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Proto:Unreal Tournament (PC, 1999)/Version 222/Level Preview Screenshot Differences

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Unreal Tournament (PC, 1999)/Version 222.

Hidden in botpack.u package are preview screenshots for each level. Most of them are the same as the final's, but some of them are different. Some of the changed ones are because of changed textures between the prototype and final versions of a level, while others show earlier versions of a level.

This section also includes the images used to show each objective in an Assault level.

Preview Screenshots


AS-Frigate's preview screenshot looks different from the prototype and final versions of the level. It appears to take place at night instead of day and the building the ship is docked in consists only of the large warehouse right before the actual docks. This design for AS-Frigate appeared in an early screenshot.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222asfrigateicon.png Unrealtournamentfinalasfrigateicon.png


The preview screenshot for CTF-EternalCave in version 222 shows an earlier layout for the blue base. Instead of being at the opposite end of a tight beam, the blue flag is placed on a platform placed where the beam starts.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222ctfeternalcaveicon.png Unrealtournamentfinalctfeternalcaveicon.png


DM-Peak's preview screenshot uses the texturing style seen in version 222's DM-Peak and is taken at a different angle compared to the final's.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222dmpeakicon.png Unrealtournamentfinaldmpeak.png


AS-Mazon's preview picture uses version 222's version of the level, which takes place at night instead of day.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222asmazon.png Unrealtournamentfinalasmazonicon.png


AS-Rook's preview screenshot in version 222 takes place at night and uses darker textures, like version 222's AS-Rook does. The screenshot is taken from the right side of the outer area in Version 222, but the final preview screenshot is taken from the upper left part of the outdoors area and is taken further away than version 222's.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222asrookicon.png UnrealtournamentfinalAsrookicon.png


DM-Liandri's preview screenshot looks exactly like the DM-Liandri seen in version 222. It was changed in the final game to a screenshot of the final DM-Liandri.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222dmliandriicon.png Unrealtournamentfinaldmliandriicon.png


DM-Tutorial's preview screenshot looks like the one in version 222, not the final one.

Prototype Final (Unused)
Unrealtournament222dmtutorialicon.png Unrealtournamentfinaldmtutorialicon.png

Assault Objective Pictures

The menu for seeing the objectives in Assault levels is not available, but there are pictures for each objective. Most of them differentiate from the final's images.


AS-Frigate has only one objective image in the prototype, which is an image of the final objective. The prototype's picture includes the red button needed to activate the final objective and the wheel to the right of it. The final game's version of this image has only the button, presumably to make it easier to understand that the button is the objective, not the wheel.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222asfrigateobjective1icon.png UnrealtournamentfinalAs-FrigateOb2icon.png


Gate Dumbbells

The image showing the first objective is taken at a different angle with brighter lighting in version 222. Another interesting bit of info is that the file name for this image is “ASMazonObjc2”, suggesting it was implanted after the final objective, which is called “ASMazonObcj1”, was.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222asmazonobjective2icon.png UnrealtournamentfinalAs-mazonOb1icon.png


The final objective's image is taken from a different angle in version 222. The version 222 shot is taken very close to the water at a left angle. The final image is much closer to the walkway on the second floor and is taken at a right angle.

Prototype Final (Unused)
Unrealtournament222asmazonobjective1icon.png UnrealtournamentfinalAs-mazonOb4icon.png


AS-Overlord not only has the usual changed objective image, it also has one not seen in the final game.

Corrupt Graphic


AS-Overlord's map file contains an objective image that didn't make it into the final game. It appears to be corrupt, but looking hard enough reveals several steam gauge textures, which appear near the boiler room and the gun controls in the final room.

Final Objective

The image for the final objective shows red banners, which appear in the version of AS-Overlord included in this build as well. The final image has blue banners to match the new banners in the final room.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222asoverlordobjective2icon.png UnrealtournamentfinalAS-Overlordobcj1icon.png


AS-Rook has several different objective images compared to the final game. In addition, two of the objective images seen in the final game are missing from the prototype because they weren't in version 222's take on AS-Rook.

Chained Winch

The image of the chained winch is taken at a different angle compared to the final's.

Prototype Final
UnrealtournamentfinalAS-Rook2icon.png Unrealtournament222asrookobjective1icon.png


The image showing where how to escape the level is taken from a different location in the prototype. Version 222's image is taken looking down at the outdoor area, while the final game shows the area past the two doors.

Prototype Final
Unrealtournament222asrookobjective2icon.png UnrealtournamentfinalAS-Rookobcj4icon.png