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Prerelease:Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)/Mid Prerelease Builds

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)/Mid Prerelease Builds.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  2. Move a bulk of the info, if not all of it, here, and then delete everything from here that you just transferred.

A build seen in a number of magazines, representing what could be argued to be the “mid-point” of the game’s development. A prototype build of Sonic the Hedgehog released in 2021 appears to be a match for this build.

Nick Arcade Pilot

The original pilot for Nick Arcade, taped around April 1991, has a contestant playing a prototype version of Sonic 1. The final header states has the text "1991.APR", suggesting the build shown here was nearly complete.

  • The "Press Start Button" text, lack of an S on the RINGS counter, and purple sunflowers in Green Hill, as mentioned above.
  • The Green Hill boulder in motion: after Sonic passes it, the boulder proceeds to chase him down the hill until it rebounds its path.
  • Slightly different ring placement around the second bridge.
  • The drums are slightly different, as they are heavier and much louder.

The final version of Sonic 1 was used in Season 1 of the Nick Arcade series (recorded later in 1991), with Season 2 (recorded in 1992) swapping it out for what was later discovered to be an early build of Sonic 2 named after the show.

Electronic Gaming Magazine: May 1991, Issue 22

Green Hill Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesghz1.jpg

The Green Hill Zone title card. Notice that the period is the same color as the act letters, the sunflowers have a pink center, and the HUD still says RING. The boulder also still remains.

Star Light Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesslz1.jpg

Act 2 starts with a completely different setup. It is much fuller than the final, with cones, and more truss tiles.

Spring Yard / Sparkling Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercessyz1.jpg

There are signs everywhere that say things like Good Luck, along with the different colored buildings..

Scrap Brain

Sonic1prerelease latercescwz1.jpg

At one point Scrap Brain was called Clock Work, or, Clock Ork since the title card doesn't contain art for the "W".

Sonic1prerelease latercescwz3.jpg

Diagonal conveyor belts. In the final release these do not exist.

SegaPower UK: Issues 20 and 22

Labyrinth Zone

Sonic1prerelease laterceslz1.png

From this image we can see that there was originally a completely different background.

Marble Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesmz1.png

The UFOs went through a change in color, from red to blue.

Sonic1prerelease latercesmz2.jpg

Lava also went through a major change from looking like magma to looking like the final counterpart.

VideoGame (BR)

Green Hill Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesghz10.png

The beginning of act 3. An extra rock and an extra Buzz Bomber badnik can be seen here.

Sonic1prerelease latercesghz11.png

This speed shoes monitor originally wasn't hidden in the palm tree to the right. Instead, it was placed on the platform to its left and an extra Buzz Bomber was placed above the one in the final game.

Sonic1prerelease latercesghz12.png

This shield monitor isn't here in the final game.

Labyrinth Zone

Sonic1prerelease laterceslz2.jpg

The crystals aren't bunched together like they are in the final game.

Marble Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesmz3.jpg

The torches in the background were given a fire animation.

Star Light Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesslz2.png

This picture of the beginning of act 1 shows different ring object placement.

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More pictures of completely different layout and design.

Computer and VideoGames Magazine UK: Issue 115

Title Screen

Sonic1prerelease title.jpg

The Title Screen still uses the Press Start Button text like the other prerelease builds. The background is now finalized.

Marble Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesmz4.jpg

There is an extra fireball shooter tile on this chunk.

Spring Yard Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercessyz3.jpg

A picture showing some of the background.

ConsoleMania: Issue 1

Star Light Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesslz5.jpg

A map of a loop, showing more different layout design.

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Yet more different layout.

Mean Machines UK: Issue 8

Spring Yard Zone


Originally around bumpers there were 4 rows of spiky balls that rotated clockwise. There were also sparkling stars in the sky that rotated clockwise and counter clockwise.

Sega Magazine (UK)

Green Hill Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesghz9.png

A picture of Sonic jumping at the end of act 2.

GamePro: Issue 23

Scrap Brain Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercescwz4.png

The spinning circle object here was absent. The layout design here is very different.

Sega Visions: Summer Issue

Spring Yard Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercessyz4.jpg

Yadrins used to be in the inside sections of Sparkling Zone.


Green Hill Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesghz8.png

This picture shows a slightly different chunk design for the platforms Sonic is standing on.

Sonic1prerelease latercesghz5.jpg

There were also no checkpoints in the game yet.

Star Light Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercesslz3.jpg

This layout and design is completely different from the final game.

Scrap Brain Zone

Sonic1prerelease latercescwz5.jpg

This part of the layout is still broken.

Special Stage

Sonic1prerelease latercessz2.jpg

The Special Stage has been updated to look like the one seen in Shinsaku.