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Title Screen


Developer: Wolfire Games
Publisher: Wolfire Games
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: October 16, 2017

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MovieIcon.png This game has unused cinematics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

Overgrowth, a sequel to the classic Lugaru. Everyone's favourite anti-slavery, procedural animation, ragdoll-based kung fu rabbit game.


Unused Levels
Level files found in Data/Levels.
Unused Objects
Objects with both textures and models.
Unused Textures
Textures that don't fit on any models.
Unused Models
Models that don't fit with any textures.
Unused Characters
Characters that are unused in official levels.
Unused Scripts
Both level scripts and hotspot scripts that aren't used anywhere in official levels located in Data/Scripts.
Unused UI
Pre-IMGUI UI files used in earlier versions of Overgrowth located in Data/UI.
Unused Sounds
Sound effects, music and voice files located in Data/Sounds.

Unused Sprites

These technically aren't sprites, but they work almost identically to sprites in any source game (for example).



An early version of the decal render box. Appeared when you selected a decal in very early alphas.

Video Particles

These can be seen in an early Alpha video released by Wolfire. Their textures (and the capabilties to play them) aren't in the game nowadays, but earlier builds had them.

  • Data/Particles/fireball.xml

Explosion effect. More fiery than usual.

  • Data/Particles/fire_expanding.xml

Could not recover this file from an earlier alpha.

  • Data/Particles/sparks.xml

Sparks, as though sharpening something.

  • Data/Particles/bigexplosion.xml

As the name implies, a large explosion as though seen from a distance.

  • Data/Particles/bigfire.xml

Could not recover this file from an earlier alpha.

  • Data/Particles/bloodgush.xml

A stream of red liquid gushing out from the side of the screen.

  • Data/Particles/bloodmist.xml

Could not recover this file from an earlier alpha.

  • Data/Particles/bulletwater.xml

Could not recover this file from an earlier alpha.

  • Data/Particles/dustblast.xml

Could not recover this file from an earlier alpha.

  • Data/Particles/dustpuff.xml

Transparent dust erupting. Similar to when a character falls over.

  • Data/Particles/molotovs.xml

Fire erupting as though a molotov were thrown. Plays twice.

  • Data/Particles/propane.xml

Sparks erupt, and then a fiery explosion immediately afterwards. Plays multiple times.

Unused Dialogue

Found in Data/Dialogues, these raw dialogue files aren't used in any level of the Overgrowth Campaign.

Dialogue Test

#name "One-person test"
#participants 1

send_character_message 1 "set_dialogue_control true"
set_character_pos 1 -44.0831 26.6523 58.5592 0
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_thoughtful.anm\""
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -42.4076 27.785 58.5388 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -41.2887 27.917 60.1583 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir 0 0 1 1"
set_cam -43.3936 27.2684 58.8805 7.5 -296 0 90
say 1 "Chris" "Hello there! [wait 0.2]How can I help you?"

set_cam -43.2 27.2 57.4 -1 -214 0 90
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_facepalm.anm\""
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -42.4076 27.785 58.5388 0"
say 1 "Chris" "Oh, my mistake[wait 0.2] -- I guess I'm talking to myself."

send_character_message 1 "set_dialogue_control false"
set_cam_control false
set_dialogue_visible false

A very early test for the dialogue system. Formatting in this file is noticeably different compared to modern dialogue files.

Dialogue Test 2

#name "Suspicious Guard"
#participants 2

send_character_message 1 "set_dialogue_control true"
send_character_message 2 "set_dialogue_control true"
set_character_pos 1 -40.9262 27.1272 60.9091 -74.9282
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_actionidle.anm\""
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -41.7045 28.1216 60.1409 0"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -41.1657 27.9335 60.4882 0"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir 0 0 0.99 1"
set_character_pos 2 -40.4213 27.405 63.3508 104.422
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_point.anm\""
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -40.7782 27.2924 62.1073 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -42.5151 28.0668 60.4855 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir 0.27 0.6 0.74 1"
set_cam -41.0483 28.5414 64.4864 -17.9755 -12.3667 1.86379 48.6435

say 2 "Guard" "Hey![wait 0.2] What are you doing here?"

send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_welcome.anm\""
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -41.0553 28.3156 61.8357 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -40.6011 28.0433 63.073 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir 0 0 0.99 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_armcross.anm\""
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -40.5485 27.3988 62.2323 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -41.6841 27.3508 60.1027 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir -0.02 0.61 0.78 0.999881"
set_cam -42.2472 28.0386 59.1126 -6.60062 -151.062 -1.7327 39.8293

say 1 "Turner" "Just wandering around,[wait 0.1] nothing to worry about."

send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_handneck.anm\""
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -42.4076 27.785 58.5388 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -41.2887 27.917 60.1583 0.0362775"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir 0 0 0.99 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_jeer.anm\""
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -42.4076 27.785 58.5388 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -41.2887 27.917 60.1583 0.000714719"
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir 0 0 0.99 1"
set_cam -41.1713 28.4945 64.7313 -16.759 -11.9549 -4.15327 43.9116

say 2 "Guard" "Stay out of trouble."

send_character_message 1 "set_dialogue_control false"
send_character_message 2 "set_dialogue_control false"
set_cam_control false
set_dialogue_visible false

A very early test for the dialogue system. Some things in this file can't be used or found in modern dialogue files, such as set_dialogue_visible and wait_for_click.

