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Prerelease:Dragon Quest Builders 2

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Dragon Quest Builders 2.

To do:
  • More in-depth sourcing from original Japanese articles is likely appropriate.
  • More in depth research/comparisons on other screenshots where area differences may not be evident. (Check the minimaps!)
  • There are early item icons littered throughout all of these.
    • At some point the starting hammer's icon is updated from using the icon from the first game to a new one, figure out what set of screenshots it switches. Same for the Builder's gloves I guess.
  • Upload final game comparison screenshots where applicable. Japanese screenshots would be nice for anything with prominent text.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 seems to have gone through quite a few changes in development after it began previewing publicly; areas, items, and character designs differ slightly to significantly to the final release in several screenshots.

Note that some area differences may be simply due to the developers showing off certain mechanics, and are possibly not indicative of actual level design differences-remember, the game is a Minecraft-like!

Development Timeline

To do:
Scrutinize the linked early livestream footage
  • August 2017- Dragon Quest Builders 2 is announced to be in development during the 2017 Dragon Quest Summer Festival.[1] The game was streamed, marking the earliest footage of development. At this time in development, the game still uses a significant number of assets from the first game.[2]
  • Februrary 2018 - More footage of the game is shown, though the terrain generation (mainly the weird square-chunk mountains) and models are still from the first game.[3][4]
  • March 2018 - A plot teaser about Malroth playing a role in the story and artwork of the new main characters is shown in Weekly Jump. [5] This issue claims the main character is descended from the first game's player character, something that isn't alluded to in the final game.
  • April 2018 - The Japanese website goes live, featuring several preliminary screenshots of the starting area of the game.[6]
    • Malroth as the player's companion is shown off for the first time in Weekly Jump, with some more screenshots of the game's starting area.[7] Soon after, the official website updates with higher quality versions of screenshots shown in the magazine.[8]
    • The game's introductory sequence is teased, showing Malroth using his blue model in the opening narration segement.[9] Once again the Japanese website updates with higher quality screenshots a couple days later.[10]
    • Early screenshots of the Isle of Awakening are shown.[11][12]
  • May 2018 - Developer stream showing off the Isle of Awakening and character customization as well as discussion of DQB1 save data bonuses.[13]

April 2018

April 2

To do:
Retake screenshot from final game during the same time of day/weather conditions.
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Builder Male Furrowfield.jpg DQB2 final Builder Male Furrowfield.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Builder Female Furrowfield Forest.jpg DQB2 final Builder Female Furrowfield Forest.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Hammer Grass Furrowfield.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Female Builder Building.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Male Builder Building.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Female Builder Slime.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre IoA Cave.jpg DQB2 final IoA Cave.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre IoA Beach.jpg DQB2 final IoA Beach.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Hairy Hermit temple 1.jpg DQB2 final Hairy Hermit temple.png

The Hairy Hermit's mountaintop temple, one of the first areas in the game the player encounters. Compared to the final game, it is rather sparsely constructed, even accounting for its intentionally dilapidated state. The terrain of the mountain itself was also reworked for final.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre IoA Gloves Male.jpg DQB2 final IoA Gloves Male.png

The glove icon, beach layout, minimap, and camera angle are all different. (Camera cannot be placed there in the final game)

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre IoA Gloves Female.jpg DQB2 final IoA Gloves Female.png

Different mountaintemple layout. Has first game default expression.

(Source: Gematsu)

April 16

Pre-release (Apr 16 2018) Pre-release (Aug 29 2018) Final
DQB2 pre Hargon exposition.jpg DQB2 pre Hargon exposition august 29 2018.png DQB2 final Hargon exposition.png

Hargon's throne room uses blocks from the first game instead of the custom ones used in the final version. Particularly notable since he uses the Dragonlord's decor, despite having no connection to the character. These blocks are obtainable in the final game, but aren't featured prominently during the story. The August revision of this scene still uses the older castle blocks from the first game, but now has custom banners for Hargon's faction and a new model for his throne. Hargon's throne seems to have been scaled slightly smaller in the August footage.

In the earliest screenshot, Malroth seems to be using his model from Dragon Quest Heroes here, another game developed by Koei Tecmo; the primary tells-aside from the color-are the golden chain necklace and fang shape. Later, in August, Malroth's model appears to have still been under revision. He appears in a developer stream with a very roughly modeled skull necklace and altered shading on his face textures.

