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Pokémon Masters EX/1.0.0 Content

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This is a sub-page of Pokémon Masters EX.

Early Graphics


Standard Renders

The characters in their basic poses.


Final is more zoomed in. Her neck seemed longer.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0039 00 viola 1024.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0039 00 viola 1024.ktx.png


Final is more zoomed in and has slightly different reflections.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0055 00 gampi 1024.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0055 00 gampi 1024.ktx.png


Final is more zoomed in (up to the heels)

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0067 00 leader1 1024.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0067 00 leader1 1024.ktx.png


Smile is a few pixels higher, slightly different shading on her knee.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0105 00 rival2 1024.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0105 00 rival2 1024.ktx.png


A few Portraits were changed between 1.0.0 and the full game.


Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0028 00 ibuki battle 256.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0028 00 ibuki 256 battle.ktx.png

Her Ponytail is positioned in a different way, more of the portrait is visible. Final is brighter.


Hair at the top isn't blurred, More of the portrait is visible (up to his tie pin)

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0014 01 cheren battle 256.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0014 01 cheren 256 battle.ktx.png


Repositionings, her right hand isn't blurred off.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0039 00 viola 256 battle.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0039 00 viola 256 battle.ktx.png


Less POV-centric fists, bunch of repositioning elsewhere, more of the portrait is visible.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0043 00 toki battle.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0043 00 toki 256 battle.ktx.png


Left elbow repositioning, more of the portrait is visible.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0055 00 gampi 256 battle.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0055 00 gampi 256 battle.ktx.png


Blur isn't applied properly to the early one. More of her hair was visible before it was blurred over.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0067 00 leader1 256 battle.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0067 00 leader1 256 battle.ktx.png


Small reposition.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old ch0105 00 rival2 256 battle.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0105 00 rival2 256 battle.ktx.png



Chikorita is shaded differently and has a smaller outline, Lyra has slightly different shading on her left hand.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old event M1 4W Normal 01 1.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex event M1 3W Normal 01 1.ktx.png


Stamp dmy 01.ktx Stamp dmy 02.ktx Stamp dmy 03.ktx
Pokemonmastersex Stamp dmy 01.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Stamp dmy 02.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Stamp dmy 03.ktx.png

Three Co-op emotes for Blue found within ui/image/actor/Trainer/Ch9999_99_Red in 1.0.0. These emotes have differently colored backgrounds compared to the emotes in the final game. The 4th "Thanks!" emotes are not present in the 1.0.0 build.


Early Final
Pokemonmastersex Tx ch0110 01 kasumi mindscape00.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Tx ch0110 00 kasumi 01 mindscape00.ktx.png
Early Final
Pokemonmastersex Tx ch0012 00 koruni mindscape00.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Tx ch0012 00 corni 01 mindscape00.ktx.png


Mega Pinsir

Mega Pinsir's wings are a less bright yellow (transparent) in the final game.

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex old pm0127 51 megakailios 128.ktx.png
Pokemonmastersex old pm0127 51 megakailios 256.ktx.png
Pokemonmastersex pm0127 51 megakailios 128.ktx.png
Pokemonmastersex pm0127 51 megakailios 256.ktx.png


The following item images are larger, unfinished versions of battle items which are in the final game. All X Items are missing detail.

Filename Image Description
i001_0001_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0001 00 256.ktx.png Early icon for a Potion.
i001_0002_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0002 00 256.ktx.png Early icon for a Full Heal.
i001_0003_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0003 00 256.ktx.png Early icon for X Attack.
i001_0004_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0004 00 256.ktx.png Early icon for X Defense.
i001_0005_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0005 00 256.ktx.png Early icon for X Sp. Atk.
i001_0006_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0006 00 256.ktx.png Early icon for X Sp. Def.
i001_0007_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0007 00 256.ktx.png Early icon for X Speed.
i001_0008_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0008 00 256.ktx.png Early icon for Dire Hit.
i001_0001_01.ktx Pokemonmastersex i001 0001 01 256.ktx.png A smaller graphic featuring the unfinished Dire Hit with a "temporary" symbol placed by it. This image is repeated for many items throughout version 1.0.0.
i011_0001_00.ktx Pokemonmastersex i011 0001 00 256.ktx.png A graphic for some kind of early event exchange item.
i011_0001_02.ktx Pokemonmastersex i011 0001 02 256.ktx.png A graphic for some kind of early event exchange item. i011 0001 01 is a repeated version of the "temp" Dire Hit.

Sync Move Videos

A set of four videos were found in the Movie/Scout folder in 1.0.0 that have small differences. These videos are normally able to be viewed in the shop when the specific character is available as a featured Sync Pair.

