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Notes:Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

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This page contains notes for the game Proto:Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.


A list of offsets for various data sets with descriptions.
Japanese text tables.
Item Data
Item list and item properties

Corrupt Bytes

The first and second columns are the before and after of the bytes fixes, and the third column is the programming in the final Japanese version for comparison.


The game BRKs on the very first operation

Broken Repair Retail
$00/8000 00 D8       BRK #$D8
$00/8000 78          SEI
$00/8001 D8          CLD
$00/8002 18          CLC
$00/8003 FB          XCE
$00/8000 78          SEI
$00/8001 D8          CLD
$00/8002 18          CLC
$00/8003 FB          XCE


Bad operation in music engine

Broken Repair Retail
2A5D 02 A7     SET1 $A7.0
2A5F B8 CD 08  SBC $08,#$CD
2A62 F4 3D     MOV A,$3D+X
2A64 F0 45     BEQ $2AAB
2A5D FA A7 B8  MOV $B8,$A7
2A60 CD 08     MOV X,#$08
2A62 F4 3D     MOV A,$3D+X
2A64 F0 45     BEQ $2AAB
3DE1 FA A7 B8  MOV $B8,$A7
3DE4 CD 08     MOV X,#$08
3DE6 F4 3D     MOV A,$3D+X
3DE8 F0 45     BEQ $3E2F


Bad branch distance in music engine

Broken Repair Retail
2E57 C4 10     MOV $10,A
2E59 7D        MOV A,X
2E5A 68 08     CMP A,#$08
2E5C 90 02     BCC $2E60
2E5E 80        SETC
2E5F A8 08     SBC A,#$08
2E60 08 9F     OR A,#$9F
2E62 60        CLRC
2E63 88 04     ADC A,#$04
2E65 C4 F2     MOV $F2,A
2E57 C4 10     MOV $10,A
2E59 7D        MOV A,X
2E5A 68 08     CMP A,#$08
2E5C 90 03     BCC $2E61
2E5E 80        SETC
2E5F A8 08     SBC A,#$08
2E61 9F        XCN A
2E62 60        CLRC
2E63 88 04     ADC A,#$04
2E65 C4 F2     MOV $F2,A
41DE C4 10     MOV $10,A
41E0 7D        MOV A,X
41E1 68 08     CMP A,#$08
41E3 90 03     BCC $41E8
41E5 80        SETC
41E6 A8 08     SBC A,#$08
41E8 9F        XCN A
41E9 60        CLRC
41EA 88 04     ADC A,#$04
41EC C4 F2     MOV $F2,A


To do:


Bad operation in load/save screen

Broken Repair Retail
$82/E5F8 BF 5A E6 82 LDA $82E65A,x[$82:E65A]
$82/E5FC 48          PHA
$82/E5FD A5 1C       LDA $1C    [$00:001C]
$82/E5FF 18          CLC
$82/E600 01 01       ORA ($01,x)[$83:6000]
$82/E602 00 85       BRK #$85
$82/E5F8 BF 5A E6 82 LDA $82E65A,x[$82:E65A]
$82/E5FC 48          PHA
$82/E5FD A5 1C       LDA $1C    [$00:001C]
$82/E5FF 18          CLC
$82/E600 69 01 00    ADC #$0001
$82/E603 85 19       STA $19    [$00:0019]
$82/E605 E2 20       SEP #$20
$82/F282 BF EB F2 82 LDA $82F2EB,x[$82:F2EB]
$82/F286 48          PHA
$82/F287 A5 1C       LDA $1C    [$00:001C]
$82/F289 18          CLC
$82/F28A 69 01 00    ADC #$0001
$82/F28D 85 19       STA $19    [$00:0019]
$82/F28F E2 20       SEP #$20


Damaged zero in font graphics

The font used during the opening cutscene includes the 8px numbers 0-9 which aren't used. If this font isn't used anywhere else, this problem and solution goes unseen.

Broken Retail
Estpolis Denki II prototype 077600 02.png Estpolis Denki II prototype 077600 1E.png
Broken Retail
0200 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 1E00 0000
0800 1800 0800 0800 0800 0800 1C00 0000
1E00 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 1E00 0000
0800 1800 0800 0800 0800 0800 1C00 0000
0x077600 0x0F7568

Location List

This list uses the official English translations for map names that are identical to the retail version. Entries marked with a single asterisk are names unique to the prototype.

Underground maps in the prototype with B1, B2, B3, etc. in their name had the letter "B" replaced with the kanji representing basement in the retail version.

The three sealed towers don't have map names assigned, however, they're mentioned in the Narvick dialogue with the same names as the retail version. It's assumed they're in the same order, but this isn't yet confirmed.

Overall, the list is in the same order as the retail version, except many IDs are shifted by 2 due to the Nikoru / Koniru village, which only exists in the prototype. Towards the end of the list, the IDs are shifted several more places because the prototype has extra maps (larger dungeons) for the submarine caves that connect areas.

View the final Lufia II location list here.

