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Proto:Yume Nikki/Map and Event Differences/Minor Maps

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Yume Nikki/Map and Event Differences.

There are many maps that all share the same Minor Map name in older versions. This would be changed in v0.10 to give them more descriptive names, and were also moved to different folders to make them better organized.

v0.06 through v0.09 have all the Minor Maps in a single dedicated folder, but in v0.04, they are organized in a strange way with unrelated maps.

Guillotine Room


  • Only the smaller variant of this room exists at this time.
  • The Guillotine NPC for the Severed Head effect is not here, and is in Block World for some reason.


  • The Guillotine is now present.
  • The upper-left Toriningen is still in the same position as older versions.


The larger version of the room has been added.


  • The upper Toriningen was moved one tile to the right.
  • The positions of most Toriningen in the larger room were shifted over to the right by one tile.
v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 - v0.09 v0.10
Yn006 guillotineRoom.png Yn009 guillotineRoom.png Yn010 GuillotineRoom.png

Neon Tile Path


  • Only one Neon Tile Path map exists in v0.04. v0.10's Neon Tile A map is the closest equivalent.
  • Two purple gates and one tile are used to transport you to different maps. The top gate leads to Block World, the middle gate goes to Graffiti World, and the tile in the lower right corner directs to Mini Hell.
  • The music is the same as Snow World's.


Both maps are now present, and have the same layout and connections as v0.10.


The music was slowed down to a 70% tempo.

v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 onward
Yn006 neonTile.png Yn010 neonTileA.png

Checkered Tile Path


  • Two gates instead of one: The right gate leads to Shield Folk World, and the left gate sends you to Lamp World.
  • The Toriningen is in the second map instead, and traps you at the solitary bed in Lamp World.
  • The music used is the same as Shield Folk World's. In v0.07, this was changed to use a unique track exclusive to this area instead.
  • Mafurako is present in this area. Interacting with her sends you to one of three random spots in Block World, one of which leading to an event that was removed in later versions. She has no additional functionality beyond this, and does not have graphics for her visible form.
  • There's a lamp post in the middle of the second map that overlaps a tree, making the lower right corner of the tree not appear. Since the corner is not visible, it acts like a transparent tile instead, with the parallax background going through it.
  • The purple gate in the second map leads to Hell, like in v0.10.


The layout is now the same as v0.10.


The Toriningen in the first room was relocated to the right side.

v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 - v0.09 v0.10
Yn006 checkeredTileA.png Yn009 checkeredTileA.png Yn010 checkeredTileA.png
v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 onward
Yn006 checkeredTileB.png Yn010 checkeredTileB.png

Face Carpet Plaza


  • Two purple gates are present: The lower right gate leads to Snow World, and the upper left gate leads to Dark World.
  • When the map's layout was changed in v0.07, a tile placement error where one of the spikes is blunt near the northwest corner of the map was created. v0.04 does not have this error.
  • The map is larger, and the Toriningen is placed differently.
  • v0.04 uses what is likely an early version of the Toriningen Beat as its music. This track is also used in the classic version of Lamp World.


  • The layout is now the same as v0.10, including the tile placement error.
  • The music is still the same as older versions.


The same music as v0.10 is used now, but it is played at full speed.


The music is now played at a 70% tempo.

v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 onward
Yn006 faceCarpetPlaza.png Yn010 faceCarpetPlaza.png
v0.04 - v0.08 v0.09 v0.10

Dense Woods A


  • Only one Dense Woods map exists at this point.
  • Two gates instead of one: The lower gate goes to Puddle Worldlike in v0.10, and the upper gate goes to Mural World.
  • There is a jellyfish standing next to a lamppost near the center of the map. For unknown reasons, this jellyfish was moved offscreen in later versions.
    • Kikiyama didn't rule out putting something else in its place, however, as an unused event featuring NASU would be placed here in v0.09.
  • Since there are no other Dense Woods maps yet, the map simply loops if you travel on the road.


  • Several maps have been added to Dense Woods A since v0.04.
  • The offscreen jellyfish that crashes the game in v0.10 functions properly in v0.06. The only difference from the other jellyfish on the map is that it plays the other bell sound effect.
    • The reason why this jellyfish crashes v0.10 is because the CharSet image called in its event actions was not updated to reflect the file name changes present in v0.10. Specifically, it looks for a file named イベント5, but this file was renamed to イベント_005 in v0.10.
  • The Infinite Road lacks the events from v0.09/v0.10 that determine whether the manhole will be open in Dense Woods B.


