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Notes:Grand Theft Auto IV
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This page contains notes for the game Grand Theft Auto IV.
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: Swear filter. |
Swear Filter
There is a list of bad words and its variants found in the Windows executable, unknown what they're used for exactly.
Hex | Text |
A5A9A8 | assbandit, assband1t, azzbandit, azzband1t, assbanger, azzbanger, assjacker, azzjacker, asslicker, azzlicker, assmunch, azzmunch, beaner, ~bitch, b1tch, butt-pirate, butt-p1rate, butt pirate, butt p1rate, buttpirate, buttp1rate, buttfucka, buttfuckah, buttfucker, carpetmuncher, carpet muncher, chinc, ch1nc, ching chong, chink, ch1nk, chinky, ch1nky, choad, ch0ad, cockmuncher, cock muncher, c0ckmuncher, c0ck muncher, cocksmoker, cock smoker, c0cksmoker, cocksucker, cock sucker, c0cksucker, c0ck sucker, coon, c00n, cunt, dago, dag0, degg0, deggo, dike, dyk, dyke, fag, fagbag, fagfucker, faggit, faggot, fagtard, fagy, faggy, fuckass, fuck ass, fuckazz, fuck azz, gaytard, g4ytard, gaywad, g@ywad, gook, g00k, go0k, g0ok, guinea, ~heeb, hebe, ~homo, h0mo, hom0, h0m0, ~jap, j4p, jigaboo, jigab00, jungle bunny, jung1e bunny, junglebunny, jung1ebunny, kike, k1ke, kyke, lesbo, 1esbo, lezzie, 1ezzie, 1ezzy,1ezbean, mcfagget, mcfaggot, mcfagg0t, nambla, namb1a, ni6, ni66a, NI994, ni99a, ni99er, nigg0r, ni55er, ni2xger, niggur, n1ggur, nigboy, n1gboy, nigger, n1gger, niggar, niggers, n1ggers, niggerz, n1ggerz, nigguh, niglet, n1glet, ~nip, ~paki, pak1, porchmonkey, p0rchmonkey, porchm0nkey, p0rchm0nkey, queer, queerbait, queerba1t, raghead, rag head, sandnigger, sandn1gger, ~spic, sp1c, spick, sp1ck, tarbaby, towelhead, towel head, wetback, ~wop, w0p