Mr. Driller 2 (Arcade)
Mr. Driller 2 |
Developer: Namco[1]
The sequel to Mr. Driller, now with a new character.
Debug Symbol Map
Upon unscrambling dr21vera.1a, an incomplete debug symbol map can be found starting from offset 0x4FC710:
408 damage_tbl 80189414 bact40 80189450 bact24 8018948C ug_act 8018949C ug_act2 801894B4 ug_uvwh 801894D4 gamefunc 8018951C play_demo_depth 80189524 round_tbl 80189574 modefunc 80189584 demo_end_depth 80189590 Circular 801895D0 modefunc2000 801895E0 modefunc1000 801895F0 modefunc500 80189600 Demo_Window 80189620 Demo_Serifu 80189660 Demo_Pause 801896A8 Demo_Voice 80189710 dog_p 80189740 dog_num 80189748 ope_p 801897F0 ope_t 80189810 seri_p 80189880 seri_t 801898C0 seri_t2 80189910 modefuncDEMO 80189920 demo_length 8018992C modefunc1000D 8018993C lv_tbl 80189D9C lv_tbl2000 8018A88C lv_tbl1000 8018ACEC lv_tbl500 8018AF1C lv_tbl1000d 8018AF70 NullBlock 8018AFC8 RemovedBlock 8018B058 Seeds 8018B858 Normal0 8018B878 Melt0 8018B888 Break0 8018B898 Crack0 8018B8A4 Airbag0 8018B8B4 Normal1 8018B8D4 Melt1 8018B8E4 Break1 8018B8F4 Crack1 8018B900 Airbag1 8018B910 Rotate 8018B930 Rotate2 8018B950 Rotate3 8018B970 Rotate4 8018B990 Rotate5 8018B9B0 Item0 8018B9D4 Block0 8018B9FC Block1 8018BA24 Cba0 8018BA4C Tsb0 8018BA74 common_ctm 80190B2C mask_e 80190B44 mask_i 80190B74 mask_n 80190C04 gboad 80190D34 level_msg 80190D4C _1up2000 80190D54 _1up1000 80190D5C _1up500 80190D64 sb 80190DE4 sbtc 80190DF0 sbt 80190E50 am 80190E54 bubble_whuv 80190E74 SepaEffe_tbl 80190E9C mes_v 80190EA4 mes_wh 80190EAC ssm_uwh 80190EB4 ana_h 80190EB8 ana_xhuw 80190EC8 sb2 80190FD8 sb2tc 80190FE8 sb2t 801910FC bubble2_whuv 8019111C ds2_mes_pos 80191128 ds2_chara_pos 80191138 VSC_ofs 80191144 pcb_ver 80191146 flash_boot 80191148 use_led 8019114C led_header 80191150 led_data 80191154 led_trans_type 80191158 eep_size 80191160 product_code 80191164 product_ver 80191168 product_year 80191170 enter_key 80191178 test_exit_key 80191180 exit_key 80191188 select_up 80191190 select_down 80191198 clear_ads_data 801911A0 exit_switch_test 801911A8 sound_request 801911B0 change_speaker 801911B8 sound_num_plus 801911C0 sound_num_minus 801911C8 change_color 801911D0 next_color_test 801911D8 enter_color_edit 801911E0 set_color_default 801911E8 color_cursor_up 801911F0 color_cursor_down 801911F8 color_edit_plus 80191200 color_edit_minus 80191208 ColorDefaults 8019122C fix_rezo_mode 80191230 reso_mode 8019127C clip_top 8019127E clip_bottom 80191280 PlayMode1P 801912CC Level500 80191318 Level1000 80191364 Level2000 801913B0 Life1P 801913FC LifeUp 80191448 InetRank 80191494 PlayMode2P 801914E0 LevelEz 8019152C LevelNm 80191578 LevelHd 801915C4 Life2p 80191610 Etc 8019165C Matt 801916A8 Area 801916F4 gameoptions 80191734 coin_chute 80191736 fix_credit_mode 80191738 credit_mode 80191784 startcost 801917D0 contcost 8019181C ads_build 80191820 AdsFunc 80191840 wLastMaskBank 80191842 wLastProgBank 80191844 wLastRomBank 801918E4 ucLedHedBin 80191A40 ucLedProgBin 801949E0 ucVabBodyBin 80196864 ucVabHeadBin 801980B8 vmDataTbl 801981D8 nLoadVabSetAttract 801981E4 nLoadVabSetTitleS 801981F4 nLoadVabSetTitleA 80198204 nLoadVabSet1PlayS 80198218 nLoadVabSet1PlayA 8019822C nLoadVabSet2Play 80198254 nLoadVabSetEnding 80198260 pnLoadVabSetTbl 8019827C dwVagDataTbl 801987BC ssrBgmDataTbl 80198984 nBgmShiftVolTbl 801989D0 sndReqDataTblSe 801992F0 sndReqDataTblSusumu 801997F0 sndReqDataTblAnna 80199CF0 sndReqDataTblTest 8019B150 nReqTimer 8019B158 ucCommonBin 8019C3D0 texCommonTbl 8019C688 ucCommonFontClut 8019C888 alphabet_ 8019C93C ClkPort 8019C940 DataPort 801A490C szSndRevStrTbl 801A499C nSndRevModeTbl 801A49C0 szSndVabNameTbl 801A4AE0 szSndVagNameTbl 801A5560 szSndSpuStStatus 801A5620 szSndSeqName 801A5680 szSndVabSetNameTbl 801A56E0 szMemCardStatus 801A5790 szMemCardJob 801A5848 dummyCnt 801A584C fSusumu 801A5850 fSusumuPowOn 801A5854 fRankingLoop 801A5858 iPadNo 801A585C sprtOval 801A587C rgbBar 801A59D8 jobNo 801A59DC fDispMask 801A59E0 gameMode 801A59E4 gameCnt 801A59E8 selCnt 801A59EC selected 801A6098 rectBblBuf 801A60D8 clutDblBuf0 801A60E8 clutDblBuf1 801A61FC medalType 801A6CC8 fontParts0 801A6DC8 fontParts1 801A6EC8 fontParts2 801A6F38 fontParts3 801A7038 fontParts5 801A7138 fontParts6 801A7238 font 801A7298 fNation 801A729C ttlRankIn 801A8024 rankingTbl 801A8598 nExTry 801A89AC sprtAtr3Spk 801A8AC4 sprtAtr3 801A99BC _ctype_ 801A9A98 GPU_printf 801A9A9C GEnv 801A9BD4 _qin 801A9BD8 _qout 801A9BFC rsin_tbl 801AA41C rcossin_tbl 801AE42C Hcount 801AF56C Vcount 801AF5BC _snd_vmask 801AF5EC _snd_seq_tick_env 801AF754 _spu_EVdma 801AF758 _spu_keystat 801AF75C _spu_trans_mode 801AF760 _spu_rev_flag 801AF764 _spu_rev_reserve_wa 801AF768 _spu_rev_offsetaddr 801AF76C _spu_rev_attr 801AF780 _spu_RQvoice 801AF784 _spu_RQmask 801AF788 _spu_voice_centerNote 801AF7B8 _spu_env 801AF7BC _spu_isCalled 801AF7CC _spu_RXX 801AF7E4 _spu_tsa 801AF7E8 _spu_transMode 801AF7EC _spu_addrMode 801AF7F0 _spu_mem_mode 801AF7F4 _spu_mem_mode_plus 801AF7F8 _spu_mem_mode_unit 801AF7FC _spu_mem_mode_unitM 801AF800 _spu_inTransfer 801AF804 _spu_transferCallback 801AF808 _spu_IRQCallback 801AF82C _spu_AllocBlockNum 801AF830 _spu_AllocLastNum 801AF834 _spu_memList 801AF83C _spu_zerobuf 801AFD8C _spu_rev_startaddr 801AFDBC _spu_rev_param 801B006C _stacksize 801B0070 _ramsize 801B00A4 switchname 801B00E4 lever_pattern 801B0114 button_pattern 801B02F4 dwPitchTbl 801B0368 days 801B03A8 month 801B0428 ASCIItim 801B2A5C Stereo 801B2ABC str_master_pcb 801B2AC8 str_io_pcb 801B2AE0 str_Led 801B2AE8 cleared_str 801B2AFC clear_job 801B2B0C strMonitorType 801B2B14 strEntExit 801B2B1C line_color 801B2B64 __data_orgend 801B2B64 __data_objend 801B2B70 __sdata_org 801B2B70 __sdata_obj 801B2B70 __SN_GP_BASE 801B2D5C __sdata_orgend 801B2D5C __sdata_objend 801B2D74 _text_orgend 801B2D74 _text_objend 801B2D78 _bss_org 801B2D78 _bss_obj 801B2D78 __sbss_org 801B2D78 __sbss_obj 801B2D80 tstModifyF 801B2D82 clock_disp_flag 801B2D84 color_edit_flag 801B2D86 color_edit_page 801B2D88 clock_temp_buff 801B2D90 texPg0 801B2D92 texPg1 801B2D94 ranking_eep_top 801B2D98 _RESET_ 801B2D9C tst_random_seed 801B2D9E st_set_user_eep 801B2DA0 dispid 801B2DA4 tstStr 801B2DA8 secret_eep_range 801B2DAA color_slope 801B2DAC sndtest_reg 801B2DAE tstIrqC 801B2DB0 tstPage 801B2DB2 tstBook 801B2DB4 testKey 801B2DB8 palette 801B2DBC ranking_eep_range 801B2DC0 user_eep_top 801B2DC4 last_ctrl_sw 801B2DC6 sndtest_slot 801B2DC8 configuration_set_flag 801B2DCA tstON_OFF 801B2DCC RESO 801B2DD0 _ot 801B2DD4 LAST_add_value 801B2DD6 clock_adj_num 801B2DD8 subCount 801B2DDC testKeyl 801B2DE0 dispXpos 801B2DE2 dispYpos 801B2DE8 SYS10 801B2DF0 testKeyt 801B2DF4 tstStory 801B2DF8 tstStrPolygon 801B2DFC clock_adj_flag 801B2DFE posX 801B2E00 posY 801B2E02 feedback_timer 801B2E04 last_add_value 801B2E06 color_modified 801B2E08 user_eep_range 801B2E0C secret_eep_top 801B2E10 RepKeyWait 801B2E12 RepKeyCntr 801B2E14 connector_type 801B2E1A test_timer 801B2E20 move_x 801B2E22 move_y 801B2E28 scroll_index 801B2E2C numbers_of_gameoptions 801B2E30 nVoiceNote 801B2E34 timer 801B2E38 nSndTestPan 801B2E3C nEnableSound 801B2E40 nSndTestTimer 801B2E48 nlzBackData 801B2E4A __sbss_orgend 801B2E4A __sbss_objend 801B2E4C nlzLastByte 801B2E50 nlzBackAdr 801B2E60 __bss_org 801B2E60 __bss_obj 801B2E60 __GamePause 801B2E64 DispOffsetX 801B2E68 DispOffsetY 801B2E6C c_character 801B2E70 ulzbuf 801CAE70 Demo_no 801CAE78 lp 801CAE80 r2000 801CAE84 vs_block 801CAE88 MaxH 801CAE8C HowToMode 801CAE90 SendBgFlag 801CAE98 M_main 801CAEC0 M_draw 801CAEE8 same_line 801CD5F8 dig_ulzbuf 801D15F8 ugp 801D1978 dead_star 801D1B78 k_trg 801D1B7A k_lvl 801D1B7C k_rpt 801D1B80 game_result 801D1BA8 old_air 801D1BA9 air_mark_flag 801D1BAA disp_cnt 801D1BB0 scroll 801D1BB8 RepPad 801D1BC8 rec_key_add 801D1BCC ReturnDemoStatus 801D1BD0 demo_status 801D1BE0 DemoCount 801D1BE4 key_Count 801D1BE8 DemoCount2 801D1BEC dog_count 801D1BF0 serifu_no 801D1BF8 ContinueQuake 801D1C00 DispOffset 801D1C04 ExtraStage 801D1C08 SizeOfSprt 801D1C0C __Col0 801D1C0D __Col1 801D1C10 Brightness 801D1C18 ClutID 801D1D18 CbaTbl 801D1D1C SizeOfSprt2 801D1D20 InGame 801D1D28 EndCol 801D1D30 BASERAND 801D1D38 RecieveBuff 801D1D7C TsbTbl 801D1D80 SysFlg 801D1D84 Random 801D1D88 HOWBIG_H 801D1D90 bubble 801D1DA8 Player 801D1DB0 Vs_win 801D1DC0 MonBuf0 801D1EB0 HOWBIG_W 801D1EB8 MonBuf1 801D1FA8 TpageID 801D1FC0 BB 801E11C0 M_BufNo 801E11C8 LocalOT 801E1900 UA 801E1904 M_Clear 801E1908 LocalOn 801E190C DispFlg 801E1910 P_ 801E1914 M_Pause 801E1918 SubMode 801E191C ItemTbl 801E1920 NamePos 801E1924 MeltTbl 801E1928 