Blue and Lyra's Sync Move videos play the audio as they normally do, with the one difference being they play a voiceline in Japanese. In the final game, Sync Move videos do not use any voicelines.

Hilbert and Olivia's Sync Moves videos have no audio at all, no sound effects or anything. Olivia's video also lags at the start of the attack.


Misty (Swimsuit)

The Swimsuit (initial) version of Misty's face textures weren't finalised when this version of her was pushed back for a later release. When she was released her face textures were copied from the finished LGPE version. Noticeable differences include update placements of the pupils and reflections added to her mid-blink face.

Old (1.0.0) New (2.12.0)
Pokemonmastersex old ch0110 00 kasumi face co.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0110 00 kasumi face co.ktx.png

Area Backgrounds

Shop menu

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex scout bg img 01.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Shop Menu Background.png

PML Stadium

Early Final
Pokemonmastersex wpm bg 512 512.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex s040 200 Arena 01 512 512.ktx.png

Unused Graphics



Pokemonmastersex Ch0000 01 red 1024.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Ch0000 01 red 128.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Ch0000 01 red 256.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Ch0000 01 red 256 battle.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Tx ch0000 01 red mindscape00.ktx.png

Blacked out renders of an early version of Red with a "temporary" symbol placed over the images. The silhouettes' shoes resemble Red's Pokémon Red and Blue design. This version of Red may have been an early version of Sygna Suit Red & Charizard or Red was meant to use his oldest design as the default Sync Pair for Red before this was changed. A nighttime version of his Mindscape would later be created for Lear & Hoopa.


Pokemonmastersex ch0014 00 cheren 1024.png Pokemonmastersex ch0014 00 cheren 128.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0014 00 cheren 256.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex ch0014 00 cheren 256 battle.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Tx ch0014 00 cheren mindscape00.png

Renders of Cheren using his design from Pokémon Black and White with "temporary" symbols placed over the images. While Cheren is playable in this game, he uses his design from Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 instead. This Cheren model was once accidentally used in the Champion Stadium promotional video uploaded to the Official Pokémon YouTube channel. See here. His Mindscape Depicts Route 5 from Pokémon Black and White.

Scientist ♂

Pokemonmastersex Ch8000 00 hero 1024.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Ch8000 00 hero 128.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Ch8000 00 hero 256.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Ch8000 00 hero 256 battle.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Tx ch0084 00 kenkyuin mindscape00.ktx.png

Blacked out renders of the Scientist (♂) Trainer Class with a "temporary" symbol placed over the images. Along with the Mindscape as evidence it is believed the Scientist could've been playable at some point. The images are found within the character folders for the Player's character Scottie(♂) and Bettie(♀), though the significance of this is unknown. Trainer Classes would not become playable until the addition of Naomi (Sightseer (♀)) & Sandslash. As of yet there is still no playable Scientist.

Other Trainer Graphics

Pokemonmastersex Ch9999 99 dummy 512 hmmove.png

A blacked out render of the Blackbelt Trainer Class with a "temporary" symbol placed over the image.

Pokemonmastersex trainer 01.ktx.png

A render of Professor Bellis in a T-Pose with a "temporary" symbol placed on her hair. Considering it's found within ui/image/tutorial, It may have been a placeholder graphic for a tutorial.

Pokemonmastersex cheren image.png

An image of Cheren (in his 6★ EX pose) in a frame. Likely used for testing characters getting new renders via 6★ EX or how characters will be framed in the games' menus.


Pokemonmastersex lucario image.png

A bizzare image of a level 199 Strike role Fire-type Lucario with the same kanji spammed throughout the infobox where the Trainer and Pokémon name would be placed. Likely to be combined with the Cheren image.

Filename Image Description
pm0025_01_pikachu_128.ktx pokemonmastersex_pm0025_01_pikachu_128.ktx.png Placeholder graphic for a unimplemented Pokémon, showing an image of a Rattata.
pm0025_01_pikachu_256.ktx Pokemonmastersex pm0025 01 pikachu 256.ktx.png Placeholder graphic for a unimplemented Pokémon, showing an image of a Rattata.
pm_9999_99_dummy.ktx Pokemonmastersex pm9999 99 dummy.png Placeholder graphic for a unimplemented Pokémon, showing an image of a Machamp.
020448000000_512.ktx Pokemonmastersex 020448000000 512.ktx.png A close-up image of Lucario. The textures seem to have been smoothed.
pm0448_00_lucario_640.ktx Pokemonmastersex Pm0448 00 lucario 640.ktx.png A second close-up image of Lucario. The textures are brighter and more pixelated, closer to the final game's graphics.
pm_497_00_jalorda_1024.ktx Pokemonmastersex Pm0497 00 jalorda 1024.ktx.png A cropped image of Serperior. What this might've been used for during development is unknown.

