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Sonic Mega Collection/Gekkan Nintendo Tentou Demo

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This is a sub-page of Sonic Mega Collection.

A playable demo was included in Gekkan Nintendo Tentou 2002.12.1, right around the same time when the full game released in Japan. This demo allows the player to play through Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic 3D Blast with a five minute time limit. After the five minutes have passed, the player is sent back to the demo disc's menu.

Demo Contents

Title Screen

Demo Retail
Gamecube-SMC-Gekkan TitleJP.png Gamecube-SMC-TitleJP-1.png
  • The top right of the screen has text reading "体験版" (Trial Version).
  • The film scroll's title screens are stored in pairs of 4 instead of pairs of 2 in the game's .tpl graphics. Because of this, the order of some of the screenshots is different.

Main Menu

Demo Retail
Gamecube-SMC-Gekkan Menu-1.png Gamecube-SMC-Menu-1.png

Manuals, Extras and Options have been blanked out and cannot be selected. When highlighting any of these options, text scrolls on the bottom reading "ごめんなさい!今回のバージョンでは選ぶことができません。" (Sorry! You can't choose this in this version).

Game Selection

Demo Retail
Gamecube-SMC-Gekkan GameSelect-1.png

Gamecube-SMC-Gekkan GameDescription-1.png



  • Rather than putting question marks, unlockable games are hidden from the menu completely.
  • Games that are unavailable can still be selected, though no information is available. Instead, text is displayed reading "ごめんなさい。今回はあそべません。" (Sorry. You can't play this time).
  • Button prompts for scrolling through the text and viewing the manual have been removed, though it's still possible to scroll through the text.

Demo Ending

Gamecube-SMC-Gekkan EndScreen-1.png

After five minutes have passed, the game fades to this screen, promoting the full release. After this screen has displayed, the player is sent back to the demo disc menu. The text translates to:

Thank you for playing!
Look forward to lots more to play in Sonic Mega Collection.
Enjoy the rest in the full release.

Unused Graphics

Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!
Notes: The translations aren't 100% accurate. A retranslation would be adviced.

Present in sonic/demo are several alternate graphics for different demo endings, which are not present in the full retail release. These could've been used in the scenario that this demo was released before the full retail release. This demo only ends up using demo_next_taiken.tpl.