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Space Shuttle Exploration

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Title Screen

Space Shuttle Exploration

Also known as: Space Destroyer Exploration
Developer: Hummer Team
Publisher: Trump Grand Manufacturing
Platform: Unlicensed NES

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

Space Shuttle Exploration is a completely original shmup by Hummer Team that has co-op and is hard as hell in single player.

This game, alongside Panda Adventure, was originally released on a 5-in-1 multicart by Ramar International (or "Rinco"), bundled with an incredibly rare "Talkman" Famiclone system. It would later resurface on various plug & play releases, mainly from Hummer Team and Power Joy.

Rinco Copyright Screen

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Can the screen be enabled without the locked exit via the available source code?
To do:
Since the graphics still seem to exist, can we fix the screen?

SpaceShuttleExploration RincoScreen.png

Similar to Panda Adventure, this was supposed to be released by Rinco but no copies published by them have been found. Unlike Panda Adventure however, this game does contain a copyright screen. While playing, changing the value in 0004 to 06 will trigger it. All the palettes and animations play correctly and it even has Rinco's fanfare, but the pointers must've changed as it loads the incorrect graphics. Even then, there appears to be graphics for a bigger Rinco logo (similar to the one in The Dragon's intro) but none exist in any cart this game has appeared on. You can't exit the screen, which may indicate signs of unfinished programming.

Unused Graphics

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

SpaceShuttleExploration RincoGraphics.png

Not only do the graphics remain for the Rinco logo but also some Arabic text. Rinco's only known games The Dragon and Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco did include an option for the language, but given where these graphics are stored and the non-Arabic ones also being present in their copyright screens, it's possible this was supposed to be for the one in the game.

SpaceShuttleExploration MenuFont.png

A series of characters that are intended to display a copyright notice reading "©1996 Ramar Int'l Co., Ltd." on the title screen. This notice is blanked out in all currently dumped revisions of the game. Mapped tiles still exist for the copyright notice, allowing it to be restored (note that spacing may not be 100% exact)ː


Unused Music

In address 0701, there's two unused tracks:

22 - Mortal Kombat II Special Vs. Screen

For some reason, the Mortal Kombat II Special track used on the Vs. screen is in the ROM and not used anywhere else.

23 - Rinco Fanfare

The Rinco fanfare plays when you access the copyright screen above. Unlike Panda Adventure, this variation actually uses percussion.

Source Code

A large chunk of source code (taking up over half of the PRG) is present, beginning at address 3DFA until the end of the ROM:

 S� J�L�         lda      #$1f
                sta      colorlen
                lda      #$88
                sta      r2000
                st��      2000        ; $2000
                lda      #$1e
                sta      r2001
                inc     ran��m
                 lda     sndfg
                beq     ?1
                lda     #$00
                sta     sndfg
                jsr     Run��                jsr     Sound
           ;    lda     #$1f
        LP�L �LP�ta     $2001
                jmp      Loop
;======================��==    =====================
                ORG     $BFF7
                JMP     Reset
                JMP     Nmi
HomeIrq:��                JMP     Reset
        ��      ORG     $fffa
;;;;            DW      Nmi,Reset,Reset
                DW      HomeNmi,HomeReset,HomeIrq
;==============��==    =============================

�     DW      ToTitle
                jsr     fadeout
                bcc     ?1
               ��da     #$04
                sta     case+1
                lda     #$00
                sta     case
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;� 14.                               �
                lda     #$01
           ��           Second
                bcc     ?1
                lda     #$00
                sta     case+1
                lda     #$00
           ��           case
;�                                   �
;����������������������������    �����
                lda     case+1
                jsr     SelectSub
                DW      Play0
                DW      Play1
 ��             DW      DemoRun
                DW      ToTitle
                jsr     FillStar
                jsr     EnemyCtl1
     ��         jsr     SptRun
                jsr     Sort
                jsr     FillSpt
                jsr     ScrScroll
                lda     tog��                �=    ;=========map5a
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	DB	$00,$02,$03,$FF,$81,$02��04    ,$81
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	DB	$04,$FF,$81,$02,$4C,$FF,$05,$0F,$03
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	DB	$00,$0A,$FF,$04,$F0,$13,$FF,$FF