Dialogue Test 2 Simple

#name "Suspicious Guard"
#participants 2

say 2 "Guard" "Hey![wait 0.2] What are you doing here?"
say 1 "Turner" "Just wandering around,[wait 0.1] nothing to worry about."
say 2 "Guard" "Stay out of trouble."

A more "modern" test dialogue file. This hasn't been run through the engine, so it doesn't have any camera or character pos tags.

Jack's Gone

set_cam 121.932 -54.0247 289.318 -30 -150 0 90
set_character_pos 1 122.858 -54.9274 289.679 -90
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir 122.715 -55.094 291.465 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target 122.764 -54.6636 291.406 1"
#name "Jack's Gone"
#participants 1
say 1 "Turner" "What...[wait 0.4] He's gone!"
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_thoughtful.anm\""
set_cam 123.768 -54.5647 290.002 7.27 74.04 0 55.9831
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target 123.023 -53.6857 290.785 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target 123.52 -54.165 290.638 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir 123.629 -53.3514 289.702 1"
say 1 "Turner" "Maybe he went to the Rocky Hall."

An early version of the Lugaru Story's dialogue, using the original 2005 Lugaru script. Would've appeared on Village_2.

Old Base 1

set_character_pos 2 -297.32 19.2411 154.373 30
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_idle.anm\""
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir -295.288 20.3695 153.253 0.998975"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -296.504 19.6825 154.008 0.00561699"
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -296.545 20.2684 153.951 0.477348"
set_character_pos 1 -293.364 19.7431 152.202 -150
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_welcome.anm\""
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -294.205 20.1712 152.696 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -294.481 19.8884 152.823 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -294.308 20.1843 152.762 1"
set_cam -291.946 20.0276 152.716 -2.81 89.96 1.62 62.7144
#name "Old Base One"
#participants 2
say 1 "Turner" "Why aren't you attacking me?"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -296.57 19.4825 154.029 0.798052"
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir -296.779 19.7833 154.124 0.712945"
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -296.616 19.6651 154.509 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_worriedpose_2.anm\""
set_cam -295.617 20.2518 153.491 -7.95 120 0 62.7144
say 2 "Ray" "If you beat our leader,[wait 0.3] what chance do I have?[wait 0.4] I don't want to die..."

An early version of the Lugaru Story's dialogue, using the original 2005 Lugaru script. Would've appeared on the (cut) Old Raider Base level.

Old Base 2

set_character_pos 2 -313.961 18.5344 170.994 47
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_welcome.anm\""
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir -312.497 19.353 169.279 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -313.193 19.3706 170.097 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -313.438 19.3537 170.33 1"
set_character_pos 1 -311.359 18.4638 167.971 -120
set_cam -312.669 19.0593 170.534 0 112.34 0 90
#name "Old Base Two"
#participants 2
say 2 "Skipper" "Turner![wait 0.4] I'm so glad you're alive!"
set_cam -312.219 19.3685 168.455 0 -54.51 0 58.2264
set_character_pos 1 -311.357 18.4638 167.968 -120
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -312.036 19.4178 167.933 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -311.802 19.326 168.379 0.598759"
say 1 "Turner" "...[wait 0.5] What?"
set_character_pos 1 -310.669 18.1603 166.773 -120
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_handneck.anm\""
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_idle.anm\""
set_cam -314.864 19.6693 171.024 -29.03 -49.1 0 90
say 2 "Skipper" "Jack set up the raid,[wait 0.3] not me![wait 0.4] He told me about it,"
say 2 "Skipper" "but swore that nobody would be hurt!"
set_cam -313.631 19.5875 171.834 -17.45 -1.45 -1.89 60.7776
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -311.514 18.6973 167.201 0.7989"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -312.029 18.7199 167.77 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_thoughtful.anm\""
say 2 "Skipper" "He wanted the raiders to kill me so I couldn't talk,"
say 2 "Skipper" "but they kept me alive for ransom."
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -313.422 19.3537 170.365 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -313.176 19.3706 170.163 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir -312.497 19.353 169.389 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -311.191 18.1659 167.312 0.799923"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -311.148 18.074 167.116 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_crouch_sad.anm\""
set_cam -311.942 18.7592 166.958 -26.49 -79.57 -1.8 60.7776
say 1 "Turner" "But I saw Jack die!"
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir -312.9 18.5085 170.811 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -313.035 18.8526 170.851 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -313.234 19.2625 170.887 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_thoughtful.anm\""
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -311.853 18.881 168.29 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -311.943 18.8913 168.459 1"
set_cam -313.306 19.2247 172.545 -0.01 0.78 -0.12 60.7776
say 2 "Skipper" "Huh?[wait 0.4] No that's impossible,[wait 0.3] he must have been faking it."
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir -313.179 19.4495 170.077 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target -313.031 18.8526 170.802 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target -313.297 19.4528 170.209 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_armcross.anm\""
set_cam -313.555 19.1649 172.49 -0.05 -12.55 -0.12 48.7785
say 1 "Turner" "I'll go check to see if his body's still there."

