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Space Megaforce

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Title Screen

Space Megaforce

Also known as: Super Aleste (JP/EU)
Developer: Compile
Publisher: Toho
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: April 28, 1992
Released in US: October 1992
Released in EU: 1992

MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

Space Megaforce is a top-notch vertical shooter from Compile.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Debug Mode

To enable the game's debug mode, perform the following steps after turning the game on:

  • When the opening music starts playing, press Reset. Do this a total of five times.
  • Next, at the same point in the game, hold L + R + Start and press Select to reset the game a total of eight more times.
  • After resetting the game exactly 13 times in all, at the title screen, hold Select with the cursor on Options and press Start.
(Source: urawaza.in)

Options Menu


When the debug menu is active, two additional options will be added to the game's options menu. The first chooses the starting stage, while the other turns invulnerability on ("non death") or off ("death").


In the US/Europe version, AREA menu can level select between 1 to 12. But the Japanese version can select between 1 to 14.

  • ROUND 13 - This is AREA 1 in SHORT GAME.
  • ROUND 14 - This is AREA 3 in SHORT GAME.


Default Debug Mode

There's a test for up to 4 controllers (the default is only 2) but the test is buggy. Pressing buttons on pad 3 or 4 will cause incorrect test-response areas to light up.

(Source: This game programmer's tweet[1][2])

In-Game Buttons


While the game is paused, pressing L + B on controller 2 replaces the HUD with some of the graphics currently loaded in VRAM. Each press cycles through four pages of tiles and sprites. Every time you cycle through all four pages, the palette will change to the next one available. Cycling through all of the graphics eight times will restore the normal HUD.

Additionally, pressing L + R on controller 2 will switch between progressive and interlaced video output. How noticeable this is will depend on your specific emulator or TV.

Interestingly, the above two button combos can also be unlocked by holding Select while accessing the options menu without first resetting the game 13 times; however, the resets are still necessary in order to unlock the expanded options menu.

Extra Debug Flag

The Pro Action Replay code 00FFF0FF will enable a debug flag at a hardcoded location in ROM, enabling all of the above features plus the following additional button combos for controller 2 during gameplay:

  • R + Down: toggle background scrolling on/off.
  • R + A: change current weapon.
  • R + B: increase weapon level.
  • R + X: increase lives and bombs.

In addition, during the intro, you can now press L + R + Start to immediately skip to the ending.

(Source: Frank Hughes (patch / PAR code))

Regional Differences

Music Differences

In the US and European versions of the game, stages 3 and 9 in the standard game use the same music as stages 6 and 10, while in the Japanese version, these stages both use a different track that isn't heard anywhere in the other versions. However, the music is present in all versions of the ROM.

In the Japanese version, this music is track number 02 on the sound test menu.

The Pro Action Replay code 809E1404 will make the Japanese version's music play during the US version's title screen.

Various parts of the song bear strong resemblances to parts of (in order) "Fine Time", "Blue Monday", and "The Perfect Kiss" by New Order, which was probably the reason for its removal in international versions.


The Japanese version of the game features an actual plot, which was more or less removed from the international versions, and as such there are a few differences in presentation that go along with it.

Two frames from the opening sequence, showing the main characters Raz and Thi, were removed from international versions.

Sa-jpintro1.png Sa-jpintro2.png

Summary of the Japanese introduction of Super Aleste (from the Japanese manual):

In 2048 A.D., Earth encountered a grave crisis as a giant glowing sphere initiated widespread destruction across major cities. This mysterious sphere subsequently hovered over the jungles of Central and South America, where it began constructing floating cities. In response, the Allied Forces deployed their advanced attack aircraft, the Aleste, for a crucial confrontation; however, all planes were rapidly downed within minutes of engagement.

Ace pilot Raz awoke amidst the wreckage of the Aleste, suspended by vines in the mountains, a few kilometers from the battle site. As he contemplated his situation, he heard a voice identifying itself as part of the "Sapient Beings" trapped within the sphere. These beings had escaped through an opening created by the previous attack and repaired Raz's aircraft. The vines he observed were, in fact, the voices of these beings.

The Aleste fully fused with the "Sapient Beings," leaving Raz bewildered by the transformed aircraft. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him and turned to find a girl, a human form created from an image extracted from his consciousness by the "Sapient Beings". She introduced herself as "Thi." She explained that the sphere served as the source of energy, and that accessing its core required releasing the planet under its control. With the enhanced capabilities of the Super Aleste, Raz embarked on a new journey, guided by Thi, to confront the impending challenges and battles necessary to save Earth.

The Japanese transliteration of "Aleste" is アレスタ (aresuta), which could represent the English noun "(lightning) arrester". This name is possibly a reference to a gohei wand with its lightning-shaped shide paper, which is used in Shinto as a conductor for supernatural forces.

Title Screen

Japan US
Super Aleste Title Japan.PNG Space Megaforce-title.png

Different "NORMAL" or "STANDARD".


The Japanese version also has an entirely different ending:

Translation comment:

Regarding the noun いしたい (i-shi-tai) in the Japanese ending of Super Aleste, in the introduction in the Japanese manual it's written with kanji 意思体 (intention-body), which is difficult to translate, but means "beings that have a will of their own". This translation uses "sapient beings" for lack of a more concise term.

(Translation: GlitterBerri)
(Translation revisions: EMRA527)

The Japanese version also has a few bonus pictures that can be seen by pressing L or R after the credits. Which one you see depends on the skill level you were playing on.

Options Screen

Japan US/Europe
Sa-options-j.png Sa-options-u.png


Japan US/Europe
-3? るなてぃっく
??  とりっきー

Game Over Screen

Japan US/Europe
Sa-gameover-j.png Sa-gameover-u.png

Short Game Result Screen

Space Megaforce CONGRATULATIONS.png

Space Megaforce and Super Aleste(EU) has this screen.

Voice Clips

Weapon Names

The voice clips played when picking up the various powerups differ between the US and Japanese release.

Japan US/Europe
Multi shot
Multiple shot
Japan US/Europe
Japan US/Europe
Japan US/Europe
All range
Multi direction shot
Japan US/Europe
Homing missile
Japan US/Europe
Charge gun
Power shot
Japan US/Europe
Japan US/Europe
Scatter shot

In the Japanese version, when playing on hard rank or るなてぃっく(Lunatic) or とりっきー(Tricky) mode, the following clips are played instead of the above.

  • 01
  • 02
  • 03
  • 04
  • 05
  • 06
  • 07
  • 08


Japan US/Europe
Welcome to the hell!
Welcome to the underworld!
Japan US/Europe
Give me break will you?
Give me break will you?
Japan US/Europe
Hey, hey look sharp!
Hey! Look sharp!
Japan US/Europe
To Hell with you!
Japan US/Europe
What a brave guy you are!
What a brave guy you are!
Japan US/Europe
I'll watch you die!
I'll watch you die!
Japan US/Europe
Fancy meeting you here!
Fancy meeting you here!
Japan US/Europe
I came from the Kingdom of God.
I came from the world beyond.

US/EU Version has different defeat voice.