Malroth's final model matches his design from the original Dragon Quest II. Judging by artwork on the official site, Malroth's intended design was always going to be the one used in the final version and the early model was always a placeholder.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrowfield town.jpg DQB2 final Furrowfield town.png

What appears to be a very early version of Furrowfield's town, featuring an entirely different layout and a dead tree not present in the final game. Judging by the mini medal shine in the distance, and assuming it is in the same relative orientation to the town as the final game, the Builder's Bell is on the opposite side of town compared to the final version.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Tutorial Cell.jpg DQB2 final Tutorial Cell.png

There's only 1 ghost in the final game, and HP is low for the 'healing' tutorial.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Whitebones Boat.jpg DQB2 final Whitebones Boat.png

Whitebones' animation is different in the final game.

(Source: Gematsu)

April 22

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Temple Stairs.jpg DQB2 final Temple Stairs.png

In the final game, the cutscene has the camera at a higher position, and the text is both on the black text box.

Pre-release Final
さあ <山:やま>の<頂:いただき>まで <来:く>るがよい。
ふおっ ふおっ ふおーーい! こっちぢゃぞい!
Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!
Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!
English official
*: Ho ho ho! This way, young whip-whip-whippersnappers!
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Hairy Hermit temple 2.jpg DQB2 Final Hairy Hermit temple 2.png

Another shot of the Hairy Hermit's rather sparse temple, showing more differing landscape of the mountain under it.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Hairy Hermit temple 3.jpg DQB2 Final Hairy Hermit temple 3.png
  チンケな <石:いし>の<板:い た>だが
  どこか ふしぎなチカラを <感:かん>じるぞ…。
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Hairy Hermit temple 4.jpg DQB2 Final Hairy Hermit temple 4.png
すべこの<試練:しれん>を  やりとげたとき
<汝:なんじ>は マスタービルダーとなる。

Closeups of the tablets at the Hermit's temple, several of these do not appear in the final game at all. It also appears the Hairy Hermit may not actually exist at this point in development, considering he appears in what is likely the equivalent scene to this in the final version.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre mini medal monolith.jpg DQB2 Final mini medal monolith.png
シドー「とうやら  あれが
  あの<声:こえ>が  <言:い>ってやがった
  <石柱:せきちゅう>の<試練:しれん>って  ヤツみたいだな。

A closeup of an early version of the statues at mini medal puzzles.

To do:
I think this text remains in the game
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Pastor Al Hill.png DQB2 Final Pastor Al Hill.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Tower Furrowfield.jpg DQB2 Final Tower Furrowfield.png

Notes: Chimaera wing, minimap looks nothing like the place the builder's at, still level 1, puzzles can be seen on minimap.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Water Furrowfield.jpg DQB2 Final Water Furrowfield.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Running Furrowfield.jpg DQB2 Final Running Furrowfield.jpg
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Statue Chisel.jpg DQB2 Final Statue Chisel.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre 1st View.jpg DQB2 Final 1st View.png

(Source: Gematsu)

August 2018

August 29

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Pastor Al cabin.jpg DQB2 final Pastor Al cabin.png
  • What appears to be an early version of Pastor Al's cabin.
  • Different Builder's gloves icon.
  • Early UI seems to suggest only Malroth gained exp? (He has an icon on the side of the screen with an exp bar, in the final game the exp bar is under the player's HP and the game explicitly states the Builder and Malroth share exp and levels.) Would line up with the previous game where the Builder did not gain EXP through combat. Some dialogue in the final version of the game, where Malroth comments that the player character isn't getting stronger, may be a leftover allusion to this.
  • Other screenshots seem to indicate Malroth also had a more persistently visible HP bar. His HP is visible in the final game only when he takes damage.
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Rosie Fight.jpg DQB2 Final Rosie Fight.jpg

Malroth's level is at 1. At this point of the story the player has to be at minimun level 2 from story progression.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Grass Furrowfield.jpg DQB2 Final Grass Furrowfield.png

At level 2 health in the prerelease screenshot shows as 30, in the final game it is 31.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Dragonlord Throne.jpg DQB2 Final Dragonlord Throne.png

(Temple stairs are different)

(Source: Gematsu)

September 2018

September 3

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Lulu father.jpg 1200px-DQB2 final Lulu father.png

A different, more advanced, crafting station than the final version is visible in the screenshot, though it is mostly offscreen. The final version of the game places a worn down workbench here, fitting the abandoned island setting. It may be a placeholder.