Unused Menu Graphics

Pokemonmastersex img dummy.png

A dummy graphic found in ui/Battle/image within version 1.0.0.

Pokemonmastersex s000 tex 20.ktx.png

A image found in Terrain\s000\Textures, showing 2D stock Hoopa promotional artwork from the 18th movie as well as in-game renders of Paulo and a currently unknown girl next to a Hoopa ring, using Cheryl's Mindscape as a background.

Pokemonmastersex Tutorial ailment 121.ktx.png

Old tips image for Status Conditions found within ui/image/tutorial/dialog. This shows early icons of the Poisoned, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed, Burned and Frozen Status Conditions.

Pokemonmastersex Tutorial multibattle 101.ktx.png

Old tips image for Co-op battles also found within ui/image/tutorial/dialog. This image shows Rosa, Wulfric and Cheren (with his unused BW1 design) with their Partner Pokémon.

Pokemonmastersex New mission 01.ktx.png

Old Mission image for found within ui/image/Dialog/NewMission/. Features a older design for the Poryphone with stretched out eyes and is seemingly unshaded.

Pokemonmastersex Deck 01.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Deck 02.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Deck 03.ktx.png
Pokemonmastersex Deck 04.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Deck 05.ktx.png Pokemonmastersex Deck 06.ktx.png

Mock-up images found within ui/image/Dialog/Deck/. Features an early version of the Co-op battle screen with the unused version of Red (& Pikachu) as a Sync Pair at level 199. Red would later form a Master Sync Pair with his Pikachu for the game's 3rd Anniversary.

Pokemonmastersex d0001 0001 bondgauge.ktx.png

A mock-up image of the Unity Attack gauge found in ui/image/Dialog/BondGauge. Looks completely different to the final game's Unity Attack meter.

Pokemonmastersex ev1000001.ktx.png

A mock-up banner image found in ui/image/banner/LoginBonus. Appears to be a cropped in-game Vs screenshot against Crasher Wake.

Unused Video

A very basic, short Scouting video named "gacha_TranerGateIn.mp4" found in the Movies filepath in version 1.0.0. It was likely a placeholder before the final set of scouting videos were created later in development.

Unused Models

All the models here are only present in versions 1.0.0 to 1.3.0 and have been deleted from current versions of the game.


Filename Image Description
Ch0014_00_cheren.lmd Pokemonmastersex ch0014 00 cheren model.png The 3D model of BW1 Cheren. Here he can be observed freely, without an obnoxious dummy graphic in his face.
Ch0069_00_30elitem.lmd Pokemonmastersex ace-trainer-oras.png Originally the Male Ace Trainer from ORAS was in the game before it was changed to use the Male Ace Trainer design from Gen 7 instead.
Ch9999_00_common.lmd Pokemonmastersex common.png A generic humanoid figure with a flat texture. This character model appears in the unused Sync Pair Scout video.


Filename Image Description
pm0257_01_bursyamo.lmd Pokemonmastersex blaziken.png A model of Female Blaziken. Currently only Male Blazikens are used (Sygna Suit May & Blaziken).
pm0307_00_asanan.lmd Pokemonmastersex meditite.png A model of Male Meditite. Currently only Female Meditite are used (Maylene & Medicham before Evolution).
pm0737_51_megabohmander.lmd Pokemonmastersex mega salamence.png A model of Mega Salamence. There are two Sync Pairs with Salamence (Drake & Salamence, Zinnia & Salamence) but neither are able to Mega Evolve their Salamences.
pm0445_00_gaburias.lmd Pokemonmastersex garchomp.png A model of Male Garchomp. Currently only Female Garchomp are used (Cynthia & Garchomp).
pm0725_12_d.lmd Pokemonmastersex pm0725 12 d model.gif Contrary to its appearance, it is a 3D model, albeit a flat one. It has no animations.
pm0725_13_gekkougasatoshi.lmd Pokemonmastersex ash-greninja model.png The model of Ash-Greninja. Doesn't seem likely to be added to the game anytime soon.


Filename Image Description
ev0000_00_hooparing.lmd Pokemonmastersex hooparing.png A model of a circular ring. As the name implies, it's connected to Hoopa's space-time twisting powers.
ob0203_00_greatball.lmd A model of a Great Ball. It's different from the one that appears on Lyra (Special Costume)'s belt.