ID Tileset  Map Name  Description

00 World Map
01 World Map
02 "OPNC    ETC_001 " Arek Daos Shrine **
03 "CITY    CITY001 " Elcid
04 "ROOM    CITY001A" Elcid
05 "DANJ    DANJ001A" Elcid South Cave *
06 "DANJ    DANJ002A" Elcid North Cave B1 *
07 "DANJ    DANJ002B" Elcid North Cave B2 *
08 "VILL    VILL001 " Sundletan
09 "ROOM    VILL001A" Sundletan
0A "DANJ    DANJ003A" Lake Cave B1
0B "DANJ    DANJ003B" Lake Cave B2
0C "DANJ    DANJ003C" Lake Cave B3
0D "HOKO    HOKO001 " Shrine to Alunze Kingdom
0E "VILL    VILL002 " Nikoru *
0F "ROOM    VILL002A" Koniru *
10 "VILL    ETC_002 " Foomy Woods
11 "CASL    CASL001 " Alunze Castle
12 "CINN    CASL001A" Alunze Castle
13 "JIND    JIND001A" Alunze Castle B2
14 "JIND    JIND001B" Alunze Castle B3
15 "JIND    JIND001C" Alunze Castle B4
16 "JIND    JIND001D" Alunze Castle B5
17 "CITY    CITY002 " Alunze Kingdom
18 "ROOM    CITY002A" Alunze Kingdom
19 "HOKO    HOKO002 " Alunze North Shrine
1A "DANJ    DANJ005A" Alunze Northwest Cave B1
1B "DANJ    DANJ005B" Alunze Northwest Cave B2
1C "DANJ    DANJ005C" Alunze Northwest Cave B3
1D "JIND    DANJ005D" Alunze Northwest Cave B4
1E "CITY    CITY003 " Tanbel
1F "ROOM    CITY003A" Tanbel
20 "TOWR_   TOWR001 " (Tanbel Southeast Tower outside)
21 "TOWR    TOWR001A" Tanbel Southeast Tower 1F
22 "TOWR    TOWR001B" Tanbel Southeast Tower 2F
23 "TOWR    TOWR001C" Tanbel Southeast Tower 3F
24 "TOWR    TOWR001D" Tanbel Southeast Tower 4F
25 "TOWR    TOWR001E" Tanbel Southeast Tower 5F
26 "TOWR    TOWR001F" Tanbel Southeast Tower 6F
27 "VILL    VILL003 " Clamento
28 "ROOM    VILL003A" Clamento
29 "DANJ    DANJ006A" Ruby Cave B1
2A "DANJ    DANJ006B" Ruby Cave B2
2B "DANJ    DANJ006C" Ruby Cave B3
2C "DANJ    DANJ006D" Ruby Cave B4
2D "HOKO    HOKO003 " Small Shrine to Parcelyte
2E "CITY    CITY004 " Parcelyte
2F "ROOM    CITY004A" Parcelyte
30 "CASL    CASL002 " Parcelyte Castle
31 "CINN    CASL002A" Parcelyte Castle
32 "SHIN    SHIN001A" Treasure Sword Shrine 1F
33 "SHIN    SHIN001B" Treasure Sword Shrine 2F
34 "SHIN    SHIN001C" Treasure Sword Shrine 3F
35 "SHIN    SHIN001D" Treasure Sword Shrine 4F
36 "SHIN    SHIN001E" Treasure Sword Shrine B1
37 "HOKO    HOKO007 " Small Shrine to Gordovan
38 "RUIN    CITY005 " Gordovan
39 "TOWR_   TOWR002 " (Gordovan West Tower outside)
3A "TOWR    TOWR002A" Gordovan West Tower 1F
3B "TOWR    TOWR002B" Gordovan West Tower 2F
3C "TOWR    TOWR002C" Gordovan West Tower 3F
3D "TOWR    TOWR002D" Gordovan West Tower 4F
3E "TOWR    TOWR002E" Gordovan West Tower 5F
3F "TOWR    TOWR002F" Gordovan West Tower 6F
40 "VILL    VILL004 " Merix Village
41 "ROOM    VILL004A" Merix Village
42 "DANJ    DANJ007A" Merix North Cave B1 *
43 "DANJ    DANJ007B" Merix North Cave B2 *
44 "DANJ    DANJ007C" Merix North Cave B3 *
45 "DANJ    DANJ007D" Merix North Cave B4 *
46 "DANJ    DANJ007E" Merix North Cave B5 *
47 "CASL    CASL003 " Bound Kingdom
48 "CINN    CASL003A" Bound Kingdom
49 "JIND    JIND002A" North Cave B1 *
4A "JIND    JIND002B" North Cave B2 *
4B "JIND    JIND002C" North Cave B3 *
4C "JIND    JIND002D" North Cave B4 *
4D "TOWR_   TOWR003 " (Ancient Tower outside)
4E "TOWR    TOWR003A" Ancient Tower 1F
4F "TOWR    TOWR003B" Ancient Tower 2F
50 "TOWR    TOWR003C" Ancient Tower 3F
51 "TOWR    TOWR003D" Ancient Tower 4F
52 "TOWR    TOWR003E" Ancient Tower 5F
53 "TOWR    TOWR003F" Ancient Tower 6F
54 "TOWR    TOWR003G" Ancient Tower 7F
55 "TOWR    TOWR003H" Ancient Tower 6F
56 "TOWR    TOWR003I" Ancient Tower 5F
57 "TOWR    TOWR003J" Ancient Tower 4F
58 "HOKO    HOKO004 " Small Shrine to Aleyn
59 "TOWR_   TOWR004 " (North Lighthouse outside)
5A "TOWR    TOWR004A" North Lighthouse 1F
5B "TOWR    TOWR004B" North Lighthouse 2F
5C "TOWR    TOWR004C" North Lighthouse 3F
5D "TOWR    TOWR004D" North Lighthouse 4F
5E "TOWR    TOWR004E" North Lighthouse 5F
5F "TOWR    TOWR004F" North Lighthouse 6F
60 "CITY    HABR001 " Port Town of Aleyn
61 "ROOM    HABR001A" Port Town of Aleyn
62 "YAMA    YAMA001 " Phantom Tree Mountain
63 "DANJ    YAMA001A" (Phantom Tree Mountain)
64 "DANJ    YAMA001B" (Phantom Tree Mountain)
65 "DANJ    YAMA001C" (Phantom Tree Mountain)
66 "DANJ    YAMA001D" (Phantom Tree Mountain)
67 "DANJ    YAMA001E" (Phantom Tree Mountain)
68 "DANJ    YAMA001F" (Phantom Tree Mountain)
69 "DANJ    YAMA001G" (Phantom Tree Mountain)
6A "CITY    HABR002 " Gruberik
6B "ROOM    HABR002A" Gruberik
6C "CITY    HABR003 " Narcysus
6D "ROOM    HABR003A" Narcysus
6E "TOWR_   TOWR005 " (Tower of Sacrifice outside)
6F "TOWR    TOWR005A" Tower of Sacrifice 1F
70 "TOWR    TOWR005B" Tower of Sacrifice 2F
71 "TOWR    TOWR005C" Tower of Sacrifice 3F
72 "TOWR    TOWR005D" Tower of Sacrifice 4F
73 "TOWR    TOWR005E" Tower of Sacrifice 5F
74 "TOWR    TOWR005F" Tower of Sacrifice 6F
75 "VILL    VILL005 " Karlloon
76 "ROOM    VILL005A" Karlloon
77 "SHIN    SHIN002A" Karlloon North Shrine 1F
78 "SHIN    SHIN002B" Karlloon North Shrine 2F
79 "SHIN    SHIN002C" Karlloon North Shrine 3F
7A "SHIN    SHIN002D" Karlloon North Shrine B1
7B "HOKO    HOKO005 " Small Shrine to Treadool
7C "CITY    HABR004 " Treadool
7D "ROOM    HABR004A" Treadool
7E "JIND    JIND003A" (Lexis Shaia Laboratory 1 dungeon)