	DB	$82,$33,$��,$    00,$82,$33,$CC,$06
	DB	$0F,$82,$33,$CC,$06,$FF,$82,$33,$CC
	DB	$06,$F0,$81,$33,$08,$F0,$FF

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        DB      $B6,$B7,$B8,$B9,$BA,$BB,$00,$��,$            DB      $8A,$18,$01,$02,$00,$BC,$9F,$BD,$BE
        DB      $BF,$C0,$04,$00,$9C,$18,$00,$18,$01
        DB      $18,$01,$00,$18,$00,$C��$C    3,$C4
        DB      $C5,$C6,$C7,$C8,$C9,$CA,$CB,$CC,$CD
        DB      $CE,$CF,$D0,$D1,$00,$18,$03,$00,$81
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        DB      $D8,$D9,$DA,$DB,$DC,$DD,$02,$00,$87
        DB      $18,$00,��8,    $02,$04,$03,$02,$00
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        DB      $DE,$DF,$E0,$E1,$06,$00,$82,$02,$18
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        DB      $1C,$00,$10,$00,$1C,$44,$00,$10,$14
        DB      $C4,$03,$FF,$85,$F7,$30,$1C,$01,$CF
��      DB      $04,$FF,$95,$B7,$10,$03,$AA,$AF,$4F
        DB      $0F,$AF,$EA,$40,$14,$18,$4A,$8A,$AA
        DB      $1A,$51,$00,$10,$14,$0F,$02,$0��$8           DB      $14,$40,$02,$0C,$82,$30,$10,$02,$30
        DB      $81,$40,$02,$00,$02,$F4,$81,$FC,$02
        DB      $F4,$83,$FC,$F0,$00,$02��00    

[A section of what appears to be filler data is present here, which is still not proper HEX code.]

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[A large amount of blank space is present here.]

ndomit�      p���ReLife�      ՝��ReLife1�      ����ReLife2�      ���	ReLifePub�       ���ReadJoy�      ]��
RelifeSpt0�      I���Reset�      P���RincoRun�      ��	RincoRun1�       ���Round0�      ����Round1�      ����Round2�      ����Round3�      ß��Round4�      ˟��Round5�      ӟ��Round6�      ۟��Round7�      ���Round8�      ���Round9�      ���Rounda�      ����Roundb�      ����Roundc�      ����Roundd�      ����Rounde�      ����Roundf�      #���Run�      S��	SHUTTLENO�      � ��ScorePub�      ���	ScrScroll�      D���Screen00�      ����Screen10�      ���Screen11�      L���Screen20�      ����Screen30�      ʫ��Screen40�      ���Second�      u���Secret�      C��	SelectSub�      ���SetEnemyReg�      ����SetPage�      U���Shoot�      ���Shuttle1�      µ��Shuttle1Spt�      ʵ��Shuttle2�      ���Shuttle2Spt�      ׵�	ShuttleAI�      Ƕ�
ShuttleCtl�      ���ShuttleXTbl�      s���SkyFlash�      P���SkyTbl�      ����SkyTbl1�      ȕ��Sort�      ����SortOne�      
���Sound�      J��	SoundInit�      ą��SptRun�      ���	SptRunOne�      )���SptTbl�      y���Stage�      ڹ��StageSpt�      ���Star0�      }���Star1�      ����Star2�      ����StarClr�      ���StarPub�      -���StarPub1�      M���StarTbl�      s���StarXTbl�      k���Title�      f���TitleRun�      >���ToDemo�      ����ToMark�      B���ToPlay�      ����ToTitle�      !���Touch�      ����TouchOne�      ϗ��TouchPub�      ���Weapon�      O��
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Space Destroyer Exploration


An alternate version of this game exists on some Famiclone systems which replaces part of the logo. Strangely, this version loads the font from Bucky O'Hare into the PPU on the title screen, but it's never actually used.

Oddly, Space Destroyer Exploration is compiled with double the amount of CHR data as Space Shuttle Exploration. The first half of this data, however, is merely copied graphics from Finger DDR, specifically the sprites of Pikachu and Hello Kitty that are unused in that game.