Additionally, Lulu's dialogue is different here:

Pre-release Final
ルル「もう お<部屋:へや>ができたのね!
……あなた すごいじゃない!
お<父:とう>さまより こぎわがいいかも…。
ルル「さっそく お<部屋:へや>ができたのね。
<見習:みなら>いにしては <仕事:しごと>が<早:はや>いじゃない!
You already made a room! 
......You're amazing! 
You may be even more skilled than my father...
Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!
You already made a room!
For an apprentice, you work fast!
English official

(previous text:)

<pname>! You repaired my room!
Now I have somewhere to hide in safety should
monsters attack! Not bad for a base

Here and other pre-release materials mention that Lulu's father is/was a master builder, however no mention of this is made in the final game; the only information on Lulu's family is that they were killed by monsters shortly before the events of the game.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Lulu Close.jpg 1200px-DQB2 final Lulu Close.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Brownbeard Close.jpg 1200px-DQB2 final Brownbeard Close.png

(Source: Gematsu)

September 12

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Brownbeards boat.jpg DQB2 final Brownbeards boat.png

The shallows behind the boat appear to extend further than in the final game. Ruins of a dock appearing near the boat in the final game are absent here.

In the background the unnamed Red-Brick Room Blueprint can be seen. This spot seems to be the spot of this image.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Speech Tutorial.jpg DQB2 final Speech Tutorial.png

The camera is sligthly different. Also the speakinga animation in the final game is the 'bash' instead of the normal 'talk'.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Builder Male Forest.jpg DQB2 final Builder Male Forest.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Builder Female Furrowfield.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Malroth Furrowfield.jpg DQB2 final Malroth Furrowfield.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrowfield Attack.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Tutorial Quest.jpg DQB2 final Tutorial Quest.png

Ligthing is different. You cannot complete the quest out of order. 4 blocks for the room instead of 6. The icon floor displays the old room's, even in the final game. EXP is not visible at this point of the game.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Tutorial Bonefire.jpg DQB2 final Tutorial Bonefire.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Mirror Male.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Mirror Female.jpg 500px
(Source: Gematsu)

September 18

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Soil.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Spoilsoil.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Spoiled Wheat.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Clayton.jpg DQB2 final Clayton.png

An NPC that appears to be the one named Clayton in the English version of the final game seems to have had brown hair instead of blue. The other Furrowfield NPCs that appear in screenshots seem to be as they are as the final game. Malroth has his weapon.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Bonanzo.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Pastor Al Text.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Rosie.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Rosie Text.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Bonanzo Text.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Mill.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Orc Fight.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow Fight South.jpg 500px
(Source: Gematsu)

September 26

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow1.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow2.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Blueprint Furrowfield.png 500px

The irrigation station is built with wood. In the final game soil is used. This can also be seen on a video released during this time.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow4.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow5.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow6.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow7.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow8.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Level Up Base Crafts.png 500px

The final game has more crafts unlocked

To do:
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Furrow10.jpg 500px
(Source: dragonquest.jp)
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre FurrowBlock.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Bigger Bash Furrowfield.png DQB2 final Bigger Bash Furrowfield.png

Bigger bash cannot be obtained at that level, nor in furrowfiend. The flower pot cannot be obtained in Furrowfield, and flowers are a key item with value storywise. This Bigger Bash seems to be 2x5x5 as opposed to 5x5x5. It may have been altered using the debug menu for this image, as the debug menu is known to have that option in the final release. The hammer seems to either have ultimallet properties or the cracked stone used to be breakable as is. Debug mode also has an option to give the player ultimallet propeties, so it could have been activated that way.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Pastor Al Flowers.png DQB2 final Pastor Al Flowers.png

Another shot of Pastor Al's cabin.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Room Furrowfield.png 500px

(Check if all items can be found)

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Base Overview Furrowfield.png 500px

The item on the table cannot be obtained in the final game Furrowfield.

