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Proto:Deltarune/Chapter 1 & 2 Demo (2021)/Unused Attacks

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Deltarune/Chapter 1 & 2 Demo (2021).


obj_queen_socialmedia — Seems to be an early variant of the used chatroom attack, involving a blue dot representing a finger scrolling through a comments feed (adding the additional hazard of quick bursts of speed to the messages as the finger moves the words down), with a path through the messages. There are also bluish-green mentions that heal the player. This attack seems to be nearly finished. It was likely scrapped because it wouldn't make sense for Queen to be browsing the internet even though the internet is down.

obj_queen_spadeblow — This attack pattern is reused in the Giga Queen battle, with flames taking place of the spades. Spades are more associated with Chapter 1's King and Lancer and were dropped out of several other attacks.

obj_queen_solitaire — Another attack with a spade motif that went unused, featuring some (obviously placeholder) solitaire cards flying everywhere, like in the win scene of the classic 1990 version of the solitaire game shipped with Windows.

(Originally discovered by: Fan Of All Games)

obj_queen_search_window — An attack utilizing a browser motif, spawning things that are typed into the window. These are the things that may be typed:

  • Victory — Spawns nothing.
  • Gun — Spawns a gun, which fires a laser projectile.
  • Flail — Spawns a mace-looking object that rotates.
  • Birthday Boy — Spawns junk, or in an old version, an image of a birthday cake.
  • and several other joke inputs which spawn nothing such as Jifts, Guun, Perish, etc.

There exist old variations of the window itself as obj_queen_search_window_old, as well as the Gun and Flail attacks, which use monochrome graphics. In the case of the Gun, the laser also behaves differently, and bounces off walls. Referenced by Queen bullet pattern 0.

obj_queen_berdly_wireattack — An attack supposed to be used by Berdly if difficulty was set to 2 during Queen's turn, but it never is. Spawns an easily avoidable stream of bullets. There also exists a difficulty 3 variation, which does nothing.

obj_queen_search_window_bday — Supposedly created for the purposes of a joke bug report. Similar to the previous attack, but Flail spawns the Annoying Dog instead of the mace. The dog explodes at the end of its lifecycle, and makes the game crash on purpose with the following error message (not shown in the video above):


obj_queen_bufferbullet and obj_queen_bananabullet — The "exploding head" attack originally used spades for its bullets. There was also a 1 in 500 chance that a banana would spawn instead of a spade (note that this chance is increased in the video above). Touching the banana healed you to MAX. Unfortunately, (perhaps unintentionally in the case of the banana, as a byproduct of replacing the placeholder spade) the script overwrites the selected bullet with the final head bullet no matter what, so this is never seen.

(Source: Skawo)

GIGA Queen

The boxing controller object can call nine different attacks, the seventh of which is unused. In it, GIGA Queen attacks by using her wine glass to shoot laser beams. The attack is missing sound effects and features some unpolished art. While there do exist patterns that would utilize this attack, the patterns themselves are never used.

(Source: Skawo)

Sweet Cap'n Cakes

obj_musicalfight_speakers — An early version of the final note attack. Spawns speakers on a random side of the bullet board, which then release musical notes. In the final version, the speakers are always visible on the sides, and the bullets released are bigger and can also take form of a sound wave.

(Source: Skawo)

Rouxls Kaard

obj_thrash_laserbullet_old — A collisionless attack pattern test for the laser head thrash machine, with solid graphics. Seems to change colours depending on the turn.

The general bullet controller also features a different, impossible-to-dodge pattern for the regular obj_thrash_laserbullet.

(Source: Skawo)

Spamton NEO

obj_sneo_wall_controller — Supposed to be spawned if battle difficulty reaches 9, but it never does. Not unlike Jevil's carousel attack in Chapter 1.

obj_sneo_wireheart_edit — A version of the regular wireheart attack with the heart scaled bigger.

obj_sneo_crusher — A crude-looking pillar attack with many difficulty variations. About all of them end up pretty difficult to counter.

obj_sneo_pendulum — An attack with parts of Spamton NEO swinging from overhead. The parts can be deflected with big shots.

obj_sneo_cshot — A flying head attack with ¢-shaped barriers rotating around them as protection. Uses otherwise-unused Spamton head graphics.

obj_sneo_elevator_test — A unique attack with a steerable bullet board, that functions similarly to the Purple Soul power in Undertale. Has four difficulty variations, the latter of which add spark projectiles.

obj_sneo_phonecall_pipis — A joke attack. Spamton gets a call which explodes in his face. His head gets changed to a version with soot on it, which persists until another attack forcefully changes it.

obj_sneo_headwave — Spawns columns of blue Spamton heads that shoot tiny projectiles whilst rotating.

obj_sneo_splitbouncer — Spawns two blue Spamton heads that bounce around the bullet board, which continues to shrink. If shot enough times, they split into smaller copies. At the end of the turn, all the remaining heads explode.

obj_sneo_heartattack — Seemingly an early concept for the heart-on-a-chain attack. The heart fires a volley of ten bullet projectiles, but for some reason the heart fires in the direction of Spamton, making the heart completely non-threating. Uses an early design for the heart itself. Hands (obj_sneo_sine_hand) spawn from top and bottom of the screen. Has three difficulty modes, which add additional projectiles. There also exists a obj_sneo_heartattack_old, which is supposed to shoot instances of obj_sneo_biglaser, but the code for this is broken.

obj_sneo_rotatingwall_pipis — A counterpart to the used obj_sneo_rotatingwall_bomb, which appear during the columns attack. When defeated, they unleash a sun-shaped torrent of bullets.

Additionally, User Event 0 (Other_10) of obj_sneo_wall_controller is an early script for the unused attack, features more primitive walls and chaotic patterns. Finally, Spamton NEO has code to spawn one of Rudinn's attacks from Chapter 1, possibly as a placeholder. During this attack, his face goes blank.

(Source: Skawo)

There also exist a few unused difficulties for used attacks:

  • Difficulty 2 for the flying heads attack has Spamton shoot out massive lasers by spawning obj_sneo_biglaser.
  • Difficulty 2 for the columns attack spawns them in more head-heavy configurations and features otherwise-unused red heads that destroy surrounding columns.
  • Difficulty 3 for the columns attack spawns them in the same head-heavy configurations, but without the red heads.
  • Difficulty 4 for the columns attack spawns empty columns with no heads (which makes it impossible to dodge).
  • Difficulty 3 for the heart chain attack changes two of the hearts into laser-shooting green maws. The maws respawn if destroyed after a moment.
  • Difficulty 4 for the heart chain attack changes two of the hearts into bombs, which explode into diamonds if shot. The diamonds fly at Spamton, however, and not the bullet board, which seems to be an error. The bombs respawn if destroyed after a moment.
  • Difficulty 7 for the flying heads bullet has them fly in and make a small circle, then shoot a bullet.
(Source: GAMERSUNITE, Skawo)

Tasque Manager

obj_tm_quizzler_old - Old version of the Tasque Manager Order attack. Doesn't seem to have any difference in a regular battle, but changes drastically in dojo challenge - instead of going from 1 letter to 3 and requiring 4 successful dodges in each round to progress, old one goes seemingly infinitely and requires remembering up to 5 letters at once.

(Source: cl_showpos)