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Pico vs. Uberkids

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Title Screen

Pico vs. Uberkids

Developer: Tom Fulp
Publisher: Newgrounds
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: 2000 (original), May 1, 2006 (rerelease)

Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

Pico VS Überkids is basically Rock-Paper-Scissors meets Russian Roulette. Not much else to say here, really.

Revisional Differences

When the game was uploaded onto the Newgrounds Portal in 2006, a few changes were made.

Original 2006
PVU 2000ng.png PVU 2006ng.png

Like a few other Pico games, the original logo for Newgrounds used in 1999-2000 was changed to the current logo.

Original 2006
Original 2006

During gameplay, some music and stingers were taken from the show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, which were most likely changed for copyright reasons. The roulette music was changed to the boss theme from Alien Hominid, while no music plays at all when the player selects an option.