(Source: dragonquest.jp)

October 2018

October 1

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre FurrowBoat.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Scarlet Sands.jpg DQB2 final Scarlet Sands.png

Judging by the minimap this is the location of the image DQB2 final Scarlet Sands Location.png

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Green Gardens Shot.jpg DQB2 final Green Gardens Shot.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Green Gardens Restored.jpg DQB2 final Green Gardens Restored.png
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Green Gardens River.jpg DQB2 final Green Gardens River.png
To do:
empty pot
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Green Gardens Dig.jpg DQB2 final Green Gardens Dig.png

DQB2 final Green Gardens Dig Anim.png

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Color Variants.jpg DQB2 final Color Variants.png

There's a similar spot in the Debug island, placed in the Scarlet Sands of the debug build too.

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Male Builder In Building.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Female Builder In Building.jpg 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Aquarium.jpg 500px
  • Malroth and the Builder now seem to have the unified EXP bar like the final game.
(Source: Gematsu)

October 15

To do:
Please finish uploading all the prerelease images...
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre bar ruins.jpg 500px

The ruins of the bar has chests present not in the final game. The foundation blocks of the walls use a different bronze block than the final version; that kind of block is obtainable in the final game, but not during the portion of the story where the player repairs the building.

Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
Pre-release Final
500px 500px
(Source: Gematsu)

October 22

Pre-release Final
DQB2 pre Silver Bar.jpg 500px

The layout of the Silver Bar is very different from the blueprint the player must follow final version. Like the first bar, it uses silver block variants that are not present in the blueprint in the final version.

  • Mini medal signs are now as they appear in final.

Check: if the magnet puzzle is different

(Source: Gematsu)

November 2018

November 12

To do:
  • Check: if the... checklists for explorer shores shown here are different.
  • Check: Getting fireworks at such a low level (and thus story progression) as in one of these screenshots is impossible in the final game, I thiiiink?
  • Malroth's persistently visible HP bar seems to be gone now (or it may have vanished earlier, double check)
  • Hairy Hermit's temple is now much closer to, if not exactly the same as, the final version.
  • (Source: Gematsu)

    November 19

    This just seems to be showing off photomode with a bunch of dev-built stuff. Hairy Hermit's temple is final here I guess.

    (Source: Gematsu)

    November 26

    Check: Do enemy Magi (red/green) appear here in the final game? I thought it was just Shamans (blue/purple).

    (Source: Gematsu)

    December 2018

    December 3

    • You're never supposed to go with Malroth past the ocean whirlwinds to the tower. Though it is perfectly possible to visit this area out of intended sequence in the final game, the only thing preventing you from doing so is not knowing where the location is. Malroth's presence is likely to avoid spoiling that he leaves the party.

    (Source: Gematsu)

    December 6 A demo is released for the game, allowing you to play the tutorial segment at the start of the game.

    (Source: 4gamer)

    December 20 The full game is released.


    Pre-release Final
    DQB2 pre Malroth Tree.png 500px

    The trunk seems to be the wood from the final game

    (Source: dragonquest.jp)


    1. Dragon Quest Builders 2 announced for Switch - Nintendoeverything, August 5 2017
    2. Youtube reupload of streamed gameplay - RPGSite, Youtube
    3. New Dragon Quest Builders 2 footage, can bring over save data the first game - Nintendoeverything, February 16, 2018
    4. ドラゴンクエストビルダーズ TOPビルダーコンテスト~ビルダーズ2への道~ Square Enix, via Youtube
    5. Dragon Quest Builders 2 Japanese subtitle, protagonist, and setting revealed - Weekly Jump, via Gematsu, March 30th 2018
    6. Dragon Quest Builders 2 details and screenshots - Official website, via Nintendoeverything, April 2, 2018
    7. First look at Malroth in Dragon Quest Builders 2 - Weekly Jump, via Nintendoeverthing, April 6, 2018
    8. Dragon Quest Builders 2 Marth(sic) details and screenshots - Official site, via Nintendoeverything, April 8, 2018
    9. Dragon Quest Builders 2 takes place after Dragon Quest II - Weekly Jump, via Nintendoeverything, April 13, 2018
    10. Dragon Quest Builders 2 Japanese site gives details of the Hargon Order Official website, via Nintendoeverything, April 16, 2018
    11. Dragon Quest Builders 2: a few more story and gameplay details, Weekly Jump, via Nintendoeverything, April 20, 2018
    12. Dragon Quest Builders 2 details and screenshots – story overview, Vacant Island, evolved building elements, Official site, via Nintendoeverything, April 23, 2018
    13. Dragon Quest Builders 2 details and footage – carryover save data bonuses from the first game and more - Weekly Jump, via Nintendoeverything, May 10, 2018