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Proto:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Mid-1991 Overdump/ROM Map

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This is a sub-page of Proto:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Mid-1991 Overdump.

In the table below, "[SD]" means that a section of data has been overwritten by data from Super Donkey.

Overdump Final Description Notes
Start End Start End
05800 05881 04FC0 05033 Terrain GFX File Pointers: High Bytes The first 51 (0x33) entries reference overwritten data. The first entry not overwritten is SNES $13:8219 (PC $98219).
05882 058F2 05033 0509E Sprite GFX File Pointers: High Bytes The first 12 (0x0C) entries reference overwritten data. The first entry not overwritten is SNES $15:8E5D (PC $A8E5D).
058F3 05974 0509F 05111 Terrain GFX File Pointers: Middle Bytes The first 51 (0x33) entries reference overwritten data. The first entry not overwritten is SNES $13:8219 (PC $98219).
05975 059E5 05112 0517D Sprite GFX File Pointers: Middle Bytes The first 12 (0x0C) entries reference overwritten data. The first entry not overwritten is SNES $15:8E5D (PC $A8E5D).
059E6 05A67 0517E 051F0 Terrain GFX File Pointers: Low Bytes The first 51 (0x33) entries reference overwritten data. The first entry not overwritten is SNES $13:8219 (PC $98219).
05A68 05AD8 051F1 0525C Sprite GFX File Pointers: Low Bytes The first 12 (0x0C) entries reference overwritten data. The first entry not overwritten is SNES $15:8E5D (PC $A8E5D).
0C6FC Falling Item Data
[SD] 0D000 10000
0DB69 Dungeon Secrets Data
0E96E Chest Information Array
[SD] 10000 11547
119DA 125EC [?]
11DB2 11DF1 07C9C 07CDB GFX Assignments for Each Light World Area Each 512×512 square of the map is represented by a single byte.
11DF2 11E31 07CDC 07D1B GFX Assignments for Each Dark World Area "
11E32 11E71 07D1C 07D5B Palette Assignments for Each Light World Area "
11E72 11EB1 07D5C 07D9B Palette Assignments for Each Dark World Area "
[SD] 12000 13A20
129C4 11EB2 Code
14B25 15381 Normal Entrance Blocksets
14BAA 15406 Normal Entrance Floor Values
14C43 1548B Normal Entrance Dungeon Values
14CC8 15510 Normal Entrance Doorway Type Data
14D4C 15595 Normal Entrance Ladder & BG Settings
14DD1 1561A Normal Entrance Horizontal & Vertical Scroll Properties
14E56 1569F Normal Entrance Scroll Quandrant
150BB 15724 Normal Entrance Exit Door Location
1545A 15B6E Spawn Points
15607 15D8A Exit Data
17146 1794D Overworld Map Data Pointers
[SD] 18000 181E4 [?]
18000 1C0B3 18000 1B3FF Map32 to Map16 Conversion Values: Upper Left Corners End addresses in SD and Final not entirely certain. Referenced in code, but partially overwritten. Still appears to be intact starting at 181E4.
1E067 26CC0 Dungeon Overlay & Data Pointers
1E157 26F2F Dungeon Layout & Data Pointers Start address in SD not entirely certain.
1E3DD 271CD Sluice Gate & Other Phenomena
1E3F6 271E6 Push Block Data
1E49E 2736A Torch Data
1E518 2748A Initial Equipment & Misc. Values for Save Files
1E591 27502 Header Information Pointers
1E811 27782 Header Data
1F3DF 3F890 [?]
[SD] 20000 200D6
20000 Map32 to Map16 Conversion Values
20000 1B400 Map32 to Map16 Conversion Values: Upper Right Corners Referenced in code, but partially overwritten. Still appears to be intact starting at 200D7.
24400 DB800 Hole Data
24474 DB860 Code Start address in SD not entirely certain.
24478 DBBF4 Code
244C3 DB8BF Overworld Accessible Entrances
24AAE DBF4C Data
24AC8 DBF64 Code
258C0 14813 Normal Entrances [?]
25FA9 54727 Guide Maps (Light World & Dark World)