7F "ROOM    LABO001 " Lexis Shaia Laboratory 1 *
80 "YAMA    YAMA002 " Flower Mountain
81 "DANJ    YAMA002A" (Flower Mountain)
82 "DANJ    YAMA002B" (Flower Mountain)
83 "DANJ    YAMA002C" (Flower Mountain)
84 "DANJ    YAMA002D" (Flower Mountain)
85 "DANJ    YAMA002E" (Flower Mountain)
86 "DANJ    YAMA002F" (Flower Mountain)
87 "CITY    CITY006 " Forfeit Island
88 "ROOM    CITY006A" Forfeit Island
89 "CSNO    ETC_003 " Markao
8A "CASL    CASL004 " Dankirk Kingdom
8B "CINN    CASL004A" Dankirk Kingdom
8C "CITY    CITY007 " Auralio Kingdom
8D "ROOM    CITY007A" Auralio Kingdom
8E "JIND    JIND004A" Dankirk North Cave 1B
8F "JIND    JIND004B" Dankirk North Cave 2B
90 "JIND    JIND004C" Dankirk North Cave 3B
91 "JIND    JIND004D" Dankirk North Cave 4B
92 "JIND    JIND004E" Dankirk North Cave 5B
93 "CASL    CASL005 " Ferim Kingdom
94 "CINN    CASL005A" Ferim Kingdom
95 "TOWR_   TOWR006 " (Northeast Tower outside)
96 "TOWR    TOWR006A" Northeast Tower 1F
97 "TOWR    TOWR006B" Northeast Tower 2F
98 "TOWR    TOWR006C" Northeast Tower 3F
99 "TOWR    TOWR006D" Northeast Tower 4F
9A "TOWR    TOWR006E" Northeast Tower 5F
9B "HOKO    HOKO006 " Small Shrine to Agurio
9C "RUIN    CITY008 " Agurio
9D "VILL    VILL006 " Treble
9E "ROOM    VILL006A" Treble
9F "VILL    VILL007 " Pico Forest
A0 "ROOM    VILL007A" Pico Forest
A1 "VILL    ETC_004 " Small Shrine to Dragon Egg
A2 "CITY    LABO002 " Portravia
A3 "ROOM    LABO002A" Portravia
A4 "ROOM    LABO002B" Lexis Shaia Laboratory 2 *
A5 "YAMA    YAMA003 " Lost Mountain *
A6 "DANJ    YAMA003A" (Lost Mountain)
A7 "DANJ    YAMA003B" (Lost Mountain)
A8 "VILL    VILL008 " Eserikto
A9 "ROOM    VILL008A" Eserikto
AA "SHIN    SHIN003A" Divine Shrine 1F
AB "SHIN    SHIN003B" Divine Shrine 2F
AC "SHIN    SHIN003C" Divine Shrine 3F
AD "SHIN    SHIN003D" Divine Shrine B1
AE "CITY    CITY009 " Barnan
AF "ROOM    CITY009A" Barnan
B0 "SUBD    SUBD001A" (Barnan Sth. Submarine Cave)
B1 "SUBD    SUBD001B" (Barnan Sth. Submarine Cave)
B2 "SHIN    SHIN004A" Shrine of Vengeance 1F
B3 "SHIN    SHIN004B" Shrine of Vengeance 2F
B4 "SHIN    SHIN004C" Shrine of Vengeance 3F
B5 "SHIN    SHIN004D" Shrine of Vengeance 4F
B6 "JIND    SHIN004E" Shrine of Vengeance B1
B7 "JIND    SHIN004F" Shrine of Vengeance B2
B8 "VILL    VILL009 " Durale
B9 "ROOM    VILL009A" Durale
BA "TOWR_   TOWR007 " (Tower of Truth outside)
BB "TOWR    TOWR007A" Tower of Truth 1F
BC "TOWR    TOWR007B" Tower of Truth 2F
BD "TOWR    TOWR007C" Tower of Truth 3F
BE "TOWR    TOWR007D" Tower of Truth 4F
BF "TOWR    TOWR007E" Tower of Truth 5F
C0 "TOWR    TOWR007F" Tower of Truth 6F
C1 "CITY    CITY010 " Chaed
C2 "ROOM    CITY010A" Chaed
C3 "YAMA    YAMA004 " Dragon Mountain
C4 "DANJ    YAMA004A" (Dragon Mountain)
C5 "DANJ    YAMA004B" (Dragon Mountain)
C6 "DANJ    YAMA004C" (Dragon Mountain)
C7 "DANJ    YAMA004D" (Dragon Mountain)
C8 "DANJ    YAMA004E" (Dragon Mountain)
C9 "DANJ    YAMA004F" (Dragon Mountain)
CA "DANJ    YAMA004G" (Dragon Mountain)
CB "SUBD    SUBD002A" (Chaed Nth. Submarine Cave)
CC "SUBD    SUBD002B" (Chaed Nth. Submarine Cave)
CD "SUBM    SUBM001 " Submarine Town of Preamarl
CE "UINN    SUBM001A" Submarine Town of Preamarl
CF "SUBD    SUBD003A" Submarine Cave to Shrine
D0 "SUBD    SUBD003B" (Submarine Cave to Shrine)
D1 "SUBD    SUBD003C" (Submarine Cave to Shrine)
D2 "SUBD    SUBD003D" (Submarine Cave to Shrine)
D3 "SUBM    SUBM002 " Submarine City of the Gods *
D4 "SUBM    SUBM002A" Submarine City of the Gods *
D5 "DIOS    SHIN005A" (Submarine City of the Gods)
D6 "RUIN    CITY011 " Chaed
D7 "SUBD    SUBD004A" (Gratze Sth. Submarine Cave)
D8 "SUBD    SUBD004B" (Gratze Sth. Submarine Cave)
D9 "SUBD    SUBD004C" (Gratze Sth. Submarine Cave)
DA "SUBD    SUBD004D" (Gratze Sth. Submarine Cave)
DB "SUBD    SUBD004E" (Gratze Sth. Submarine Cave)
DC "JIND    JIND005A" Gratze Castle B1
DD "JIND    JIND005B" Gratze Castle B2
DE "JIND    JIND005C" Gratze Castle B3
DF "JIND    JIND005D" Gratze Castle B4
E0 "CASL    CASL006 " Gratze Kingdom
E1 "CINN    CASL006A" Gratze Kingdom
E2 "VILL    VILL010 " Narvick
E3 "ROOM    VILL010A" Narvick
E4 "GRDN    GRDN001A" (Shuman Isl. Sealed Tower)
E5 "GRDN    GRDN001B" (Shuman Isl. Sealed Tower)
E6 "GRDN    GRDN001C" (Shuman Isl. Sealed Tower)
E7 "GRDN    GRDN001D" (Shuman Isl. Sealed Tower)
E8 "GRDN    GRDN002A" (Strahda Isl. Sealed Tower)
E9 "GRDN    GRDN002B" (Strahda Isl. Sealed Tower)
EA "GRDN    GRDN002C" (Strahda Isl. Sealed Tower)
EB "GRDN    GRDN002D" (Strahda Isl. Sealed Tower)
EC "GRDN    GRDN003A" (Kamirno Isl. Sealed Tower)
ED "GRDN    GRDN003B" (Kamirno Isl. Sealed Tower)
EE "GRDN    GRDN003C" (Kamirno Isl. Sealed Tower)
EF "GRDN    GRDN003D" (Kamirno Isl. Sealed Tower)
F0 "KOKU    KOKU001A" (Doom Island) (crashes, only 1 layer)
F1 "DIOS    SHIN006A" (Unknown shrine)
F2 "DIOS    DIOS001A" Shrine of Daos 1F
F3 "DIOS    DIOS001B" Shrine of Daos 2F
F4 "DIOS    DIOS001C" Shrine of Daos 3F
F5 "DIOS    DIOS001D" Shrine of Daos 4F
F6 "DIOS    DIOS001E" Shrine of Daos 5F
F7 "KABU    KABU001A" (Mystic stone 1) (crashes, only 1 layer)
F8 "KABU    KABU001B" (Mystic stone 2)
F9 "KABU    KABU001C" (Mystic stone 3)

