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Proto:Duke Nukem Forever/2001/Levels/Campaign Maps

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Duke Nukem Forever/2001/Levels.

To do:
Maybe split each chapter into it's own subpage? Also write descriptions, talk about oddities, add images and detail what the player can do in the level. When talking about the chapter as whole, maybe include the chapter thumbnail and discuss it? I've wondered if we should also talk about unimplemented campaign maps in this subpage.

Born To Be Wild

Born To Be Wild would have been the second/third (depending on if Duke Nukem got driven to Slick Willy in the Pimpmobile or went there on his motorcycle) chance for driving the motorcycle.

The Chase (!Z3L1_1)

This level is full of oddities. This level features no enemies, the player's bike's model is the first person view model, missing geometry. This level features the cycle_sports enemy, but they consist of a barrel with the mesh of the cycle_sports.

Heat Wave

Heat Wave
This is where you would have met Gus and his ass- I mean his mule.

Ghost Town

Ghost Town
The chapter with the giant sandworm. Watch out, it has an appetite for mules!

Ground Zero

Ground Zero
The EDFHQ chapter of the game. Storywise, this is where the situation has deteriorated...

Unfriendly Skies

This chapter doesn't work in any capacity as the level it requires is missing. This level looks like it was barely even worked on as the level select thumbnail placeholder is... porn. And the image is way larger than the other thumbnails.

Chasing Proton in Ship Chunk 1 (!z4l2_1)

This level... is missing. The player cannot play this level, although an E3 variation of that map exists.

Deja Vu

Deja Vu is a chapter where the player goes back to the first level of Duke Nukem 3D, Hollywood Holocaust. It has a level transition after a Twin Peaks inspired outro, leading into the first level of Rescue Mission.

It's possible that this was supposed to be a hallucination chapter, if Unfriendly Skies was supposed to end with Duke Nukem crashing his aircraft near Area 51.

There is actually 1 more level to this chapter, Red Light District. It's possible they wanted to recreate ALL of the L.A. Meltdown levels from Duke Nukem 3D.

Hollywood Holocaust (!z4l3_1)


Red Light District (Red Light District.dnf)

This level is BARELY even started. There is no spawnpoint. The level is unlit, wich causes the level to be black. There are no enemies, multiple geometry setpieces without textures, the geometry is unfinished and just leads to a void. This level is unplayable without severe modifications.

In the original Duke Nukem 3D version of this level, there was a tower the player could blow up. In the level, the tower is already blown up.

The following are screenshots taken with the editor.

Rescue Mission

Rescue Mission
Insert joke about Area 51 secretly having aliens

Operation Shutdown

Operation Shutdown
Now YOU can be a computer's personal virus as well!

Moon Patrol

This was the penultimate chapter in the game.

Moon Patrol

This level is mostly a empty room.

Mother Ship

The Mother Ship is the last chapter in the campaign. There are two levels (Mother Ship Chunk 1 and Mother Ship Chunk 2 respectively). While Mother Ship Chunk 1 is mostly empty and with some basic geometry, Mother Ship Chunk 2 features some interesting mechaanics with giant EDF-209 the player can control.

Mother Ship Chunk 1

This level features low gravity, in common with the Moon Patrol chapter. This level has no transition to the next level.

Mother Ship Chunk 2

The player EDF 209 punching the other EDF 209.

Mother Ship Chunk 2 is the last level in the campaign and features six giant EDF 209, 2 of them being NPCs that will speak a placeholder line if interacted with, 2 of them being static props. The beginning vignette labels this level as the "Docking Bay" despite there being no ships.

  • When the left mouse button is pressed the robot will throw a punch.
  • When the right mouse button is pressed the robot will kick.