Prerelease:Puggsy (Genesis)
This page details pre-release information and/or media for Puggsy (Genesis).
To do: Add more differences and comparisons with the final. |
The game's development has been made decently known about thanks to Gamehut (Jon Burton), who was the original main programmer. Not only has he released the 0.1a prototype, but he has uploaded videos of several other early builds.
Prototype 0.1b
Dated around February 1992, the second build that was shown to Psygnosis internally. and it just like the 0.1a prototype are dated around February 1992, this build is mostly similar to the 0.1a build, but showcasing a different earlier level.
- An early version of the cove level is present, which seems to just be a test level. While the level graphics look mostly similar to the final, there's multiple differences: the purple color is much brighter, slopes do not have green foliage on them yet, and the wooden platforms have more depth.
- The parallax scrolling background is also different: the sky is a light blue, the mountains are silhouettes, the trees are lower, and there is less water visible.
Prototype 0.3
The third known build, dated April 8, 1992. A lot more has been added since the first two builds.
- There's now a Psygnosis screen before the game loads in a level.
- A score counter now sits on the top of the screen.
- Puggsy has actual hands now, however they look different than the hands he has in the final game as they are bigger and have a black outline.
- Multiple pickupable objects have been implemented, with different physics levels like the final game.
- An early version of the Polly Parrot fight is implemented where Polly can only jump in place and the full screen rotation effect for the ship is present.
- The background for the stage is a placeholder from one of Traveller's Tales' older games, Leander.
- There's also a fireworks particle effects test demo that would be used in the final game for the Dragon boss' fire.
Prototype 0.4/CES
The fourth known build, dated May 21, 1992. The codename for the demo is "CES", suggesting it was made to be presented at that year's Summer CES tradeshow. The game now much more resembles the final, but is still in a really primitive state.