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Perihelion: The Prophecy

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Title Screen

Perihelion: The Prophecy

Developer: Morbid Visions
Publisher: Psygnosis
Platform: Amiga
Released internationally: 1993

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: A hidden anti-piracy message with an implied death threat and an instance of the F-word in it.

Developer Message

A message discouraging piracy is present in \PerihelionData\000316B00105D570, between offsets 6DC1E and 6E034.

Yo buddy! I don't know and I don't care how and why are you here,
I just want to give you a few advises in case if you're here to CRACK
this stuff.Well,in every 80 seconds a man is murdered,and in every 10
seconds another one of our PROTECTION-STAGES starts. In other words,
you can be sure that you will NEVER have a WORKING CRACK of PERIHELION.
(WANNA BET?) Of course you're proud and you'll try (I too would try)
but you will fail because you won't even realize where did ya fail,
what's the problem,what is PROTECTION and what is not.Phew,that's life!
Will you play it over a dozen times? IT WON'T WORK! Will you release
a fuckin' dying half-crack? WHAT A SHAME! Relax honey,you're gonna
suck up not because you're SOOO LAME,but because WE ARE SOOO GOOD!
Right? Well,that's all for today,now go back to your childish toys
and let's see how our computerized insecticide works on parasites like
you. By the way,did ya know that PIRACY IS THEFT? Oh,surely not,sorry...
Now at least you cannot say we didn't warn you... SIGNED: MORBID VISIONS