Rhythm Tengoku (Game Boy Advance)/Unused Sequences
This is a sub-page of Rhythm Tengoku (Game Boy Advance).
To do: Make sure the text rips are complete. |
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! |
Found in Rhythm Tengoku is data for several unused sequences, which more often than not equates to Rhythm Games and the like. These range from early versions of existing games to games that go unused in their entirety, all in varying states of completion.
While some of these sequences can be accessed via the Debug Menu, others require hex editing to play them. In order to do this, go to 0x9CFECC and replace the first four bytes with whatever is listed, then load Karate Man.
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! |
An early version of the Rhythm Test that can also be found on Page 8 of the game's Debug Menu labeled as "メトロノーム" (Metronome). It happens to look and function very similarly to the Endless Game Mr. Upbeat (both even pulling their graphics from the same tileset), suggesting that this could've been its predecessor. At the start, text appears on screen directing the player to press A in time with the beeping sound, which, if done correctly, causes the bird on top of the triangular A button to coo as the needle passes underneath it. After a few more presses of the button, the score counter used in Mr. Upbeat appears at the top-right of the screen and starts counting down from 32, measuring the player's accuracy as they continue to make inputs. Once the counter reaches zero, measuring ceases and the player is taken to see their score.
Pressing R at any point in this game will cause a timing display to appear around the bird. The display has five bars on each side, and one of the bars will light up depending on how early or late an input is. If a bar more then two steps away from the bird lights up, the input will not be counted and the bar will appear red. Pressing R again disables the display.
Japanese | Translation |
音にあわせて、Aボタンを押しましょう。 | Press the A button in time with the sound. |
計測中 | Measuring... |
計測おわり! さて、結果は… | Measuring finished! Okay, your rhythm is... |
Related to this sequence is two unused drawings of a person's face, with text beside them reading "fast" and "slow". Horizontally flipped versions of these drawings also exist.
Drum Lesson
Within the aforementioned sequences lie multiple unused drum lessons, where instead of taking place inside the studio, they take place in a featureless white void. During the demonstration portions of the lessons, Samurai Drummer appears similarly to the way he does in the game's opening/credits, sitting at the bottom-right corner of the screen and facing the player whenever he talks. A mysterious head can be seen observing him, and in the performance portions of the lessons it is revealed to be the head of a drummer that resembles a monkey. In these portions, the monkey-like drummer takes Samurai Drummer's place as he now sits across from them, and the player is now allowed to play the drums.
Once a lesson is completed, the game cuts to the Rhythm Test results screen, where the player's score can be seen.
The first drum lesson. It starts off with Samurai Drummer introducing himself and asking the player to repeat what he plays. After a count-in, he starts playing a simple drumbeat before severely increasing its complexity, then switches the scene and gives the player the go ahead. From here, the player can now attempt to mimic the pattern, although it is ultimately futile as input is prematurely taken away from them. Samurai Drummer is merciful to the player, however, and explains that he was only joking before telling them that he will do his best to teach them of his ways.
Japanese | Translation |
あ、 どうも。 ドラム侍です。 |
Ah, hello. I'm Samurai Drummer. |
タイコは お好きですか? キライじゃないですよね。 では、 私が いろいろと お世話しますね。 |
Do you like the drums? You must not hate them at least. Well, I'll help you with some things. |
簡単なレクチャーを してさしあげます。 まぁ、 気をラクにして おつきあいください。 |
Let me give you a simple lecture. So, relax and follow my lead. |
さっそく レッスン 1 です。 私が見本をやりますから マネしてくださいネ。 |
Without further ado, Lesson 1 I'll show an example and you copy it. |
では、 いきます。 | Well, let's go. |
はい、 どうぞ。 | Yeah, go ahead. |
いまのは、 冗談です。 ごめんなさい。 |
That was a joke. Sorry. |
でも、 出来るように 精一杯 お世話しますので がんばってみてください。 |
I'm gonna do everything I can to help so try your best. |
では、 次回をお楽しみに。 さようなら。 |
Well, I look forward to next time. Bye. |
The second drum lesson. Here, Samurai Drummer wants the player to practice starting off a song. After giving a count-in, the player must press B + R (Kick + Cymbal) at the start of a song. They must do this four times, and after the fourth Samurai Drummer makes his closing remarks and the game ends.
- The first song (internally called s_intro_pat1) would later be repurposed as the high score jingle in the Endless Game Mr. Upbeat, which is the only game that acknowledges a high score in such a way.
