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Postal 2/Unused Textures

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This is a sub-page of Postal 2.

To do:
Lot more to be done.

This page is sorted by texture package, which are .utx files that are found in the game's Textures folder.


SWAT Helmets

To do:
Upload raw textures.

In BoltonSkins.utx there are textures for SWAT helmets. The SWAT do not wear helmets in the final game. Their UV mapping is the same as on the Military helmet, and as such can be applied to the model.


"Who Hates Me" list

Apparently, the hate groups listed on the map would've originally been a written list, instead of pictures of the groups in question.

Route Home

P2-Path Home.png

This is a map overlay consisting of arrows starting at each location for every objective on Friday, and ending at the Dude's trailer; it also has some scribbles blocking out some level transitions. This may be related to the unused apocalypse dialogue listed in the voice acting subpage.


Early Map

P2-Map day1.png

An early version of the map. It appears to be an early version of the final map, and not the E3 2002 map.

Early Loading Screen


The loading screen that was seen in the E3 2002 footage is still in the game files.

Early HUD Icons

A bunch of old HUD icons in addition to the early map and loading screen. It also has an icon for the cut Medicinal Herb icon (see below).


Early Cowhead Texture

The texture for an early Cowhead model.

Unused texture Used texture
P2-Cowhead timb.png P2-CowHead new.png

Early Rocket Launcher Textures

Textures for an older Rocket Launcher model. An early version of the fuel gauge, presumably for this older model, can also be found.

Unused texture Used texture
P2-Law80 TP.png P2-Launcher timb2.png
Unused fuel gauge Used fuel gauge
P2-Fuel gauge.png P2-Fuel gauge NEW.png

Early Molotov Texture

P2 molotov early.png

An early Molotov texture can be found in this package; an identical copy can also be found in WeaponSkins.utx. It seems to have a less refined glass and its texture is one texture instead of using two separate textures the glass and label and rag.

Early Gascan Texture

Two early gas can textures. The second one is suffixed "test2".


StuffSkins.utx contains textures for a bag of weed, while nathans.utx has its unused HUD icon (see above). Lead Designer Marphy Black has confirmed that it was supposed to be a weaker version of the Health Pipe.

(Source: [1])


Unused Protest Sign Skins

To do:
Some of these may be used in Paradise Lost and Apocalypse Weekend.

Several of the 29 skins for the protest sign go unused in the game. Most of these were intended for the scrapped Church and Meat Protesters, while others were either for the Book Protesters or of unclear purpose.

Demo Leftovers

Demo textures leftover from the demo version.


Early Molotov Textures

A different set of four other unused Molotov textures can be found in WeaponSkins. These notably have textures for Molotov "juice", likely indicating that this revision of the Molotov was to have a transparent bottle allowing one to view the liquid inside. There are also inverted versions of these textures for some reason.

Petition Signatures

WeaponSkins.utx contains textures for what would've been signatures for the petition. These signatures appear when viewing the petition model in an external viewer, but they do not appear in-game; they also do not appear correctly as their backgrounds are not transparent.

Temporary Bloody Shovel Textures

Temporary textures for the Shovel bloodied up are present in WeaponSkins.utx. These have the words "EVEN MORE BLOOD" added to the Shovel's blade in one-word increments instead of actual blood stains, and were most likely used to test the blood-stained weapons system. Interestingly, these textures have three stages of bloodiness, whereas the final version only has two.

Unreal Tournament Leftovers

Please elaborate.
Having more detail is always a good thing.
Specifically: Where is this located?

In the textures folder exists a banner with the logo of Unreal Tournament.