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Proton Bus Simulator

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Title Screen

Proton Bus Simulator

Developer: Marcos Elias
Publisher: MEP
Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, Linux
Released internationally: March 14, 2017

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Proton Bus Simulator is a bus simulator game developed by Marcos Elias Picão.

In 2020, the game was replaced with PBSU (Proton Bus Simulator Urbano), a reboot of OMSI2. The game is favorited by Brazilians because the creator was famous for making mods for OMSI2.

Unused Sounds

There's recording, edited, removed. and taken OMSI sounds.

Unused Sounds

Filename Audio Notes
A bus turnstile sound, recorded.
A different bus turnstile sound, recorded.
A bus reversing sound, recorded in a street.

Removed Sounds

Filename Audio Notes
A ticket machine sound, edited and taken from OMSI2 MAN bus electrical on. Removed when PBSU got released.
A bus turnstile sound. An old audio clip file, made in 2015. Removed when PBSU got released.
A bus idle sound. Removed in version "v100".
"Portaaberta", in Portuguese, means "open door". Could have been the sound indicating that the bus door is open and it does a warning that the door is open.
A bus stop request sound, recorded. Removed in "v200".


When starting the bus, the engine sound plays before the sound of the engine turning on.