ClutBuf 801E2928 __Level 801E29B0 PauseOn 801E29B8 db 801E2AF8 DIG 801E2B10 PlayerOffset 801E2B14 UAH 801E2B18 DubbleID 801E2B1C ot 801E2B20 PBP 801E2B28 airinfo 801E2BC8 PadDelay 801E2BCC CrackTbl 801E2BD0 BreakTbl 801E2BD4 BlockTbl 801E2BD8 Pad 801E2BF8 PauseFlg 801E2BFC cdb 801E2C00 StartCol 801E2C08 pid 801E2C0C clt 801E2C10 ots 80214908 DEBUG 8021490C AirbagTbl 80214910 UALEN 80214914 VCnt 80214918 PadRepeat 8021491C Char 80214920 Mode 80214924 Rank 80214928 PlayerBuf 80214C18 NormalTbl 80214C1C RotateTbl 80214C20 PlayerPos 80214C24 ScrollPos 80214C28 _ugp 80214C38 HOWBIG 80214C3C RotateTbl2 80214C40 RotateTbl3 80214C44 RotateTbl4 80214C48 RotateTbl5 80214C50 SubClutBuf 80215C50 RemainBonus 80215C54 TimeBonus 80215C58 PerfectAirBonus 80215C60 jump_mode 80215C68 airget_c 80215DE8 ENGLISH 80215DEC AREA 80215DF0 opt 80215E3C METER 80215E40 wWriteTmp 80215E48 buff_for_paket 80226680 ucLedBuf 80226698 ucLedSend 802266A8 nLedTimer 80226728 ucDriVB 8025B728 ucDriVH 8026D728 snd 8026DBC4 dwVhMemEndAddr 8026DBC8 dwVbSpuEndAddr 8026DBD0 nPrepareFlg 8026DBD4 nReqFlg 8026DBD8 nStopFlg 8026DBDC nLastRecB 8026DBE0 nFinalFlg 8026DBE4 nLastRecV 8026DBE8 wLastBank 8026DBEC nTransFlg 8026DBF0 nLastRecB2 8026DBF8 nNextStat 8026DC00 sstr 8026ECCC nLastStopC 8026ECD0 nLastStopF 8026ECD8 ucSeqBuffer 80279510 ledtrfhead 80279514 ledtrfmode 80279518 lederr 80279520 ledver 80279540 ledcancelsw 80279544 leddiff 80279548 lednode 80279550 ledtrff 80279570 ledtotalhead 80279574 ledheadp 80279578 leddatap 8027957C ledshopf 80279580 ledtrfct 80279584 ledwaitct 8027BE18 hlzTmpWork 8027F218 prim2d 8027F2C0 atrWorkTbl 8027F3C0 atrWork0 8027F3C4 atrWork1 8027FBE8 resRanking 8027FDD8 _que 80281608 SsFCALL 8028169C _snd_ev_flag 802816A0 _snd_openflag 802816A4 VBLANK_MINUS 802816A8 _ss_score 80281728 _SsMarkCallback 80281F28 _snd_seq_s_max 80281F2A _snd_seq_t_max 80281F30 _svm_okon1 80281F32 _svm_okon2 80281F34 _svm_orev1 80281F36 _svm_orev2 80281F38 _svm_onos1 80281F3A _svm_onos2 80281F40 _svm_voice 80282480 _svm_sreg_dirty 80282498 _autopan 802824A0 _svm_sreg_buf 80282620 _autovol 80282624 _svm_envx_ptr 80282628 _svm_envx_hist 80282668 _svm_okof1 8028266A _svm_okof2 80282670 _svm_rattr 80282688 _svm_vab_pg 802826C8 _svm_vab_vh 80282708 _svm_damper 80282710 _svm_vab_tn 80282750 _svm_stereo_mono 80282752 kMaxPrograms 80282754 _svm_pg 80282758 _svm_vg 8028275C _svm_vh 80282760 _svm_tn 80282764 _SsVmMaxVoice 80282768 _svm_vab_not_send_size 80282770 _svm_cur 80282790 _svm_vab_used 802827A0 _svm_auto_kof_mode 802827A8 _svm_vab_total 802827E8 _svm_vab_count 802827F0 _svm_vab_start 80282940 _spu_RQ 80282CA8 tst_clut_id 80282CC8 drawenv 80282D80 dispenv 80282DA8 tst_selftest_revision 80282DC8 tst_software_revision 80282DE8 TEST 80282EC8 main_revision 80283FB3 __bss_orgend 80283FB3 __bss_objend 80283FE8 coin_opt_flag 80284018 _bss_orgend 80284018 _bss_objend