** Note from Sinrevi: "This is a mistranslation of Arek’s Japanese name. In Japanese it’s called Arekdias Shrine with Arekdias being his Japanese name. Daos has nothing to do with this place"
(Source: JLukas, Sinrevi (list), Bast, West (translations))

EV Flags

ID   EVF   Memory   Bit   Description 

00   000   7E077A   01
01   001   7E077A   02
02   002   7E077A   04
03   003   7E077A   08
04   004   7E077A   10
05   005   7E077A   20
06   006   7E077A   40    Tia joined
07   007   7E077A   80
08   008   7E077B   01
09   009   7E077B   02    not used?
0A   010   7E077B   04    Elcid - entered Tia's shop at the start of a new game
0B   011   7E077B   08    Shrine of Daos 5F - Maxim and Selan had conversation after all Mystic Stones destroyed (ending setup)
0C   012   7E077B   10
0D   013   7E077B   20
0E   014   7E077B   40
0F   015   7E077B   80
10   016   7E077C   01
11   017   7E077C   02
12   018   7E077C   04
13   019   7E077C   08
14   020   7E077C   10
15   021   7E077C   20    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - old man left, dungeon completed
16   022   7E077C   40    Elcid - dinner with Tia
17   023   7E077C   80    Elcid North Cave B2 - defeated Lizard Man boss, met Iris
18   024   7E077D   01    Lake Cave B1 - Tia joined party
19   025   7E077D   02    Lake Cave B3 - defeated Catfish boss
1A   026   7E077D   04    Alunze Castle - thieves stole the crown (1/2)
1B   027   7E077D   08    Alunze Castle B5 - recovered stolen crown
1C   028   7E077D   10
1D   029   7E077D   20
1E   030   7E077D   40
1F   031   7E077D   80
20   032   7E077E   01
21   033   7E077E   02
22   034   7E077E   04
23   035   7E077E   08
24   036   7E077E   10
25   037   7E077E   20
26   038   7E077E   40
27   039   7E077E   80
28   040   7E077F   01
29   041   7E077F   02
2A   042   7E077F   04
2B   043   7E077F   08
2C   044   7E077F   10
2D   045   7E077F   20
2E   046   7E077F   40
2F   047   7E077F   80
30   048   7E0780   01
31   049   7E0780   02
32   050   7E0780   04
33   051   7E0780   08
34   052   7E0780   10
35   053   7E0780   20    Sundletan - experienced earthquake
36   054   7E0780   40
37   055   7E0780   80
38   056   7E0781   01
39   057   7E0781   02
3A   058   7E0781   04
3B   059   7E0781   08
3C   060   7E0781   10
3D   061   7E0781   20
3E   062   7E0781   40
3F   063   7E0781   80
40   064   7E0782   01
41   065   7E0782   02
42   066   7E0782   04
43   067   7E0782   08
44   068   7E0782   10
45   069   7E0782   20
46   070   7E0782   40
47   071   7E0782   80
48   072   7E0783   01
49   073   7E0783   02
4A   074   7E0783   04
4B   075   7E0783   08
4C   076   7E0783   10
4D   077   7E0783   20
4E   078   7E0783   40
4F   079   7E0783   80
50   080   7E0784   01
51   081   7E0784   02
52   082   7E0784   04
53   083   7E0784   08
54   084   7E0784   10
55   085   7E0784   20
56   086   7E0784   40
57   087   7E0784   80
58   088   7E0785   01
59   089   7E0785   02
5A   090   7E0785   04
5B   091   7E0785   08
5C   092   7E0785   10
5D   093   7E0785   20
5E   094   7E0785   40
5F   095   7E0785   80
60   096   7E0786   01
61   097   7E0786   02
62   098   7E0786   04
63   099   7E0786   08
64   100   7E0786   10
65   101   7E0786   20
66   102   7E0786   40
67   103   7E0786   80
68   104   7E0787   01
69   105   7E0787   02
6A   106   7E0787   04
6B   107   7E0787   08
6C   108   7E0787   10
6D   109   7E0787   20
6E   110   7E0787   40
6F   111   7E0787   80
70   112   7E0788   01    Shrine of Daos 1F - defeated Sinistral
71   113   7E0788   02    Shrine of Daos 3F - defeated Sinistral
72   114   7E0788   04    Shrine of Daos 4F - defeated Sinistral Erim
73   115   7E0788   08    Shrine of Daos 5F - Iris opened the path to the Mystic Stones
74   116   7E0788   10    Mystic Stone 1 destroyed
75   117   7E0788   20    Mystic Stone 2 destroyed
76   118   7E0788   40
77   119   7E0788   80    Elcid - Old man left for Elcid South Cave training dungeon
78   120   7E0789   01
79   121   7E0789   02
7A   122   7E0789   04    Elcid - talked to Tia inside shop at the start of a new game
7B   123   7E0789   08
7C   124   7E0789   10    Alunze Castle - thieves stole the crown (2/2)
7D   125   7E0789   20
7E   126   7E0789   40
7F   127   7E0789   80
80   128   7E078A   01
81   129   7E078A   02
82   130   7E078A   04    Shrine of Daos 1F - party had conversation at entrance
83   131   7E078A   08    Mystic Stone 3 destroyed, finished game (also present in Elcid for Shrine of Daos debug tile, but unused)
84   132   7E078A   10
85   133   7E078A   20
86   134   7E078A   40
87   135   7E078A   80
88   136   7E078B   01
89   137   7E078B   02
8A   138   7E078B   04
8B   139   7E078B   08
8C   140   7E078B   10
8D   141   7E078B   20
8E   142   7E078B   40
8F   143   7E078B   80
90   144   7E078C   01
91   145   7E078C   02
92   146   7E078C   04
93   147   7E078C   08
94   148   7E078C   10
95   149   7E078C   20
96   150   7E078C   40    Elcid - learned Elcid North Cave is full of monsters
97   151   7E078C   80    Alunze Castle B5 - thieves washed away
98   152   7E078D   01
99   153   7E078D   02
9A   154   7E078D   04
9B   155   7E078D   08
9C   156   7E078D   10
9D   157   7E078D   20
9E   158   7E078D   40    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - received instructions for fighting Jelly in 1st room
9F   159   7E078D   80    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - received instructions after defeating Jelly in 1st room
A0   160   7E078E   01    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - received instructions for pushing pillar in 3rd room
A1   161   7E078E   02    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - received instructions for jumping off ledges in 4th room
A2   162   7E078E   04    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - received instructions for defeating all monsters in a room in 6th room
A3   163   7E078E   08    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - received instructions for cutting grass with sword in 8th room
A4   164   7E078E   10    Alunze Castle - talked to KO'd guard in front of basement stairs
A5   165   7E078E   20
A6   166   7E078E   40
A7   167   7E078E   80
A8   168   7E078F   01
A9   169   7E078F   02
AA   170   7E078F   04    Alunze Castle B5 - pressed switch to lower barrier
AB   171   7E078F   08    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - received instructions for placing vases on switches in 9th room
AC   172   7E078F   10    Elcid South Cave training dungeon - received instructions for using Reset spell in 3rd room
AD   173   7E078F   20
AE   174   7E078F   40
AF   175   7E078F   80
B0   176   7E0790   01
B1   177   7E0790   02
B2   178   7E0790   04
B3   179   7E0790   08
B4   180   7E0790   10
B5   181   7E0790   20
B6   182   7E0790   40
B7   183   7E0790   80
B8   184   7E0791   01
B9   185   7E0791   02
BA   186   7E0791   04
BB   187   7E0791   08
BC   188   7E0791   10
BD   189   7E0791   20
BE   190   7E0791   40
BF   191   7E0791   80
C0   192   7E0792   01
C1   193   7E0792   02
C2   194   7E0792   04
C3   195   7E0792   08
C4   196   7E0792   10
C5   197   7E0792   20
C6   198   7E0792   40
C7   199   7E0792   80
C8   200   7E0793   01
C9   201   7E0793   02
CA   202   7E0793   04
CB   203   7E0793   08
CC   204   7E0793   10
CD   205   7E0793   20
CE   206   7E0793   40
CF   207   7E0793   80
D0   208   7E0794   01
D1   209   7E0794   02
D2   210   7E0794   04
D3   211   7E0794   08
D4   212   7E0794   10
D5   213   7E0794   20
D6   214   7E0794   40
D7   215   7E0794   80
D8   216   7E0795   01
D9   217   7E0795   02
DA   218   7E0795   04
DB   219   7E0795   08
DC   220   7E0795   10
DD   221   7E0795   20
DE   222   7E0795   40
DF   223   7E0795   80
E0   224   7E0796   01
E1   225   7E0796   02
E2   226   7E0796   04
E3   227   7E0796   08
E4   228   7E0796   10
E5   229   7E0796   20
E6   230   7E0796   40
E7   231   7E0796   80
E8   232   7E0797   01
E9   233   7E0797   02
EA   234   7E0797   04
EB   235   7E0797   08
EC   236   7E0797   10
ED   237   7E0797   20
EE   238   7E0797   40
EF   239   7E0797   80
F0   240   7E0798   01    TEMP: Elcid South Cave training dungeon - switch in 3rd room
F1   241   7E0798   02    TEMP: Elcid South Cave training dungeon - pushed pillar in 3rd room at least 1 step (old man changes message)
F2   242   7E0798   04    TEMP
F3   243   7E0798   08    TEMP
F4   244   7E0798   10    TEMP
F5   245   7E0798   20    TEMP
F6   246   7E0798   40    TEMP
F7   247   7E0798   80    TEMP
F8   248   7E0799   01    TEMP
F9   249   7E0799   02    TEMP
FA   250   7E0799   04    TEMP: Sundletan - talked to elder. Also used in another location (ROM addr $1161F8) TODO - another town?
FB   251   7E0799   08    TEMP
FC   252   7E0799   10    TEMP
FD   253   7E0799   20    TEMP
FE   254   7E0799   40    TEMP
FF   255   7E0799   80    TEMP: Set when defeated or ran away from boss battle (7FFC9F != 00) Example found in Shrine of Daos 1F for Sinistral battle (ROM addr $12496B)

AD-EF are all possibly unused
F0-FF are temporary flags that are cleared when leaving a location.

