESET_UNLOCKS = "RESET UNLOCKS" CREATE_SOUND = "CREATE SOUND" HIDE_HUD = "HIDE HUD" REVEAL_MAP = "REVEAL MAP" SHOW_LOADOUT = "LOADOUT SCREEN" TOGGLE_PATHING = "TOGGLE PATH DBG (Ctrl+P)" TOGGLE_PHYSICS = "TOGGLE PHYSICS DBG (Ctrl+O)" TOGGLE_LIGHTING = "TOGGLE LIGHTING DBG" TOGGLE_FOW = "TOGGLE FOW DBG" TOGGLE_SOUND = "TOGGLE SOUND DBG" TOGGLE_TRIGGER = "TOGGLE TRIGGER DBG" TOGGLE_CAMERA = "TOGGLE CAMERA DBG" PROFILE_TESTS = "Profile Tests" PROFILE_COLLISION = "Profile Collision" HELP_MENU = "DEBUG KEY HELP" CHECKPOINT_SWITCH = "SWITCH CHECKPOINT" SELECTION_GUARDS = "Guards" SELECTION_PROPS = "Props" SELECTION_LIGHTS = "Lights" SELECTION_DOORS = "Doors" SELECTION_HIDINGSPOTS = "Hiding Spots" SELECTION_OTHER = "Other" SELECTION_BACK = "Back" SELECTION_PAGE_NEXT = "Next Page" SELECTION_PAGE_PREV = "Previous Page" MAIN_MENU = "Main" ACTION_FORWARD = 1 ACTION_BACK = -1 ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 28 -- Look here for the list of spawnable objects: LoadFile("gameobjectlist.lua") mainMenuList = { "== Helper Functions ==", GOD_MODE, INVISIBILITY, CHECKPOINT_SWITCH, CHECKPOINT_TELEPORT, SHOW_LOADOUT, REFILL_AMMO, ADD_HONOUR, UNLOCK_ALL, UNLOCK_SHOP, RESET_UNLOCKS, HIDE_HUD, REVEAL_MAP, SUPER_SPEED, PAUSE_SIMULATION, WIN_LEVEL, "== Debugging ==", TOGGLE_PATHING, TOGGLE_PHYSICS, TOGGLE_LIGHTING, TOGGLE_FOW, TOGGLE_SOUND, TOGGLE_TRIGGER, TOGGLE_CAMERA, PROFILE_TESTS, HELP_MENU, "== Game Objects ==", SELECTION_PROPS, SELECTION_GUARDS, } helpList = { "== Utility ==", "X -- Teleport Ninja", "C -- Reload current cameras", "H -- Toggle HUD", "Numpad -- Adjust current camera", "CTRL+A -- Refill Ninja Items", "CTRL+R -- Reload level", "CTRL+SHIFT+R -- Reload level at last checkpoint", "CTRL+Y -- Create Sound interest", "1-9/SHIFT+1-9 -- Select checkpoint", "== Debugging ==", "BREAK -- pause game", "PGUP/PGDOWN -- rewind / go forward while paused", "T -- Toggle debug text", "Backspace -- Toggle Debug Rendering", "F2 -- Toggle Stategraph debug spew", "CTRL+L -- Go to currently debugged stategraph", "========", } propsList = { SELECTION_LIGHTS, SELECTION_DOORS, SELECTION_HIDINGSPOTS, SELECTION_OTHER, SELECTION_BACK, } table.insert(guards, SELECTION_BACK) table.insert(lights, SELECTION_BACK) table.insert(doors, SELECTION_BACK) table.insert(hidingspots, SELECTION_BACK) table.insert(other, SELECTION_BACK) menuList = { [MAIN_MENU] = { items = mainMenuList, prevMenu = nil, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, [SELECTION_GUARDS] = { items = guards, prevMenu = MAIN_MENU, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, [SELECTION_PROPS] = { items = propsList, prevMenu = MAIN_MENU, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, [SELECTION_LIGHTS] = { items = lights, prevMenu = SELECTION_PROPS, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, [SELECTION_DOORS] = { items = doors, prevMenu = SELECTION_PROPS, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, [SELECTION_HIDINGSPOTS] = { items = hidingspots, prevMenu = SELECTION_PROPS, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, [SELECTION_OTHER] = { items = other, prevMenu = SELECTION_PROPS, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, [PROFILE_TESTS] = { items = { PROFILE_COLLISION, SELECTION_BACK, }, prevMenu = MAIN_MENU, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, [HELP_MENU] = { items = helpList, prevMenu = MAIN_MENU, selectedIndex = 1, startIndex = 1, }, } currentMenu = menuList[MAIN_MENU] function CheckMenuOverflow() --DebugTable.DebugString = DebugTable.DebugString.."items: ".. table.getn(currentMenu.items).."\n" if (table.getn(currentMenu.items) > ITEMS_PER_PAGE) then if (currentMenu.selectedIndex > currentMenu.startIndex + ITEMS_PER_PAGE) then currentMenu.startIndex = currentMenu.startIndex + 1 elseif (currentMenu.selectedIndex < currentMenu.startIndex) then currentMenu.startIndex = currentMenu.startIndex - 1 end end end function CheckMenuWrapAround() if currentMenu.selectedIndex > table.getn(currentMenu.items) then currentMenu.selectedIndex = 1 currentMenu.startIndex = 1 elseif currentMenu.selectedIndex <= 0 then currentMenu.selectedIndex = table.getn(currentMenu.items) if (table.getn(currentMenu.items) > ITEMS_PER_PAGE) then currentMenu.startIndex = table.getn(currentMenu.items) - ITEMS_PER_PAGE end end end function GenerateSplitMenu(menu, page) local splitMenu = {} -- There are less menu items in this