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Prerelease:Pizza Tower/Development History

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Pizza Tower.

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March 6th to March 14th 2018

In a Tumblr blog post, Pizza Tower Guy showed off concept art for a new game idea. As he described it, the game was going to be a Wario Land 2 / 4 wannabe, featuring mechanics and the puzzle-like gameplay from both games. The title for the game was "The Leaning Tower of Pizza", and he pushed back the idea of his previous game, " Weiners Don't Use Drugs", as he was feeling like the game mechanics didn't mesh well together. This concept art features some scrapped and slightly altered mechanics and enemies.

(Source: Tumblr)

On that same day, Pizza Tower Guy released a short clip of the first level. Basic mechanics, like jumping, crawling and running were implemented. The game is also running in a smaller resolution, at 500x375 to be exact. The final game runs at 960x540. Also, tiles that are 32x32 show up as 48x48. As for Peppino, he has no shadows and his skin color is different. So are the small bricks, which were just a solid color.

Prototype Final
PC-PizzaTower-EarlyPeppinoSprite-1.png PC-PizzaTower-spr player idle-1.png
PC-PizzaTower-EarlyDestroyableSprite-1.png PC-PizzaTower-spr destroyable-1.png

The description shows moves for Peppino from an RPG Pizza Tower Guy never made. Peppino even has brown shoes, so this definitely wasn't the first time Peppino would be (re)used. His name wasn't even decided yet, as Pizza Tower Guy referred to him as "the same character".

(Source: Tumblr)

March 16th 2018

Pizza Tower Guy would then continue to post progress on the game, sometimes daily. A new video was posted showing that certain tiles from Weiners Don't Use Drugs were brought over. These tiles would end up in the final game in one way or another.

Weiners Don't Use Drugs Pizza Tower (Prototype) Pizza Tower (Final)
PC-PizzaTower-WeinersDontUseDrugsDestroyable-1.png PC-PizzaTower-spr destroyable-1.png Spr towerblocksmall 0.png
PC-PizzaTower-WeinersDontUseDrugsGroundTile-1.png PC-PizzaTower-PreEarlyTestBuildWallTile-1.png PC-PizzaTower-tile tower wall-1.png
Doesn't exist. PC-PizzaTower-PreEarlyTestBuildGroundTile-1.png PC-PizzaTower-tile tower-ground-1.png

Furthermore, picking up a key would play the toppings collected sound, which was a placeholder sound from Wario Land II, and near the beginning of this footage is the unused spr_player_turning sprite, which was removed from later demos.

PC-PizzaTower-spr player turning-1.gif
(Source: Tumblr (WDUD Brick Tile), Tumblr (WDUD Ground Tile) & Tumblr (Pizza Tower))

March 19th 2018

A video of the same room was posted, this time with different placeholder music. We're also shown that walking through doors displays a different effect, similar to the keyhole in Super Mario World.

Prototype Final
PC-PizzaTower-DoorTransitionUnused-1.gif PC-PizzaTower-DoorTransitionFinal-1.gif
(Source: Tumblr)

March 21th 2018

We're finally seeing a level that was left unused in a publicly released build. This stage is called "The Pizza Tower".

To do:
Make a writeup, I'm tired now.
(Source: Tumblr)