Event Commands

ID, data format, description

12   12iixxxxyyyy   If statement, related to talking to NPCs multiple times. ii = memory address to check +7E079A. xxxx = jump address from start of event. yyyy = jump address from start of event

15   15eejjjj       Check storyline flag. ee = ID in EV Flags section above. jjjj = address to jump to from start of event if EV Flag is set
16   16xxyyzz       Teleport. xx = location ID. yy = unknown. zz= unknown
17   17gg           Rest at inn. gg = Gold to subtract (range 0-255)
18   18xx           Open shop menu. xx = shop ID (valid range $01-3D for shops, see Shop Data section below) $F0 and higher is casino games, TODO
19   19             Open SAVE CURE LIFT menu (eg, talking to a priest)
1A   1Aee           Set EV Flag / storyline event flag. ee = ID in EV Flags section above

2B   2Bxx           Add party member. xx = 00 Maxim, 01 Selan, 02 Guy, 03 Artea, 04 Tia, 05 Dekar, 06 Lexis
2C   2Bxx           Remove party member. xx = 00 Maxim, 01 Selan, 02 Guy, 03 Artea, 04 Tia, 05 Dekar, 06 Lexis

2E   2Exx           Remove NPC. xx = NPC ID

35   35xxyyzz       Activate remote NPC? xx = NPC ID. yy = location to appear in. zz = unknown

4B   4Bxx           Play song. xx = song ID (range $00-36)  May have more valid values (eg, stop song / play silence)

53   53xx           Boss battle. xx = boss ID (valid range $00-08, see Boss Battle Data section below)
54   TODO           Unknown. Used in North Cave B1 (dungeon north of Bound Kingdom) in the initialization event.  Possibly copy tiles related for puzzle setup.  Has a bug, loses place in script

74   74xx           Set battle background. xx = background ID (valid range $00-0B)

Sound Effects

A list of sound effects used in locations (battles likely have a separate table, needs further research)

00 move cursor in menu
01 cancel selection in menu
02 make selection in menu

0E door
0F large door, also used for shifting walls/floors after solving puzzles
10 bomb placed
11 bomb explodes

13 sword swipe
14 jump off ledge

19 switch pressed
1A push block
1B debug mode toggled
1C long rumble
1D sword or arrow hits wall

26 balls of light in intro

3E arrow flying

41 pick up pot
42 put down pot

Memory Locations

RAM address / Where it's used / Number of bytes / Description

7E0520   All        0001   soft reset flag ($00 on title screen, $FF if not)

7E057C   Location   0001   debug mode flag ($00 = off, $FF = on)

7E05CE   Location   0001   party leader id

7E068E   Location   0001   direction facing 1st party member $00 = down, $02 = left, $04 = up, $06 = right
7E068F   Location   0001   direction facing 2nd party member $00 = down, $02 = left, $04 = up, $06 = right
7E0690   Location   0001   direction facing 3rd party member $00 = down, $02 = left, $04 = up, $06 = right
7E0691   Location   0001   direction facing 4th party member $00 = down, $02 = left, $04 = up, $06 = right

7E06B6   Location   0001   party leader x coord

7E06BE   Location   0001   1st enemy or npc x coord
7E06BF   Location   0001   2nd enemy or npc x coord
7E06C0   Location   0001   3rd enemy or npc x coord
7E06C1   Location   0001   4th enemy or npc x coord
7E06C2   Location   0001   5th enemy or npc x coord
7E06C3   Location   0001   6th enemy or npc x coord
7E06C4   Location   0001   7th enemy or npc x coord
7E06C5   Location   0001   8th enemy or npc x coord

7E06DE   Location   0001   party leader y coord

7E06E6   Location   0001   1st enemy or npc y coord
7E06E7   Location   0001   2nd enemy or npc y coord
7E06E8   Location   0001   3rd enemy or npc y coord
7E06E9   Location   0001   4th enemy or npc y coord
7E06EA   Location   0001   5th enemy or npc y coord
7E06EB   Location   0001   6th enemy or npc y coord
7E06EC   Location   0001   7th enemy or npc y coord
7E06ED   Location   0001   8th enemy or npc y coord

7E091A   Location   0005   treasure chest opened flags (except bit 80 in each byte)

7E093A   Location   0004   treasure chest opened flags (only bit 80 in each byte)

7E095A   Location   0020   location visited bit flags, 1 bit per location index, 7E0979 bits 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 unused (locations $FA-FF), for use with warp item/spell

7E097C   Location   0001   currently playing song, used by Event command $4B

7E09AE   Location   0001   warp destination location index for warp item/spell
7E09AF   Location   0002   warp related values, see Warp Data section below

7E09D3   Location   0002   holds item index, used for skill items

7E0A48   Location   0003   GOLD ($98967F = 9999999 gold) 

7E0B0B   Location   0003   TIME played
7E0B0E   Location   0001   frames counter (range $00-3B, 60 frames)

7E0B6D   Location   0005   hero's name, default string B39BA0B500

7E1209   Location   0001   used as a counter for number of frames for text control code $04 delay

7EF000   Location   1000   RN data, the game always copies $1000 bytes worth even though individual packets are nowhere near that size
7F0000   Location   ####   decompressed M2 map
7F####   Location   ####   decompressed MC tile assembly (immediately follows M2 map)

7F4000   WMAP       ####   decompressed overworld or underwater map data

7FD07D   Location   0001   action flag ($01 = carrying pot, $04 = using hook or hammer, $08 = using arrow or fire arrow)

7FFC9D   Location   0001   battle background index (range $00-0B) Used by Event command $74 

7FFC9F   Location   0001   battle status ($00 = won, $01 = lost, $02 = ran away)
7FFCA0   Location   0001   battle mode ($00 = dungeon, $01 = WMAP, $FF = boss - set by Event command $53)
7FFCA1   Location   0001   battle index (battle mode $FF boss uses range $00-08, set by Event command $53)


Useful breakpoints for performing research.

  • 808E21, execute - breaks on start address of each compressed packet loaded
  • 809549, execute - accumulator contains song index to play
  • 80D336, execute - breaks on each event command executed, accumulator contains event command index (Retail JP 809E5F)
  • 80D3E7, execute - start timer for text control code $04 delay
  • 80D3FC, execute - finished delay for text control code $04 delay
  • 80D407, execute - increase delay counter, use with above 2 breakpoints - each break is 1 frame, add them all up for the total number of frames created by the delay
  • 83A5C5, execute - breaks on loading RN packet for room
  • 83BD47, execute - breaks on reading animation related data from $9C9000
  • 83F2CF, execute - treasure chest opened flag being set (bit and memory address)
  • 83F309, execute - accumulator contains 16-bit item index when a treasure chest is opened
  • 868000, execute - setup for decompressing maps
  • 868039, execute - load value from MC table
  • 86A2DB, execute - x register contains index of item or spell you are examining with the X button
  • 86A2E7, execute - x register contains pointer to item/spell description (+$8F8000)
  • 7E0B0E, write - breaks on frame counter increment

Data Markers

The game uses a 2 byte marker to identify various data sets.