An early version of the Lugaru Story's dialogue, using the original 2005 Lugaru script. Would've appeared on the (cut) Old Raider Base level.


#name "Stranger"
#participants 2
set_character_pos 1 42.3065 13.7056 -8.51332 -175
set_character_pos 2 35.0427 13.3975 -8.12381 0
set_cam 43.7981 13.8694 -5.8936 -5.56 52.52 0 90
say 1 "Turner" "Hey!"
say 2 "Stranger" "Fight!"

Placeholder dialogue for the first fight in White Flags. In the final game, this is replaced with the dialogue where you save Aloe from Falcon and encounter the first enemy in the game.


#name "BarracksConfrontation"
#participants 3

set_character_pos 2 14.4305 -1.55593 0.365621 -18
set_character_pos 1 16.7386 -1.80098 6.74091 152
set_cam 15.8037 -1.3945 5.95471 0 -121.76 0 90
say 1 "Cat Friend" "Hey, Turner! for some reason I'm angry at you!"
set_character_pos 2 14.4284 -1.55464 0.366987 -116
set_cam 14.3299 -1.10152 0.873714 0 -1.35 0 90
say 2 "Rat Friend" "Calm down Cat Friend, let's talk this out."
set_cam 16.2314 -1.1011 6.61855 0 -105.28 0 90
say 1 "Cat Friend" "Stay out of this Rat Friend, this is between me and Turner!"
say 1 "Cat Friend" "I'm going to render you unconscious, Turner!"
set_cam 1.37316 -1.21726 0.225238 0 33.1 0 90
say 3 "Turner" "Woah!"
send_level_message "make_all_aware"

Placeholder dialogue for what is Midnight Duel in the final game. Strangely, "Rat Friend" has no equivalent in the final game. Instead, Amethyst pits Turner and Midnight against each other to cause the fight.

Waterfall Arena Barracks Placeholder Dialogue

#name "BarracksCutscene"
#participants 2

set_character_pos 1 16.7398 -1.80174 6.74013 170
set_cam 16.1857 -1.10017 6.58726 0 -108.17 0 90
say 1 "Cat Friend" "This is some important information which will drive the plot forward."
set_cam 1.46888 -1.15721 0.197361 0 51.22 0 90
say 2 "Turner" "Thank you for this valuable information."
say 2 "Turner" "This is the end of the level."

Placeholder dialogue for the Waterfall Arena Barracks level. In the final game, this is replaced with the scene where Midnight tells Turner about Sky's note.

Rebel Meeting

#name "RebelMeeting"
#participants 2

set_character_pos 2 2.42182 -1.78782 4.42306 76
set_character_pos 1 2.75714 -1.78782 2.49255 -86
set_cam 3.37822 -1.25582 2.43758 0 124.04 0 90
say 1 "Turner" "Cat slavers are in disarray now."
say 1 "Turner" "We need somewhere for Rabbits to go."
say 1 "Turner" "I've heard rumors of a sanctuary."
say 2 "Rabbit rebel" "It's far to the east, let's go!."
set_cam 2.94613 -1.14734 2.72588 0 46.1 0 90
say 1 "Turner" "This is the end of the level."

Placeholder dialogue for the end of a level. This is replaced in the final game with the ending cutscene of Cat City.


#name "Epilogue"
#participants 1

say 1 "Epilogue" "And then they lived happily ever after."
say 1 "Epilogue" "The end."

Placeholder dialogue for when you finish Sky Ark. This is replaced with the Epilogue in the final game.

Talk to Rebels

#name "TalkToRebels"
#participants 2

set_character_pos 2 -74.5456 74.5985 127.705 72
set_character_pos 1 -73.3289 74.3583 124.963 -100
set_cam -73.2506 75.2536 126.812 0 139.47 0 90
say 2 "Rabbit rebel" "You're back!"
set_cam -73.2069 75.1145 125.392 0 23.82 0 90
say 1 "Turner" "Yes, the sanctuary is safe now."
set_cam -74.2523 75.3302 127.444 0 118 0 90
say 2 "Rabbit rebel" "Neat!"
set_cam -73.2863 75.1019 125.247 0 6.86 0 90
say 1 "Turner" "This is the end of the level."

This is from a cut level in which you return to the rebels to inform them that Sky Ark is free and welcoming to inhabit. In the final game, this scene is skipped, and the rebels quickly appear on site.


#name "Placeholder"
#participants 2

say 1 "Placeholder" "This is a placeholder."
send_level_message "make_all_aware"

The lack of position tags and specific dialogue suggests this would be used for combat encounters across all prototype levels.


set_character_pos 3 -34.2968 56.5764 6.33555 30
send_character_message 3 "set_eye_dir -35.6742 56.5265 7.47227 1"
send_character_message 3 "set_head_target -34.958 56.9986 6.89661 0"
set_character_pos 2 13.3802 57.2403 -3.28077 180
send_character_message 2 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_idle.anm\""
send_character_message 2 "set_eye_dir 12.4923 57.5619 -3.54055 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_torso_target 13.0767 57.1063 -4.19961 1"
send_character_message 2 "set_head_target 12.3305 58.0567 -3.92129 1"
set_character_pos 1 -10.8163 61.7982 4.41676 -150
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -12.414 62.005 5.34966 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -11.6562 62.2084 4.90036 1.36495e-005"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -11.6308 62.2883 4.88246 0.068218"
set_cam 13.7432 57.9524 -4.63651 0.09 160.24 0.09 60.5223
#name "King"
#participants 3
say 2 "Hickory" "He can have his fun pretending to be king,[wait 0.2] for now."
say 2 "Hickory" "We will see who comes out on top."
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -11.4609 62.0842 4.74401 1.36495e-005"
send_character_message 3 "set_head_target -69.1886 63.6883 0.393223 0"
send_character_message 3 "set_eye_dir -69.9048 63.2162 0.968887 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -11.4355 62.3861 4.53121 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -12.2187 62.4944 4.94431 0.999921"
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_armcross.anm\""
set_cam -9.72338 62.6695 4.63261 -13.6 90.12 -0.09 95.6923
say 1 "Turner" "I'm going to go talk with the alpha wolf,[wait 0.2] and kill him if he doesn't back down."
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -13.1894 62.1055 4.64114 0.999921"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -12.4062 62.3483 4.57024 1"
send_character_message 3 "set_head_target -69.1886 63.6883 0.393223 0"
send_character_message 3 "set_eye_dir -69.9048 63.2162 0.968887 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -12.4143 61.6391 5.51174 0.999996"
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_point.anm\""
set_cam -9.64577 62.5417 4.81606 -6.62 89.33 -0.46 66.0036
say 1 "Turner" "You have to stay and defend this hall."
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -11.5556 62.4561 4.50105 1"
send_character_message 3 "set_head_target -69.1886 63.6883 0.393223 0"
send_character_message 3 "set_eye_dir -67.2633 64.252 -0.703672 1"
send_character_message 3 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_welcome.anm\""
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -12.3388 62.2347 4.55499 0.623087"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -11.5637 61.7677 5.4839 0.000529677"
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_shade.anm\""
set_cam -9.18322 62.8794 3.7897 -13.17 96.66 -0.17 43.3031
say 1 "Turner" "What is your name?"
send_character_message 3 "set_eye_dir -33.0296 57.7074 6.23215 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -11.9499 61.4217 5.36553 0.000529677"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -12.7025 62.2046 4.57521 0.623087"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -11.9418 62.3477 4.52393 1"
send_character_message 3 "set_head_target -33.4661 57.693 6.2226 1"
send_character_message 3 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_spearstance.anm\""
set_cam -34.9333 57.1779 5.78719 0.16 -100.94 -0.18 98.7561
say 3 "Fiver" "Fiver!"
send_character_message 1 "set_head_target -12.0047 62.2656 4.49001 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_eye_dir -12.712 62.1276 4.57155 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_torso_target -11.921 61.3565 4.97053 1"
send_character_message 1 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_dialogue_point.anm\""
set_cam -9.83183 62.8727 3.66396 -22.17 109.6 -1.42 64.6349
say 1 "Turner" "You are in charge until I return."
send_character_message 3 "set_animation \"Data/Animations/r_spearblockflinch.anm\""
set_cam -35.2314 57.4023 5.37509 -6.28 -122.56 0.13 63.8329
say 3 "Fiver" "Yes,[wait 0.2] sir!"

An early version of the Lugaru Story's dialogue, using the original 2005 Lugaru script. Would've appeared on Rocky Hall.