list, so return everything if table.getn(menu) <= ITEMS_PER_PAGE then return menu else -- Depending on the page number, determine the start and end menu elements of the table local startIndex = page * ITEMS_PER_PAGE + 1 for i = startIndex, startIndex + ITEMS_PER_PAGE - 1, 1 do if i > table.getn(menu) then break end Print(i.." " .. menu[i]) table.insert(splitMenu, menu[i]) end -- Add either next or previous page options, or both if (page * ITEMS_PER_PAGE + ITEMS_PER_PAGE < table.getn(menu)) then table.insert(splitMenu, SELECTION_PAGE_NEXT) end if (page > 0) then table.insert(splitMenu, SELECTION_PAGE_PREV) end end return splitMenu end function UpdateDebugString(indexMove) currentMenu.selectedIndex = currentMenu.selectedIndex + indexMove CheckMenuOverflow() CheckMenuWrapAround() local checkpointName = GetCurrentCheckpointName( pSimulation ) local menuToDisplay = currentMenu.items --local menuToDisplay = GenerateSplitMenu(currentMenu.items, pageNum) -- Ignore menu titles if (string.find(menuToDisplay[currentMenu.selectedIndex], "==") ~= nil) then repeat if (indexMove < 0) then currentMenu.selectedIndex = currentMenu.selectedIndex - 1 else currentMenu.selectedIndex = currentMenu.selectedIndex + 1 end CheckMenuWrapAround() until (currentMenu.selectedIndex > table.getn(menuToDisplay) or currentMenu.selectedIndex <= 0 or (string.find(menuToDisplay[currentMenu.selectedIndex], "==") == nil)) end -- TODO: Add support for recently spawned game objects & multiple page support for lists: local rows = table.getn(menuToDisplay) + 4 DebugTable.DebugString = "CURRENT CHECKPOINT: "..checkpointName.."\nUse dPad up/down to Navigate\ndPad right to select\ndPad left to go back\n----------------\n" for i=currentMenu.startIndex, currentMenu.startIndex + ITEMS_PER_PAGE do if menuToDisplay[i] == nil then break end if i == currentMenu.selectedIndex then DebugTable.DebugString = DebugTable.DebugString.."> "..menuToDisplay[i].." <\n" elseif (string.find(menuToDisplay[i], "==") ~= nil) then DebugTable.DebugString = DebugTable.DebugString..menuToDisplay[i].."\n" else DebugTable.DebugString = DebugTable.DebugString.." "..menuToDisplay[i].."\n" end end if (currentMenu.startIndex + ITEMS_PER_PAGE < table.getn(menuToDisplay)) then DebugTable.DebugString = DebugTable.DebugString.." ...\n" end SingleStep() end function MenuBackAction() if (currentMenu.prevMenu ~= nil) then currentMenu = menuList[currentMenu.prevMenu] currentMenu.selectedIndex = currentMenu.selectedIndex UpdateDebugString(0) end end function DebugAction(action) if currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == GOD_MODE then ToggleGodMode( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == PAUSE_SIMULATION then TogglePause( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == WIN_LEVEL then SetGameOver( pSimulation, 3 ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == INVISIBILITY then ToggleInvisibility( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SUPER_SPEED then ToggleSuperSpeed( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == REFILL_AMMO then RefillAmmo( pPlayer1 ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == UNLOCK_ALL then UnlockAll( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == UNLOCK_SHOP then UnlockShop( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == ADD_HONOUR then AddHonour( pSimulation, 10 ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == RESET_UNLOCKS then ResetUnlocks( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == CREATE_SOUND then CreateSound( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == HIDE_HUD then ToggleHUD() elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == REVEAL_MAP then RevealMap( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SHOW_LOADOUT then ShowLoadout( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == TOGGLE_PHYSICS then TogglePhysicsDebug( pSimulation) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == TOGGLE_PATHING then TogglePathfindingDebug( pSimulation) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == TOGGLE_LIGHTING then ToggleLightingDebug(pSimulation) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == TOGGLE_FOW then ToggleFOWDebug(pSimulation) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == TOGGLE_SOUND then ToggleSoundDebug(pSimulation) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == TOGGLE_TRIGGER then