M2 - Maps


  • 0x00 M2
  • 0x02 number of layers. The game crashes if only $01 (location F0, F7)
  • 0x03 all $00
  • 0x10 tileset name
  • 0x18 map name (8 bytes, this was removed in the retail version)

LV - Layer


  • 0x00 LV
  • 0x02 ???
  • 0x04 X number of tiles, multiply by $10 and convert to decimal for full layer width in pixels
  • 0x06 Y number of tiles, multiply by $10 and convert to decimal for full layer height in pixels
  • 0x08 ???
  • 0x0A size of layer (not including header)
  • 0x0C ???
  • 0x0E ??? (2 bytes)

MC - ???

Tileset related

MH - Event Pointer Table


  • 0x00 MH
  • 0x02 ???
  • 0x05 all $00 (11 bytes)

Next, it's followed by 256ea. 8 byte sets containing the following:

  • Pointer to main event +9E0000 (3 bytes)
  • Pointer to init event +9E0000 (3 bytes) sets the battle background for the room, the music, activate the text box with the map name when you first enter, etc.
  • Pointer to map name +9E0000 (2 bytes)

PH - Main Event


  • 0x00 PH

PS - Animation Sets

RN - Room Layout Data


  • 0x00 RN

Includes coords for exits, event tiles, doors, treasure and possibly more. It's copied to RAM starting at $7EF000

S2 - SPCs


  • 0x00 S2
  • 0x02 always $43 / ASCII "C"
  • 0x03 song speed related
  • 0x04 SPC name, up to 12 bytes and any unused space at the end is padded with the space character ($20)

TA - Internal Header

Probably short for TA(ito)


The overworld and underwater map data is decompressed to $7F4000 with a 0x40 byte header.


  • 0x00 --EGG-----EGG---
  • 0x10 unknown ($30 bytes)

Boss Battle Data

The below table is located at SNES address $8CE74C-8CE86D and contains 10 entries, each $1D bytes in length. The number in parenthesis is the index value used by Event command $53 (e.g., 53 08 in the event data triggers the Spider boss battle) Only 9 entries (8 unique) exist in the pointer table, meaning two boss battles are unused/not yet implemented in the prototype.

0001 0203 0405 0607 0809 0A0B 0C0D 0E0F 1011 1213 1415 1617 1819 1A1B 1C
00FF FFFF FFFF 8048 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (00,04)
BCFF FFFF FFFF 6828 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (02) Catfish
C1FF FFFF FFFF 7028 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (##)
C5FF FFFF FFFF 7028 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0A00 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (07) Camu
BEFF FFFF FFFF 7040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (08) Spider
C6FF FFFF FFFF 5800 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (##) Gades
CAFF FFFF FFFF 7848 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (01)
CBCC FFFF FFFF 7048 9848 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (03)
8EFF FFFF FFFF 7848 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (05)
0001 FFFF FFFF 7048 9848 0000 0000 0000 0000 0400 0000 0000 0001 0102 00 (06)

Data format:
00 - Enemy 1
01 - Enemy 2 (for enemy 2-6, $FF = no enemy in slot)
02 - Enemy 3
03 - Enemy 4
04 - Enemy 5
05 - Enemy 6
06 - Enemy 1 x coord
07 - Enemy 1 y coord
08 - Enemy 2 x coord
09 - Enemy 2 y coord
0A - Enemy 3 x coord
0B - Enemy 3 y coord
0C - Enemy 4 x coord
0D - Enemy 4 y coord
0E - Enemy 5 x coord
0F - Enemy 5 y coord
10 - Enemy 6 x coord
11 - Enemy 6 y coord
12 - Background (valid values: $00-0B)
13-1C - currently unknown

These are the two boss battles missing pointers:

Estpolis Denki II prototype boss battle 8CE786.pngEstpolis Denki II prototype boss battle 8CE7DD.png

Battle Background Table

The table beginning at offset $06663A contains the battle background index to use for each location. In this prototype it's only complete for dungeons through the Ruby Cave (location $2C / offset $066666). All further entries are $04 and is the reason why any populated dungeons in later areas use the field background (eg, Treasure Sword Shrine, Gordovan West Tower).

                0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
0006663A | 0   04 04 04 04 04 01 01 01 04 04 01 01 01 04 04 04
0006664A | 1   04 04 04 09 09 09 09 04 04 04 01 01 01 09 04 04
0006665A | 2   04 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 0A 04 04 09 09 09 09 04 04 04
0006666A | 3   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
0006667A | 4   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
0006668A | 5   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
0006669A | 6   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
000666AA | 7   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
000666BA | 8   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
000666CA | 9   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
000666DA | A   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
000666EA | B   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
000666FA | C   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
0006670A | D   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
0006671A | E   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04
0006672A | F   04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04

Shop Data

Header data format:

Byte 01 unknown, always $03 for MAGIC.  Also used by ID {{hex|$05}} Sundletan ???
Byte 02 bits
 0x01 - sells items you've sold before (Forfeit Island shop)
 0x02 - display COIN (for casino)
 0x04 - item category, TODO
 0x08 - item category, TODO
 0x10 - item category, TODO
 0x20 - MAGIC type (sets graphic in upper left corner and wallpaper)
 0x40 - SKILL type (sets graphic in upper left corner and wallpaper)
 0x80 - can sell items to merchant
Byte 03 unknown, always $00

Data format:

  • For MAGIC type, 1 byte for spell index
  • For items, 2 bytes per item
  • Uses $0000 to mark end of category or end of data for SHOP and SKILL types
  • Uses $FF to end MAGIC type


  • Unknown SHOP $1A has the exact same inventory as Aleyn SHOP $18 and several others.
  • SHOP $38 only contains a header. It's also a SHOP type, while the building is marked as a MAGIC type.
ID Name       Type    Header Data

