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Notes:Deus Ex: The Fall (Windows)
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This page contains notes for the game Deus Ex: The Fall (Windows).
- Assets files can be browsed with UnityEX by DragonZH.
- Right click -> Export -> Textures/Text.
- Majority of text is in resources.assets.
- Majority of UI icons are also in resources.assets.
- MainData file can be exported into raw files.
- mainData_00001.-31 contains additional text which can be opened in a hex editor.
- The exported .xml files can be edited, saved, then "import files" will apply the changes in game.
- dnSpy can browse the .dll files.
- bnkextr can convert the .bnk files to .wem files.
- VGMStream can convert the .wem files to .wav files.
Valid Levels
- Turntable - Level2
- PanamaBTEntry
- PanamaBTHelipad
- PanamaBoardwalk - Level13
- PanamaLimbClinic
- PanamaHotelRoof
- PanamaDrugEntry
- PanamaDrugGarage
- PanamaDrugLab
- PanamaCorporation
- PanamaHotelLobby
- PanamaHotelRooms
- PanamaSlums
- PanamaDowntownStreets
- PanamaTrainStation
- PanamaNightClub
- PanamaUGClinic
- CostaRicaSafehouse
- Jetliner
- MoscowHotelRooftop
- MoscowHotelSneaking
- MoscowHotelCombat
- MoscowHotelKontarsky
Invalid Levels
- SecurityTest1
- CivilianTest
- Simple
- Simple_Tyler
- CoverTestKris
- JoshEnemy
- TrapTest1
- HackingTestKris
- PanamaSewer
- PanamaDowntown_v3
- NYPier
- NYHotelLobby
- NYStockExchange
- NYSubway
- NYBankEntry
- NYBankServer
- ...