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R-Type Leo

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Title Screen

R-Type Leo

Developer: Nanao
Publishers: Irem
Platform: Arcade (Irem M-92)
Released internationally: November 1992

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Debug Tiles

RTypeLeo-DebugStage2.png RTypeLeo-DebugStage3.png

The game loads tiles with indicators that aren't normally seen in-game, since these tiles are mapped outside the 240 visible lines, and in some cases, are hidden behind the HUD tile layer. Presumably, these were used to debug object placement and alignments.

It is possible to force these tiles to render by disabling the HUD and extending the visible lines from 240 to 512, which is the full height of the playfield.

(Source: Martin Donlon (initial discovery), QUFB (MAME patch))

Regional Differences

To do:
There may possibly be more differences.
  • The Japanese version uses a checkpoint system while the international version instantly respawns you right where you died.
  • The Japanese version uses only one button: pressing it repeatedly will fire your main shot while holding it down will release your pods. The international version instead uses two buttons: one for your main shot and the other for releasing your pods. This allows you to continue firing even after your pods are launched.