01 Elcid      SHOP    029C00 010006000A000B000000F700F800F900FC00000039003A003B007100C600C7000000
02 Elcid      MAGIC   032000 03190EFF
03 Sundletan  SHOP    009C00 01000600070008000A000B000000F700F800F900FC00FD00FE00000039003A003B003C00710072007300C600C7000000
04 Sundletan  MAGIC   032000 10191CFF
05 Sundletan  SHOP    030400 6701180019001A001B001C000000
06 Koniru     SHOP    010400 010006000700080009000A000B000000FD00FE00FF000101020100003B003C003E003F0073007400C600C700C8000000
07 Koniru     SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
08 Alunze     SHOP    019C00 0100020004000700080009000A000B000000FF0001010201030100003E003F004000410073007400C800C9000000
09 Tanbel     SHOP    019C00 020004000700080009000A000B000C000000FF00010102010301040106010000400041004300730074007500C800C900CA000000
0A Tanbel     MAGIC   012000 00060309190E15FF
0B Tanbel     SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
0C Clamento   SHOP    019C00 020004000700080009000A000B000D0000000301040106010701080109010000430046004700730074007500C900CA00CB000000
0D Clamento   MAGIC   032000 0006030919111623FF
0E Clamento   todo    028400 C300C400C500
0F Parcelyte  SHOP    019C00 020004000700080009000A000B000E0000000701080109010A010B010C010000460047004900740075007600CA00CB00CC000000
10 Parcelyte  SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
11 (unknown)  SHOP    019C00 020004000A000B00210000000F010D010000460047004900740075007600CA00CB00CC000000
12 Merix      SHOP    019C00 020004000A000B00210000000701080109011101000049004A00740075007600CA00CB00CC000000
13 Merix      MAGIC   032000 040A131425FF
14 Bound      SHOP    019C00 0200040017000A000B00250026002100000012011301150100004B004C00520077007700CB00CC00CD000000
15 Bound      SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
16 Aleyn      SHOP    019C00 0200040017000A000B0025002600210000001201130115011401160100004B004C004E004F0079007A00CC00CD00CE000000
17 Aleyn      MAGIC   032000 01071A241DFF
18 Aleyn      SHOP    010400 180019001A001B001C000000
19 Gruberik   SHOP    019C00 0200040017000A000B00240027002100000019011801170179007A0000004B004C004E004F005000CD00CE00CF000000
1A (unknown)  SHOP    010400 180019001A001B001C000000
1B Narcysus   SHOP    019C00 0200040017000A000B002500260021000000140116011701180100004E004F005000510052007B00CE00CF00D0000000
1C Narcysus   SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
1D Karlloon   SHOP    019C00 0200040017000A000B000C000D000E0021000000170118011B011C011D01000051005200540056007B007C007D00CF00D000D1000000
1E Karlloon   MAGIC   032000 0104070A1A0C1221FF
1F Treadool   SHOP    019C00 0200040017000A000B000C000D000E00210000001B011C011D011E012001FA0000003D004400540055007C007D007E00D000D100D2000000
20 Treadool   SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
21 Treadool   SHOP    010400 180019001A001B001C000000
22 Forfeit    SHOP    018800 000105011E0120010000
23 Forfeit    SHOP    019000 5400550057007D007E007F00D000D100D2000000
24 Forfeit    SHOP    018400 0300040017000C000D000E0022000000
25 Forfeit    SHOP    008100
26 Forfeit    SHOP    010400 180019001A001B001C000000
27 (unknown)  todo    020400 180019001A001B001C000000
28 Forfeit    SHOP    000600 520153015401000055010000
29 Dankirk    SHOP    019C00 0200040017000C000D000E00220000000E0110012201230100005400550057007D007E007F00D100D200D3000000
2A Dankirk    MAGIC   032000 2217180FFF
2B Auralio    SHOP    019C00 0200040017000C000D000E00220000001A012101220123012401000054005500570042007E007F008000D100D200D3000000
2C Auralio    SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
2D Ferim      SHOP    019C00 0300050016000C000D000E002200000022012301240125012701000045004800590081008200D200D300D4000000
2E Ferim      MAGIC   032000 1B050B1EFF
2F Treble     SHOP    019C00 0300050016002400250026002700280029002A0022000000250127012601280129012A01000058005A0081008200D300D400D5000000
30 Treble     SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
31 Portravia  SHOP    019C00 0300050016002400250026002700280029002A0023000000280129012A012B012C012D0100005B005C0082008300D400D500D6000000
32 Portravia  MAGIC   032000 02080D1E26FF
33 Eserikto   SHOP    019C00 0300050016002400250026002700280029002A00230000002B012C012D012E012F011F0100005D005E0083008400D500D600D7000000
34 Eserikto   MAGIC   032000 0205080B0D1F20FF
35 Barnan     SHOP    019C00 0300050016000C000D000E00230000002E012F011F013101320100005F006000610084008500D500D600D7000000
36 Barnan     SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
37 Durale     SHOP    019C00 0300050016002400250026002700280029002A002300000031013201300133013401000062006300850086008700D600D700D8000000
38 Durale     SHOP    019C00
39 Durale     SHOP    010400 180019001A001B001C000000
3A Chaed      SHOP    019C00 0300050016000C000D000E0023001F0000003001330134010000640065006600880089008A00D700D800D9000000
3B Chaed      SKILL   014000 4701480149014A014B014D014E014F01500151010000
3C Preamarl   SHOP    019C00 0300050016002400250026002700280029002A0023001F000000350136013701380139013A0100006400650066008B008C008D00D800D900DA000000
3D Narvick    SHOP    019C00 0300050016000C000D000E002400250026002700280029002A0023001F000000350136013701380139013A01000066006500670068008E0090008F00D800D900DA00DB000000

Spell Data

Prototype, Retail JP, Retail NA

Estpolis Denki II prototype and final version spell comparisons.png

  • Prototype spell data
ID Name (8 bytes)            MP      Cost

00 BE15E71010101010 81037981 02 0000 F401 130021000814000000
01 BE15E79910101010 81037981 07 0000 D007 130021000864000000
02 BE15E799C2101010 81037981 0C 0000 1027 1300210008F4010000
03 B015BE9610101010 81017A81 06 0000 9600 130021020014000000
04 B015BE9510101010 81017A81 0A 0000 C409 130021020064000000
05 B015BE9695101010 81017A81 0F 0000 983A 1300210200F4010000
06 979915B510101010 81047B81 05 0000 F401 130021040014000000
07 979915BDB5101010 81047B81 0A 0000 DC05 130021040064000000
08 979915BDF4101010 81047B81 0B 0000 7C15 1300210400F4010000
09 BC15951010101010 81027B81 09 0000 F401 130021000414000000
0A BC15F3A810101010 81027B81 0D 0000 6801 130021000464000000
0B BC15F3BDA8101010 81027B81 12 0000 9808 1300210004F4010000
0C F315A11010101010 81067B81 04 0000 8813 130026022800
0D F315F596BD101010 81067B81 08 0000 D80E 130026026400
0E A1BE961010101010 84067B81 03 0000 6400 130026053200
0F A19CBE9610101010 84067B81 04 0000 901A 130026055000
10 F4BCC8F410101010 84077B81 05 0000 F401 13002405F100
11 B51DECBD10101010 84067B81 05 0000 0000 130026015000
12 95F7A31DF7101010 84087B81 01 0000 0000 13002100101E000000
13 B0C6969C10101010 84077B01 04 0000 0000 130024070F00
14 A8C5961D9C101010 84077B01 05 0000 0000 130024040F00
15 B0C4E81010101010 84067B81 03 0000 0000 130026043200
16 F3C4B01010101010 82077B01 03 0000 0000 130024050F00
17 F3C4BE9CA8101010 82077B01 05 0000 0000 130024051E00
18 B4BB1DBD10101010 82007B01 03 0000 0000 130026076400
19 98A1A81010101010 C4077B01 03 0000 1400 13003404230019000100
1A 98A1BCA810101010 C4077B01 05 0000 DC05 13003404230096000100
1B 98A1BC1DA8101010 C4077B01 08 0000 983A 130034042300F4010100
1C FE96EDA910101010 C4067B01 02 0000 C800 1300341325006400
1D F3BDF31010101010 C4067B01 0A 0000 A00F 13003404250264230064000100
1E F3BD95BD10101010 C4067B01 1E 0000 3075 130034082502642300FF3F0100
1F E61596A110101010 81067B81 0B 0000 7017 1300211000F4010000
20 E6159695A1101010 81067B81 14 0000 C05D 1300211000E8030000
21 EBBDEC95C2101010 82067B01 04 0000 0000 1300240A1E00
22 9798969C10101010 84067B01 04 0000 0000 130025056400
23 FABB96ED10101010 84067B01 02 0000 0000 130025036400
24 A196C2E810101010 48007B00 08 0000 DC05 1300340100
25 A7EB1D1010101010 48007B00 08 0000 2003 1300340200
26 A31DBD1010101010 48007B00 02 0000 0000 1300340300
27 BCA2A81010101010 48007B00 00 0000 0000 1300342400
  • Maxim can learn all spells except Spark, Fireball, Firebird
  • Selan can learn all spells except Flash, Bolt, Thunder
  • Guy can't learn any spells
  • Artea can learn all spells
  • Tia can learn all spells
  • Dekar can learn all spells
  • Lexis can learn all spells

Treasure Chest Data

The data for each chest is 3 bytes. A single $FF byte marks the end of data for a given location.