Some trees were cleared out, making the layout the same as v0.10.


NASU is present on the map, but not during normal play. This is one place where the unused NASU Link event can be triggered.

v0.04 v0.06 v0.09 v0.07/v0.08/v0.10
Yn004 DenseWoodsA.png Yn006 DenseWoodsA.png Yn009 DenseWoodsA.png Yn010 DenseWoodsA.png

Mini Hell


  • The layout is completely different.
  • Two gates are present: The left-hand gate leads to Hell, while the right-hand gate takes you to Eyeball World. Stepping on the tile in the southwest corner of the map will bring you to Neon Tile Path.


  • Mini Hell was rendered unused due to no maps connecting to it.
  • The layout was redesigned.
  • The purple gate still goes to Eyeball World, like older versions.


  • Mini Hell is now only connected to Number World, like in v0.10.
  • The layout appears to be an expanded rendition of what was unused in v0.07.


The amount of pathways on the map was increased, adding onto the existing layout from v0.08.

v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 (Unused) v0.08/v0.09 v0.10
Yn006 miniHell.png Yn007-miniHell.png Yn009 miniHell.png Yn010 miniHell.png



A funhouse mirror that makes you look fat!
  • Only the left half of Hell is present. The layout of this half appears to be identical to later versions, and was just added on to later.
  • The lunatic bunches Toriningen traps you in the second Checkered Tile Path map.
  • A mirror can be found on the upper portion of the map that gives the Fatten effect. This effect is found in The Docks from the Strober NPC in v0.10.


  • Hell has been doubled in size since v0.04.
  • All of the map teleportation methods use a purple gate, making navigation more confusing. This was thankfully changed to only one purple gate by the time of v0.09's release.
  • There is one less Toriningen, and the lunatic bunches Toriningen traps you in the second Checkered Tile Path map.
  • The Henkei Shita is grey and stabbing it does not have any chance of teleporting Madotsuki to the Footprint Path.


  • All but one of the purple gates have been replaced, like v0.10.
  • Like in v0.10, the Henkei Shita can be stabbed for a random chance of being teleported to Footprint Path A.
  • Although the Checkered Tile Path was redesigned, the location where Madotsuki is trapped by the Toriningen was not updated, placing her out of bounds when caught.


  • The Henkei Shita is now the same color as v0.10.
  • The Lunatic Bunches Toriningen now traps Madotsuki in the Teleport Maze instead of Checkered Tile Path.


  • Although the Sky Garden exists now, the Toriningen that will trap Madotsuki there has not been added yet. v0.10 would implement it.


  • The mirror that provides the Fatten effect was removed.
  • The Toriningen that will trap Madotsuki in the Sky Garden was added.

The table below lists how the connections to each map align with each other across versions.

v0.04 v0.06 v0.07 onward
Checkered Tile Path B Checkered Tile Path B Checkered Tile Path B
Forest World Forest World Footprint Path B
Mini Hell Mini Hell Neon Tile Path B
Candle World Candle World Face Carpet Plaza
Dense Woods B Dense Woods B
The Docks The Docks
Version Map Image
v0.04 Yn004 Hell.png
v0.06 Yn006 Hell.png
v0.07 Yn007 Hell.png
v0.08/v0.09 Yn009 Hell.png
v0.10 Yn010 Hell.png

Footprint Path


  • The two Footprint Paths are not connected.
  • In Footprint Path A, the music is the same as Mural World.
  • None of the Henkei Shita NPCs can be stabbed.
  • Heading west leads to Neon World, and the east path goes to Lamp World.
  • In Footprint Path B, heading west leads to Puddle World, and going south leads to Snow World.
  • The footprints in the southern part of Footprint Path B differ.


  • The layout and connections to other maps are now the same as v0.10.


  • Footprint Path A's music was slowed down to a 50% tempo.
  • The Henkei Shita can now be stabbed.
v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 onward
Yn006 footPrintB.png Yn010 footPrintB.png

The Wilderness


  • A pink gate is used at the entrance.
  • There is less foliage in the map named Minor Map 13A / Sand A.
  • The foliage in Minor Map 13C / Sand C is arranged differently, preventing access to the path that would lead to the fence blocking an entrance to FC World in v0.06 and v0.10.
  • The Toriningen Party is very bare compared to later versions, with several graphical details missing. The quieter music in the room before the party also does not play.
    • A motionless boombox with a different design is also used in v0.04. This would be replaced with an animated boombox by v0.06's release.
  • The Towel effect is found right outside the Barracks Settlement.
  • v0.04 has only 7 maps in this area compared to 14 in v0.10.


