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Paint by DS

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Title Screen

Paint by DS

Also known as: Kokoro o Yasumeru Otona no Nurie DS (JP)
Developer: New[1]
Publisher: Ertain Corporation[1]
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: August 31, 2006[1]
Released in EU: February 22, 2008[1]
Released in AU: November 1, 2007[1]

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Paint by DS isn't so much a painting program à la Mario Paint as it is a virtual coloring book with a small handful of images. Color in those plants and Hokusai wave prints like your life depends on it!

It received two sequels as well as an accursed Crazy Frog-themed spinoff (read: quick reskin).

Unused Graphics

Unused Used
PaintByDS EarlyJapanTitle.png PaintByDS FinalJapanTitle.png

Within the folders arai and suda are title_01_1 and title_01_2, graphics for an early version of the Japanese title screen. The font for the title's first half was changed, a DS was added to the end of the second half, and copyright information for Ertain was added to the bottom screen.

Japan Australia/Europe
PaintByDS TrialTitleRedJP.png
PaintByDS TrialTitleBlueJP.png
PaintByDS TrialTitleGreenJP.png
PaintByDS TrialTitleRedEU.png
PaintByDS TrialTitleBlueEU.png
PaintByDS TrialTitleGreenEU.png

The used Japanese title screens each have an unused alternate version of the top screen, meant for a trial version of Paint by DS. The European and Australian versions still have these graphics, but in a lower quality and with the kanji "英" (English) sloppily pasted on.

PaintByDS TestMenuBG.png

The folder suda also contains test_menu, an off-white screen with "めぃん" (main) written in red.

Unused Used
PaintByDS MazeEarly.png PaintByDS MazeFinal.png

arai/Stage1 is an early version of the maze minigame's second stage.