- The second song (s_intro_pat2) is a truncated version of the alternate song used for the Rap Machine toy.
- The third song (s_intro_pat3) is completely unique to this game, and is heard nowhere else.
There is presumably meant to be a fourth song, although nothing is played.
Japanese | Translation |
あ、 どうも。 ドラム侍です。 |
Ah, hello. I'm Samurai Drummer. |
えっと… 今回は2回目ですね。 再会できてうれしいです! |
Uh... This is the second time, right? I'm glad we could meet up again! |
さて、 なにごとも最初が 肝心な場合が多いですね? 演奏なんかも そうでは ないでしょうか。 |
Well, it's often the case that the beginning is most important, right? Well, that's not the case with music. |
レッスン2では スタートの練習をします。 |
With Lesson 2, we'll practice starting. |
私がカウントをするので 曲のアタマでBボタンと Rボタン(肩ボタン)を 同時に押してください。 |
I'll count off, then at the start, press the B button and the R button (the shoulder button) at the same time. |
では、 いきます。 | Let's go. |
次、 いきます。 | Let's go again. |
次は3拍子です。 | Next, a three count. |
じゃ、 ラスト。 | And the last. |
以上です。 | That's all. |
スタートの練習、 いかがでしたか? ぜひ、 今後の参考に してくださいネ! |
How was practicing starting? You should keep that in mind going forward. |
では、 次回をお楽しみに。 さようなら。 |
Well, I look forward to next time. Bye. |
When the player gets it right:
Japanese | Translation |
ベリー グッド!! | Very good!! |
グー! | Good! |
When the player messes up:
Japanese | Translation |
スタートだけに集中! | Just focus on the start! |
ちゃんと アタマを狙おう。 | Just try to get the start. |
ボーッと しないで! | Don't get distracted! |
Aボタンもしっかり押そう | Press down the A Button completely. |
Rボタンもしっかり押そう。 | Press down the R Button completely. |
前のめりです。 | You were early. |
遅れてます。 | You were late. |
The third drum lesson. Building on the previous lesson, Samurai Drummer now requests the player to perform a few basic drum patterns. For each pattern, he gives the player a demonstration, and from there the player must repeat it back to him. The first pattern is a straight kick snare rhythm, the second adds a cymbal to the beginning of the previous pattern, and the third changes the final parts of it to be in swing. Whenever the player gets a pattern right/wrong, sound effects similar to those from Quiz Show play.
Japanese | Translation |
どうも! ドラム侍です。 |
Hi! I'm Samurai Drummer. |
お元気でしたか? | How've you been? |
今回は、 短い曲に合わせて 実際に演奏してみましょう。 |
This time, let's try actually playing along with a short song. |
私の演奏をよくきいて、 マネ してくださいネ。 |
Listen closely to my playing and copy it. |
さっそくですが、 いきます。 | Let's get started right away. |
あなたの番です。 | Your turn. |
Possible completion remarks for the first pattern, based on how many attempts it took:
Attempt | Japanese | Translation |
1st | おぉ、 すぐできましたね! | Oh, you got it right away! |
2nd | なかなか のみこみが早いで すね! |
You got it really quickly! |
3rd+ | いいかんじです。 | Sounds good. |
Japanese | Translation |
次は、 曲のスタートでシンバ ルをたたいてみましょう。 シンバルは、 Rボタンです。 |
Next, let's try hitting the cymbal at the start of the song. The cymbal is the R Button. |
つまり、 最初だけBボタンと Rボタンを同時に押すんで す。 |
In other words, press the B Button and the R Button only at the start. |
曲のスタートの練習を思い出 してくださいネ。 |
Try to remember our practice for the start of the song. |
じゃ、 いきます。 | Let's go. |
あなたの番です。 | Your turn. |
Possible completion remarks for the second pattern:
Attempt | Japanese | Translation |
1st | すばらしい! その調子です。 |
Amazing! Keep it up! |
2nd | けっこう 簡単でしたか? | Great. Easy, isn't it? |
3rd+ | ちょっと、 苦労しちゃいまし たね。 |
Seems like you had some trouble. |
Japanese | Translation |
では、 曲の終わりをかっこよ くキメてみましょう。 |
Well, let's try to make the ending cool. |
お手本、 いきます。 | I'll give you an example. |
がんばって! | Good luck! |
Possible completion remarks for the third pattern:
Attempt | Japanese | Translation |
1st | 1回で 出来ちゃいましたネ! すごいです! |
You did it in one try! Amazing! |
2nd | たったの2回で できました! やりますネ! |
You got it in just two tries! You did it! |
