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Proto:Midnight Club: Street Racing

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Midnight Club: Street Racing.

The Preview version of Midnight Club: Street Racing is a much earlier beta build of the game, dated 2 months before the final release. The engine in this build is closer to Midtown Madness 2 and the files are almost directly interchangeable between both games.

Beta Cars

Almost all cars in this build have differences compared to their final version counterparts. All traffic vehicle textures in this build are uncensored i.e. their original license plates and company names are intact (except FedEx which has been altered to MidEx), NYPD vehicles have their original livery before being altered to MCPD.
MCSR-vp camaroclassA front.png MCSR-vp camaroclassA back.png

MCSR-vp camaroclassB front.png MCSR-vp camaroclassB back.png

MCSR-vp camaroclassC front.png MCSR-vp camaroclassC back.png

MCSR-vp cooperclassA front.png MCSR-vp cooperclassA back.png

MCSR-vp cooperclassB front.png MCSR-vp cooperclassB back.png

MCSR-vp cooperclassC front.png MCSR-vp cooperclassC back.png

MCSR-vp crxclassA front.png MCSR-vp crxclassA back.png

MCSR-vp crxclassB front.png MCSR-vp crxclassB back.png

MCSR-vp crxclassC front.png MCSR-vp crxclassC back.png

MCSR-vp ferrariclassa front.png MCSR-vp ferrariclassa back.png

MCSR-vp ferrariclassb front.png MCSR-vp ferrariclassb back.png

MCSR-vp ferrariclassc front.png MCSR-vp ferrariclassc back.png

vp_tractor - Unique playable vehicle, exists in the Preview build only.
MCSR-vp tractor front.png MCSR-vp tractor back.png

Unused Cars

A lot of testing vehicles, recovery and backup files can be found (likely as result of crashes):
va_2siter_s - Unused traffic vehicle from Midtown Madness 2.
MCSR-va 2siter s front.png

va_icecreamtruck_lcopy - Uses gentex_blue for the mirrors instead of gentex_lightblue.
MCSR-va icecreamtruck lcopy front.png MCSR-va icecreamtruck lcopy back.png

va_mailtruck_l_recover - Recovery file, probably caused by corruption. Has much worse normals.
MCSR-va mailtruck l recover front.png MCSR-va mailtruck l recover back.png

va_policesuv_ALL - Police SUV with prototype headlights from Midtown Madness.
MCSR-va policesuv ALL front.png MCSR-va policesuv ALL back.png

va_sedan copy - Traffic sedan with prototype headlights from Midtown Madness.
MCSR-va sedan copy front.png MCSR-va sedan copy back.png

MCSR-va test front.png MCSR-va test back.png

vp_ball - A returning test vehicle from Midtown Madness (known as vp_disco), but in lower detail.
MCSR-vp ball front.png

vp_camaroclassBcopy - Different wheels and main color.
MCSR-vp camaroclassBcopy front.png MCSR-vp camaroclassBcopy back.png

vp_cooper_l - No interior and driver.
MCSR-vp cooper l front.png MCSR-vp cooper l back.png

MCSR-vp cooperclassAcopy front.png MCSR-vp cooperclassAcopy back.png

vp_damage - Damaged vp_mitsuclassa. vp_wheel1 texture is not present in this build, but it's possible to source it from Midtown Madness 2 where it is left unused.
MCSR-vp damage front.png MCSR-vp damage back.png

vp_ferrariclassc02 - Earlier version without engine, driver and door handles. The rear is similar to vp_ferrariclassb.
MCSR-vp ferrariclassc02 front.png MCSR-vp ferrariclassc02 back.png

vp_skyline - Class A version of the Skyline. Does not appear in any of the final builds of the game.
MCSR-vp skyline front.png MCSR-vp skyline back.png

MCSR-vp skylineclassa front.png MCSR-vp skylineclassa back.png

vp_skylineclassb - Different color.
MCSR-vp skylineclassb front.png MCSR-vp skylineclassb back.png

skyline06 - Version with merged parts, no LODs and no shadow.
MCSR-skyline06 front.png MCSR-skyline06 back.png

vp_test - Only a misplaced Medium LOD is present.
MCSR-vp test front.png
MCSR-vp test back.png

Different Graphics

Some decals are different, but their original basenames remain unchanged in the final builds.

Beta Final
MCSR-vp decal blitz beta.png MCSR-vp decal blitz final.png
MCSR-vp decal pickupclassc stripes beta.png MCSR-vp decal pickupclassc stripes final.png

GTA2 posters were supposed to be on several buildings in both cities, but are changed in the final version:

Beta Final
MCSR-gta black beta.png MCSR-gta black final.png
MCSR-gta white beta.png MCSR-gta white final.png

City selection menu icons are also different, mostly being darker in the beta version. London's icon is completely different:
MCSR-11newyork comparison.gif
MCSR-11london comparison.gif

Unused Cities

A very bare bones version of c01 (Chicago) from Midtown Madness can be found:


Several test maps:

A lot of variations of m01 (New York) and l01 (London) are present as well. m01:

MCSR-city l01ai.png

l01 and m01 have subway networks (completely cut from the final version), but it's only accessible and working in m01:


Lastly, one of the most exciting discoveries in this build are the city files for Tokyo. Present are two compiled versions of it - t01 and t02, 8 peds and a lot of props. Unfortunately, both versions are very bare bones and broken, but a very ambitious project by RacingFreak has been started to bring it back in working state and eventually complete it using MC2 Tokyo assets such as traffic vehicles and buildings:

Unused Textures

An interesting leftover texture in Midtown Madnesss' UI style can be found:

San Francisco is one of the cities in Midtown Madness 2, likely it was planned as an addon for Midtown Madness originally.

Debug Features

Debug camera in the vehicle selection screen can be controlled with the L1 and L2 buttons, Up and Down D-Pad buttons control the rotation in the vehicle selection screen. Additionally, by holding the Left D-Pad button, the vehicle will spin slower in the opposite direction and by holding the right D-Pad button it will spin faster:

Several Debug statistics - AI, City and Game Stats can be turned on in-game by pressing L2 and R2 at the same time:

Pressing L1 and L2 at the same time displays string 'Angel Studios:' on the screen - probably meant to display a build date:

MCSR-Debug AngelStudios.png

Loading Screen

The loading screen is very different compared to the final game as there is no loading bar, but instead raw loading percentage and available memory counter can be seen: