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Midnight Club II

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Title Screen

Midnight Club II

Developer: Rockstar San Diego
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Platforms: PlayStation 2, Xbox, Windows,
Released in US: April 9, 2003 (PS2), June 2, 2003 (Xbox), June 30, 2003 (Windows)
Released in EU: May 2, 2003 (PS2), June 20, 2003 (Xbox), July 11, 2003 (Windows)

ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Midnight Club II is the sequel to Midnight Club: Street Racing and expands on it by including three cities, motorcycles, improved game engine and a significantly larger soundtrack.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Custom Music

A feature exclusive to the PC version - custom music can be added to the mp3 folder in userdata.

Debug Displays

The same debug information displays will later make it into Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition as well. Use the following codes to toggle frametime on the PS2 version:

MC2 PS2-frametime.png

004BB238 0001
004BA938 0001

MC2 PS2-miniframetime.png


004BB238 0002
004BA938 0002

MC2 PS2-barframetime.png


004BB23C 0001
004BA93C 0001

Only frametime can be toggled on the PC version:

MC2 PC-frametime.png

00858330 0001
(Source: RacingFreak)

Unused Cities

Leftovers from several test maps can be found: bangertest, qualcomm, stunt1, stunt2, stunt3, test2, test5, test6, test7 and testphysics. However, most of them don't have any map files.

stunt1 collision found in PS2 version of the game
Midnightclub2 stunt1 colision.png

stunt3 collision found in PS2 version of the game
Midnightclub2 stunt3 collision.png

testphysics collision found in PS2 version of the game
Midnightclub2 testphysics collision.png

`qualcomm` refers to Qualcomm Stadium, there are leftover textures in the PC version of the game, a leftover UI icon titled `The Q` and there's a leftover bound (collision) file in the PS2 version of the game.
Midnightclub2 qualcomm collision.png

Unused Traffic Vehicles

Present in the PS2 version are leftover models for several traffic models. They still have UV mapping data on them, but the textures have been removed. In the Xbox and PC version only va_accord_t, va_cargotruck_small01_t, va_firetruck_l and va_trashtruck_p are present and the rest of the models are completely removed.

MC2 va 206 p front.png MC2 va 206 p back.png

va_accord_t - almost identical to va_accord_l and the body is still assigned to its texture, but it has different mirrors and UV mapping.
MC2 va accord t front.png MC2 va accord t back.png

MC2 va audi s3 p front.png MC2 va audi s3 p back.png

MC2 va bmw l front.png MC2 va bmw l back.png

va_bustour_p - no model file remains.

va_cargotruck_small01_t - has 6 paintjobs in total.
MC2 va cargotruck small01 t front.png MC2 va cargotruck small01 t back.png

MC2 va copcar1 l front.png MC2 va copcar1 l back.png

MC2 va copcar2 l front.png MC2 va copcar2 l back.png

MC2 va crv l front.png MC2 va crv l back.png

va_garbagetruck_big_p - no model file remains.

va_firetruck_l - has a missing side texture in the PS2 version.
MC2 va firetruck l front.png MC2 va firetruck l back.png

va_funicular_p_worked - an unused version of va_funicular_p, just positioned differently.
MC2 va funicular p worked front.png MC2 va funicular p worked back.png

MC2 va humlimo l front.png MC2 va humlimo l back.png

MC2 va polo p front.png MC2 va polo p back.png

va_semitruck_l - an unfinished version of va_18wheeler with slightly different taillights design and positions.
MC2 va semitruck l front.png MC2 va semitruck l back.png

MC2 va trashtruck p front.png MC2 va trashtruck p back.png

(Source: RacingFreak)

Unused Player Vehicles

vp_civica_old (Xbox and PC only) - an earlier version of vp_civica, which is almost identical to the PS2 version of it instead.
MC2 vp civica old front.png MC2 vp civica old back.png

vp_mitsuclassc (All versions) - leftover model from MCSR with several missing textures.
MC2 vp mitsuclassc front.png MC2 vp mitsuclassc back.png

vp_slf400 (All versions)
MC2 vp slf400 front.png MC2 vp slf400 back.png

Revisional Differences

The initial Steam release was published with a cracked executable by the infamous group Razor1911. On May 1, 2014, a patch was released (along with one for Max Payne 2) that removed their signatures after being called out about it. Executables themselves are still the same as the R1911 crack, however.

(Source: https://twitter.com/__silent_/status/1698345924840296801)