Proto:Unreal Tournament (PC, 1999)/Version 222
This is a sub-page of Proto:Unreal Tournament (PC, 1999).
Version 222 is a prototype version of Unreal Tournament that was last modified on March 16th, 1999, about eight months before the game was released. Nearly everything in v222 is different in one form or another. Some of the most famous parts of Unreal Tournament, such as mutators and certain levels, are missing in v222.
This prototype appears to be from the development phase where the game was still heavily influenced by the original Unreal, as a lot of levels use more textures from the original Unreal than they do in the released version, while most of the weapons sound and behave more like their Unreal counterparts than they do in the final game.
Version 222 can be downloaded here.
Graphic Differences From remnants of an older HUD system to player skins that didn't appear in the final game, there's a lot of graphic differences. |
Sound Differences Some of the Assault levels were meant to have a voice-over that would explain the level's objectives. |
Level Preview Screenshot Differences Hidden in version 222's files are level preview images showing early versions of levels. |
Capture the Flag Levels There's a CTF level that never made it into the final game! |
Deathmatch Levels Not one, but TWO levels have completely different layouts! |
Assault Levels You can't assault the huge amount of differences the Assault levels have in this build. |
Domination Levels I came, I saw, I dominated WIP Domination levels. |
Bot Differences Covering the differences in how the AI behaves and how the default bots look since 2013. |
Single Player Mode There was supposed to be a level named "Deck 17" in the game at one point! |
The compile date for the executable is March 9th, but the files were last modified on March 16th.
Intro Screen
In v222, the intro screen is a gold version of Unreal Tournament’s logo rotating behind a glowing and futuristic-looking background. Underneath the U is the text “Press ESC to begin”. The intro screen also serves as double duty for the background map that plays while the player is browsing the menu when they’re not in a match.
The final game replaces the U intro screen with a cool-looking intro where the camera flies through a city while the narrator talks about the background setting. When the player hits ESC when they’re not in a match, the background will simply be “Unreal Tournament” over a black background.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype | Final |
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Call Signs
Each bot has a call sign in-game in the prototype when a team-based game mode is being played. The call signs are “Able”, “Baker”, “Charlie”, “Dog”, “Fox”, “Romeo”, “Tango”, “Victor” and “Zulu”. These call signs are used to refer to a bot when giving it an order. For example, if the player gives Archon, whose call sign is “Able”, an order to defend the flag, the player will say “Able, defend the flag”. This is also used when bots are referring to each other. If Archon, whose call sign is Able, wants to tell Visse, whose call sign is Baker, that he is defending her, he will say “Baker, I've got you covered.”
This mechanic was removed from the final game. Instead, the game will use the bot's real name, but the name is not spoken verbally. The sound files for the call signs exist in the final game's files.
Server Browser
If the server browser is opened, it will show Unreal servers, not Unreal Tournament servers.
Killing Sprees
Killing sprees are in this build, but are somewhat different from the final game. No matter how large a spree someone has, the only sound that will be played is guitar thrashing. The actual message appears after the sound effect has finished playing. In the final game, the announcer talks at the same time the message appears.
The titles and when they appear are different. There are several titles that don't appear in the final game. The highest amount of frags one can get in a single killing spree is 50 in the prototype, while the final game tops it off at a much more reasonable 25.
Amount of kills | Prototype message | Final message |
5 | X is on a killing spree! | X is on a killing spree! |
10 | X is on a rampage! | X is on a rampage! |
15 | X is dominating! | X is dominating! |
20 | X is brutalizing the competition! | X is unstoppable! |
25 | X is unstoppable! | X is Godlike! |
30 | X owns you! | N/A |
40 | X needs to find some real competition! | N/A |
50 | X is a GOD! | N/A |
Headshots work the same as they do in the final game, but no special text announcing you've landed a headshot nor does a special sound play.
Prototype | Final |
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First Blood and Multi-kill Messages
This build doesn't show messages for whenever someone gets the first kill in a match nor if someone quickly gets multiple kills in a row.
Orders Menu
The orders menu looks quite different compared to the final one. It is larger, has a different font, and breaks down the Taunts and Other sections into three categories instead of a single large one that makes the player scroll down in order to see more commands. However, some of the Taunts and Other categories are visually broken, as they won't show the actual commands. Instead, they'll show the main menu. Hitting a number key while in one of the broken categories will still make the game play a taunt or other command, depending on the category.
Prototype | Final |
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There are no mutators in this prototype. In fact, the ability to select a mutator does not exist yet.
Four teams can be used in Domination and Team Deathmatch, but the option to select the amount of teams is not in any menu. It must be enabled by editing unrealtournament.ini.
The player can choose to be a spectator from the skin selection menu. In the final game, they just need to check “Play as spectator” in the Player Setup menu. This was likely done so that people could keep their player model setup when they wanted to spectate.
Unreal Monsters
Players can spawn monsters from Unreal in Capture the Flag by default. In the other game modes, the player has to edit UnrealTournament.ini to enable them.
The final game disables monsters by default in all game modes. They can be activated by editing .ini files.
Copyright Date
When the console is opened up right after the game boots up, the game will state the copyright year for the engine is 1998 instead of 1999.
The original version of v222 does not come with the editor. However, someone managed to make a version of UnrealEd included with a beta patch for Unreal work with v222 and repackaged v222 with the editor. The most common distribution of v222 comes with the editor by default.
At this point, all of the weapons use their final models, but, if they had an equivalent gun in Unreal, are virtually identical to their Unreal counterparts in mechanics and sound effects.
Impact Hammer
The Impact Hammer looks the same as it does in Botpack220, but the firing modes are now the same as they are in the final game.
The primary fire does less damage when the gun is charged up than in the final game. In this prototype, it takes two fully-charged hits to kill a player with 100 health. In the final game, only one shot is needed. However, unlike Botpack220, the charging firing mode will automatically fire when the player gets close enough to someone. The secondary firing mode is the same as it is in the final game.
Prototype | Final |
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The Chainsaw is mostly the same as it is in the final game. The only difference is that it uses the Impact Hammer's sounds instead of its own. The primary fire will play the sound that the Impact Hammer makes when it is charging up, while the secondary fire plays the sound the Impact Hammer uses when it is fired.
The Translocator uses the final's design, but the entire model is a lot more detailed than the final model. The skin has a lot more details and the arm actually looks like the rest of the arms in the game instead of being two vaguely arm-like models attached together. The right side of the Translocator has a bar attached to it which is held by the player's left hand, which does not appear in the final model. This design appears in the manual.
The Translocator behaves mostly the same as it does in the final game. The only difference is that the player cannot remotely bring the disk back, like in Botpack220. They have to pick it up if they want to toss it again without teleporting.
The disk fired by the Translocator is almost exactly like the one in the final game, but there are some small details missing. The disk does not emit a beacon that uses the color of the team the person who tossed it is in. It cannot be punted around with the Impact Hammer.
The third person model for the Translocator is a giant version of the disk tossed by the Translocator.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype | Final |
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At this point in development, the Enforcer is basically a reskinned Automag pistol from Unreal. It needs to be reloaded after every 20 shots like the Automag has to, has the same accuracy, and uses the same firing sound. The final game removed the need to reload, but increased the spread of the primary fire to compensate. The firing sound was changed from the Automag's to a more beefier sound. The damage is the same between the prototype and final Enforcers.
Dual Enforcers still need to be reloaded like a single one does. One thing to note is that each Enforcer has its own magazine. If the player picks up an Enforcer that has been fired a few times, the magazine will still carry the amount of rounds it had when its previous owner was killed. This behavior is the same as how double Automags magazines worked in Botpack220.
When the player picks up another Enforcer, the message “Time to pick some ass two-fisted!” appears on the upper left corner of the screen. The final game says “You got another Enforcer!”. The prototype message is most likely a modified version of the message that played when the player got double Automags in Botpack220, as they are the same except for the ending.
The BioRifle looks the same as it does in the final game, but the globs shot by the gun are darker than they are in the final and are not transparent. When a glob explodes, it looks different than it does in the final.
The firing modes are mostly the same as they are in the final game. The primary firing mode is exactly like how it is in the final, but the secondary firing mode is a little bit different. First, the gun makes very little sound when the glob is being charged up. Second, the gun will automatically fire a few seconds after it is at full charge, like the BioRifle does in Unreal. In the final, the player can hold down the secondary fire key as long as they like until they want to release it.
The BioRifle is as powerful as it is in the final game. A single charged up secondary fire shot will gib a player with a shield belt and 100 health if it hits them, just like in the final.
Prototype | Final |
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ASMD Shock Rifle
The ASMD Shock Rifle looks the same as it does in the final game, but there is a slight bug where parts of the Shock Rifle will appear over the HUD. This was fixed in the final.
The effects that play when a combo is done are different in v222. The actual explosion is brighter, but the waves that appear from it are much more subdued compared to the ones the final combo shoots out.