  • A map that leads to FC World has been added. A path to this map (though blocked by a fence) has been added to the map Minor Map 13C / Sand C by rearranging the foliage.
  • The Toriningen Party has been overhauled with new graphics. The quieter music in the room before the party also plays now.
  • v0.06 has only 8 maps in this area compared to 14 in v0.10.


The pink gate was altered to its final design.


In Minor Map 13G / Sand G, a vine was placed to block off the right side of the screen.


  • All 14 maps are now present.
  • All but two of the maps are the same as in v0.10 now.
  • The Towel effect was moved to its final location.


  • In Minor Map 13I / Sand I, two of the plants around the right-hand gate were altered.
  • In Minor Map 13K / Sand K, additional foliage was added.
v0.04/0.06 v0.07 onward
Yn006 wilderness.png Yn010 wilderness.png
v0.04 - v0.08 v0.09/v0.10
Yn006 wildernessA.png Yn010 wildernessA.png
Yn006 wildernessF.png Yn010 wildernessF.png
v0.04 v0.06 onward
Yn004 WildernessC.png Yn010 WildernessC.png
Yn004 WildernessE.png Yn010 WildernessE.png
v0.06/v0.07 v0.08 onward
Yn007 WildernessG.png Yn010 WildernessG.png
v0.09 v0.10
Yn009 wildernessI.png Yn010 wildernessI.png
Yn009 wildernessK.png Yn010 wildernessK.png

Barracks Settlement


  • The shack that would contain the Squish-Squish creature in v0.06, or the Seahorse in v0.10 is closed off.
  • Since the FC Overworld doesn't exist yet, the Pirori cannot teleport Madotsuki.


  • A second shack has been opened up, providing access to the Squish-Squish NPC.
  • The Squish-Squish effect is found inside one of the shacks. The NPC that provides the effect is rendered in the game's normal art style, which went unused in v0.08 and later versions due to it being moved to FC World.
  • Even though the FC Overworld exists in v0.06, the Pirori still can't teleport Madotsuki to it just yet.


  • The Pirori can now teleport Madotsuki to FC World.
  • The Seahorse has been added into the shack that the Squish-Squish is in. Unlike later versions, it is purple and less detailed.
  • The Squish-Squish effect is no longer obtainable here, and was moved to FC World.
  • The Squish-Squish is still present, but has met with a terrible fate... The Seahorse is sucking it dry! RIP Squish-Squish, we hardly knew you.


The Seahorse is still slurping up the Squish-Squish, but its color has been altered to orange.


The Squish-Squish is now fully consumed by the Seahorse.

v0.04 v0.06 onward
Yn004 BarracksSettlement.png Yn010 BarracksSettlement.png
v0.06/v0.07 v0.08 v0.09 v0.10
Yn006 barracksB.png Yn008 barracksB.png Yn009 barracksB.png Yn010 barracksB.png

The Sewers


  • The outside area where the Pirori are is listed as the first map of The Sewers. Despite this, you still enter The Sewers as you normally would. This could possibly be a remnant of a version even older than v0.04, where you might have started outside first.
  • The entrance uses a pink gate instead of a ladder.
  • The Faceless Ghost effect is found in the map directly to the left of the outside area. It is located in a map named Gutter_006 in v0.10, which did not exist until v0.08.
  • By exiting the left side of the map that the Faceless Ghost is in, you can get behind the Pain Blob. This is not possible in v0.08 and onward, as a newly added room has obstacles blocking the path.
  • It is impossible to enter the small space between the pipe in the room before Big Red with the Midget effect.
  • In the room you enter when returning from the Docks, there is a hole in the wall instead of stairs, and none of the Sewer drawings.
    • This room will provide a one-way trip to the Mall.
  • There are only five of the Sewer drawings in v0.04.


  • In the room you enter when returning from the Docks, some stairs have been added that replace the hole in the wall.
    • Two more Sewer drawings have been added to this same corridor since v0.04's release, bumping up the total to seven.


  • The pink gate was replaced with a ladder.
  • Returning from the Docks will put you in the room before Big Red instead of the Mall, but it's still not possible to enter the small space with the Midget effect to return to the area.