  • 1st byte: $00-3F Treasure chest ID in location (64 max). When bit 0x40 set, add 0100 to item index. Bit 0x80 doesn't appear to be used (at least, not in the prototype)
  • 2nd byte: ID for setting opened flag
  • 3rd byte: Item index, lower 8 bits

The prototype has 33 functioning treasure chests. Treasure Sword Shrine and all dungeons after Gordovan West Tower are unfinished.

Loc ID Loc Name TC Data TC No. TC Coords TC Contents TC Opened Index TC Opened Memory Set
06 Elcid North Cave B1 000003 00 x2F, y04 Ex-Potion 00 7E091A bit 01
07 Elcid North Cave B2 00010F 00 x03, y13 Life potion 01 7E091A bit 02
07 Elcid North Cave B2 41025A 01 x21, y10 Key 01 02 7E091A bit 04
07 Elcid North Cave B2 420343 02 x2A, y08 Bunny sword 03 7E091A bit 08
0B Lake Cave B2 000440 00 x0D, y20 Cloth armor 04 7E091A bit 10
0B Lake Cave B2 010597 01 x30, y15 Power ring 05 7E091A bit 20
0B Lake Cave B2 020697 02 x27, y06 Power ring 06 7E091A bit 40
0B Lake Cave B2 030797 03 x27, y04 Power ring 07 7E093A bit 80
0C Lake Cave B3 40085D 00 x17, y07 Key 04 08 7E091B bit 01
13 Alunze Castle B2 000916 00 x04, y25 Miracle 09 7E091B bit 02
13 Alunze Castle B2 010A1E 01 x37, y19 Magic jar 0A 7E091B bit 04
13 Alunze Castle B2 020B0C 02 x3D, y06 Magic guard 0B 7E091B bit 08
14 Alunze Castle B3 000C89 00 x07, y04 Metal cloche 0C 7E091B bit 10
15 Alunze Castle B4 000D03 00 x3C, y04 Ex-Potion 0D 7E019B bit 20
15 Alunze Castle B4 010E16 01 x14, y05 Miracle 0E 7E091B bit 40
1A Alunze Northwest Cave B1 400F09 00 x11, y15 Gladius 0F 7E039B bit 80
1B Alunze Northwest Cave B2 001014 00 x35, y0D Prayer potion 10 7E091C bit 01
1C Alunze Northwest Cave B3 001149 00 x28, y05 Tight dress 11 7E091C bit 02
1C Alunze Northwest Cave B3 011209 01 x13, y1F Mystery pin 12 7E091C bit 04
1C Alunze Northwest Cave B3 021312 02 x14, y1F Mind potion 13 7E091C bit 08
1C Alunze Northwest Cave B3 0314A0 03 x15, y1F Mind ring 14 7E091C bit 10
1D Alunze Northwest Cave B4 40155B 00 x3F, y05 Key 02 15 7E091C bit 20
23 Tanbel Southeast Tower 3F 40165C 00 x08, y17 Key 03 16 7E019C bit 40
26 Tanbel Southeast Tower 6F 001702 00 x0F, y05 Hi-Potion 17 7E093C bit 80
26 Tanbel Southeast Tower 6F 01180F 01 x11, y06 Life potion 18 7E091D bit 01
26 Tanbel Southeast Tower 6F 021913 02 x13, y05 Power potion 19 7E091D bit 02
29 Ruby Cave B1 001ACF 00 x15, y19 Brone shield 1A 7E091D bit 04
2B Ruby Cave B3 001BE2 00 x09, y26 Whirl Rock 1B 7E091D bit 08
2C Ruby Cave B4 401C5E 00 x0B, y07 Key 05 1C 7E091D bit 10
3A Gordovan West Tower 1F 001D16 00 x1F, y08 Miracle 1D 7E091D bit 20
3B Gordovan West Tower 2F 001E11 00 x19, y2A Speed potion 1E 7E091D bit 40
3D Gordovan West Tower 4F 401F5E 00 x06, y20 Key 05 1F 7E093D bit 80
3D Gordovan West Tower 4F 01205F 01 x26, y1E Quilted silk 20 7E091E bit 01

Warp Data

Name (English)               xx yy zz Name (Japanese) hex values
Elcid                        03 0A C8 98BDA0F400
Sundletan                    08 02 C9 9FC2F3BDA4C200
Foomy Woods                  0E 0F CA B51DA176808500
Alunze Kingdom               17 03 CB 95BDC2EE00
Tanbel                       1E 0C CC A4C2F8BD00
Clamento                     27 12 CD 9CBBB6C2A800
Parcelyte                    2E 17 CE FA1DA2BB96A800
Gordovan                     38 1B CF EA1DF4F5C200
Merix Village                40 1F D0 B6BC9CA100
Bound Kingdom                47 20 D1 F597C2F49BC2E8F0B500
Port Town of Aleyn           60 26 D2 95BE96C200
Gruberik                     6A 28 D3 E8BDF8BCC89C00
Narcysus                     6C 29 D4 A91DA09FA100
Karlloon                     75 2B D5 9A1DBFC200
Treadool                     7C 2F D6 A8BE95F41DBD00
Lexis Shaia Laboratory 1     7F 30 D7 A0C99695668B00
Forfeit Island               87 32 D8 696E72CD87716000
Dankirk Kingdom              8A 33 D9 F0C29DBD9C00
Auralio Kingdom              8C 35 DA 991DBBBC9900
Ferim Kingdom                93 36 DB B0C6BDB500
Agurio                       9C 3A DC 95E8BC9900
Treble                       9D 3B DD A8BEF7BD00
Pico Forest                  9F 3C DE FB9E00
Portravia                    A2 3D E0 FE1DA8BBF69500
Eserikto                     A8 40 E1 98A198BC9CA800
Barnan                       AE 42 E2 F51DA9C200
Durale                       B8 44 E3 F0BB1DBD00
Chaed                        C1 46 E4 A5C9C8F400
Narvick                      E2 4A E6 A9BDF69C00

xx = destination location ID
yy = index in location $00 World Map RN packet, see below list
zz = TODO

yy (range 01-51, 4E isn't valid) TODO - finish blank entries
01 Alunze Kingdom
02 Sundletan
03 Alunze Castle
04 Elcid South Cave
05 Elcid North Cave (Elcid entrance)
06 Elcid North Cave (Sundletan entrance)
07 Shrine to Alunze Kingdom (Sundletan entrance)
08 Shrine to Alunze Kingdom (Alunze entrance)
09 Nikoru
0A Elcid
0B Lake Cave
0C Tanbel
0D Alunze North Shrine (Alunze entrance)
0E Alunze North Shrine (Tanbel entrance)
0F Foomy Woods
10 Alunze Northwest Cave
11 Tanbel Southeast Tower (Tanbel entrance)
12 Clamento
13 Ruby Cave
14 Small Shrine to Parcelyte (Clamento entrance)
15 Small Shrine to Parcelyte (Parcelyte entrance)
16 Parcelyte
17 Parcelyte Castle
18 Treasure Sword Shrine
19 Small Shrine to Gordovan (Parcelyte entrance)
1A Small Shrine to Gordovan (Gordovan entrance)
1B Gordovan
1C Gordovan West Tower
1D Merix North Cave (Merix entrance)
1E Merix North Cave (Bound entrance)
1F Merix Village
20 Bound Kingdom
21 North Cave
30 Lexis Shaia Laboratory 1
49 Gratze Kingdom
4A Narvick
4B (sealed tower)
4C (sealed tower)
4D (sealed tower)
4E (doesn't exist)
4F Shrine of Daos (hidden tiles in ocean)
50 Tanbel Southeast Tower (Clamento entrance)
51 Small Shrine to Dragon Egg


PAR code 88F4DFxxxx item index for Green tea $0167 in Sundletan shop
PAR code 9EA91Exx to alter event commands for hidden debug tile behind tree in Elcid