This is a sub-page of Skullgirls.
| Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: More panty shots, some half-nudes and some deaths (?). |
| To do:
- Removed audio
- Peacock Anime vs. Double intro
- Big Band Saxploitation vs. Squigly intro
- Document replacement of the Real Soviet Announcer from February 6th, 2024 patch, and if possible, compare with the original one removed in this patch.
On June 26th, 2023, following the release of version 5.4 of Skullgirls Mobile, an update was launched to edit various art from the game, "in the spirit of better reflecting our values and our broad vision for Skullgirls moving forward".
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Post-Patch |
The 16th, 17th, and 18th Hit-Count subtitles were altered, rearranging the order and replacing "Barely Legal" with "Rated R".
Production and Key Art
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
The Main Poster and its background each feature the armband removal and Valentine's redesign, as well as some other differences. The main poster artwork is zoomed out and Encore has been removed from the title, while for the background art, it was made brighter, the Skullgirls logo was repositioned slightly and gained a trademark, and Squigly was added to the image.
Pre-Patch |
Post-Patch |
Filia's underwear was edited to match her sprite changes.
Pre-Patch |
Post-Patch |
Another case of Valentine's art being updated to reflect her new design, though noteworthy in that it was one of the few images that had been missed by the previous redesign patch on May 13, 2014 (hence the original crosses still being red instead of pink) and that one cross is still visible by her left leg.
Arcade Sticks
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
The Fight Stick samples were also changed to reflect the new character designs.
Story Mode
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
Two intro images from Filia's story mode were cropped and a subsequent image was edited to reduce sexualization.
Pre-Patch |
Post-Patch |
In various palette colors (including the default one), Filia's underwear was changed from white (or brighter colors) to black.
Pre-Patch |
Post-Patch |
To avoid referencing racial stereotypes, the comb included in her burst animation was removed.
Parasoul, Umbrella and Black Egrets
Various art related to Parasoul, Umbrella, and the Black Egrets had their armbands and other imagery removed or recolored, in order to avoid allusions to World War II/Nazi imagery.
Parasoul's Color 8, Pre-Patch |
Parasoul's Color 8, Post-Patch |
Production Art, Key Art and Parasoul's Poster
Pre-Patch |
Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
Black Egrets Character Line-Ups
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
Pre-Patch |
Post-Patch |
Parasoul's Story Mode
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
Umbrella's Story Mode
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Post-Patch |
Action Shot
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Post-Patch |
In Double's action shot, the imitations of Filia and Ms. Fortune were edited slightly.
Story Mode
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Post-Patch |
This scene from Double's ending was given several tweaks to reduce the level of sexualization.
Big Band's Story Mode
Pre-Patch |
Post-Patch |
Due to potential racial stereotypes, Big Band's starting Story Mode Images explaining his origin were edited, with one being removed entirely.
Eliza's Story Mode
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
Eliza's story mode received various edits to tone down the violence and sexualization, such as to Cerebella's clothes and to Filia's appearance in the ending.
Beowulf's Story Mode
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Post-Patch |
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Post-Patch |
In a similar way to Double's ending, images with characters captured by her in Beowulf's Story Mode were altered to be less explicit (and to remove another Egrets armband).
Removed Guest Art
emlan #2
Removed due to depicting the Black Egrets with their armbands.
Removed due to Filia's backside being visible.
Hotsuma Suzuki
Another piece with the Egret bands, though with more blatant allusions to Nazi imagery.
Jaqueline Lesnick
Removed due to excessive "fanservice".