  • The map that the Submarine Fish is found on was added.
    • Two additional Sewer drawings were also added with the addition of this room, creating a final total of nine drawings.
  • The Faceless Ghost is still in its original location.
  • It's possible to enter the small space between the pipe in the room before Big Red now.


Identical to v0.10.

v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 onward
Yn006 sewers.png Yn010 sewers.png
v0.04 - v0.08 v0.09/v0.10
Yn006 sewersC.png Yn010 sewers3.png
v0.08 v0.09/v0.10
Yn008 SewersF.png Yn010 SewersF.png

The Mall


  • A simple black opening is used instead of an elevator as the entrance. Interestingly, unused graphics for the elevator exist at this point, but they weren't actually utilized until v0.07.
  • A taller traffic cone is used. Unlike v0.10, there are no situations where the traffic cone in the Mall's entrance is removed.
  • The escalator that would lead to Dense Woods B is blocked off with a traffic cone, as that location didn't exist yet.
  • The Toriningen can only change the menu color scheme between the default and pink schemes.
  • The chair in Tokuto-kun's room is positioned differently, and cannot be sat in.


The traffic cone that was blocking the path to Dense Woods B has been removed, allowing access to the area. A taller traffic cone is still used, though.


The elevator is now used at the entrance.


The friendly Toriningen can now provide all three menu schemes. v0.04 through v0.07 lacked the black/red menu type.


  • The chair in Tokuto-kun's room can now be sat in thanks to new tiles being made for it.
  • Taller traffic cones are still used.
  • Even though the traffic cones that block access to the roof are never removed in this version, there are teleport events behind them! They are set to literally take you to the other side of the escalators in the adjacent maps.


Shorter traffic cones are now used. When the cones are absent, the newly-added roof is accessible.

v0.04/v0.06 v0.07 - v0.09 v0.10
Yn006 mallEntrance.png Yn009 mallEntrance.png Yn010 mallEntrance.png
v0.04 - v0.08 v0.09/v0.10
Yn006 Tokuto.png Yn010 Tokuto.png
v0.04 v0.06 onward
Yn004 Mall.png Yn010 Mall.png
v0.06 - v0.09 v0.10
Yn006 mallExit.png Yn010 mallExit.png

Windmill World


Windmill World lacks a parallax background, but is otherwise identical to its counterpart in v0.10.


The parallax background has been added.


NASU is present on the map, but not during normal play. This is the other place where the unused NASU Link event can be triggered.

v0.09 v0.04 - v0.08/v0.10
Yn009 WindmillWorld.png Yn010 WindmillWorld.png

Comparison of Map Names

Because of how these maps are organized in v0.04, the parent map folder for that version will be listed as well.

