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Prerelease:Half-Life 2 (Windows)/2003

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Half-Life 2 (Windows).

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To do:
  • Remember: Anything found in the leaked prototype should be discussed on its page.
  • Should we include the HDR demo showcase from 2003? -Filip

E3 2003 Tech demo

The final version of the Tech demo for Half-Life 2 was ultimately completed in 2003, following the cancellation of the original E3 Tech demo planned for 2002. Gabe Newell cited the need for more work and improvements before showcasing the game. The E3 Tech demo highlighted the expansive world of Half-Life 2, featuring new physics, improved graphics, and a new sound system. However, in the 2003 leak, all E3 maps were leaked online, including those intended for the presentation but ultimately not shown in the final demo.


In the first presentation, on the map e3_techdemo_1, the showcase initially features an HL1 model of G-Man. However, after fading out and in, the game replaces the HL1 model with a new, refreshed model of G-Man, which highlights the new facial expression system and multiple language system. The presentation also includes G-Man saying a sentence in Chinese: "那么,看来我们是没有合作的机会了。” which translates to: "Well, it looks like we won't be working together." The video of the first presentation can be found on the HL2 Project Beta channel.

  • In the leaked map, the sequence is completely broken, the HL1 G-Man does not appear because he uses an older model format the prototype cannot read, HL2 G-Man does not show his faceposing, the platform underneath the player does not move and the end script is broken.

Physics showcase

In the second presentation, on the map e3_techdemo_2, a player spawns in some sort of cave room. After a few seconds, the ground starts to rise, demonstrating the new displacement system with the now-cut entity named 'env_Terrainmorph'. As the player navigates around the raised ground and walks onto a tiled floor, they draw a pistol and begin shooting a wooden pallet. Upon being shot, the pallet starts to split in half. The player then moves closer to a river and continues shooting at another wooden pallet, this one with metal barrels on it. When one of the barrels is shot, it explodes, showcasing the new water physics. Next, the player looks up and shoots a bridge(?), causing it to drop more metal barrels into the water, further demonstrating the physics of the Source Engine. Afterward, the player equips a Physgun and uses it to throw physics props into the water. Finally, the player uses the Physgun on a ragdoll model of Civil Protection, tossing it into the water, at which point the showcase ends. A video version of the second presentation can be found on the HL2 Project Beta channel.

  • The physgun in final version of the game was cut, possibily due to being only made for E3 presentation,
  • Entity "env_terrainmorph" was possibily cut in The Orange Box version of Source engine.

Shader room

In the third presentation, on the map e3_techdemo_5, an room is showcased demonstrating textures and shader systems that can be applied to textures. Following this, the player navigates through shader models with visual effects. Eventually, the player encounters Alyx behind a handrail and two small walls, with a fire igniting behind her. Subsequently, there's a room featuring a new ability of the Source Engine: a working video camera that films a standing G-Man before a Headcrab topples the camera. A video version of the third presentation can be found on the HL2 Project Beta channel.

  • The map was reused in Counter-Strike: Source with slight changes for Video Stress test,
  • The model that was used for Alyx uses an animation called "sexypose", the animation actually was leaked in 2023 repo leak.


In the fourth presentation, on the map e3_techdemo_6, The Docks map is showcased, which was originally supposed to be a location in Ravenholm. The presentation demonstrates Crow AI and the skybox system. After observing, the player turns around and notices a zombie lying near a bloodstain. Subsequently, the player picks up a crowbar lying nearby. As the player proceeds slowly, one of the lying zombies suddenly awakens and attacks the player. After defeating this zombie, its corpse falls into the water. However, the previous zombie rises from behind and begins attacking the player, causing them to fall into the water as well, thereby ending the presentation. A video version of the fourth presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki channel.

  • In presentation, the crowbar doesn't seems to plays an draw animation for it, (Was the draw animation made after the presentation?)
  • Zombie sounds in that presentation seem to be buggy as the new sounds mix with the old one,
  • The presentation was actually supposed to be for cancelled E3 2002.

Kleiner's Lab

To do:
  • There's an different, same looking E3 map of e3_lab named e3_techdemo_4. Can someone check if there are any differences in that map? - Filip

In the fifth presentation, on the map e3_lab, an sequence in Dr. Kleiner's lab is showcased, featuring Alyx talking to Gordon (Player). Subsequently, the camera zooms out to reveal Dr. Kleiner himself. Alyx and Kleiner discuss the "polarizer," with Alyx expressing concern about its effectiveness, to which Kleiner reassures her, stating that the conditions couldn't be more ideal. Alyx, still worried, suggests they should have followed her father's (Eli's) advice. However, before she can finish her sentence, they hear a sound and fall silent. Alyx notices scanners outside the lab window, causing her to panic. Instantly, the player is given an SMG1. Kleiner tries to calm Alyx down, assuring her that it will only take a moment. Their conversation is abruptly interrupted by a sudden strider attack, ending the fifth presentation. A video version of the fifth presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki channel.

