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Prerelease:Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (SNES)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (SNES).

Cammy's Lycra Pants


An issue of the Mexican game magazine Club Nintendo published five screenshots that were reported to be the first ones Capcom released of the SNES port. Among them are Cammy wearing, rather than her usual outfit, a pair of Lycra pants (read: aerobics outfit). The magazine even notes how strange it is to see Cammy like that!

The leggings were most likely present due to Nintendo of America's censorship policies, but this was right around the time of the fallout regarding their censorship of Mortal Kombat and so Cammy was eventually allowed to keep her normal appearance. In fact, the leggings do not appear to be present in the ROM.

SUPER STREET FIGHTER II "Round 2" Cada vez que aparece una nueva modificación al Street Fighter II, siempre se espera con mucha inquietud su adaptación para el Super NES, como nosotros lo dijimos desde hace ya un buen tiempo; la llegada del Super Street Fighter II al Super NES era algo inevitable, sin embargo, siempre queda la duda de ¿qué tal quedará la adaptación?; tratándose de Capcom no hay gran cosa de qué preocuparse, ya que si algo sabe hacer además de sacar subsecuelas es hacer adaptaciones; ya en el anterior número les comentamos acerca de que la movilidad era muy buena pero de los gráficos no sabíamos mucho hasta que Capcom soltó las primeras "Screen Shots" (creemos que está de sobra explicar lo herméticos que son con la información sobre sus proyectos) de la versión de Super NES, aquí podemos observar algunos de los detalles, fondos y personajes nuevos que caracterizan a esta versión (sin embargo, also que nos pareció muy extraño fue que recién nos habíamos acostumbrado a ver pelear a alguién en traje de baño para ahora verla pelear en traje de Aerobic´s (¿Que pasó con Cammy?), la salida de esta juego es para el mes entrante, así que como el año pasado, es hora de ir ahorrando. Capcom hace poco anunció que sí sacarán el juego de Rockman 7, pero lo que más sorpresa nos causó es que esta secuela se iba a saltar del NES al Super NES; tal vez al igual que nosotros te estés preguntando en este instante ¿y que pasó con Mega Man X? ¿Donde está la secuencia?, tampoco lo sabemos pero como ya es típico en nosotros conforme nos enteremos de más te seguiremos informando. Una nueva compañía recientemente acaba de informar su adición como licenciatario de Nintendo y productor de videojuegos para el Project Reality, esta compañía es DMA Design Ltd. con base en Dundee, Escocia; tal vez el nombre no te suene familiar pues su campo de acción han sido los juegos de computadora (ellos son los creadores de la serie de los Lemmings) y ahora ellos se convierten en la tercera compañía después de Rare Ltd. y William Midway en anunciar su apoyo para el Project Reality.

Whenever a new version of Street Fighter II comes out, we always wait anxiously for its port to the Super NES, as we've been saying for a long time now; the arrival of Super Street Fighter II on the Super NES was an inevitability, however, there was still the question of how well the port would turn out; knowing Capcom, there's little cause for worry, because if there's anything they know how to do besides release sub-sequels, it's how to do ports; in the previous issue we talked about how the movement was very good, but we didn't know much about the graphics until Capcom released the first "Screen Shots" (it would be unnecessary to explain how secretive they are with information about their projects) of the Super NES version, here we can see some of the new details, backgrounds and characters that are specific to this version (however, something that seemed very strange to us was that we had just gotten used to seeing a certain someone fighting in a swimsuit, only to see her now fight in an aerobics outfit (What happened to Cammy?), the release of this game is scheduled for next month, so just like last year, it's time to save up.

A little while ago, Capcom announced that they will release Rockman 7, but what surprised us more is that this sequel was going to jump from the NES to the Super NES; maybe at this point, just like us, you're asking yourself, what happened to Mega Man X? Where is the series?, we don't know either but as usual, as we find out more we'll keep you informed.

A new company recently announced its addition as a Nintendo licensee and maker of video games for Project Reality, this company is DMA Design Ltd. based in Dundee, Scotland; if the name doesn't sound familiar it's because their field has been computer games (they are the creators of the Lemmings series) and now they become the third company after Rare Ltd. and William Midway to announce their support for Project Reality.

While not related to the game, the second half of the article (below the pictures) mentions Rockman 7 being released on the SNES instead of the NES (with the magazine staff wondering why Capcom didn't announce a Mega Man X sequel instead) and DMA Design becoming a developer for Project Reality, the code name for the hardware eventually released as the Nintendo 64.