Sound Test Menu
Activate the following MAME cheat before the title menu loads to be redirected to a sound test menu. For the moment, the text display does not load correctly.
<cheat desc="Sound Test Menu"> <script state="run"> <action>maincpu.pd@8017bb40=0C05D782</action> </script> <script state="off"> <action>maincpu.pd@8017bb40=0C0626F8</action> </script> </cheat>
- 1P Up/Down - Switch function
- 1P Left/Right - Switch ID
- 1P Button 1 - Play
- 1P Button 2 - Stop
- 2P Button 1 - Refresh screen
There are 10 functions in total; the first three ones play sound effects, the sixth one plays music, and the seventh one plays voice samples. It is unknown what the other functions do, or even if they work.
Unlock Code
To permanently unlock the EX Stage The North, the player would normally be required to connect a memory card with save data of the PlayStation or Dreamcast versions of Mr. Driller with either the Time Attack Mode or 1000m Stage cleared to the cabinet; this was only possible in Cyber Lead II cabinets, which had a Slot Link System panel with support for both PlayStation Memory Cards and Dreamcast VMUs. (The NAOMI Universal Cabinet can also be used, but only for the Dreamcast version's VMU.)
However, a second, more obscure method is also known to exist:
- Go into the game's operator menu and enter the A.D.S. menu.
- Afterwards, press the following buttons in order:
P2 Start, P2 Button 1, P2 Button 1, P1 Button 1, P1 Button 1, P2 Button 1, P1 Button 1, P2 Button 1, P2 Button 1, P2 Up, P2 Down, P2 Left, P2 Right, P2 Start, P2 Down, P2 Up, P2 Right, P2 Left, P2 Button 1, P2 Button 1, P2 Left, P2 Right, P2 Down, P2 Up, P1 Button 1, P2 Right, P2 Left, P2 Up, P1 Button 1, P2 Button 1, P2 Start - If the code is entered successfully, "ON" will appear on the bottom left of the screen, and the Extra Stage stats will be displayed, like the picture below:
The Dig Dug series
| |
Arcade | Dig Dug |
Atari 8-bit family | Dig Dug |
ColecoVision | Dig Dug |
FM-7 | Dig Dug |
NES | Dig Dug II |
Atari 7800 | Dig Dug |
Windows | Dig Dug Deeper |
Plug & Play | Dig Dug |
Mr. Driller | |
Arcade | Mr. Driller 2 • Star Trigon |
PlayStation | Mr. Driller |
Game Boy Color | Mr. Driller |
Game Boy Advance | Mr. Driller 2 • Mr. Driller A: Fushigi na Pacteria |
GameCube | Mr. Driller: Drill Land (Demo) |
Nintendo DS | Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits |
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden sound tests
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Bandai Namco > Games developed by Namco
Games > Games by platform > Arcade games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Bandai Namco > Games published by Namco
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2000
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September
Games > Games by series > Dig Dug series