3rd+ | なんとか 出来ましたネ! イイ感じですヨ! |
You got it! Sounds good! |
Japanese | Translation |
こんなかんじで、 曲のスター ト、 中間、 キメを表現できれ ば楽しく演奏できるのではな いかと思います。 |
I think with a start, middle and ending like that, you can enjoy playing music. |
あのコーナーで練習して、 ぜ ひ楽しくなってください。 |
Keep practicing with me, and of course, have fun! |
では、 また。 さようなら。 |
Well, see you. Bye. |
If the player gets a pattern right:
Japanese | Translation |
OK! |
If the player gets a pattern wrong:
Attempt | Japanese | Translation |
1st | ちがう! よくきいてネ。 |
Wrong! Listen closely. |
さあ、 いまいちど! | Ok, one more time! | |
2nd+ | ちがうんです! よく、 よ~くきいてネ。 |
That's not right! Listen very, veeery closely! |
さあ、 こんどこそ! | Alright, one more time! |
The fourth drum lesson, this time done in a style reminiscent of a Rhythm Game. Two characters known as Tanuki and Monkey take the role of teacher at the behest of Samurai Drummer, and task the player with copying their drum patterns. They start off by going over the controls necessary for the lesson with a few basic patterns: A and Right for the Snare (played by Monkey), and Down for the Tom (played by Tanuki). Once the player successfully repeats these patterns, the practice segment of the lesson ends and the duo challenges them to a rhythm battle. From here, the player is given five patterns to complete, and they are allotted three attempts at each pattern.
If the player wins, Tanuki and Monkey admit defeat and the lesson ends; if the player loses, they are taken to a ratings screen that shortly crashes the game.
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! |
Japanese | Translation |
こんにちわ! | Hello! |
サルとポン太です。 ドラム侍さんのご紹介で あそびに来ました。 |
We're Saru and Ponta. We've come here to play on the Drum Samurai's introduction. |
今回は ボクたちが レッスンしますネ! |
This time, we're giving the lessons! |
さっそくですが、 Aボタンの練習です。 |
Now, without further ado, let's practice hitting that A Button. |
よく きいて マネしてネ! |
Listen well and repeat! |
ポン太くんも入ります。 ポン太くんの音は 十字キーの下で鳴ります。 |
Ponta will join in too. Ponta's sound is playing by pressing Down on the D-Pad. |
次は、速いやつです。 Aボタンと十字キーの右を 交互に押すとラクだヨ。 |
Next is a fast part. It's easier if you alternate pressing A and Right on the D-Pad. |
練習は 次で最後です。 | This is the last stage of practice. |
むずかしいかな? がんばってネ! |
Seem tough? Good luck! |
それでは、ボクたちと リズムバトルを してみましょう! |
All right, come on, let's have a rhythm battle! |
各パターンにつき 3回 チャンスが あります。 |
You get 3 chances for each pattern. |
さて、どこまで ついてこれるかな? |
I wonder how long you can keep up? |
じゃ、とりあえず シンプルなやつネ。 |
Okay, let's start out simple for now. |
オッケーです。 つぎ いってみよう! できるかな? |
Okay. On to the next one! Think you can handle it? |
やりますね。 つぎのパターンは ポン太くんも叩くヨ! |
Good work. For the next pattern, Ponta will play too! |
おぉ、すごい! つぎのは ちょっと テクニカルだヨ! |
Wow, great! The next one's a little more technical! |
くっ、てごわい!! こうなったら とっておきのやつだ! |
Heh, you're pretty good!! Looks like it's time for our trump card! |
If the player wins:
Japanese | Translation |
まいりました! あなたの勝ちです!! |
We lose! You win!! |
また、あそんでネ! | Come play with us again sometime! |
If the player fails a pattern:
Attempts Left | Japanese | Translation |
2 | やりなおし! チャンスはあと2回。 がんばって! |
Try Again! You get 2 more tries. Good luck! |
1 | やりなおし! ラストチャンス! 集中!! |
Try again! This is your last chance! Concentrate!! |
0 | ブブー!! ゲームオーバーです! ボクたちの勝ちでーす! |
Boo!! Game over! Looks like we win! |
また挑戦してネ! | Take us on again sometime! |
Dance Lesson 1
An early version of Remix 1 that can also be found on Page 8 of the Debug Menu, labeled as "ダンスレッスン1" (Dance Lesson 1). This version lasts longer, utilizing portions of Remix 1’s music that would either be repurposed for Remix 7 or left unused entirely. Most notably, Rhythm Tweezers’ sections are completely absent in this version, and are instead substituted by sections from Tap Trial.