The only gameplay difference between the version 222 and final Shock Rifles is that the prototype Shock Rifle has a slightly longer delay between shots than the final one does.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype | Final |
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Pulse Rifle
The Pulse Rifle has a lot of differences. It is still the same weapon bots all around the world love, but there are several visual and mechanical differences.
First, the weapon has a completely different skin. Instead of being green with lines everywhere, it uses a grey tiger camouflage pattern that has very few details on it. The front of the gun's bottom has a dark purple groove on the first person model, while the third person model has a dark grey groove. The ammo pickups and the magazine attached to the gun are the same green color that the final's ammo pickups use. The LED screen is on the gun, but serves a different purpose, which will be explained below. This design appeared in several pre-release screenshots and in a poster in the final game.
Another big difference is that the Pulse Rifle has to be reloaded after 50 ammo units are used. The gun can only be reloaded when the player runs out of ammo in the current magazine. The LED panel on the left of the gun shows how much ammo is remaining in the magazine. As the magazine decreases, the green bar underneath the numbers will get smaller. When 9 rounds are left in the magazine, the LED numbers will turn red to warn the player. This was removed from the final game, but managed to make it far enough in development that it was mentioned in the manual. The reload animation is still in the final game.
The actual firing modes are the same as they are in the final game. The alt-fire mode uses a different sound. Primary and secondary firing modes inflict the same amount of damage that they do in the final.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype | Final |
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The Ripper looks and sounds the same as it does in the final game, but there is a visual glitch where parts of the gun will overlap the HUD when it is taken out.
Prototype | Final |
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The Minigun has some small visual differences. First, the gun does not eject spent casings, like the Minigun in Unreal does (the Unreal Minigun shows casings being ejected, but none of them actually appear in the world). Second, the numbers on the ammo display are placed slightly up compared to the one in the final game.
It uses the same sound effects that Unreal's Minigun uses.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype firing | Final firing |
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Flak Cannon
The Flak Cannon looks and sounds the same as it does in the final game, but the projectiles fired in both primary and secondary fire modes do the same amount of damage as they do in Unreal. Chunks fired by the Flak Cannon also lack the heat effect that is used when they're first fired from the gun.
Rocket Launcher
The Rocket Launcher is identical to its final counterpart.
Sniper Rifle
The Sniper Rifle has the same model that it does in the final game. However, the scope graphic used when the gun is zooming in is much smaller than it is in the final. The firing sound is the same as the one the Rifle in Unreal uses.
It does the same amount of damage that the final Sniper Rifle does.
Prototype | Final |
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The Redeemer has undergone a skin change from Botpack220. Instead of being all grey, the Redeemer's body is a brown color, but the rest of it uses the same colors that the Botpack220 Redeemer had. The weird-looking stray polygon on the right pipe is gone.
When remote controlling a nuke, the HUD will mark every object in the level instead of just players, like in Botpack220.
The explosion caused by a Redeemer nuke has a notable blue tint in this prototype. The final explosion has no specific color tint.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype | Final |
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Enhanced Shock Rifle (Instagib rifle)
The Instagib rifle does not exist in this prototype.
Note that all of the items take their respawn time from their equivalent version in Unreal's deathmatch mode.
Armor looks completely different than it does in the final game. Instead of being a thin suit of body armor, it is a large suit of armor with a low-resolution skin that looks vaguely like the armor worn by male Iron Guard members in both the prototype and the final game. The back of the armor has a layered shape.
The amount of armor points seems to vary as well. The code states that it gives 100 armor points, but when it's actually picked up, it'll give either 120 armor points (in Assault) or 144 armor points (in Capture the Flag and Deathmatch). It doesn't make any sense why it gives a different amount of armor points depending on the game mode, but there you go.
When Armor is picked up, the game uses the sound for picking up armor in Unreal.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype | Final |
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Thigh Pads
Thigh Pads look and behave the same as they do in the final game. The Unreal sound effect for picking up armor is played when the player gets Thigh Pads, not Unreal Tournament's.
Shield Belt
The Shield Belt looks like it does in Unreal. The graphic effect that surrounds the player when they pick one up is the same as Unreal's.
When picked up, it gives 120 armor points that will absorb 100% of all damage the player receives. In the final game, the Shield Belt gives 150 armor points and will absorb 100% of all damage. One interesting thing to note is that Shield Belts will always stack with other pieces of armor. This can lead to the player having a whopping 290 or 314 armor points, depending on how much armor the regular armor gave. Unreal also stacks armor, which is likely why it can be done in this prototype. In the final game, the Shield Belt will overwrite any armor pieces the player already has. If they have more than 100 shield belt armor points when they pick up any more armor, it will restore them. If the player picks up any armor after they have less than 100 armor, it will stack with the Shield belt.