ToggleTriggerDebug(pSimulation) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == TOGGLE_CAMERA then ToggleCameraDebug(pSimulation) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == CHECKPOINT_TELEPORT then if bPaused then TogglePause( pSimulation ) end CheckpointTeleport( pSimulation ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_PAGE_NEXT then pageNum = pageNum + 1 UpdateDebugString(0) SingleStep() elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_PAGE_PREV then pageNum = pageNum + 0 UpdateDebugString(0) SingleStep() elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == CHECKPOINT_SWITCH then if action == -1 then PrevCheckPoint( pSimulation ) UpdateDebugString(0) else NextCheckPoint( pSimulation ) UpdateDebugString(0) end SingleStep() elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == PROFILE_COLLISION then RunCollisionProfile( pSimulation, 1024, 100000 ) elseif currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_BACK or action == -1 then MenuBackAction() elseif (currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_GUARDS or currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_PROPS or currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_LIGHTS or currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_DOORS or currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_HIDINGSPOTS or currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == SELECTION_OTHER or currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == HELP_MENU or currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] == PROFILE_TESTS) then currentMenu = menuList[currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex]] pageNum = 0 UpdateDebugString(0) elseif (string.find(currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex], "==") == nil) then SpawnCharacterAtMouse( pSimulation, currentMenu.items[currentMenu.selectedIndex] ) if bIsPaused then SingleStep() end end end function ToggleDebugMenu() if DebugTable.DebugString == "" then UpdateDebugString(0) else DebugTable.DebugString = "" SingleStep() end end DebugTable = { DebugString = "" } BindKeys = { { KeyCombo = "ALT+1", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 0 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+2", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 1 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+3", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 2 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+4", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 3 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+5", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 4 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+6", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 5 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+7", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 6 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+8", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 7 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+9", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 8 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "ALT+0", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 9 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+1", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 10 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+2", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 11 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+3", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 12 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+4", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 13 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+5", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 14 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+6", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 15 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+7", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 16 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+8", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 17 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+9", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 18 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+0", Function = "SetCheckpoint( pSimulation, 19 ) UpdateDebugString(0)" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_LStick", Function = "if bPaused then TogglePause( pSimulation ) elseif IsButtonDown('BUTTON_L1') then TogglePause( pSimulation ) if not bPaused then DebugRenderOn() end end" --Function = "ToggleHUD()" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_RStick", --Function = "if bPaused then ToggleGodMode( pSimulation ) SingleStep() end" Function = "ToggleDebugMenu()", }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_LTrigger", Function = "if bPaused then PrevCheckPoint( pSimulation ) SingleStep() end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_RTrigger", Function = "if bPaused then NextCheckPoint( pSimulation ) SingleStep() end" }, { -- WARNING you can't just change the IsButtonDown('BUTTON_L1') here to change the combo, because the map is bound to Back, and needs to know to ignore the keypress in code as well --bmiles KeyCombo = "JKEY_BACK", Function = "if IsButtonDown('BUTTON_L1') then TogglePause( pSimulation ) if not bPaused then DebugRenderOn() end end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_DPad_Left", Function = "if DebugTable.DebugString ~= \"\" then DebugAction(-1) else if bPaused then Rewind(5) end end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_DPad_Right", Function = "if DebugTable.DebugString ~= \"\" then DebugAction(1) else if bPaused then Advance(5) end end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_DPad_Up", Function = "if DebugTable.DebugString ~= \"\" then UpdateDebugString(-1) else if bPaused then Advance(1) end end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_DPad_Down", Function = "if DebugTable.DebugString ~= \"\" then UpdateDebugString(1) else if bPaused then Rewind(1) end end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_RBumper", --Function = "UpdateDebugString(1)" Function = "if bPaused then DebugNextGameItem() end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_LBumper", --Function = "UpdateDebugString(-1)" Function = "if bPaused then DebugPrevGameItem() end" --Function = "if bPaused then DebugPrevGameItem() else TogglePause( pSimulation ) end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_YBtn", Function = "if bPaused then ToggleHUD() end" --Function = "if bPaused then TogglePause( pSimulation ) Reload( pSimulation ) end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_XBtn", Function = "if bPaused then ToggleDebugRender() end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_BBtn", Function = "if bPaused then CycleDebugSpew(false) end" --Function = "if bPaused then ToggleSuperSpeed() end" }, { KeyCombo = "JKEY_ABtn", Function = "if bPaused then TabPressed() end" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+K", Function = "KillDebugCharacter() SingleStep()" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+I", Function = "ToggleInvisibility( pPlayer1 )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+N", Function = "PrevCheckPoint( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+M", Function = "PrevCheckPoint( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+U", Function = "ToggleSuperSpeed()" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+G", Function = "ToggleGodMode( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+L", Function = "LoadDebugFile()" }, { KeyCombo = "L", Function = "CheckLit( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "KEY_F2", Function = "CycleDebugSpew(false)" }, { KeyCombo = "SHIFT+KEY_F2", Function = "CycleDebugSpew(true)" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+W", Function = "SetGameOver( pSimulation, 3 )" -- Level Complete }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+F", Function = "SetGameOver( pSimulation, -2 )" -- Level Failed }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+S", Function = "SaveProfiles()" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+SHIFT+P", Function = "PurchaseDebugGameLicense( )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+P", Function = "TogglePathfindingDebug( pSimulation)", }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+O", Function = "TogglePhysicsDebug( pSimulation)", }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+A", Function = "RefillAmmo( pPlayer1 )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+Y", Function = "CreateSound( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+T", Function = "CheckpointTeleport( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "X", Function = "TeleportPlayer( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "I", Function = "LookAtMouse( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+R", Function = "if bPaused then TogglePause( pSimulation ) end Reload( pSimulation )" }, { KeyCombo = "CTRL+SHIFT+R", Function = "if bPaused then TogglePause( pSimulation ) end ReloadAtLastCheckpoint( pSimulation )" }, }