  • In leaked map, the sequences are broken as the animations don't play for Alyx and Kleiner, the models were all missing or broken,
  • Alyx in e3_lab map lacks of the animation of giving the player a SMG1, possibily the animation was removed in further development.


In the sixth presentation, on the map e3_phystown, the player spawns in a different part of Ravenholm equipped with a Pistol, SMG1, Gravity Gun, Crowbar, and Grenade. The player is seen using the gravity gun to pick up props and shooting them into an alley. Upon approaching a building with opened doors, a Combine Soldier emerges and begins shooting at the player. The player then proceeds to close the doors and barricade them with a table containing props. As the Combine Soldier struggles to open the doors, they attempt to shoot the player through a window, eventually breaking it. Subsequently, one of the Combine Soldiers kicks down the doors, causing the table to fall to the floor. The player retreats upstairs to evade the Combine Soldiers, one of whom continues shooting through the window while another exits the building. The player then uses the gravity gun to rip off a heater from the floor, causing a gas leak, and throws it at a Combine Soldier, killing them. The player picks up an XM29 OICW (AR2) dropped by the Combine Soldier and uses the gravity gun to block the pathway for other soldiers. Then, the player uses the crowbar to destroy wooden planks barricading doors, sneaks to observe Combine Soldiers patrolling Ravenholm, and triggers a trap, crushing four Combine Soldiers with metal rods. This alerts the remaining soldiers, prompting the player to use grenades to kill three more soldiers hiding behind wooden planks. The player proceeds further, picking up a Shotgun and encountering a trap used to cut zombies in half. After dispatching a zombie with the Shotgun, the player triggers more zombies to emerge and uses a trap to kill them. Finally, the player shoots an explosive barrel, causing a car to explode and ignite nearby zombies, ending the presentation. A video version of the sixth presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki channel.

  • In presentation, when the player picks up ammo for SMG1, the weapon hud shows early SMG2 icon but the weapon was cut in 2003,
  • The OICW viewmodel uses different hev hand models, (is the viewmodel from 2002?)
  • Also in presentation, player is being seen able to throw their weapons away which in leaked and retail versions, the ability of dropping weapons was cut.


In the seventh presentation, on the map e3_c17_01, the player arrives with Barney from an alleyway while holding an SMG1. After Barney reminisces, "Remember when we thought Black Mesa was as bad as it could get?" a fight sequence ensues between Barney, Citizens, and Civil Protection. The player attempts to shoot down the Civil Protection while seeking cover behind a car. They then throw a grenade at two Civil Protections inside a building, resulting in their deaths. Upon entering the destroyed building, the player throws another grenade at a hidden turret, deactivating it. As the citizens and player sneak up to the Civil Protection, showcasing the new AI system for NPCs, they ambush the Civil Protection together. One of them shoots a flare, alerting everyone to the attack by the player and citizens. After defeating all the Civil Protections, the player opens the Combine gate for Barney to come through. However, a sudden Combine Gunship attack from the sky interrupts them, ending the presentation. A video version of the seventh presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki channel.

  • Note that, the worldmodel for SMG1 uses old model,
  • There's a different version of e3_c17_01, however it seems to be unfinished or be an test level for the E3 map.


In the eighth presentation, on the map e3_bugbait, the player appears in Nova Prospekt. After exploring, the player encounters the body of an Antlion Guard and multiple large holes in the ground, with Bugbaits nearby. Upon throwing a Bugbait, Antlions emerge from the holes and attack. As the player tries to proceed, they are surprised by an attack from Combine Soldiers. In response, the player throws Bugbaits at the soldiers, causing Antlions to emerge and attack, resulting in the soldiers' deaths. After dealing with the soldiers, the player encounters Turrets and also finds a dropped XM29 OICW (AR2). Using Bugbaits to distract the Turrets, the player approaches and deactivates them with the XM29 OICW (AR2). Moving on, the player enters a room with laundry facilities and encounters more Combine Soldiers. By breaking a window and throwing a Bugbait, the player summons Antlions to attack and eliminate the soldiers. Progressing further, the player encounters another group of Combine Soldiers, whom they dispatch with the help of Antlions summoned by Bugbaits. However, just as the player is about to defeat the last three soldiers, an unseen Antlion Guard bursts into the room, killing the soldiers. The Antlion Guard then roars at the player and charges, sending them flying upon impact. Shortly after, the presentation ends. A video version of the eighth presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki channel.

  • There's another map that is based on e3_bugbait named e3_prison,
  • In the the presentation, when the Antlion Guard is being shot, it lets out metal sparks instead of the fleshy one.


