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Proto:Angry Birds Space/SVN Revision 85999

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Angry Birds Space.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

An early version of v1.0.0, dated February 9th, 2012, was distributed by the same group the day after. Strangely an HD build despite using the iPhone application signature.


The App Icon is different, with Red facing to the right instead of the front.

February 9th, 2012 build Final
ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight EarlyAppIcon.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 OrigAppIcon.png

Early/Unused Sprites

Drill Bird

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight DrillBird Idle.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight DrillBird Spin.png

Arguably one of the most interesting things about this build is that it contains sprites for an unused Drill Bird that never made it into the final game. This bird's appearance seems to be similar of that of Hal's from the original Angry Birds, however his beak is made to resemble that of a drill. His animation is also made to reflect this idea.

Black Hole Bird

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BlackHoleBird Idle.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BlackHoleBird Special.png

Another notable find in this build are the two sprites for the Black Hole Bird, whose code was also found in the release version of 1.0.0. This bird is magenta-colored and has a large antenna on the back of its head. The special sprite has its antenna slightly glow.

Early Ice Bird Design

To do:
Add the special sprites.

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight EarlyIceBird Idle.png

An early design for the Ice Bird that resembles a snowball version of Bomb co-exists with his finalized design in the prototype. Strangely, his idle, flying, collision, yelling and blinking sprites are all identical, while the special sprites use unique sprites. All of the sprites for this design are labeled as "BIRD_WHITE" in INGAME_BIRDS_1's DAT file.

Early Lazer Bird Design

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight EarlyLazerBird Normal.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight EarlyLazerBird Special.png

Two sprites of an early design for Lazer Bird, which look much closer to Chuck in appearance.

Early Terence Sprites

February 9th, 2012 build Final
ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight Terence Sprites Early.png ABSpace iOS Terence Sprites Final.png

All of Terence's sprites in the prototype (with the exception of his default idle sprite) have a beige-colored chest, which his design from the original Angry Birds also has.

Classic Bird Designs

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight RedBirdClassic.png

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BlueBirdClassic.png

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight YellowBirdClassic.png

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BombBirdClassic.png

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BigBrotherClassic.png

Several sprites of the birds in their original Angry Birds designs exist in the prototype's INGAME_BIRDS_1 spritesheet, presumably used as placeholder graphics for the birds while their Space designs were still being worked on. Strangely, the white spot Bomb had in his older designs is present in these sprites.

Early King Pig Laugh Animation

To do:
Replace the gifs here with animated PNGs, so they aren't pixelated around the edges.
February 9th, 2012 build Final

Found in the INGAME_BOSS_1 spritesheet, is an earlier version of King Pig's laugh animation seen at the end of the final level of the Pig Bang episode.

King Pig Bubble Projectiles

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BossAsteroidBubble.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BossBananaBubble.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BossCarrotBubble.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BossDuckBubble.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BossMelonBubble.png ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight BossTurnipBubble.png

The prototype's INGAME_BLOCKS_MISC_1 spritesheet contains composed versions of the bubble projectiles King Pig's buggy shoots out in the final level of Pig Bang, which are not present in the spritesheet in the final version.

While the asteroid, carrot and turnip projectiles made the cut, the watermelon, banana and rubber duck did not. However, the graphic for the rubber duck was later repurposed as its own block in the Pig Dipper episode.

Early Cutscenes

February 9th, 2012 build Final
ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight PigBang Cutscene 1.pngABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight PigBang Cutscene 2.png
ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight ColdCuts Cutscene 1.pngABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight ColdCuts Cutscene 2.png
ABSpace iOS PigBang Cutscene 1 Final.pngABSpace iOS PigBang Cutscene 2 Final.png
ABSpace iOS ColdCuts Cutscene 1 Final.pngABSpace iOS ColdCuts Cutscene 2 Final.png

The cutscenes for Pig Bang and Cold Cuts are depicted in a much more comic book-like art style in the prototype, with more prominent thick lines and shading compared to the final, which simply uses the game's regular art style. Several panels also contain more detailed and unrefined illustrations, notably depicting Ice Bird with a slightly different design that resembles the one seen on the game's loading screen.

The ending cutscene to Cold Cuts additionally has three extra panels with "Under Construction" written over them, behind which are grayscaled illustrations of an even earlier version of the world's opening cutscene, where the arms of the spaceship that the King Pig drives look more simplistic and Ice Bird is trapped in an ice cube instead of a bubble. These are removed in the final.

Early Rovio Splash Screen

February 9th, 2012 build Final
ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight RovioLogo.png ABSpace iOS RovioLogo Final.png

The Rovio splash screen seen upon booting up the game is different from the one in the final version. Notably, the logo has a transparent background and has a faint glow emitting from it. It is also slightly smaller compared to the final version.

Noise Texture

ABSpace iOS 1.0.0 TestFlight NoiseTexture.png

A noise texture simply called "INGAME_TEXTURE_NOISE_1" in the files.

Unused Music


A earlier rendition of the unused "AB_space_level_menu.mp3" found in release versions, but with a higher sampling rate (this copy has a rate of 44100 Hz, whereas the one in the final is 16000 Hz) and no fade-out. It is also worth noting that the drumline in this rendition seems to be corrupted, as the hi-hat instrument is repeated throughout the whole song. The last part of the song is also unfinished, as the music remains at a constant pitch and one of the bell instruments is missing.


A placeholder track sampled from the 2001 song "Detektiv Plok" by Finnish composer Brothomstates. Strangely, this track has the same exact filename as Angry Birds Rio's old title theme, despite being a different song entirely.


The "Funky Theme" from the original Angry Birds. More specifically, the version of the song that Ari Pulkkinen uploaded to his YouTube channel.


An early composition of the game's main theme, which has very different melodies that aren't present in the final version.

Early Sounds


An early version of Terence's launch sound.


An early version Terence's ability sound, which was repurposed as his launch sound in the final version.


An early version of Ice Bird's ability sound. Not too different from the one used in the final version, other than it being noticeably quieter.


Two early snoring sounds for the pigs. In the final version, there's four of these total.


The star sounds in the prototype were originally the same ones used in Angry Birds Rio.


Much like the star sounds, the sound that plays when you get a new highscore is also the same one used in Angry Birds Rio.


This ambient background sound cannot be found in any capacity in all versions of the released game. In the final release, it refers to the slightly modified Pig Bang ambience sound only present in early versions.