-- Game object list used for debug purposes: guards = { "azai_boss", "guard_assaulter", "guard_assaulter_desert", "guard_assaulter_w4", "guard_dog", "guard_stalker", "hostage_azai", "hostage_dosan", "hostage_ninja", "karajan", "karajan_walk", "med_guard_civilian", "med_guard_defender", "med_guard_defender_desert", "med_guard_defender_w4", "med_guard_gasmask", "med_guard_gasmask_desert", "med_guard_gasmask_w4", "med_guard_melee_key", "med_guard_rifle", "med_guard_rifle_desert", "med_guard_rifle_desert_key", "med_guard_rifle_target", "med_guard_rifle_w4", "med_guard_rifle_yellow", "med_guard_rifle_yellow_key", "med_guard_rifle_yellow_key_a", "med_guard_rifle_yellow_key_b", "med_guard_shrink", "med_guard_shrink_double", "med_guard_sniper", "med_guard_sniper_desert", "med_guard_sniper_w4", "merc_captain", "merc_captain_noshadow", "ora", "ora_ai", "ora_ai_ending", "ora_ai_small", "ora_ai_with_vision", } lights = { "1-3_skylight_break", "alarm_light", "chandelier_apart", "chandelier_apart_w2", "chandelier_apart_w3", "chandelier_apart_w4", "chandelier_whole", "chandelier_whole_w3", "chandelier_whole_w4", "crank_light", "crank_light_wide", "draggable_lightbox", "face_light_mask_1", "face_light_mask_1_left_eye", "face_light_mask_1_right_eye", "falling_light_fuse_bottom", "falling_light_fuse_top", "falling_light_hook", "falling_light_rig", "falling_light_rig2", "light_candle_1_w4", "light_candle_2_w4", "light_candle_3_w4", "light_economic_ext_01", "light_economic_ext_02", "light_economic_ext_03", "light_economic_int_01", "light_economic_int_02", "light_economic_int_03", "light_economic_int_04", "light_economic_int_05", "light_economic_int_06", "light_economic_int_07", "light_economic_int_08", "light_economic_int_09", "light_economic_int_emergency_01", "light_economic_int_pointlight", "light_perchpoint_w4", "light_w2_ext_01", "light_w2_ext_02", "light_w2_ext_03", "light_w2_ext_04", "light_w2_ext_05", "light_w2_ext_06", "light_w2_int_02", "light_w2_int_03", "light_w2_int_04", "light_w2_int_05", "light_w2_int_06", "light_w3_ext_01", "light_w3_ext_02", "light_w3_ext_03", "light_w3_ext_04", "light_w3_ext_05", "light_w3_ext_06", "light_w3_int_01", "light_w3_int_02", "light_w3_int_03", "light_w3_int_04", "light_w3_int_05", "light_w3_int_06", "light_w3_int_07", "light_w4_ext_01", "light_w4_ext_02", "light_w4_ext_03", "light_w4_ext_05", "light_w4_ext_06", "light_w4_ext_07", "light_w4_ext_08", "light_w4_int_01", "light_w4_int_02", "light_w4_int_03", "light_w4_int_04", "light_w4_int_05", "light_w4_int_06", "light_w4_int_07", "light_w4_int_08", "light_w4_swing_tutorial", "projectile_distractlight", "rail_search_light", "rail_search_light_no_target", "rail_search_light_wide", "rail_turret_light_activated", "sensor_light", "sensor_light_4_2", "sensor_light_eye_left", "sensor_light_eye_right", "sensor_light_on", "sensor_light_toggle", "standing_light", "switch_light", "wall_disappear_light", } doors = { "block_ceiling_vent", "block_floor_vent", "block_side_vent", "closet_door", "closet_door_w2", "closet_door_w3", "closet_door_w4", "collectible_scroll_vent", "door", "door_ceiling_w2", "door_crank", "door_elevator", "door_hinge", "door_locked", "door_power_sealed", "door_power_sealed_w4", "door_trap", "door_trigger_w4", "door_unlockable", "door_unlockable_w2", "door_unlockable_w3", "door_unlockable_w4", "door_w2", "door_w3", "door_w4", "healthbox_vents", "spawner_door", "spawner_door_norecall", "spawner_door_shrink", "spawner_door_w1", "vent_4x1", "vent_4x1_locked", "vent_4x2", "vent_bg_wall_w2", "vent_fan", "vent_flameduct", "vent_horiz", "vent_power_door", "vent_vertical", } hidingspots = { "closet", "closet_w2", "closet_w3", "closet_w4", "dumpster", "hiding_spot_alcove", "hiding_spot_alcove_01_w3", "hiding_spot_alcove_01_w4", "hiding_spot_alcove_ug_01_w4", "hiding_spot_alcove_underground", "hiding_spot_alcove_underground_w2", "hiding_spot_alcove_underground_w3", "hiding_spot_alcove_w2", "hiding_spot_altar2_int_w3", "hiding_spot_altar_01_w3", "hiding_spot_altar_02_w3", "hiding_spot_armor", "hiding_spot_armour_01_w4", "hiding_spot_bin", "hiding_spot_bin_2_w2", "hiding_spot_bin_3_w2", "hiding_spot_bonsai_ext_01_w4", "hiding_spot_chimney_01", "hiding_spot_chimney_02", "hiding_spot_chimney_ext_01_w4", "hiding_spot_dragon_01_w4", "hiding_spot_pillar", "hiding_spot_pillar_break_w3", "hiding_spot_plant", "hiding_spot_plant_01_w3", "hiding_spot_screen_01_w4", "hiding_spot_statue_ext_01_w4", "hiding_spot_urn", "hiding_spot_urn_01_trap_w3", "hiding_spot_urn_01_w3", "hiding_spot_urn_02_trap_w3", "hiding_spot_urn_02_w3", "hiding_spot_urn_03_trap_w3", "hiding_spot_urn_03_w3", } other = { "0_1_bell", "0_1_preloader", "1-3_air_intake", "1-3_air_intake_switch", "1-3_fuse_breaker_1", "1-3_fuse_breaker_2", "1-3_fuse_breaker_3", "1-3_fuse_breaker_4", "1-3_fuse_breaker_5", "1-3_fuse_panel", "1-3_fuse_top_wires", "1-3_gas_pipes", "1-3_rooftop_flammable", "1_1_preloader", "1_2_preloader", "1_3_preloader", "1_4_crate_switch", "1_4_moving_crate", "1_4_preloader", "2-2_crate_switch", "2-2_moving_crate", "2-2_sarcophagus", "2-4_moving_crate_noclimb", "2_1_preloader", "2_2_cogs", "2_2_preloader", "2_3_preloader", "2_4_damageregion", "2_4_dosan_desk", "2_4_preloader", "3_1_dosan_sumi", "3_1_dosan_tools", "3_1_preloader", "3_2_cr_control", "3_2_cr_damageregion", "3_2_preloader", "3_dlc_preloader", "3_dlc_trap_scripttrigger", "4-2_mask_weakness", "4-2_shrine", "4_1_armor_lever", "4_1_preloader", "4_2_bell", "4_2_preloader", "ammo_box_darknessbugs", "ammo_box_gasbomb", "ammo_box_noisemaker", "ammo_box_shuriken", "ammo_box_smokebomb", "ammo_box_spikemine", "ammo_box_toxicspores", "bioscanner", "bombs_hanging_parts_w4", "bombs_hanging_w4", "bone_spikes", "breakable_ceiling_w4", "breakable_floor_w4", "breaking_overhang", "breaking_tile", "bridge", "bullet", "carbomb_1", "carbomb_2", "cave_in_w3", "chair", "challenge_room_gate", "challenge_room_plugs", "checkpoint_marker", "collapse_bridge", "collapsing_bridge_piece", "collapsing_perch", "collapsing_perch_apart_w3", "collapsing_perch_underground_w2", "collapsing_perch_w3", "collectible_box", "collectible_box_objective_1", "collectible_box_objective_2", "collectible_dart", "collectible_grapple", "collectible_scroll", "collectible_sword", "crank_crate_horiz", "crank_crate_vert", "crusher", "crusher_up", "dangle_hang_rope", "dosan", "dosans_grave", "draggable_box", "draggable_box_fragile_w2", "draggable_box_w2", "electric_floor", "electric_panel_w3", "electric_pole", "electric_pole_damage", "electric_wall", "elevator", "farsight", "flag_01", "flag_01_decor_w4", "flag_02_tattered", "flame_jets", "flare", "floor_spikes_w3", "fow_burner", "fow_burner_stealthkill", "fuel_pump", "fusebox", "fusebox_nofog", "gasmain", "gasmain_trap", "gears", "gears_fiery", "gears_fire_chase", "gears_switch_box", "generator", "generator_small_w3", "gong", "gong_w3", "grenade", "grenade_gas", "ground_shatter", "hallucination_tree", "hazard_hang_w3_1", "hazard_hang_w3_2_apart", "hazard_hang_w3_2_whole", "hazard_hang_w3_3_apart", "hazard_hang_w3_3_whole", "hazard_vines", "hazard_vines_lever", "healthbox", "helicopter", "hessian_goods_1", "hessian_goods_2", "hessian_goods_3", "hessian_goods_4", "ied_hanging_1", "ied_hanging_3_2", "ied_part_1", "ied_part_3_2", "key_item", "key_item_a", "key_item_b", "lever", "lever_2_4", "lever_4_2", "lever_crank", "lever_crank_hold", "lever_crank_up", "lever_w4", "lever_w4_bg_chains", "lever_w4_bg_chains_single", "loadout_box", "loadout_upgrades_box", "manhole_cover", "mask_eyefollow", "mask_horror", "merc_capt_grenade", "motion_sensor", "moving_platform", "needle_bomb", "noisemaker_prop_w1", "noisemaker_prop_w2_hanging", "noisemaker_prop_w2_standing", "noisemaker_prop_w3", "noisemaker_prop_w4", "noisemaker_prop_w4_hanging", "objective", "power_timed_toggle", "pressure_switch", "pressure_switch_w3", "projectile_bodyconsume", "projectile_caltrop", "projectile_caltrop_trap", "projectile_darknessbugs", "projectile_dart", "projectile_firedart", "projectile_flashbomb", "projectile_flashmine", "projectile_gasbomb", "projectile_grapplinghook", "projectile_noisemaker", "projectile_noisemaker_tute", "projectile_shuriken", "projectile_smokebomb", "projectile_spikemine", "projectile_terrordart", "projectile_throwingknife", "projectile_toxicspores", "radio_large", "rail_turret_grenade", "rail_turret_grenade_piece", "rail_turret_grenade_sound", "rail_turret_laser", "rat", "raven", "security_camera", "sensor_sound", "sensor_sound_off", "se_commentary_glow", "se_commentary_prop", "shield", "sound_emitter", "spear_trap", "spike_trap", "stairway", "stairway_02", "steam_pipe", "switch_can_use_once", "switch_normal", "switch_pass", "switch_wall", "sword_rack_final", "table_chairs", "terror_object_01", "timestop_anchor", "toggle_hit_switch", "toggle_switch", "tracker_item", "train", "train_body", "train_tail", "transformer", "transformer_wires", "trap_dart", "trap_darts", "trap_swing_blade", "trip_wire", "trip_wire_chain", "trip_wire_explode", "trip_wire_explode_w2", "trip_wire_power", "trip_wire_rope", "trip_wire_ropeplayeronly", "turret_grenade", "vase_breakable", "wall_mounted_lamp", "wall_mounted_lamp_proximity", "wall_mounted_lamp_wide", "wavecontroller2_2", "window", "wires_exposed", "wires_exposed_6t", }
Unused / Test Levels
This game has 13 real levels and almost 40 unused ones. Cool, huh?
To do: describe the rest of the levels |
Open /data/levels.lua. Find this line:
filename= [[0_1]],
Change the part in brackets to one of these:
- 1_ninjatest
- 4_1_levelflow (has nothing to do with the actual 4-1 despite the name)
- combat_test
- commentary_test
- farsightest
- finalarea_test
- navtest
- scroll_test (This has every scroll in the game. Get some free achievements!)
- se
- stealth_kill_row
Then launch the game and start the tutorial level to discover some secret ninja goodies. (Be sure to select "restart" instead of "continue" when switching filenames, or else the game will crash!)
se (Special Edition DLC Level)
This isn't actually an unused level - rather, it's the bonus level from the Special Edition DLC, fully present and playable in the original game!
Obviously, you'll be playing it as the ninja instead of Dosan, and there is some occasional weirdness (blank dialogs popping up from time to time), but the level is completely playable out of the box. The dusk moths and fungal spores are still present and fully usable, but they aren't actually added to any of your inventory slots when picked up, so you won't be able to use them again after switching items. Also, any seals or achievements related to the new items can't be obtained this way.
This one is an unused level, and features some beautiful blue squares and a dark cloudy background. The level consists of some basic structures with slopes, grates, grapple points, and a few guards scattered around. Also, at the upper left corner of the level there is a small photo of a helicopter for some reason.
Other Levels
There are lots of other unused levels in the /data-pc/levels directory which aren't playable for various reasons; they all either crash the game or kick you back to the main menu immediately. Most of them lack the file "objectives.lua" but transplanting one from existing levels doesn't do anything.
- 0_1_old
- 0_1_tutorialtest
- 3_1_van
- blend_test
- ceremonial_chamber_levelflow
- challenge_art_test
- challenge_art_test2
- collision_test
- combat_progression
- meg_test
- meg_test_blue
- meg_test_world2
- meg_test_world4
- meg_test_world4_2
- meg_test_world4_3
- music_test
- ora_test
- sound_filter_test
- teaser_trailer
- test_dog
- test_groupsearch
- test_objectives
- test_sc
- test_scrolls
- test_seals
- test_vents
- testdr_sc
- vertical_slice
- vs
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Klei Entertainment
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- Games published by Microsoft Studios
- Xbox 360 games
- Windows games
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- Mac OS X games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2012
- Games released in September
- Games released on September 7
- Games released in October
- Games released on October 16
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- To do
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
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Games > Games by platform > Linux games
Games > Games by platform > Mac OS X games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by platform > Xbox 360 games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Microsoft > Games published by Xbox Game Studios > Games published by Microsoft Studios
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2012
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 16
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 7