Proto:Unreal/0.83 Prototypes/Levels
This is a sub-page of Proto:Unreal/0.83 Prototypes.
The October 3rd build comes with two levels made for Emissary, while the October 18th build has a single test level. This article only covers content related to Unreal, so the Emissary levels will not be shown.
Unreal.unr is a decent-sized test level that shows off the various lighting effects available in in the Unreal Engine at the time it was made. It shows off colored lighting, flashing lights, strobe effects, sky boxes, flashing, and colored lighting.
The map itself is extremely basic. The player starts in a large box with yellowish lighting that connects to four other rooms. Three of them lead to large rooms that have a single color. Another one leads to a room with strobing red lights that leads to a room with yellow lights that rotate. The last room leads to a long path containing various lighting effects combined. There are no enemies and no items in this map.
The most interesting part about this map is that it has several textures that didn't appear in the final game. Textures from the scrapped SkyCity level, a previously-unknown area called the Marsh, and old Mine textures (which appeared in pre-release screenshots taken in 1996) appear in this map.
Other Levels
The Emissary archives that both versions of the 0.83 prototype came with contain many levels, most of them for Emissary. However, buried in Emissary's map files are three early Unreal levels designed in 1996; Batset, Seti, and Siobhan. All three of them were last modified on October 22nd, 1996. However, they were imported from earlier t3ds and compiled by the Emissary team for reference. The standalone t3ds show that Siobhan was exported from 0.7 while Seti from 0.82. Meaning Siobhan is actually older than this version of Seti. They work just fine when played with either version of 0.83. However, the game's levels from the two 1996 teaser trailers and screenshots are not in this prototype.
Batset is the first of the three early Unreal levels included in the Emissary archives. It is a small, castle-themed level with multiple floors centered around a large, square area with water at its bottom. It's very incomplete, as it's filled with dead ends, rooms with nothing in them, and has no items.
The player starts on the third floor of the map. On the other side of where they start is a walkway just like the one they start out on. Near the player is a hallway that leads to a dead end. One of the walls between the two sides has a ledge that can be used to cross over. The ledge has a path that leads nowhere.
The other side of the third floor has a lot more than the side the player started at. On the wall in the middle of the other side is a hallway that leads to a fork. The left path has a medium-length hallway that suddenly ends past a doorway. The right path ends shortly after entering. Both paths use an interesting-looking doorway texture and design not seen in the final game.
Across from there the player got onto the other side from the ledge is an entrance to a room. This room has nothing in it at first, but looking behind reveals a staircase on the left with a carving over it and a carving on the right side. The left staircase leads to a dead end. Getting close to the carving on the right makes it open, revealing a room with nothing in it. This was probably meant to be a secret area if the level was further developed.
That's all there is to the third floor. Looking down will reveal a bridge. Hopping to it will put the player on the second floor.
There isn't much on the second floor. A bridge connects two hallways. One hallway has a symbol of a hand over it, while the other has a strange-looking symbol. However, these hallways are blocked off by a wall almost as soon as you enter them. Since there isn't anything else to do, it's time to fall to the water on the first floor.
The first floor initially has the player start in a pool of water. One side of the pool has a sloped walkway that leads to a boomerang-shaped room with an elevator in the center of it. There is nothing on the sides, so the only way is up.
The elevator leads to the fourth floor of Batset. After getting off the elevator, the player can go left, right or forward. Going left will take the player down a hallway that ends in a room with nothing in it. Going right leads to a dead-end. Going forward leads to a ledge that overlooks the large area the player spent most of the map in. There is nothing else in this map.
Seti is the first of the two, vaguely-Egypt levels worked on in 1996. This is easily the most complex and complete out of all the 1996 maps released.
The level starts in a large square room with pillars everywhere. There is a sundial-looking texture in the center of the room that has an Automag on it. Opposite of where you start is a clip pickup and a staircase that leads to a square room with an opening on the left and right. The right leads to a bare-bones room with a Quadshot on some sort of raised floor. The left leads to a long staircase that goes down. At the bottom of the staircase is a medium-sized room with a box of Shotgun shells just chillin'. There is a door at the bottom of the staircase, but that'll be explored later.
The left side of the staircase as it goes down has a path. There is a cool-looking door on the path, but the player is too big to get through it. Following the path leads to a wall with the Daemonhead texture from Unreal Tournament's DOM-Cryptic on it. To the left of the Daemonhead texture is a room with a hole in the center of it and some cool-looking wall textures with alien text on them and a frame that looks like a demon with a giant mouth. The hole room also lets the player hop back to the staircase for whatever reason. Past the hole room is a small room with a floating platform to the front and a door to the left. Taking the door on the left will send the player into a tight but long hallway with an opening on the left and right sides of the hall.
