Prerelease:Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo
This page details pre-release information and/or media for Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo.
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
Unused Music
Akiropito Demos
In 2014 musician akiropito uploaded to YouTube a few tracks that were made for Akumajou Dracula X.
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
ドラキュラX ~血の輪廻~ イメージ版 (Dracula X Image version) |
月の城 (Castle of the moon) |
Fudeen |
ドラXの担当になったときに、最初に作った3曲…というか、入社するときのデモテープの編曲版。w メインやサウンド内の評価用に作成したテスト版なので音が悪いです。採用されたのは乾坤の血族だけ。2曲目のFudeenと、3曲目のCastle of the moonはボツ。(^。^; 他にも作ったけど、形にならなかったので、あるのはこれだけ。カビ臭いけど、宜しかったらどうぞお聞き下さい。m(_ _)m When I became in charge of DraculaX, these are the first three songs I made… or rather, the arranged version of the demo tape I submitted when I joined the company. Since it was created as a test version for evaluation of the main and sounds, the quality is poor. Only "Divine Bloodlines" was accepted. The second song "Fudeen" and the third song "Castle of the Moon" were rejected. (^。^; I made others too, but they didn't take shape, so this is all that exists. They might have a musty smell, but if you'd like, please listen. m(_ _)m
前回の曲を再アップ! (^-^ Re-uploading the previous song! (^-^
乾坤の血族と同時期に作曲したものです。ゲーム内に入れようと思いましたが、見事ボツとなりました。後ろにオマケがついてますが、それもボツです。w This was composed around the same time as "Divine Bloodlines". I thought about including it in the game, but it was unfortunately rejected. There’s a bonus at the back, but that was also rejected. w
The first video, titled "Dracula X Image version" (ドラキュラX ~血の輪廻~ イメージ版) features three tracks: an early demo of "Divine Bloodlines", an unused song called "Fudeen" uploaded later in higher quality, and another unused track "Castle of the Moon" that was also uploaded separately later. The sound quality of these tracks is quite poor, sounding quite muffled and worn.
The second video features a track that's called 月の城 (Castle of the moon). The sound quality in this video is far better, having actual clarity and fidelity, in addition to being longer than the version uploaded in the first video as well.
Akiropito also uploaded a higher quality version of Fudeen, similar to his upload of Castle of the Moon.
Akumajou Dracula X (KICA-7622~3)
The official OST for the game, simply titled Akumajo Dracula X (KICA-7622~3), features a bonus track that isn't present anywhere in the game itself. The song is a remix of "Cross Your Heart" from the arcade game Haunted Castle, and it is called unused in the album track list.
Cross Your Heart (Unused Music) |
Early Character Art
Early previews shown in magazines such as the July 1993 issues of PC Engine Fan and Gekkan PC Engine feature character art done in a watercolor style, rather than the final anime cel style used in the manual art when Dracula X was finally released.
Dracula in particular is shown in an early design that's completely different from his appearance in the final version of the game.