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Prerelease:Clash Royale

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Clash Royale.

To do:
  • Lots of stuff being documented:
    • Facebook/Twitter/Youtube/Reddit/Imgur posts referenced and screenshots
    • Images of the Concept Art
    • Even more information

Clash Royale had gone through an abysmal development since 2015. This game was littered with scrapped cards that may have been removed or replaced in development.

Concept Art

To do:
  • Lots of images need to be inserted.
  • Document the other cards.
  • Extra information.

Scrapped Cards

Barbarian Launcher

The Barbarian Launcher was a scrapped card that was featured in the Clash From The Past event. It was going to be a building where it shoots flying Barbarians, and deal area damage, and was going to be a Common card. The concept was re-used for the Evolved Mortar, where it shoots flying Goblins instead, and less-effective.


A scrapped card that featured the same design as the Bowler. Its design is the same as the Bowler, including a helmet of iron and armor. This concept was later repurposed as Dark Prince and Battle Ram, however it is going to feature a similar mechanic where if the Charger has the helmet, it gains a shield and charges, but if he does not have the helmet, he doesn't charge.


A scrapped card that would deal much more damage than PEKKA, and would cost approximately 10 elixir, making it the strongest card in the game. The second answer is that it is going to be a early version of the Super Mini PEKKA that was featured in a 2022 Pancakes event.


A scrapped card that its attack would be a chain ball, and it was supposed to be a Epic card. The idea of this card later became the legendary card Royal Ghost. Later versions of these graphics would be seen here


Originally, the Hunter was going to throw bear traps instead of shooting with a gun/hunting rifle. According to the game files, it is been said that this concept was most likely scrapped very early, and the sprites for the Hunter throwing the bear trap no longer exists.


Originally, it was going to be a troop, and having multiple designs changed. It is supposed to be a walking furnace or a design very similar to the Mega Knight.

Ram Rider

Originally, in beta builds of the game, and on the concept art, the Ram Rider had two different designs. Originally, it was called the Wolf Rider, and then a supposed-to-be Boar Rider according to the leaked graphics by the VK Group[1], and a thumbnail on YouTube, where the card icon seen at the bottom. Unfortunately, half of it can be seen as there is not much to be it.


To do:
  • Insert the screenshot of Project Scroll.


The game was now called "Scroll" before it was called Clash Royale. There is one screenshot, featuring early card designs and gameplay.


  • This game was themed around Wizards, at some point in development.
  • The towers were replaced with Wizard Towers, and there's a reason why it is called "Scroll".
  • Elixir limit is capped at 100 instead of 10. It suggested at one point that cards are going to cost more elixir in development, later scrapped.
  • Cards had different designs, such as Fireball, Knight, etc.
  • The Arena was completely different, along with the paths.
  • Elixir was called "Mana".


The game included pre-release videos of very late builds, and was soft-launched in January 4th, 2016. The game also teased the new Jungle Arena on Facebook, and it is said it will come out in next update as the 9th arena. However, it was leaked on this Reddit post.


2017 was a year full of Clash Royale leaks from a Facebook Group to multiple teasers. Many of cards leaked before release and can be seen on YouTube thumbnails showcasing test builds of later updates, but half of it can be seen. These include the Lumberjack, Elixir Golem (Formerly Elixir Monster), Goblin Drill, and more cards that gotten leaked.

Elixir Golem was leaked on a 2017 Twitter post[2] containing a 9v9 gamemode used for testing, though the design was different. It had red pupils on the light-purple eyes and a different expression.