In the tight hallway, there is an opening on the left that leads to a large room with a giant shaft with lava at the bottom and a Brute on the opposite side of where the player ends up at. However, the floor the player will be on is not solid, so they'll fall right into the lava at the bottom. The Fly cheat is the best way to navigate this room. On the upper side portion of the lava shaft room is a door. It leads to a four-way split path with a box of Shotgun shells. Two of the paths are dead-ends, but one leads to the cool-looking door that was impossible to go through earlier. Just past the door is a box of Shotgun shells and a Med-kit. Guess they really wanted the player to use the Quadshot in this map. Past the items is the area the Brute is at. Looking down at the shaft reveals that there are blocks placed around the walls of the shaft in order to help the player get back up if they fall in. Hopping down will show that the lava at the bottom leads to a giant room with lava and pillars. There is nothing interesting in the room though. Going back to the area the Brute was at will reveal another hallway. Going through it will send the player back into the tight hallway that originally led to the lava shaft room. Since there's nothing else in the lava shaft room, going into the right opening in the tight but long hall is a good idea. Soon after entering the path, there is a hall that can be seen on the left, but it quickly leads to a dead end. Follow the hall.
At the end of the hall is a nifty-looking burial chamber room. The idea is that the player is supposed to overlook it at the end of the hall, but the end of the hall is not solid, which sends the player flying straight into the burial chamber room. The burial chamber room is a large square with neat-looking curved pillars coming from the center roof. On two sides are small rooms meant to store a coffin. Only three of the rooms have coffins for some reason. The coffins have a Skaarj on them. Interestingly enough, these coffin top textures were used in the Soledad map that appeared in the 1998 prototype, a year and a half after this prototype was compiled. The walls surrounding the coffins have neat-looking carvings using some sort of alien language, which appears to be the same as the language seen earlier. The burial chamber has an exit that leads to a walkway with lava surrounding it. The lava on the right side is pouring down into another room, but that room will be explored later. Past the lava walkway is another walkway, but the walkway is much tighter than before. Beyond the tight walkway is an elevator that goes up.
After going up, the player will see some walkways on each side. Opposite of where the elevator leads to is what appears to be a screwed up double door. The doorway is long enough for two doors, but there is only a door on the right part of the doorway. The left walkway leads to a small but tall square room where the player has to jump over a pit of lava to reach the other side of the room. However, there is nothing there when the pit is jumped over. On the left is a dark room with nothing it in and the right part of the room has a cubby hole with an armor vest. If the player lands in the lava at the bottom of the room, there is no way to get out except for cheats.
Going back to the previous room and through the screwed-up double doors leads the player to a room that looks very similar to the previous room. The front path leads back to the burial chamber and the right path is a dead end. The only new path is the left one, which leads to a floating platform. To the left is the cubby hole with armor in it mentioned earlier. Hopping onto the floating platform will let the player access the other side of the room. The other side is actually the room that leads to the path that allows access to the lava shaft room covered earlier. After getting off on the other side, falling down will lead the player to a new room.
The room consists of a small lava-fall on one side and a door on the other side. In the middle are some weird-looking statue things on the left and right sides of the room. The door leads to the bottom of the stairs room found at the start of the map. The lava-fall is actually the one seen in the lava walkway right after the burial chamber room! Going into the door will lead the player to the bottom of the stairs room mentioned earlier. The only new path left is hopping down the lava-fall. After hitting the bottom, the player will be in a room with two octagon-shaped paths. However, both of them lead to dead-ends and there is nothing in them.
That's all for Seti.
Siobhan is the last of the three levels made in 1996 that works with Unreal 0.83. This map uses the same textures that Seti uses.
The map starts off in a small room with unusual walls and a door on the other side. Near the door is an Automag. Past the door is a huge and tall octagon-shaped room with a pillar in the center of it, a bridge connecting two walkways above where the player first enters the room, a small walkway leading to a door on the other side of where the player is and lava at the bottom. There is a switch behind the player, on the left side of the door, that lowers the bridge, allowing the player to reach the other side. However, this switch is timed and the bridge will revert to its original position a few seconds after the switch is hit. When the player gets close to the door on the other side, the wall with writing on it that's to the left of the door will open, revealing a Quadshot and a box of Shotgun shells. If the player jumps over and grabs the Quadshot, the wall behind the Quadshot will lower, exposing an alternate path into the next room.