In the ninth presentation, on the map e3_seafloor, the player spawns with a Shotgun beside a Buggy. After entering the Buggy and driving around the dried sea, a Combine Gunship appears and begins attacking the player. The player drives onto a bridge, killing a Combine Soldier, and continues to speed up, running over more soldiers. Then, the player charges up a Tau Cannon and kills another soldier before attempting to kill more with the Tau Cannon and shooting at blue barrels, but without success. The player decides to speed off and crashes through a window, killing another Combine Soldier. However, the Combine Gunship continues its pursuit, causing the player to panic and drive onto a damaged road, crossing a broken bridge. On the other side, the player exits the Buggy and attempts to shoot down the Combine Gunship, unsuccessfully. After finding a laying RPG behind an APC, the player discards their Shotgun and picks up the RPG, successfully shooting down the Combine Gunship. However, the falling Gunship breaks apart, with a piece landing on the player and ending the presentation. A video version of the ninth presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki channel.

  • In the presentation, model of the Buggy is different as it haves more metal plates on it's mask, however in retail version, the Buggy looks more like an actual Buggy,
  • Also in the presentation, the Buggy seems to have different sound effects than the retail one,
  • The player in the presentation is also seen being able to throw its weapons away which again, is impossible in leak and in retail,
  • The map is a early version of the Coast chapter but interestingly, the Coast had multiple development names like: Seafloor, Dock or Coastline,
  • The viewmodel of the Shotgun seen in E3 2003 and E3 2004 is still in the retail version but in DX70 version with its textures missing.


In the tenth presentation, on the map e3_c17_02, the player spawns on an elevator with an SMG1, overlooking the ruined City 17. They observe citizens exiting a tram below before it drives away. As the elevator descends, a group of citizens armed with SMGs is seen running towards something, piquing the player's interest. However, before they can investigate, the rusty sounds of the Citadel's walls moving draw their attention. The player continues through the destroyed city, but suddenly, an explosion alarms everyone, indicating the arrival of Striders. As citizens take cover, a Strider emerges and attacks the player and citizens. Despite their efforts to shoot it down, the Strider charges up its weapon and destroys a bridge connected to another building with a laser beam. The citizens continue their futile attempts to defeat the Strider. The player tries to use a Gravity Gun to throw furniture at the Strider but fails. Another Strider emerges from a severely damaged building, causing further panic among the citizens. As one citizen tries to shoot the Strider, they are impaled through the stomach and killed. The player attempts once more to use the Gravity Gun, this time throwing a ripped-off letter at the Strider, which only angers it. The Strider retaliates by shooting a laser beam at the player, killing them and ending the presentation. A video version of the tenth presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki channel.

  • In the presentation, the player is seen zooming at the Strider and shooting it at the same time, this is impossible in retail but possible in the leaked version,
  • Some of the bits from the E3 map were reused in the retail versions, mostly in d3_c17_07 and d3_c17_13.


In the eleventh presentation, on the map e3_under, the player spawns in a sewer area with a Pistol. After some exploration, the player hears a window breaking and notices a Manhack approaching. They attempt to shoot it down with the Pistol but quickly run out of ammo. Switching to a Crowbar, the player destroys the Manhack after several hits, causing it to throw objects around. Moving forward, the player discovers the corpse of a killed citizen. As they attempt to proceed through a hall, more Manhacks emerge, prompting the player to escape and close a fence behind them to block the Manhacks. Continuing down a different path, the player enters a new area where Civil Protection emerges and starts shooting at them. Using an IRifle, the player shoots a flare at the Civil Protection, igniting one of them. Switching back to the Pistol, the player shoots down another Civil Protection, causing them to fall into a gap with a broken handrail. After killing two of the Civil Protection, a third one appears but is quickly dispatched by the player. The player proceeds through a small alley and jumps down, encountering Alyx again. She questions the player about their delay in progressing, but their conversation is interrupted as a Combine Soldier descends from a ladder, holding an XM29 OICW (AR2) and pointing it at Alyx and the player. However, before any action can be taken, a tentacle monster (Hydra) impales the Combine Soldier from behind, possibly killing him. Two more tentacle monsters emerge and growl at Alyx and the player, ending the presentation. A video version of the presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki channel.

  • The manhacks in the presentation and in leak seem to use different textures but importantly different sound effects,
  • Hydras in the leaked version were cut from the game due to problems with coding the enemy, (However, a community patch "LeakNet" fixes and adds the NPC)
  • There's an different version of the e3_under named e3_hydra but it's possible that it could be early map.


In the final presentation, on the map e3_end, an ending cutscene unfolds as the camera slowly flies towards G-Man from a distance while multiple images flash onto the camera, some taken from the game. Once the images finish flashing, the camera finally arrives at G-Man, who says, "Well, well, isn't this just like old times." Following his statement, outro music begins to play, fading to the Half-Life 2 logo map. A video version of the final presentation can be found on the Combine Overwiki Channel.

  • In the leaked files of the e3_end, there are images/textures of characters featuring: Barney, Eli and Alyx. Interestingly, the images appear to show their models from possibily 2001-2002.