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Notes:MiniCopter: Adventure Flight

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This page contains notes for the game MiniCopter: Adventure Flight.

Decompilation Project

Work-in-progress decompilation project of the European version of the game. Also contains header files for most of the game-specific structs and classes.

Scene List

To access a specified scene, use the following code and enter the Kids Room's mission selection menu from the map select. This list was figured out by looking at the function CApp::SetSceneIndex. The codenames come from the names of the constructor for each scene, all of which can be seen at CApp::__ct.

Gecko Code
00014B7F 000000XX
00014DDF 000000XX
00014DFF 000000XX

With XX = ID

ID Codename Description
0x00 Game Single Player Gameplay
0x01 GameMulti Multiplayer Gameplay
0x02 MenuMain Debug Menu (Main)
0x03 MenuMain2 Debug Menu (Parts Select submenu)
0x04 MenuMain3 Debug Menu (Sound Setting submenu)
0x05 MenuMain4 Debug Menu (Cheat Setting submenu)
0x06 MenuMain5 Debug Menu (MultiPlay submenu)
0x07 MenuTitle Title
0x08 MenuAreamap Map Select
0x09 MenuMissionSelect Mission Select
0x0A MenuCopterSelect Helicopter Select (from the mission select menu)
0x0B MenuScore Treasure/Mission Result List (Unused)
0x0C MenuConfig Options
0x0D MenuHome Home (Unused)
0x0E MenuShop Model Shop (Main)
0x0F MenuPartSelect Model Shop (Buy / Sell Parts)
0x10 MenuFreeFlight Helicopter Select (Unused)
0x11 MenuTreasure Treasure menu (crashes when loading it in-game) (Unused)
0x12 MenuCopterSelect Helicopter Select (from the "Customize" option in the Model Shop)
0x13 MenuPartSelect Customize Menu
0x14 MenuSetting2 Setting-2 (Unused)
0x15 MenuMovie Plays video
0x16 MenuLogo Arc System Works logo
0x17 MenuLogo2 505 Games / Arksys Games logo
0x18 MenuSDataCheak Wii Remote Position image after the strap warning
0x19 MenuSoundSetting Sound Settings
0x1A MenuKeySetting Controller Settings
0x1B MenuDataAccess Save / Load Save Data Screen / Save Data Pop-Up
0x1C MenuMultiCopterSelect Multiplayer Main Menu
0x1D MenuMultiModeSelect Multiplayer Settings Select
0x1E MenuStrap Strap Warning Screen
0x1F MenuClassicCheak Controller mode set to Classic Controller Type A/B Warning Screen (Loaded when booting the game without a Classic Controller connected while having the Controller option set to either Classic Controller Type A or B)
0x20 MenuControllerManual Wii Remote Position image after the strap warning (sideways) (Loaded when booting the game with all Wii Remotes disconnected)

Gameplay State List

When inside a mission, there are a number of states that the game can switch to change the behaviour of what's currently happening. This is done to do things such as bringing up the pause menu, triggering the countdown, etc. This list was figured out by looking at the function CSceneGame::SetState.

ID Description
0x00 Starts the mission
0x01 Mission Clear
0x02 Mission Failed
0x03 Time Up
0x04 Restarts Mission
0x05 Starts countdown
0x06 Pause menu
0x07 Shows the mission results
0x08 Shows the mission results (Treasure missions)
0x09 Mission ending menu (Mission Failed)
0x0A Mission summary (from the "Confirm mission" option in the pause menu)
0x0B "Retry?" pop-up
0x0C "End Mission?" pop-up (from the "Cancel flight" option in the pause menu)
0x0D "End Mission?" pop-up (triggered when hitting the flag found in the Treasure missions)
0x0E "Items cannot be kept. OK?" pop-up (from Pause menu)
0x0F "Items cannot be kept. OK?" pop-up (from Mission ending menu (Mission Failed))
0x10 Unlocked item pop-up
0x11 Triggers the mini-cutscene that plays after beating the fifth mission of the Japanese House
0x12 Exits the mission

Useful Codes

These codes can be helpful for exploring the game.

Enter a Multiplayer game with only one controller connected

Gecko Code
04041E2C 48000020
04041E54 48000020
04065904 60000000
04042890 48000020
040428B8 48000020
04067158 60000000
04042D14 48000020
04042D3C 48000020
04067BB8 60000000

Disable the Upper / Lower Map Limits

Gecko Code
0401CF64 4800003C
0401CFBC 48000020
0401CEC4 48000040
0401D79C 4800003C
0401D7F4 48000020
0401D6FC 48000040
0401D964 4800003C
0401D9BC 48000020
0401D8C4 48000040

Meant to be used alongside the CollDisable debug feature. This allows you to explore the maps without being stopped by the invisible upper and lower walls.