The next room is boomerang-shaped with a coffin on each wing. In the center is the Daemonhead face texture seen in Seti. Past it is a pentagram-looking glyph with alien writing textures to the left and right of it. Each end of the boomerang leads to another location. If the player travels through the left wing, a wall will lower, revealing an elevator that leads to the Quadshot if it wasn't picked up earlier. The right wing leads to a coffin with a box of Shotgun shells near it and a strange-looking staircase at the end. This walk-through will take the left wing, but the right wing will be covered soon.
At the end of the left wing is an elevator. Going up it will send the player to the upper parts of the octagon room where the bridge originally was before the player hit the switch to lower it. However, the bridge has now returned to its original position. The bridge has a visual-related bug where the stones between the two beams will not render, but the bridge is still solid. This area also lets you see that there are several spikes pointing downward near the top of the octagon room and that the very top has the sky exposed.
On the other side of the bridge is a door. Going through it will send the player into a smaller octagon-shaped room with some alien writing on pillars on the lower right-hand corner. There is a path on the right side of the octagon, but there is a Brute standing on a walkway above the path. The Brute will ignore the player most of the time thanks to a combo of level design and bad AI. Past the Brute is a small room with a hole in the center of the floor. The only way is down.
After falling through the hole, the player will end up in a square room with lots of alien writing on it. There are two ways out of the room. The first way has a rotating texture on top of the exit and what appear to be stairs. The second way is a small room that the player must jump down from.
The first way looks like a poorly-made set of platforms set up to be stairs. However, as soon as the stairs are stepped on, they will start to move to the side, exposing a lava floor at the bottom. Getting to the top of the stairs has the player end up on the right wing of the boomerang-shaped room from early in the level. Hopping into the lava room will put the player in a small room with an alcove and a slope with a lava texture on it. Going down the slope will send the player to the bottom of the huge octagon room. Walking to the alcove and getting near the right wall will make a hidden door open up. Past the door is an elevator. However, the elevator's "go up" trigger seems to be tied to the door opening. There is enough room between the elevator and the door to safely get out of the lava. However, this will keep the door opening, which means that it is almost impossible to get on the elevator in the split-second when it hits the floor and before it goes back up. However, with some cheats, it is revealed that the elevator leads straight to the Brute mentioned earlier. The part with the elevator is presumably supposed to be an escape route in case the player hops into the lava for whatever reason, but the Brute is pretty dickish.
Back in the square room, going into the small room reveals that the player needs to hop down an edge. There is no way to get back up after hopping down (except with cheats, of course). After two brief falls, the player will end up in a small hallway that forks. The left path quickly leads to a dead end that uses a castle-themed texture that doesn't fit with the rest of the level. The right path has a slope that leads to a door.
Past the door is a small but very detailed room with another slope. The sides have the same alien writing seen countless times in this map and there is a small room at the end of the slope. Above the entrance to the small room is a weird-looking design made out of metal with a red symbol in the center of it. There are pillars on each side of the entrance. In the center of the room is a square shape. If the player walks over it, the square will open, sending the player down a shaft. At first, it seems the drop leads to a dead end, but if the player jumps, they'll find a small hallway with some light fixtures on the walls.
After going through the small hallway, the player will end up in a large room that has two staircases with a regular floor between them. In the middle of the floor is a Quadshot and two Shotgun shell boxes. Near each box is a coffin. At the end of the staircases is a door. Above it is a higher floor that has another coffin on it.
Past the doors is a dark room with two statue-like objects on the left and right side of the center of the room. There is a door on the other side that has some slight rendering issues, but it works fine.
On the right wall are two secret doors that will open when walked up to. Be careful when using the secret path closest to the entrance to the statue room, as there are spikes that will come out of the wall. Both passages lead to a small room that has a lava river and a pedestal with a poorly-placed assault vest on the other side. The side the player is on has a switch that will make a bridge appear, making it possible to grab the armor without getting stuck in the lava river. The bridge is bugged and will often go back before the player has a chance to get on it. Using the fly cheat is the best way to get it.
Going back to the statue room and entering the room past the visually bugged room reveals a small room with three coffins. The coffin on the right is already open. There is a switch in the center. Walking over it makes a part of the wall facing the left coffin retract, but nothing else happens. The level basically ends here because there's nowhere else to go. However, a quick look at the coffins show that they use cover designs that haven't been used on previous coffins.
There is nothing else in this map.
An earlier version of this map appeared in some pre-release screenshots. Comparisons between the pre-release screenshots and how they appear in the 0.83 prototype are below:
1996 pre-release screenshot | 0.83 prototype |
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1996 pre-release screenshot | 0.83 prototype |
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It seems that the version of Siobhan that appeared in 1996-era pre-release screenshots is from an earlier version of Siobhan than the one included in the Emissary archives. The pre-release screenshots show no shadows and a Brute in the statue room. There is no Brute in the 0.83 version of Siobhan's statue room.