This prototype has a fully-functioning Unreal Tournament Shield Belt, complete with proper model, but none of the maps ever use it. One interesting bit is that the Unreal Tournament shield belt stacks with armor, like the Unreal one placed in levels does. It also stacks with an Unreal Shield Belt, making the player ridiculously powerful.
Big Keg O' Health
The Big Keg O' Heath has a completely different model in the prototype. Instead of being a large keg with blue liquid in it and medical crosses on each side, it is a very large Medkit with three notches on each side of it. When picked up, the game calls it the “Super Health Pack”. It was probably changed because it doesn't look very interesting. It takes 100 seconds for it to respawn, while the final Keg respawns after 90 seconds.
It gives 100 health points when picked up, just like in the final game.
Prototype | Final |
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The Medkit is the same as it is in the final game.
Health Vial
Health Vials are the same as they are in the final game.
UDamage/Damage Amplifier
The UDamage looks and behaves the same as it does in the final game, but uses different sounds when it is picked up and when it expires. It has three sounds related to it being used; picked up, activated, and deactivated. The activated sound is removed entirely from the final game, but does fit the sound scheme that Unreal items use, where each item has a sound for being picked up, being activated, and being deactivated.
222's Udamage activation sound. The final game does not have an activate sound for the UDamage.
Prototype pickup sound | Final pickup sound |
Prototype deactivate sound | Final deactivate sound |
The Invisibility pickup is the one from Unreal, not Unreal Tournament. There is no code nor model for the Unreal Tournament Invisibility pickup.
AntiGrav Boots
AntiGrav Boots look and behave the same as they do in the final game.
SCUBA Gear behaves the same as it does in the final game.
Shock Rifle Ammo
Shock Rifle ammo is smaller than it is in the final game.
Prototype | Final |
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Pulse Gun Ammo
Pulse Gun ammo has a slightly different texture in this build. The design on the wide side of the cell has a red rectangle on one side and nothing on the other side in v222, but has a futuristic-looking yellow pattern in the final game.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype | Final |
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Nearly all of the songs from the final game are in this prototype. The only one that isn’t in this build is Credits.umx.
Menu Theme
The menu theme is completely different in v222. It is a lot more upbeat and epic than the one used in the final game.
There are two copies of it in the game’s files; menu2.umx and XYZDtitle.umx. XYZDtitle is smaller than menu2, but they are the same.
Prototype | Final |
The menu theme also has several unused patterns which create a version of the song that sounds similar to the fly-by music from the original Unreal.
Unused | Used |
Fire Breath
The middle part of Fire Breath sounds different from the final version.
Prototype | Final |
The turrets have quite a few differences compared to the final game.
The turret looks completely different in v222. Instead of being a square cannon or a minigun mounted on a round base, the turret does not have a base, has a lot of angles on it, a yellow-and-black band on one side, and is a lot longer. Note that all of the turret-types in the game use the same model in v222; the ground turret is just the roof-mounted one turned upside down.
Prototype | Final |
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Prototype | Final |
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The turret can be mounted on the ground or floor, like in the final game, but the turret often ”detatches” itself from the wall or floor when it detects someone and starts flying. The final game fixes this by adding a base for the turrets to come from.
V222’s turrets have some differences. If the player shoots a turret and the turret is friendly, the turret will activate, but will not shoot. In the final game, a player shooting a friendly turret does nothing.
Strangely, turrets will attack spectating players if they are on the attacking team, even though they’re not actually playing. The final game fixes this.
Minigun Turret
In v222, the Minigun turret fires much slower than it does in the final game and uses ‘’Unreal’s’’’ firing sound.
Shock Rifle Ball Turret
The turret that fires Shock Rifle balls does not exist in v222. In their place are fireball-shooting turrets. Most of the fireball shooters are replaced with Shock Rifle ball shooters in the final game, but one or two fireball turrets are still in.
Flak Cannon Shell Turret
V222 has a turret type that does not appear in the final game. This one shoots Flak Cannon shells at the player, but has very low range.
Game Mode Differences
Some of the game modes have differences compared to how they work in the final game.
Command Control
A .uc code file for the Command Control game mode mentioned in Botpack220 exists in v222, but there's still no code for it.
Points are given out much faster than in the final game.
Strangely, the game will not declare a team a winner until someone dies after the point limit has been reached, whether they're killed by someone else or they commit suicide. This unusual requirement for ending a match is gone in the final game.
Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing is completely broken in this build. Everyone spawns with no weapons and weapons cannot be brought in via console commands, making it impossible to complete a match.