273A9 55B27 Guide Map Color Palettes (Light World & Dark World)
28000 2FFFF 28000 2FFFF Entity Code (zel_enmy2.asm)
30000 37FFF 30000 37FFF Entity Code (zel_enmy.asm)
[SD] 38000 38E65
38000 38000 Link's Action Code Partially overwritten. Appears intact starting at 38E66 to 38FFF, continues at 3968A.
[SD] 39000 39689
3E490 3E50F 3F4F7 3F576 Message ID assignments for each map square (Light World)
3E510 3E58F 3F577 3F5F6 Message ID assignments for each map square (Dark World)
3E590 3E80F 3F5F7 3F876 Message ID assignments for each dungeon room
[SD] 40000 617FF
41543 Bomb Timers for Each Explosion State
48000 20000 Map32 To Map16 Conversion Values: Lower Left Corners Referenced in code, but completely overwritten.
484E8 Memory Locations to Write to When a Chest Is Opened
48B90 Table of Item Values to Give
48CD5 Initial Position Data for Weathervane Sprites
4C635 Overworld Area Widths
4C881 Overworld Sprite & Overlord Information Pointer Array
4C901 Overworld Sprite & Overlord Information Pointer Array
4CA21 Overworld Sprite & Overlord Information Pointer Array
4D62E Dungeon Sprite & Overlord Information Pointer Array
50000 23400 Map32 to Map16 Conversion Values: Lower Right Corners Referenced in code, but completely overwritten.
55BEE [N/A] Overworld Map32 Layout Data (3/3) Referenced in pointer table, but completely overwritten.
58000 58000 Overworld Map32 Layout Data (1/3) Referenced in pointer table, but completely overwritten.
60000 6511A 60000 Overworld Map32 Layout Data (2/3) Referenced in pointer table, but partially overwritten. Still appears to be intact between 61800 to 61FFF, continues at 62800.
[SD] 62000 627FF
66000 52418 Type, Layout, & Object Data 1
68000 68000 Animation Data for Link
6BC00 6C000 E0000 E7355 Script Text There seems to be very little remaining of the script text. The final message in this section is Loyal Sage message 0034 (source code ID), which appears to be cut off after the first line. The text encoding matches the one used in an early script file called zel_msge.asm. While this version of the encoding is also used by the localizations of the game, it does not match the encoding of the final Japanese releases.
[SD] 6C000 78637
70000 BG3 VWF Graphics
74703 Dictionary Entry Pointers
75460 Palette Index Locations
78000 78000 Map16 to Map8 Conversions Comes in groups of 8 bytes, four Map8 tiles each. Partially overwritten, but still appears to be intact starting from 78638.
7902A [?]
7EF00 1EBA0 Type, Layout, & Object Data 2
[SD] 80000 98218
80000 80000 4bpp Graphics Sets for Link's Animations Completely overwritten.
88000 87000 3bpp Graphics Sets Referenced in pointer table, but completely overwritten.
8C800 8B800 Dungeon and Overworld Tiles Partially overwritten, with Dungeon tiles fully overwritten, but still appears to be intact starting from 98219
A8E5D A7FFC Tiles: Sprites
BE5C2 BF4FD Tiles: Items
xxxxx C0D64 Location of Compressed Graphics for Action Sprites
xxxxx C2F0D Location of Compressed Graphics for Menu Screen
xxxxx C3520 Location of Compressed Graphics for Menu Screen
xxxxx C3953 Location of Compressed Graphics for Menu Screen
C8000 C4000 Tiles: Hyrule Map
D0000 C8000 Music & Sound Effects
DC2F9 Overworld Secrets Data (Items)
F4EBC Maiden Message IDs
E0000 F8000 Pointers to Type, Layout, & Object Information for Each Dungeon Room
E0780 50000 Type, Layout, & Object Data 3
E8000 53750 [?]
EA800 6DB40 [?]
EC864 57D00 [?]
ED000 6B080 Sprite Statistics
EF320 4F7DC [?]
F0000 F0000 Entity Code (zel_enmy3.asm)
F0484 F1878 [?]
F5CCB DD218 Color Palette