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Payday: The Heist

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Title Screen

Payday: The Heist

Developer: OVERKILL Software
Publisher: Sony Online Entertainment
Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 3
Released internationally: October 18, 2011

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

PAYDAY: The Heist is the result of the developers watching one too many heist movies.

To do:
The Troll mask that got removed in November 2015.


Payday Item grenade icon.png
Unused Textures
Including leftovers from when the game was known as Stone Cold.

A message from Simon Viklund

If you owned the game's soundtrack DLC, a .txt file called A_message_from_simon_viklund.txt will show up in the game's directory. It reads:

Hi there,

Thank you for buying Payday: The Game Soundtrack and supporting Overkill Software - I'm sure you will appreciate this totally OVERKILL soundtrack release!

Stay awesome, and enjoy the music!

Best regards,
Simon Viklund, music composer at Overkill Software

Unused Sounds

To do:
There are many more unused lines lying around in the files.

Bain Lines

In the Panic Room heist, Bain was originally going to brief the team. In the final game, the characters talk to each other about it instead.

This line would've played once you failed the stealth portion of Diamond Heist. However, Murkywater units only appear on Slaughterhouse, so this is unused.

It seems there were supposed to be objectives related to cameras in Diamond Heist. In released game, destroying cameras works the same as it does on other heists.

Wolf Lines

A raw WAV file that consists of 40 seconds of Ulf Andersson (Game Designer and Wolf's VO) improvising "cover my back" variants off the top of his head. Probably included by accident.

(Source: Lolnoob1 on Facepunch)

Early Heat Street

Heat Street originally had a different story, Two bank guards originally stole the briefcase, and then they crashed just like Matt in the original version; The player was supposed to drill into the van (Files suggest Bruce had the drill in his trunk)

The drill had the model of the First World Bank drill, and this early version of Heat Street was made while Simon Viklund was still a placeholder voice-actor

Unused Music

An unused song still exists in the game's files. It's unknown where it would've been used. (Note that the actual song is broken up into separate .wav files.)

(Source: Dougley and CGNick on Facepunch)

Unused Models

To do:
Get pictures of these models. In particular, Model comparisons between the now-released Yacht Heist from Payday 2 might be a good idea.

Models from the scrapped Alaska, Departing, and Yacht heists are still present in the game.

Alaska Heist


The contrast for the models' texture was adjusted.

This plane is also used in Green Bridge

Community Archive Server

There's a community archive server just for this game, the invite is https://discord.gg/qvKTw4QAN6

Unused Code


In lib/tweak_data/levelstweakdata.lua there are mentions of quite a few levels that don't exist in the released game.

Level name World name Music Equipment Loading image Movie Suit
sony_tutorial1 sonybootcamp Gun Metal Grey
sony_tutorial2 sony_bootcamp_arena Gun Metal Grey
wfv alleys drill guis/textures/level_wfv movies/level_wfv
departing diamond2 guis/textures/level_departing movies/level_departing
alaska warehouse guis/textures/level_alaska movies/level_alaska
yacht yacht_mod guis/textures/level_yacht movies/level_yacht
gold_heist goldheist Crime Wave drill movies/level_yacht raincoat
casino_boat tests/casino_boat Crime Wave drill movies/level_casino_boat

Unused text

String ID Text Notes
dialog_does_not_own_heist_info Heist "$HEIST;" cannot be played with player $PLAYER;. Seems that before release, you could only play DLC heists with players that own the DLC.
dialog_mp_invite_message Please Join my Payday Game Possibly was used for testing
menu_character_1 RUSSIAN Dallas' internal name
menu_character_2 AMERICAN Hoxton's internal name
menu_character_3 GERMAN Wolf's internal name
menu_character_4 SPANIARD Chains' internal name
debug_interact_tear_painting Press $BTN_INTERACT; to Tear the Painting
debug_gold_heist Gold heist Unused heist
debug_gold_heist_briefing The Gold Reserve has never been hit. Until now. Getting the gold is easy. Just blow a hole through the wall and take it. Getting away with it in a city crowded with cops, choppers and SWAT's however, is not.
wp_gold_heist_alley Alley Objectives for the unused Gold Heist
wp_gold_heist_van Van with gold
wp_gold_heist_pickup Pickup
wp_gold_heist_heli Helicopter
wp_gold_heist_escape Escape
debug_casino_boat Casino boat Unused heist
debug_casino_boat_briefing Briefing text for Casino boat. Placeholder