v0.04 (Japanese) v0.04 (Translated) v0.04 Parent Map Folder v0.06 (Japanese) v0.06 (Translated) v0.07 (Japanese) v0.07 (Translated) v0.08 (Japanese) v0.08 (Translated) v0.09 (Japanese) v0.09 (Translated) v0.10 (Japanese) v0.10 (Translated) Notes
N/A N/A N/A 小マップ Minor Map 小マップ Minor Map 小マップ Minor Map 小マップ Minor Map N/A N/A A blank map used as a divider. Never accessed in game.
小マップ1 Minor Map 1 Puddle World 小マップ1 Minor Map 1 小マップ1 Minor Map 1 小マップ1 Minor Map 1 小マップ1 Minor Map 1 紫A Purple A Small Guillotine Room.
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ1A Minor Map 1A 紫B Purple B Large Guillotine Room
小マップ2 Minor Map 2 Snow World 小マップ2 Minor Map 2 小マップ2 Minor Map 2 小マップ2 Minor Map 2 小マップ2 Minor Map 2 ネオンタイルA Neon Tile A Neon Tile Path
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ2A Minor Map 2A 小マップ2A Minor Map 2A 小マップ2A Minor Map 2A ネオンタイルB Neon Tile B
小マップ4 Minor Map 4 Shield-Folk World 小マップ4 Minor Map 4 小マップ4 Minor Map 4 小マップ4 Minor Map 4 小マップ4 Minor Map 4 チェックA Check A Checkered Tile Path
小マップ5 Minor Map 5 Lamp World 小マップ5 Minor Map 5 小マップ5 Minor Map 5 小マップ5 Minor Map 5 小マップ5 Minor Map 5 とげ Thorn Face Carpet Plaza
小マップ6 Minor Map 6 Block World 小マップ6 Minor Map 6 小マップ6 Minor Map 6 小マップ6 Minor Map 6 小マップ6 Minor Map 6 道路 Road Dense Woods A
N/A N/A N/A 小マップ6A Minor Map 6A 小マップ6A Minor Map 6A 小マップ6A Minor Map 6A 小マップ6A Minor Map 6A 道路A Road A Leads to the Infinite Road
N/A N/A N/A 小マップ6B Minor Map 6B 小マップ6B Minor Map 6B 小マップ6B Minor Map 6B 小マップ6B Minor Map 6B 道路B Road B Part of the Infinite Road
N/A N/A N/A 小マップ6C Minor Map 6C 小マップ6C Minor Map 6C 小マップ6C Minor Map 6C 小マップ6C Minor Map 6C 道路C Road C The Infinite Road
N/A N/A N/A 小マップ6D Minor Map 6D 小マップ6D Minor Map 6D 小マップ6D Minor Map 6D 小マップ6D Minor Map 6D 道路D Road D The Infinite Road's exit
小マップ7 Minor Map 7 Graffiti World 小マップ7 Minor Map 7 ■小マップ7 ■Minor Map 7 小マップ3 Minor Map 3 小マップ3 Minor Map 3 赤B Red B Mini Hell. Unused in v0.07.
小マップ8 Minor Map 8 Graffiti World 小マップ8 Minor Map 8 小マップ8 Minor Map 8 小マップ8 Minor Map 8 小マップ8 Minor Map 8 赤A Red A Hell
小マップ9 Minor Map 9 Shield-Folk World 小マップ9 Minor Map 9 小マップ9 Minor Map 9 小マップ9 Minor Map 9 小マップ9 Minor Map 9 チェックB Check B Checkered Tile Path
小マップ10 Minor Map 10 Mural World 小マップ10 Minor Map 10 小マップ10 Minor Map 10 小マップ10 Minor Map 10 小マップ10 Minor Map 10 足あとA Footprints A Footprint Path
小マップ11 Minor Map 11 Puddle World 小マップ11 Minor Map 11 小マップ11 Minor Map 11 小マップ11 Minor Map 11 小マップ11 Minor Map 11 足あとB Footprints B
小マップ12 Minor Map 12 Eyeball World 小マップ12 Minor Map 12 ■小マップ12 ■Minor Map 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Toriningen's Bed event. Accessed from Block World in v0.04/v0.06. Unused in v0.07.
小マップ13 Minor Map 13 Candle World 小マップ13 Minor Map 13 小マップ13 Minor Map 13 小マップ13 Minor Map 13 小マップ13 Minor Map 13 Sand The Wilderness.
小マップ13A Minor Map 13A The Wilderness 小マップ13A Minor Map 13A 小マップ13A Minor Map 13A 小マップ13A Minor Map 13A 小マップ13A Minor Map 13A 砂A Sand A
小マップ13B Minor Map 13B The Wilderness 小マップ13B Minor Map 13B 小マップ13B Minor Map 13B 小マップ13B Minor Map 13B 小マップ13B Minor Map 13B 砂B Sand B
小マップ13C Minor Map 13C The Wilderness 小マップ13C Minor Map 13C 小マップ13C Minor Map 13C 小マップ13C Minor Map 13C 小マップ13C Minor Map 13C 砂C Sand C
小マップ13D Minor Map 13D The Wilderness 小マップ13D Minor Map 13D 小マップ13D Minor Map 13D 小マップ13D Minor Map 13D 小マップ13D Minor Map 13D 砂D Sand D
小マップ13E Minor Map 13E The Wilderness 小マップ13E Minor Map 13E 小マップ13E Minor Map 13E 小マップ13E Minor Map 13E 小マップ13E Minor Map 13E 砂E Sand E