Bouncy Road
An unused version of Bouncy Road that resembles the practice section of the used game. A singular ball bouncing at half-note steps first appears, followed by two balls of the same type, then three. A ball bouncing at quarter-note steps then appears, followed by nine quarter-note balls, an amount that occurs in neither Bouncy Road nor its sequel.
Another unused version of Bouncy Road. This version starts off with a ball bouncing at quarter-note steps, followed by both one bouncing at half-note steps and another one bouncing at quarter-note steps, similar to the Remix 5 opening. Three balls bouncing in triplets appear, followed by six quarter-note balls and a half-note ball. Two sixteenth-note balls then zoom by, which again, have no equivalence in either Bouncy Road or its sequel.
Both of these games feature no music and instead use the street ambience used in the practice section of Bouncy Road.
Tap Trial
An early version of Tap Trial. This sequence utilizes an unused scene that does nothing but randomize the graphics of the game used on each load, meaning graphics from Tap Trial 2 may appear and such. As for the game itself, it functions somewhat similarly to the used Tap Trial, featuring an identical practice segment and a midgame speedup. The main differences lie in the cue placement:
- There are less cues in the first section.
- A triple tap cue is placed before the speedup.
- The transitional segments after the speedup are shorter.
- There is a section featuring a barrage of double tap cues that has no equivalent in Tap Trial or its sequel.
- The ending segment playes the Karate Man jingle several times.
An odd property of this sequence is that, due to the way it's programmed, the second part of the sound effect for the triple tap cue doesn't play at all.
The Snappy Trio
An unused version of The Snappy Trio. The game is as basic as they come, with there being no music to be heard of as well as a largely different (and less challenging) cue placement to that of the used game, with the notable absence of the infamous "simultaneous clap" near the end.
Rap Women
An unused version of Rap Women that can also be found on Page 6 of the Debug Menu, labeled as ラップウィメン(by KAZU). KAZU likely refers to Kazuyoshi Osawa, the Chief Director of Rhythm Tengoku. The cues in this version are placed in more syncopated rhythms, requiring a greater amount of inputs to be made on the offbeat compared to the used version.
Marching Orders 2
An unused version of Marching Orders 2. Aside from using the graphics and sound effects from Marching Orders, the game functions identically to its sequel, with the only difference being the inclusion of a practice section teaching the fast turns and marching + turning concepts. Because this game uses the graphics and sound effects from Marching Orders, unused animations for the Squadmates pointing and Sarge's unused fast left face cue are able to be seen in action.
Spaceball 2
What appears to be an early version of Spaceball 2 specifically. It starts off with a practice segment similar to Spaceball, where it only progresses once the player successfully hits four balls in a row. From there, Game Select 2 begins to play and the game continues normally, featuring a standard mix of cues, camera zooms, and even costume changes for the batter. Near the end of the game, the song begins to speed up, similarly to Spaceball 2, and the flowerpot starts shooting stars at the batter, making use of code that would otherwise be unused. The camera zooms all the way out on the final launch of the rice ball, and the game ends.
Internally, Game Select 2 is known as s_shibafu2_bgm, whereas the music for Spaceball is s_shibafu1_bgm, which suggests that it was originally meant for the sequel to Spaceball before later being repurposed.
Another early version of Spaceball 2. This version takes longer for the song to start, and fades it in rather than just playing it from the beginning. A kick drum sound effect accompanies the first part of the song, likely to assist with timing the offbeat balls that now comprises the majority of the game. Aside from these differences, the game functions identically to the previous one.
Uma Machine
An unused version of Uma Machine. It functions identically to the Toy, barring the fact that the game ends and takes you to the results screen once the fourth level is completed. This, and the fact that Uma Machine is grouped next to the Rhythm Games in the Debug Menu, implies that it was originally a Rhythm Game.
Drum Girls LIVE!
An unused version of Drum Girls LIVE! where they play over Bunny Hop. It can also be found on Page 8 of the Debug Menu, labeled as ドラムガールズ.
During the larger gaps of silence, a graphic reading "BUSY" appears at the bottom-center of the screen, possibly directing the player to perform a drum fill.