小マップ13F Minor Map 13F The Wilderness 小マップ13F Minor Map 13F 小マップ13F Minor Map 13F 小マップ13F Minor Map 13F 小マップ13F Minor Map 13F 砂F Sand F
N/A N/A N/A 小マップ13G Minor Map 13G 小マップ13G Minor Map 13G 小マップ13G Minor Map 13G 小マップ13G Minor Map 13G 砂G Sand G Leads to FC Entrance B.
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ13H Minor Map 13H 砂H Sand H
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ13I Minor Map 13I 砂I Sand I
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ13J Minor Map 13J 砂J Sand J
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小屋の中A Inside Shack A 小屋の中A Inside Shack A Hot Springs House
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ13K Minor Map 13K 砂K Sand K
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ13L Minor Map 13L 砂L Sand L
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ13M Minor Map 13M 砂M Sand M
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 小マップ13N Minor Map 13N 砂N Sand N
小マップ14 Minor Map 14 Eyeball World 小マップ14 Minor Map 14 小マップ14 Minor Map 14 小マップ14 Minor Map 14 小マップ14 Minor Map 14 Dirt Barracks Settlement.
小マップ14A Minor Map 14 Barracks Settlement 小マップ14A Minor Map 14A 小マップ14A Minor Map 14A 小マップ14A Minor Map 14A 小マップ14A Minor Map 14A 土A Dirt A
N/A N/A N/A 小マップ14B Minor Map 14B 小マップ14B Minor Map 14B 小マップ14B Minor Map 14B 小マップ14B Minor Map 14B 土B Dirt B Buyo Buyo Effect found here in v0.06/v0.07
小マップ15A Minor Map 15A Forest World 小マップ15A Minor Map 15A 小マップ15A Minor Map 15A 小マップ15A Minor Map 15A 小マップ15A Minor Map 15A どぶ_002 Gutter_002 The outside area of the Sewers
小マップ15B Minor Map 15B The Sewers 小マップ15B Minor Map 15B 小マップ15B Minor Map 15B 小マップ15B Minor Map 15B 小マップ15B Minor Map 15B どぶ_001 Gutter_001 Entrance to the Sewers.
小マップ15C Minor Map 15C The Sewers 小マップ15C Minor Map 15C 小マップ15C Minor Map 15C 小マップ15C Minor Map 15C 小マップ15C Minor Map 15C どぶ_003 Gutter_003 Faceless Ghost effect found here until v0.09.
小マップ15D Minor Map 15D The Sewers 小マップ15D Minor Map 15D 小マップ15D Minor Map 15D 小マップ15D Minor Map 15D 小マップ15D Minor Map 15D どぶ_004 Gutter_004
小マップ15E Minor Map 15E The Sewers 小マップ15E Minor Map 15E 小マップ15E Minor Map 15E 小マップ15E Minor Map 15E 小マップ15E Minor Map 15E どぶ_005 Gutter_005
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 020小マップ15F 020Minor Map 15F 小マップ15F Minor Map 15F どぶ_006 Gutter_006 Submarine Fish
小マップ16A Minor Map 16A Neon World 小マップ16A Minor Map 16A 小マップ16A Minor Map 16A 小マップ16A Minor Map 16A 小マップ16A Minor Map 16A デパートB Department Store B The Mall
小マップ16B Minor Map 16B Neon World 小マップ16B Minor Map 16B 小マップ16B Minor Map 16B 小マップ16B Minor Map 16B 小マップ16B Minor Map 16B 赤い部屋 Red Room Big Red
小マップ16C Minor Map 16C Neon World 小マップ16C Minor Map 16C 小マップ16C Minor Map 16C 小マップ16C Minor Map 16C 小マップ16C Minor Map 16C デパートA Department Store A Entrance to the Mall
小マップ16D Minor Map 16D Neon World 小マップ16D Minor Map 16D 小マップ16D Minor Map 16D 小マップ16D Minor Map 16D 小マップ16D Minor Map 16D エントランスA Entrance A E-Man's room
小マップ16E Minor Map 16E Neon World 小マップ16E Minor Map 16E 小マップ16E Minor Map 16E 小マップ16E Minor Map 16E 小マップ16E Minor Map 16E エントランスB Entrance B O-Man's room
小マップ16F Minor Map 16F Neon World 小マップ16F Minor Map 16F 小マップ16F Minor Map 16F 小マップ16F Minor Map 16F 小マップ16F Minor Map 16F エントランスC Entrance C Tokuto-kun's room
N/A N/A N/A 小マップ16G Minor Map 16G 小マップ16G Minor Map 16G 小マップ16G Minor Map 16G 小マップ16G Minor Map 16G デパートC Department Store C Path to Dense Woods B
小マップ17 Minor Map 17 Lamp World 小マップ17 Minor Map 17 小マップ17 Minor Map 17 小マップ17 Minor Map 17 小マップ17 Minor Map 17 座敷洞 Tatami Den Windmill World